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Review: Nitrate Levels in Jersey's Water

Committee/Panel: Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel
Launch Date: 8 December 2016 Close Date: To be advised
Submissions Deadline: To be advised Ministerial Response Date: To be advised
Review Status: Review concluded


​A review of nitrate levels in Jersey's water

Terms of reference

​1. To consider the measures that are being taken, or are proposed, by the Council of Ministers to address the issue of nitrate levels within Jersey's water supply (including boreholes and wells).

2. To assess whether the measures are achievable within the proposed timeframe and resources.

3. To determine whether the proposals are sufficient for addressing the elevated levels of nitrate found in surface waters and groundwater.

4. To assess the challenges faced by the Council of Ministers in maintaining an adequate supply of clean water with reduced concentrations of nitrate.

5. To determine what role the agricultural industry and water utilities have in helping to reduce nitrate levels in Jersey's water.