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Sustainable Transport Policy (P.128/2019): amendment (P.128/2019 Amd.) – amendment [P.128/2019 Amd.Amd.]

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Lodged au Greffe on 4th March 2020 by the Minister for Infrastructure


2019  P.128 Amd.Amd.



1  PAGE 2, PART 5 –

In the inserted paragraph (a), for the words "The Government of Jersey will" substitute the words "We will".

2  PAGE 2, PART 5 –

After the inserted paragraph (a), insert the following new paragraph (b) and re-designate the subsequent paragraphs accordingly –

"(b)  insert a new principle as follows: "1. Recognise that fewer motor

vehicle journeys will be good for Jersey" ";".

3  PAGE 2, PART 5 –

In the inserted paragraph (b), substitute the number "1." with the number "2." and, in the inserted paragraph (c), substitute the number "2." with the number "3.".

4  PAGE 2, PART 5 –

In the inserted paragraph (d), for the words "safe routes" substitute the words "safer routes".

5  PAGE 2, PART 5 –

In the inserted paragraph (e), for the words "principle 4" substitute the words "principle 5", and for the words "for debate during the autumn session, 2020" substitute the words "for debate during the spring session, 2021".

6  PAGE 2, PART 5 –

In the inserted paragraph (f), for the words "principle 5", substitute the words "principle 6", and for the words "for debate during the autumn session, 2020" substitute the words "for debate during the spring session, 2021".

7  PAGE 2, PART 5 –

In the inserted paragraph (g), for the words "principles 6 and 7" substitute the words  "principles  7  and  8";  in  the  inserted  paragraph (h)  for  the  words "principle 8" substitute the words "principle 9"; and in the inserted paragraph (i), for the words "principle 9" substitute the words "principle 10".


Note:  If this amendment, and the amendment of the Connétable of St. Helier were

adopted, the decision-making principles would read as follows –

We will:

  1. Recognise that fewer motor vehicle journeys will be good for Jersey
  2. Conform with the Jersey mobility hierarchy
  3. Improve transport options, including parking, for people with mobility impairments
  4. Make walking and cycling more attractive, especially for travelling to school and commuting, by providing safer routes
  5. Invest in a better bus system that more people want to use and that is accessible to all, and present a Bus Service Development Plan to the States for debate during the spring session, 2021
  6. Recognise, and price fairly, the social and environmental costs of private vehicle use and present a Parking Plan to the States for debate during the spring session, 2021
  7. Reduce the impact of vehicles on our landscape and create more space for people in St. Helier
  8. Create public service and planning systems that reduce the need to travel
  9. Discourage the use of petrol and diesel vehicles and encourage the use of zero emission vehicles to reduce pollution
  10. Work with businesses  that rely on road transport to support their efficient and safe use of the road network, their delivery and servicing needs and their uptake of alternative, low carbon fuels

Page - 3

P.128/2019 Amd.Amd.


This  amendment  to  the   Connétable  of   St. Helier 's  amendment to  the  Sustainable Transport  Policy  (P.128/2019)  indicates  my  agreement  and  welcoming  of  the Connétable 's proposed changes to the Sustainable Transport Policy. I have met with the Connétable to discuss his amendments and the points he makes, and we share the desire to work collaboratively to improve the Island's transport system.

In particular, I welcome the inclusion of the Sustainable Transport Vision we outline in Chapter 6 for States Assembly approval, and the broader supporting principles of the Sustainable Transport Policy detailed in Chapter 8.

In terms of the decision-making principles as set out in the table on page 26, I agree with the positive addition of the Jersey mobility hierarchy, and the prioritisation and subsequent re-ordering of those principles in alignment with the mobility hierarchy.

I  am  mindful  that  sufficient  time  is  required  to  thoroughly  research  and  consult stakeholders on both the Bus Development Plan and the Parking Plan that we have committed to deliver by the end of 2020 in the Strong Start Delivery Plan 2020'. With this in mind, I have proposed to bring these plans before the Assembly for debate in spring 2021 rather than autumn 2020 as proposed by the Connétable . As part of this process,  I  commit  to  convening  a  working  group  of  key  stakeholders,  including Members of this Assembly, to provide input into these important plans. The working group  will  take  into  account  feedback  from  the  broader  community  engagement programme as proposed in the Strong Start Delivery Plan.

Financial and manpower implications

There are no additional financial or manpower implications for the States arising from the adoption of this amendment.