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States Member

Marcus Troy

Marcus Troy

St. Clement

Independent Member


Languages spoken


Record of Service to the Assembly

28 July 2021 – Elected as Connétable of St. Clement 
  • Sworn in on 30 July 2021 
  • 5 October 2021 – 22 June 2022 – Member of Planning Committee 
22 June 2022 – Elected as Connétable of St. Clement 
  • Sworn in on 27 June 2022 
  • 27 June 2022 – Present - Member of Planning Committee 
  • 27 June 2022 – Present - Member of Comité de Connétable
  • 19 July 2022 – Present – Member of Diversity Forum (PPC Sub-Committee) 
  • 3 January 2024 – 30 January 2024 – Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services 
  • 6 February 2024 – Present – Member of States Employment Board 

Declaration of Interests

  • Give the name and address of any person, company, trust, professional association, union, political party or other organization from whom you receive any remuneration or benefit by virtue of being –
    (a) employed; (b) the holder of any office; (c) a director of any company; or (d) a partner in a partnership or firm.
    Provide a brief description of the business or work in each case

    • La Fregate Café (Trojan Leisure Catering Ltd) - Café Thai Experts Ltd - Thai at La Fregate evenings, Shuga Coffee Ltd - Coffee Shop, Runnymede Court Hotel and Restaurant. Total interest declared under this section exceeded 25% of total income in the previous 12 months
  • Give details of any consultancy, trade, profession, vocation or other work for which you receive any payment or benefit and which does not fall within section 1.
    In addition you must give the name and address of a person from whom you receive any payment or benefit in return for the above work if the payment or benefit received from that person forms a significant portion of your total income, or a significant portion of your total income from that particular work.
    Provide a brief description of the business or work in each case.

  • Troys Estates Ltd, resigned as a Director in January 2021. However, I work on an ad hoc basis for some project consultancy for hotels in particular
  • Give the name and address of any company in which you, or your spouse or cohabitee, or both of you, whether jointly or separately, own sharesexceeding –
    (a) 1% or more of the issued share capital of the company; or
    (b) £ 25,000 in value.
    Provide a brief description of the business or purpose of the company

  • Ravenscroft, Jersey, Channel Island Property Portfolio - Purchase and rental of blue chip property in Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man for rental, Ravenscroft, Jersey, Red Fund - Property purchases, refurbs and potential re-sales and lettings, Rocque Bay Apartments, No 10, 100% owned and rented to third party
  • Give the name and address of any person who provides you with sponsorship for the purpose of enabling you to carry out your duties as an elected member. Provide a brief description of the sponsorship.

  • None
  • List the name and address of any person who gives you, or your spouse or cohabitee, any gift, hospitality or other benefit which has a monetary value greater than 1% of the current remuneration figure for elected members (disregarding any expense allowances) if the giving of the gift, hospitality or benefit is, in any way, related to your membership of the States
    Provide a brief description of the gift, hospitality or other benefit given.

  • None
  • List the name and address of any person who pays all or part of the costs of a visit made outside Jersey by you or your spouse or cohabitee if the visit is, in any way, related to your membership of the States.

  • None
  • List details of any land (except the principal place of residence of you or of your spouse or cohabitee) which is wholly owned, or jointly owned with another person –
    (a) by or on behalf of you or your spouse or cohabitee; or
    (b) by or on behalf of you and your spouse or cohabitee jointly.
    List also details of any land from which you or your spouse or cohabitee derives an income. You must describe the land in sufficient detail to enable it to be identified.

  • See Note 3. Rocque Bay Apt. 10 - wholly owned with spouse and rented to third party
  • List details of any other interest or benefit which you or your spouse or cohabitee receive which, although not required to be registered under any of the previous sections, you believe might reasonably be thought by other persons to influence your actions as an elected member.
    You may also use this section to record any interests or other matters that are not required to be registered but which in your opinion should be disclosed to the public

  • Member - Jersey Hospitality Association, British Institute of Innkeepers - Variety Club of Jersey

Propositions Lodged

No propositions

Amendments Lodged

No amendments

Questions Asked

No questions asked

Questions Answered

No questions answered

Statements Made

No statements made