Third Government Plan Scrutiny report published
8 December 2020
The Environment, Housing and Infrastructure (EHI) Scrutiny Panel has, today, published the findings from its review of the 2021 Government Plan, which includes 17 recommendations.
The Panel’s review of issues within its remit included:
Programmes identified for additional revenue expenditure and capital expenditure in last year’s 2020-23 Government Plan; and
New projects requiring additional revenue expenditure in 2021.
Using the same red, amber, green (RAG) rating system as the other Scrutiny panels, the EHI Panel identified the following:
Green projects | 26 | A green status means that the Panel is satisfied with the rationale and funding of the programme |
Amber projects | 25 | An amber status means that the Panel has concerns about either the content of the buisness case or the level of funding requested |
Red projects | 0 | A red status means the Panel has serious concerns about the project, either in relation to its level of funding or general intent |
Largely, the RAG statuses that the Panel attributed to the programmes in last year’s review of the Plan have been maintained. Though, as a result of reduced funding for some programmes in 2021, the Panel has revised their statuses to reflect funding concerns relating to whether the aims of these projects could still be met. In particular, this has impacted three programmes:
The Island Public Realm - including St Helier, which proposes a reduced funding bid to improve village and urban environments throughout the island and St Helier;
Drainage Foul Sewer Extensions; and
Replacement Assets and Minor Capital which proposes a funding bid for the replacement of major elements of the Energy Recovery Facility, maintenance and renovation of pumping stations, replacement of key fixed assets at La Collette Waste Site, and replacement or servicing of key assets at the Bellozanne Sewage Treatment works.
As a result of its review, the Panel has found that enhanced Government engagement and consultation with external stakeholders is required, particularly during the early stages of policy development. Notably, this was highlighted when reviewing the programme for Tenants’ Rights.
You can read the Panel's full report here.