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Review: Review of Assisted Dying

Committee/Panel: Assisted Dying Review Panel
Launch Date: 25 March 2024 Close Date: To be advised
Submissions Deadline: To be advised Ministerial Response Date: To be advised
Review Status: Report published

​Review Started


The Assisted Dying Review Panel has been established to examine the detailed final proposals for the introduction of assisted dying in Jersey, lodged by the Council of Ministers on 22nd March 2024.

The topic of assisted dying has been the subject of an extensive two-Phase consultation process undertaken by Government, following the outcome of the 2021 Jersey Assisted Dying Citizens' Jury deliberations, which voted 78% in favour of assisted dying being permitted in Jersey.

Due to the expansive nature of assisted dying and the extensive consultation work already undertaken by Government, the Panel will focus on key issues related to the final Proposals for Assisted Dying in Jersey. These will include the processes, safeguards, eligibility criteria, and the previous body of evidence received to date from experts and key stakeholders.

If you are affected by the issues raised by this Panel, you can contact:

Adult mental health (

Bereavement Support | Jersey Hospice Care

Terms of reference

1. To examine the final proposals for assisted dying, with particular consideration of the following:

a. Whether (and if so why) any changes have been made to the original proposals outlined in P.95/2021.

b. The proposed processes and safeguards for all individuals involved in assisted dying, and whether these uphold patients' dignity and wishes.

2. To examine the previous body of evidence received to date from experts and stakeholders.