Committee/Panel: Economic and International Affairs Panel | |
Launch Date: 10 October 2023 | Close Date: 12 December 2023 |
Submissions Deadline: 20 November 2023 | Ministerial Response Date: Not applicable |
Review Status: Comments and amendment(s) published |
The Panel carried out its review and has produced a comments paper detailing its findings and recommendations ahead of the States' debate on the proposition scheduled for 12 December 2023. The Panel has lodged four amendments:
- Amendment: Proposed Government Plan 2024-2027: Alcohol Duty – [P.72/2023(Amd.25)]
- Amendment: Proposed Government Plan 2024-2027: Fuel Duty – [P.72/2023(Amd.26)]
- Amendment: Proposed Government Plan 2024-2027: Jersey Business Revenue Expenditure – [P.72/2023(Amd.27)]
- Amendment: Proposed Government Plan 2024-2027: Economy Strategy Implementation Revenue Expend – [P.72/2023(Amd.28)]
The Government Programme incorporates the Common Strategic Policy 2023-26, Ministerial Plans, Government Plan and Delivery Plans. These aim to link the Council of Ministers' high-level priorities with their delivery facilitated by individual Ministers and departments.
The Common Strategic Policy 2023-26 was approved by the States Assembly on 23rd November 2022, which defines seven strategic priorities for delivery including:
1. Housing and Cost of Living
2. Economy and Skills
3. Children and Families
4. Ageing Population
5. Health and Wellbeing
6. Environment
7. Community
Following the approval of the Common Strategic Policy in 2022 and the implementation of the Government Plan 2023-26, the Proposed Government Plan 2024-27 [P.72/2023] is the second Government Plan lodged by the current Government. It intends to build on the objectives of the previous year, and is supported by the individual Ministerial Plans for 2024, which set out Ministers' priorities for 2024. More detailed supporting information for the Proposed Government Plan 2024-27 is published in a separate Financial Annex to the Government Plan 2024-27.
The Government Plan
The Government Plan explains the financial context in which Ministerial priorities will be delivered and also outlines the financial approvals that Ministers are proposing to ensure that taxpayers' money is focused on delivering both their priorities and existing services, whilst ensuring the ongoing sustainability of Government and States' finances. It is a rolling four-year plan that is revised and updated each year to reflect changes in the Island's economic outlook.
The Council of Ministers is required to "prepare a Proposed Government Plan and lodge it for debate and approval by the States Assembly before the start of the next financial year" (Art. 9 PFL19). The Proposed Government Plan was lodged on 19th September 2023 for debate by the States Assembly commencing on 12th December 2023.
Details of the Proposed Government Plan include:
- Estimated income and expenditure of the Consolidated Fund.
- Amounts to be internally transferred between States Funds.
- Any other proposed financing.
- Revenue Expenditure Growth and Projects and their proposed costs.
- Estimated income and expenditure from States Trading Operations to be paid into the States Trading Operations Fund.
- Amounts to be appropriated from the Consolidated and States Trading Operations Funds for the next financial year.
- Estimated amounts in States Funds at the start and finish of each financial year.
- Borrowing and Debt Management Framework.
Key Issues to consider include:
- Whether the Proposed Government Plan meets the requirements of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019.
- Whether the Proposed Government Plan is fiscally sound and economically sustainable.
- Whether the Proposed Government Plan follows the advice of the Fiscal Policy Panel and Income Forecasting Group.
- Whether revenue programmes and capital projects are likely to drive economic productivity.
- The impact of the Proposed Government Plan proposals on departmental budgets and staffing levels.
- Whether the Proposed Government Plan aligns with the objectives of the Common Strategic Policy to deliver on the priorities and aligns with the aims of the Ministerial Plans.
- Whether the proposed Revenue Expenditure Growth and Projects are appropriate and deliverable within the timeframes specified.
- Whether the resources allocated to Revenue Expenditure Growth and Projects are sufficient and demonstrate the best use of public funds.
The main Funds for the Panel to review under its remit include:
- Consolidated Fund
- Technology Accelerator Fund
Each Scrutiny Panel has been allocated various revenue expenditure growth and capital and other projects specific to its remit included in the Proposed Government Plan 2024. For a list of new revenue expenditure growth and capital and other projects allocated to the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel, please see the document published under Research.
Terms of reference
- To review components of the Government Plan 2024-2027 Proposition [P.72/2023] which are relevant to the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel to determine the following:
- The impact of the Government Plan proposals on departmental budgets, savings, staffing levels and spending of allocated funds will ensure productive service delivery that meets departmental and Ministerial objectives including those concerning increasing productivity in real terms.
- The impact of the proposed Administrative Tax Measures and budget measures on the cost of doing business in the Island.
- Whether the revenue expenditure growth, capital and other projects are appropriate and likely to have a positive impact on Islanders and Island life.
- How the proposed revenue expenditure growth, capital and other projects align with the Common Strategic Policy to deliver on the priorities, and with the objectives of the Ministerial Plans.
- Whether the resources allocated to revenue expenditure growth and capital and other projects are sufficient, ensure value for money, demonstrate best use of public funds and include sufficient performance indicators to measure economic growth and progress.