Scrutiny puts infrastructure funding and residential tenancy law in the spotlight
8 April 2024

The Environment, Housing, and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel (the Panel) has received briefings from the Ministers for Housing, the Environment, and Infrastructure, since their appointment in January. Following the briefings, one of the Panel's primary concerns is how the Government will approach its solution to find long-term funding of key infrastructure projects, a major blocker for the government to deliver more affordable housing.
Deputy Hilary Jeune, Chair of the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel, said: 'Our task in scrutiny is to ensure that Ministers are held to account, that they deliver what they say they will do at the best value for islanders, so that key projects can go ahead. We are yet to fully understand how the Government will approach funding for critical infrastructure projects, particularly those which will support the Government's goal of increasing the Island's housing stock.
'As a scrutiny panel, we intend to launch reviews and build recommendations of key policies and projects, including the updated Residential Tenancy Law (RTL) and the Marine Spatial Plan. We will also be keeping a close eye on the outstanding items on the Bridging Island Plan, the Carbon Neutral Roadmap delivery and ensuring that the new housing initiatives are going to achieve their aims.'
The Panel heard from Deputy Sam Mézec, Minister for Housing, who said he had three priorities for the rest of his term: increasing home ownership, improving the situation for tenants and only later in his term addressing key elements of the homelessness strategy. He stated that he will take social housing provision out of the RTL to work on as a second phase.
Environment Minister, Deputy Steve Luce, said he would not be bringing forward a new Island Plan in his current term of office, a departure from his desired priority at his nomination speech, as there is still a list of outstanding items from the Bridging Island Plan. His focus would be on a Water Strategy for Jersey, looking at the challenges of climate stress and increasing population. This is in addition to the Marine Spatial Plan and Offshore Wind Farm proposals, both of which will be reviewed by Scrutiny.
Infrastructure Minister, Constable Andy Jehan, identified a number of key issues including a liquid waste strategy, walking and cycling options for the Island, and progressing the future opportunities at Fort Regent. He also is keen to investigate Park and Ride options and promote the town Hopper bus, as well as look at further east-west bus routes.
The Panel is looking forward to working with Ministers, acting as critical friends on behalf of the public, and ensuring that important legislation and policies can be progressed for the benefit of the Island. They would like to invite members of the public that have any comments in any of these priority areas to get in touch: