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Island Plan (P.69-2002) - third amendments

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Lodged au Greffe on 11th June 2002 by the Deputy of St. Peter




150 2002 P.69 Amd.(3)

Price code: A


  1. After paragraph (a) insert new paragraph (b) -

"(b) Policy G1 - Sustainable Development subject to the following amendments -

a t  th e e n d  of sub-paragraph (iii), after the words developed land' insert the words including vacant,

derelict or ruined former residential sites served (or to be served) by mains drainage, which have been in residential use at any time since 1900' ";

  1. After paragraph (e) insert new paragraph (f) -

"(f)  all other individual policies included within Sections 4 to 14 of the Plan, as listed in the Summary of Policies."

  a n d r e -n umber as necessary. DEPUTY OF ST. PETER


Amendment (1)

There are a number of former residential buildings in various parts of the Island which have become dilapidated or derelict, in some cases as a result of action by the Occupying Forces during World War II or because the owner did not have money after the War to restore the property (or both). In some of these cases the Planning and Environment Committee has turned down applications to reinstate or rebuild the property because, the Committee claimed, the property had been abandoned' or on grounds that it would constitute new development' in a sensitive zone. The policy of sustainable development and seeking to re-use already developed land' should include an inherent right to restore or rebuild any residential properties to their original condition when they have been in residential use at any time since 1900. If a building had not been in use since then, it might not be unreasonable to consider it to be a ruin which should be preserved as it is rather than restored. In all other cases, the extreme shortage of residential accommodation in the Island, which is likely to continue for some years to come, should require that all former residential buildings be restored to use, and the States should assist the process by giving the Planning and Environment Committee a clear policy to follow.

Amendment (2)

The proposition does not make clear whether the States are being asked to approve all the individual policies which go to make up the Island Plan.  For greater certainty this amendment, which would be taken as the last amendment of all amendments lodged, would require all numbered policies identified in the Summary of Policies' on pages ii to vi of the Plan that have not already been approved in earlier paragraphs (either as part of the original proposition or as a result of amendments) to be individually approved by the States.

There are no financial or manpower implications for the States arising out of these amendments.

Related Publications


Island Plan 30 April 2002


Vote: Carried 10 July 2002
