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Review of the Safer Travel Guidelines launched


6 July 2020

The newly formed Safer Travel Guidelines Review Panel has launched a review focussing on the Government's Safer Travel Guidelines. The Panel is keen to hear the views of all Islanders on this important issue.


With the passing of P.84/202 – Vote for a Safer Travel Period: States Assembly Approval by 37 votes to 12 on 1st July 2020, the Government has now published the Safer Travel Guidelines online, with all passengers travelling to Jersey required to adhere to them for travel from 3rd July 2020.


In response to this, and to the concerns of many Islanders, a Scrutiny review has been launched into these Guidelines to ensure that they are fit for purpose, accessible, and in the best interest of Jersey. The review will also consider the broader implications of the Guidelines for Jersey, for example, in terms of budget, public health and emergency services.

Terms of reference

To review the Government's Safer Travel Guidance in relation to passengers arriving in Jersey during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a view to assessing their:

  • Suitability to Jersey
  • Clarity
  • Accessibility
  • Flexibility
  • Responsiveness to changes in the pandemic, and
  • Impact on Jersey

For more information and to have your say please visit the Review page