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Island Plan (P.69-2002) - eighth amendments

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Lodged au Greffe on 25th June 2002 by Senator P.V.F. Le Claire




150 2002 P.69 Amd.(8)

Price code: B


  1. In paragraph (b) after the words "Policy H2of the Plan," insert the words -

"w ith th e addition of the following site -

1 2 [1 ]. Fie ld 1341A, Le Mont de la Trinité, St. Helier (approximately 11 vergées")

  1. In paragraph (b) after the words "Policy H2of the Plan," insert the words -

"w ith th e addition of the following site -

  1 3 . L and to the east of Field 729 (vacant plot), Le Fonds de Longueville, Grouville "



Amendment (1)

Field 1341A encompasses 2.8  acres (11  vergées) of redundant agricultural land. It is bounded to the west by the SAFEWAY shopping complex and to the south and east by residential areas, to the north by Field No.  1343.

Despite the site's elevation, it is well enclosed and visually would have limited impact beyond the adjacent properties. The site provides an opportunity to integrate housing into the urban fringe landscape. It is ideally located close to educational facilities and within walking and cycling distance of the town centre.

There is potential to provide a footpath and nature trails through the site, benefiting the wider area. Access to the site would be provided from Le Mont de la Trinité (opposite the entrance to St.  Ewolds residential home).

Potentially the site could yield 43  dwellings with open amenity space for the residents of the site and adequate parking for all residents, whilst encouraging residents to utilise public transport and cycle connections to the town. A schematic plan giving an indication of what could be achieved on the site is given at Appendix A.

As part of the development it is proposed to further plant additional trees on Field 1341 and create woodland walks and nature trails around the site, whilst screening the development from the town, to the south.

The proposals as tabled, allow for 22 two-bedroom dwellings and 21 three-bedroom dwellings on the site. This layout and mix type could be revised to provide a smaller or greater number of different size units as well as the inclusion of a percentage of units of disabled or sheltered housing. Neither the area of Field No.  1341 nor half the width of the adjacent road have been included in any density calculations for the site.

This development makes the best use of a limited land resource, reduces encroachment into the countryside and also supports the economy and community life of the Island's largest urban area. Simply by its location it helps to reduce the need to travel by cars as it is within reasonable walking or cycling distance of the town centre.

In terms of the proposed Jersey Island Plan 2002 and Stage One - Integration

The provision of new homes on this site would form a cohesive part of the existing community as the site is on the edge of, and can be integrated into, the built-up area of the town of St.  Helier.

In terms of the proposed Jersey Island Plan 2002 and Stage Two - Evaluation against other Strategy Criteria

In terms of this evaluation process I believe the site is an efficient use of land, easily accessible to key facilities and mains drainage available to the site. I suggest that while the site may be prominent due to its elevated position the current proposals allow for improved screening to the south-west of the site, and should the site be rezoned there would be a significant gain to the community as a whole, especially first-time buyers, who require low cost housing.

The owners of the site are willing to offer any new dwellings at low cost to first-time buyers (category A) and/or a mix of social rented housing, subject to clarification of conditions. The owners of the site are willing to voluntarily enter into a binding agreement with the States of Jersey Planning and Environment Committee, to include for the provision of a mix of social housing on the site should the land be rezoned for the development of dwellings on the same.

I believe there are no financial or manpower implications for the States of Jersey arising out of this Proposition. Amendment (2)

I have been approached by the owner of a small plot of land to help in securing, if the States are in agreement, permission for the construction of first-time buyers' properties to allow for the sale to facilitate the owner purchasing a residence elsewhere. The owner is willing to enter into a binding agreement with the States of Jersey if necessary. The owner is Dr. Carl Clinton, a hospital consultant who works in the Accident and Emergency Department. The land is located in the Green Zone and will be re-assigned to the "Secondary Green Zone" if approved by the States.

With the difficulties that are faced with the recruitment and retention of our senior hospital staff I feel it would be prudent to grant Dr. Clinton permission for this site to be developed. A previous application to the Planning and Environment Committee was not approved (Registration No. 20522) in October 2000. The site is surrounded by existing houses and would, in my opinion, constitute a logical in-fill development. A location plan is given in Appendix B.

There are no financial or manpower implications arising from this Proposition that would not be covered by the fees if approved that would be charged by Planning and Environment.


Subject to renumbering if the amendment of Senator L. Norman (P.69/2002  Amd.(4)) is adopted by the States.

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Island Plan 30 April 2002



Vote: Carried 10 July 2002
