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Island Plan (P.69-2002) - seventh amendments (P.69-2002Amd.(7)) - amendment

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Lodged au Greffe on 25th June 2002

by the Planning and Environment Committee




150 2002 P.69  Amd.(7)  Amd.

Price code: A


In Amendment (4) for the paragraph to be inserted after the words "years to 2006" substitute the following paragraph -

" D e v e lo pers of sites designated in the Plan specifically for the construction of Category  A housing in Policy H2 will be required by the Planning and Environment Committee to provide first-time buyer homes and social rented homes in the respective proportions of 55% and 45% of the total number of dwellings provided on each site, in order to ensure that the identified needs for housing are met."



As a result of on-going discussions with the Law Officers, the Committee considers that the Housing Policies of the Plan should be more explicit in prescribing the requirements for the provision of affordable housing for first-time buyers and social rental in the development of sites zoned for Category  A housing in Policy  H2 of the Plan. The definitions of firs-ttime buyer and social rented housing will be contained in the development briefs described in Policy  H6 and in conditions the Committee will place on development permissions for the sites.

The apportionment between the two types of housing is based on the identified assessment of need and accords with the Housing Committee's Strategy.

This Amendment has no implications for the financial or manpower resources of the States.

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Island Plan 30 April 2002


Vote: Carried 10 July 2002
