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Review: Staff Recruitment and Retention at the Hospital

Committee/Panel: Health and Social Security Panel
Launch Date: 4 June 2015 Close Date: To be advised
Submissions Deadline: To be advised Ministerial Response Date: To be advised
Review Status: Report published


​In 2011, the Health Department undertook a public consultation on the future direction of health and social services (which informed P.82/2012). Regarding staffing and capacity, the majority of responses relating to staffing were focused on recruitment and retention, particularly of nursing staff. Islanders were concerned about the ability to recruit the large increase in nursing staff required to provide new services, with concerns about where skilled staff would be drawn from. People wanted to know what skills were needed, the existing gaps and what training opportunities were available for Jersey to both "grow its own" nurses and up-skill the current workforce.

Terms of reference

  1. To examine the "Jersey Factors" which result in a difficulty to recruit and retain
  2. To determine what improvements have been made to staff recruitment and retention since P.82/2012 "Health and Social Services: A New Way Forward" was approved by the States
  3. To examine what, if any, initiatives are being trialled to improve the skill set within the hospital
  4. To determine whether there is a sufficient supply of nurses accommodation and whether it is affordable