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PAC Question Government CEO Directorship


29 October 2020

Private directorship role of Government's Chief Executive questioned by Chair of Public Accounts Committee 

Deputy Inna Gardiner, the new Chair of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has signalled her intention to look fully into the appointment of the Government's Chief Executive, Charlie Parker, to a £50,000+ non-executive directorship of NewRiver REIT plc, a real estate investment company. She comments:

"I was surprised to see the Chief Executive Officer take on this demanding role in a time of crisis for the Island of Jersey, when we need committed leadership more than ever. Although it appears there are no direct conflicts of interest between Mr Parker's non-executive directorship and his Chief Executive role, there are many questions raised by his appointment.

For example, we are told he can undertake the non-executive directorship in his own time, and that it will inform Jersey's economic recovery from COVID-19 through access to a wide range of research into international developments in the retail sector, but I will be keen to learn how that works in practice. I was also surprised to see reference to Mr Parker's 'development of a major infrastructure vehicle for funding the Island's infrastructure and regeneration plans', because the Chief Minister stated earlier this year that although the Chief Executive has developed proposals for the future funding of our Island's infrastructure, details about these proposals have been delayed as a result of the Pandemic. The Chief Executive also told the PAC that this work is not finalised and of course the States Assembly has not seen any such proposals.

It will be interesting to hear from the Chief Executive."

Subject to the appointment of the new membership of her committee over the coming weeks, Deputy Gardiner plans to question Mr Parker at the PAC's next Quarterly Public Hearing with him on 30th November.