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Review: Government Plan Review: Health and Social Security Panel

Committee/Panel: Health and Social Security Panel
Launch Date: 27 August 2019 Close Date: To be advised
Submissions Deadline: To be advised Ministerial Response Date: To be advised
Review Status: Report published

​The Panel has begun to gather evidence for its review


The Health and Social Security Panel is undertaking a review of projects contained within the Government Plan that have been allocated to it by the Government Plan Review Panel, based on their relevance to the Panel's remit.

The new Government Plan will replace the previous Medium Term Financial Plan and will aim to shift the general focus from income and expenditure to the underlying projects and strategic priorities being funded. The Plan will bring together income and expenditure decisions for the first time in long time.

The Panel will consider the projects under its remit to ensure they are consistent with the States Assembly's common Strategic priorities, access whether each project is appropriately funded and ensure there is a clear line of accountability for each project.

Terms of reference

1.     Note that sections/projects of the Government Plan will be allocated to Panels by the Government Plan Review Panel (GPRP) on a 'best fit' basis.

2.    Undertake an in-depth review of the allocated sections/projects of the Government Plan 2020, considering:

  • Whether funded projects meet the Ongoing Initiatives, Common Themes and, ultimately, Common Strategic Priorities?
  • Ensuring that the projects and amendments to be lodged are consistent with the requirements of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019.
  • The level of resourcing, of all forms, allocated to projects and whether this is sufficient to enable the project to meet its stated aims.
  • If project resource allocation is appropriate in relation to overall departmental budgets?
  • Whether funded projects align with Departmental objectives? [NB: if and where they exist]
  • Whether or not there are clear lines of accountability for each project?
  • The ongoing sustainability of projects.

3.     Provide the GPRP with a report and any amendments by the date agreed.