Committee/Panel: Safer Travel Guidelines Review Panel | |
Launch Date: 3 July 2020 | Close Date: To be advised |
Submissions Deadline: To be advised | Ministerial Response Date: To be advised |
Review Status: Report published |
The digital summary report of the Panel's final report can be found here
P.84/2020 – Vote for a Safer Travel Period: States Assembly Approval was adopted by the States Assembly 37 votes to 12 on 1st July 2020, with one amendment also passed to require the Government to maintain a list of countries designated as safe for travel.
As a result, the Government has now published the Safer Travel Guidelines online, with all passengers travelling to Jersey required to adhere to them for travel from 3rd July 2020.
Key Issues:
- Are the Guidelines fit for purpose?
- Are the Guidelines accessible?
- Are the Guidelines in the best interest of Jersey?
Terms of reference
To review the Government's Safer Travel Guidance in relation to passengers arriving in Jersey during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a view to assessing their:
- Suitability to Jersey
- Clarity
- Accessibility
- Flexibility
- Responsiveness to changes in the pandemic, and
- Impact on Jersey