Revised foreshore encroachment policy to be scrutinised
2 November 2020
The Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel has launched a review into the revised foreshore encroachment policy, which was lodged in the States by the Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, on 18 September 2020.
In 2015 the foreshore (defined as the land surrounding Jersey, lying between the “High Water Mark of full Spring Tide” and the Lowest Mark of Tide”) was gifted by the Crown (Her Majesty, the Queen) to the public of Jersey. Since then, Jersey Property Holdings (under the Ministerial remit of the Minister for Infrastructure) has sought compensation payments from a number of property owners who have encroached onto the foreshore.
Several concerns have been raised as to the fairness of the policy and its application, including a hearing by the Complaints Board in 2018. As a result of the hearing, Jersey Property Holdings and the Law Officers’ Department have undertaken a landside boundary project to determine a default boundary line which, historically, has been very difficult to define.
The Chair of the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel, Constable Mike Jackson, commented, “There has been much controversy on this topic in recent years and the main aim of the Panel’s review is to take a balanced approach at examining how the foreshore policy has been applied in the past, the reasons for this, and to understand whether the revised policy reflects a fairer approach to the 400+ property owners who are affected. We also wish to further understand how these encroachments might have affected sea defences and their ongoing maintenance.”
To allow the Panel sufficient time to review the revised policy, the Minister for Infrastructure has agreed to defer the States Assembly debate until 19 January 2021. The Panel will be considering evidence from several sources and stakeholders, as well as holding a public hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure. The Panel expects to publish its report, including any findings and recommendations ahead of the debate in January.
Members of the public can share their views with the Panel:
1. By completing the ‘Get involved’ form on the States Assembly website
2. By emailing
3. By messaging the States Assembly social media pages.