States Meeting Summary 4 October
4 October 2022
To begin this week's States Meeting, the States Assembly appointed Deputy Rob Ward and Deputy Lyndon Farnham as new Members of the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel. Deputy Carina Alves resigned from her position on the Panel.
Question Time
Questions with notice
Ministers answered States Members' questions with notice for up to two hours and 20 minutes. Skip to page five of the Order Paper to find out what questions were asked and watch from 11 minutes into this morning's States Meeting to hear questions with notice in full.
Questions without notice
States Members asked the Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy David Warr; the Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Tom Binet; and Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore; questions without notice for 15 minutes each. Skip to one hour and seven minutes to watch questions without notice.
The Minister for Housing and Communities made a statement on the implementation of Deputy Tadier's 'Empty Property Tax' proposition, approved by the States Assembly earlier this year. This was followed by 15 minutes of questions from States Members. Skip to one hour and 55 minutes to listen to the statement and questions.
Public business
Appointment of Members to the Jersey Police Complaints Authority
The Minister for Home Affairs, Deputy Helen Miles, asked the States Assembly to approve the appointment of Blake Albert, Allison Le Couteur and Jenna Newlands as new Members of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority.
The States Assembly unanimously voted to APPROVE the proposition.
Skip to two hours and two minutes to watch the debate in full.
Andium Homes Rent Increases
Deputy Rob Ward asked the States Assembly to agree that:
- Andium Homes tenants who downsize within the Andium estate, or who move from one Andium property into another, should not face inappropriate sudden rent increases upon moving; and
- Andium Homes should be instructed to introduce a scheme in which any rent increase in such circumstances is suspended for one year from the start of a new tenancy and then introduced incrementally over a period of five to 10 years depending on the tenant's ability to pay.
The States Assembly voted to REJECT Deputy Ward's proposition. 24 Members voted in against, 16 voted in favour and two abstained.
Skip to two hours and eight minutes to watch the debate in full, which continued into this afternoon's States Meeting.
Immediate reduction in road fuel duty (In-Committee debate)
The States Assembly held an In-Committee debate (which is not voted on) on the immediate reduction in road fuel duty. This debate arose as a result of a petition which reached over 5,000 signatures. Any petition that reaches over 5,000 signatures is considered for debate by the States Assembly. An accompanying report on the review into fuel prices in Jersey can be found here.
Watch the recording of this morning's States Meeting and this afternoon's meeting.