Future Hospital Report published
9 April 2018
The Future Hospital Review Panel has today published its “Future Hospital Project Follow-up Report” (S.R.6/2018).
The report follows a decision of the Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce, to refuse planning permission for the outline planning application for the new hospital.
The Review Panel held a public hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Andrew Green MBE, and the Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Eddie Noel, on 26th February 2018 about the implications of the decision on the planned location for the hospital and funding for the project.
The Review Panel also considered the revised scheme that was presented by the Future Hospital Project Team on 12th March 2018, which makes significant changes to the original outline plan and aims to address concerns about the scale of the proposed hospital and its impact on St Helier.
The Review Panel’s report highlights that the revised scheme differs significantly to the previous scheme, particularly in terms of the footprint of the proposed hospital and the completion of the project in phases.
The Chairman of the Panel, Deputy Simon Brée said: "We believe that a precedent has been set in seeking States approval of the various strategies and preferred schemes that have changed and adapted since 2012. We recommend that the Council of Ministers lodge a Proposition so that the revised scheme can be fully debated by Members."