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Tomorrow's States Meeting

States Assembly

18 January 2021

​The first States Meeting of 2021 will commence tomorrow, 19 January, at 9.30am. The entire meeting will be broadcast live using Microsoft Teams via the following links:

The first item for the Assembly will be the appointment of a new Chair of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel. Following this, Deputy Steve Luce and Deputy Graham Truscott will be nominated as members of the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel. Senator Tracey Vallois will then be nominated as a member of the Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and the Privileges and Procedures Committee (PPC).

After two hours and 20 minutes of oral questions, details of which can be found in the Order Paper, the following Ministers will answer oral questions without notice for 15 minutes each:

  • The Minister for Children and Housing, Deputy Jeremy Maçon;
  • The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Senator Lyndon Farnham; and
  • The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré.

After question time, the following topics will be debated (in this order):


More information

Amend Standing Orders to prevent States Members Chairing Scrutiny or the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) if in the same political party as any of the Minsters that the Panel scrutinises


Allow members to be re-appointed to the board of the Financial Services Ombudsman Office for one year, rather than three to five years


Appoint Claire Bowes; Scott Hollywood; Lorraine Bennett; Patrycja Zakrzewska and Sue Pallot as side members of the Jersey Employment and Discrimination Tribunal


Review Standing Orders to recognise that States Members may choose to organise themselves within political parties


Appoint Janet Naylor as Chair of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority
