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Scrutiny finds it in Jersey's best interest to remain part of UK-EU Agreement


19 February 2021

A report examining the impact of Jersey’s inclusion in the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) on the Island’s transit of goods and trade has been published today by the Brexit Review Panel. The review has found that the full legal text of the Agreement reflects the summary terms agreed by the Assembly on 27 December 2020. As a result, the Panel has concluded that Jersey should, in line with the Council of Ministers’ recommendation, participate in the Agreement. 
Although the Panel received confirmation that the UK will respect Jersey’s constitutional position in the TCA and work to strengthen new trading relationships, the review found that Jersey’s participation in the Agreement might be considered to impact on the Island’s autonomy and ability to develop its international identity. The Panel believes increased engagement with the UK will be required to ensure full representation of the Island’s interests, aided by the Government of Jersey’s commitment to keep abreast of relevant developments.
Engagement with business representatives operating supply lines between Jersey, the UK and the EU demonstrated that, due to the increased complexity of the new process for exporting goods, some smaller retailers are no longer delivering to Europe. Therefore, the Panel recommends virtual ‘Beyond Brexit’ sessions are delivered to businesses to provide support for overcoming any challenges the Agreement may cause. 
Deputy David Johnson, Chairman of the Brexit Review Panel, said: “Pursuant to the amended proposition, this report is the result of a review undertaken by the Brexit Review Panel in relation to the aspect of the Agreement regarding trading in goods. Following its review, the Panel does not consider it to be in Jersey’s best interests to ask the UK to invoke a termination clause on its behalf. I am grateful to all those who participated in this review, ranging from individuals, business representatives and organisations to the External Relations Minister, his officers and those in the Law Officers’ Department.”