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Island Plan 2011: approval (P.48/2011): twenty-ninth amendment

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Lodged au Greffe on 26th April 2011 by the Connétable of St. Peter


2011   Price code: B  P.48 Amd.(29)


PAGE 2 –

After the words "the revised draft Island Plan 2011" insert the words "except that –

  1. there be added to the list of sites to be zoned for Category A housing at Policy H1: Category A housing sites (on page 246):
  1. 4.  Field 189, Le Rue de L'Eglise, St. Peter (1 acre/2.25 vergées).';
  2. 5.  Field 287, Saut Falluet, St. Peter (0.7 acres/1.6 vergées).';
  1. the revised draft Island Plan 2011 be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of (a);
  2. the Proposals Map be amended to reflect the adoption of (a)."



The Parish of St. Peter has consistently supported the Island's needs, not only in accommodating the Island's Airport within its boundaries, but also in bringing in parcels of land that support the Island's needs. From the 1970s where it delivered the first  of  a  succession  of  Village  Developments  with  Ville  du  Bocage  with  some 90+ self-build affordable homes and the provision of Senior Citizens' flats for the needy. More recently, Field 633 was brought forward as an Amendment to the 2002 Island Plan by St. Peter Deputy Hacquoil as an H3 site which is now being developed for 14 life-long homes in response to the States' requirement for the provision of such units by the Parishes.

Field 189, La Rue de L'Eglise, St. Peter , sits within the Built-Up Area of the Parish and would furnish an opportunity to provide a number of affordable housing units for first-time buyers, shared equity units or social housing as determined by the Minister in accordance with evidence of need. The site is bounded on 2 of 3 sides by a parish road to its north, a main road to its south-east, and a small housing development to its third (western) side, all of which is located to the south of the Clos des Charmes first- time buyer and social rental (Housing Trust) development.

Field 287, Saut Falluet, St. Peter currently sits immediately outside of the Airport Regeneration Zone to its west, Lakeside Residential Home to its east, Barchester Group's new development to its north, and private residences to its south. It is a relatively  small  parcel  of  land  that  could  yield  up  to  10 units  of  residential accommodation  to  provide  affordable  housing  units  for  first-time  buyers,  shared equity units or social housing, as determined by the Minister in accordance with evidence of need and as such is a fill in' in what in all practical respects is a Built-Up Area.

Consideration of including this into the built-up' surrounding area and designating as a H3 site for affordable first-time buyer homes would be an appropriate use of a small parcel of land that has little, if any, realistic alternative use.

Financial and manpower implications

There are no financial or manpower implications for the States arising from this amendment.


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Vote: Rejected 23 June 2011
Vote: Rejected 23 June 2011

