Committee/Panel: Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel | |
Launch Date: 9 September 2008 | Close Date: To be advised |
Submissions Deadline: To be advised | Ministerial Response Date: To be advised |
Review Status: Review concluded |
Urban Regeneration.
Terms of reference
- To assess progress made on relevant States’ Strategic Aims to date;
- To review the 10 character areas for the Built-Up Area since the introduction of the EPIA’s (Environmental Protection and Improvement Areas) and their use as a planning framework for Urban Regeneration;
- To identify sustainable levels of density and amenity space for appartment living;
- To consider the implications of continuing urban sprawl;
- To provide proposals of innovative and alternative schemes to address the need for cost-effective, spacious homes;
- To examine any further issues relating to the topic that may arise in the course of the Scrutiny review that the Panel considers relevant.