Committee/Panel: Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel | |
Launch Date: 29 March 2013 | Close Date: To be advised |
Submissions Deadline: To be advised | Ministerial Response Date: To be advised |
Review Status: Review concluded |
‘Pathway 2050: An Energy Plan for Jersey’ - The draft policy was published by the department late last year, and a period of public consultation finished at the end of January 2013. The Environment Panel’s review will assess whether the Minister’s draft plan offers a suitable framework to meet the long term energy requirements of the Island in a secure, affordable and sustainable way.
Terms of reference
This review will examine the proposed policy of the Minister for Planning and Environment to provide for the Island’s energy needs for the period up to 2050, presented in the consultation document entitled ‘Pathway 2050: An Energy Plan for Jersey’ published in October 2012.
The review will consider how the draft Policy addresses the future energy needs of the Island, together with its environmental, economic and social implications, and assess its suitability as a framework to meet the long term energy requirements of the Island in a secure, affordable and sustainable way.
The review will consider any significant issues within this scope which emerge from study of the draft Policy and stakeholder responses to it. However it is intended to concentrate on the adequacy and effectiveness of the actions proposed in the draft Policy to achieve its stated objectives. Specific attention will be paid to:
The Panel will report its findings to the States.
- The institutional and regulatory framework, including the role and activities of the proposed new energy partnership and the future of existing energy bodies;
The adequacy of the proposed means to deliver the planned energy savings in the domestic and commercial sectors;- The prospects for large scale renewable energy sources and how Jersey should exploit them;
- The roles of technology, logistics, behaviour and attitudes in transport energy use, and the interdependence of transport with other policy areas including spatial planning and economy.