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This week's States Meeting

States Assembly

3 October 2022

​This week's States Meeting will commence tomorrow, Tuesday 4 October, at 9:30am. The entire meeting will be broadcast live via Public-I from the States Chamber.

To begin the meeting, Deputy Carina Alves will resign from the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel and Deputy Rob Ward and Deputy Lyndon Farnham will be nominated as new members. 

States Members will ask Ministers up to two hours and 20 minutes of oral questions, which have been issued to them in advance (i.e. 'with notice'). Details of this week's oral questions with notice can be found on page five of the Order Paper. The following Ministers will answer oral questions which they have not been given in advance of the meeting (i.e., 'without notice') for 15 minutes each:

  • The Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy David Warr;

  • The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Tom Binet; and

  • The Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore

After question time, the Minister for Housing and Communities will make a statement regarding the implementation of Deputy Montfort Tadier's proposition on 'Empty Property Tax'. The following topics will then be debated (in this order):


More information:

Appointment of Jersey Police Complaints Authority Members

Minister for Home Affairs' proposition

Andium Homes rent increases

Deputy Robert Ward's proposition

Immediate reduction in road fuel duty (In-Committee debate)

Petition which resulted in In-Committee debate

A notification when each debate begins, a summary of the proposal and the results of each debate will be shared on the States Assembly Twitter and Facebook pages throughout the meeting.