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Lodged au Greffe on 17th July 2001 by the Industries Committee
180 2 0 0 1 P . 1 0 4 Am d .
Price code: A
In p a r a graph (b) of the proposition, delete the words “of up to seven years”. INDUSTRIES COMMITTEE
The Industries Committee warmly endorses the Public Services Committee’s Bus Strategy. However, on reflection, it believes that further flexibility would be introduced if the limitation of the licence period “of up to seven years” was omitted in paragraph (b) of the proposition. It may be an appropriate length of term for a licence, but equally it may not. It depends upon a bidder’s view of the market. The length of the licence should, in the Industries Committee’s view, be a matter for the tender process itself, and the decision taken in the light of the bids.
This proposition has no implications for the financial or manpower resources of the States.