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Health and Social Services Organisational and Management Improvement Plan.

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The States of Jersey Department for

Health & Social Services







This report has been prepared by:

The Chief Executive and the Corporate Executive Directors of the Health and Social Services Department.

 December 2010

For further information contact: Health & Social Services Department, Headquarters, 4th Floor, Peter Crill House, Gloucester Street, St Helier, JE1 3QS

Organisational and Management Improvement Plan



  1. CONTEXT 2
  2. Executive Summary 2
  3. Strategic Context 3
  4. Fitness for Purpose 3
  2. Focus on Corporate & Clinical Governance 5
  3. Focus on Management Capability & Capacity 7
  4. Focus on Management Information Systems 9
  5. Focus on Human Resources 11
  6. Focus on Finance 14
  7. Focus on Public Health 16
  8. Focus on Estates & Accommodation 17
  9. Focus on Culture and Communications 19
  2. HSSD Organisational Structures 21
  3. CMEX and Sub Committee Structure   24





In order that it can ensure the provision of safe, effective and value for money services, the Department must function as a "fit for purpose" business within the States of Jersey. It must be able to evidence and operate efficient and effective systems and processes of corporate, clinical and financial governance. This Plan sets out the actions already taken and those that are programmed to be delivered during 2011 that will further strengthen the structures, systems and processes that underpin the operation of a well governed, fit for purpose, States Department. It should be noted that, some actions can only be delivered by the acquisition of additional capacity and skill sets and, at this point in time, those resources have yet to be identified.

The  Department  is  now  at  a  critical  juncture,  where,  having  absorbed  and  reacted  to  the recommendations made as a result of the independent external reviews by Williamson and Verita, it now needs to move on. It is welcome, therefore, to read the positive endorsement by Verita on the progress  made  since  they  conducted  their  review,  during  their  recent  re-visit  to  review  the implementation of their recommendations they commented on how impressed they have been by the changes they have observed and that it is clear that significant progress has been made on a wide range of fronts.

In their recent inspection report they also note:

 "We would be among the first to recognise that the hospital has long comprised of dedicated, talented and skilled individuals, providing high quality care and safe patient care. This remains the case today"

Building on this platform, the Department's Corporate Management Executive has recognised the need for reform, of both the organisation and the services it delivers, in fundamental ways if we are to meet the challenges faced, whether posed by a new economic reality, the demands of an aging population or the need to develop a more sustainable workforce model. Change on this scale requires effective partnerships with our staff, the commercial and voluntary sectors, other States Departments, politicians and members of the public. In addition, as the steward of a considerable amount of tax payer's money and the employer of some 3000 local residents, the Department must function in a business-like manner ensuring "fit for purpose" corporate, clinical and financial governance.

Our work over the last six months, and our proposals for 2011, are set out in the following chapters of this report.

Julie Garbutt Chief Executive





Health and Social Care has to provide a full range of services 24/7, 365 days a year. Delivering this to a relatively small population will always pose difficulties in achieving sufficient economies of scale to make this as efficient as it would be for a larger organisation in the UK. Whilst good quality patient and client care are the overriding imperatives the delivery of efficient services, and the good stewardship of public monies, are also key objectives for the Department.

Jersey faces many challenges, not least agreeing a clear strategic direction for how health and social care will be provided in the future. The Island has not maintained parity of investment with other European and North American Jurisdictions in respect of its health and social care facilities. The differential on pay and conditions of service which Jersey has traditionally enjoyed has also narrowed with pay modernisation in the NHS. It is now harder to compete with and attract doctors, qualified nurses and social workers in a global economy where demands for these skill sets has increased as the population for all western economies ages.

Jersey also has an aging population and it is well established that demand for health and social care services towards the end of life increase dramatically. Health technologies have improved significantly over the last 20 years, with treatments which can considerably extend life expectancy in conditions which once would have resulted in death. These treatments and new technologies come at a price, and required skilled staff to deliver them.

The Department needs to become more efficient to support increased demand on its services without necessarily  consuming  a  proportionately  greater  amount  of  resources.  However  to  meet  rising expectations from the public and provide care in appropriate settings will require investment. Managing this change will also require effective, appropriately skilled leaders, a well motivated and engaged workforce and efficient business systems and processes.


This section provides an initial assessment of the fitness for purpose of the organisational design and capability of the business to manage successfully in this new environment.

The inherited senior management arrangements for the Department in June 2010 involved 14 direct reports to the Chief Executive. The corporate and clinical governance systems were also found to be underdeveloped, meaning that performance and service risks in key parts of the business were neither as corporately owned nor as effectively managed as might be expected.

Weaknesses in the architecture and systems for managing the business had been highlighted in both the Verita Report and a near contemporaneous report by Price waterhouseCoopers, commissioned by the Comptroller and Auditor General in 2009.

Given the scale of the changes which were required in the Department, management capacity was also under developed and inappropriately targeted to address these urgent priorities. In seeking to address this, the Department reviewed its corporate, clinical and financial governance arrangements so as to be able to strengthen these moving forward. Improvements were sought in the following key areas:









Target Completion Date (month, year)



Appointing an experienced Managing Director for the Hospital and putting in place a turnaround plan to reduce unsustainable overspends.

Chief Executive



Establishing a new Corporate Management Executive (CMEX) to improve corporate and performance management across the business with a renewed focus on key strategic and operational priorities.

Chief Executive



Assigning specific responsibilities for both corporate and clinical governance development to named directors.

Chief Executive



Reducing the number of direct reports to the Chief Executive to provide a more effective management span of control.

Chief Executive



Bringing together adult, children's and mental health services into a new directorate of Community and Social Services and appointing an experienced ex- director of social services to lead the integration of these services and the establishment of this new directorate.

Chief Executive

September 2010 COMPLETED


Securing greater clinical engagement in managing the business, not least through the appointment of new Joint Medical Directors tasked to develop key areas of clinical leadership.

Chief Executive

Managing Director Hospital

November 2010 COMPLETED


Enhancing clinical governance in the hospital through appointment to suitable senior clinical leadership roles.

Managing Director Hospital

November 2010 COMPLETED


Developing a revised scheme of financial delegation for budget holders.

Director of Finance & Information

December 2010 COMPLETED


Securing additional capacity in critical functional areas of the business, such as Human Resources.

Chief Executive States Director of Human Resources

December 2010 COMPLETED





This  section  looks  at  the  process  of  creating  the  right  governance  arrangements  for  effectively managing a complex integrated health and social care business with a commissioning, regulatory and delivery agenda for the Island. It highlights the creation of CMEX, the Ministerial Advisory Panel and the management  restructuring  as  well  as  concrete  steps  taken  to  deliver  cost  savings.  Critical appointments  into  senior  leadership  roles  have  been  made  with  emphasis  given  to  clear accountabilities, improved risk management and an appropriate scheme of delegation to increase staff involvement.

Whilst  much  has  been  achieved  in  the  development  of  the  Corporate  and  Clinical  Governance frameworks across health and social services, an opportunity has presented itself to strengthen this work further as the organisation is restructured.

Part of the restructuring includes the formation of key committees and groups that will support the corporate,  clinical  and  financial  governance  framework  through  improved  reporting  and  increased accountability. The development of a Ministerial Advisory Panel will provide the Minister and Assistant Ministers with independent expert advice regarding best practice in relation to health and social care delivery in the Island.

In addition to this the restoration of senior leadership roles provides clarity in relation to accountability and responsibility for service delivery across the key operational departments of Community and Social Services and the General Hospital.

It is important to ensure that throughout the restructuring the department continues to operate an effective system of internal control, and is able to demonstrate that principal risks to the achievement of the organisation's objectives are being managed and addressed. In order to strengthen the current and revised arrangements a number of key actions have been taken or are now required as set out below. These include identifying principal clinical and corporate risks and ensuring that timely and appropriate mitigating actions are put in place. In terms of assurance on delivery of the actions points, this will be monitored through the Integrated Governance Committee of HSSD.





Target Completion Date (month, year)



Implementation of an Assurance Framework through the Integrated Governance Committee.

Chief Nurse

 October 2010 COMPLETED


Development of revised corporate structure charts for the organisation.

Director of Human Resources

December 2010 COMPLETED


Establish Care Quality Groups for both the Hospital and Community & Social Services.

Managing Directors of the Hospital and Community and Social Services

December 2010 COMPLETED







Publication of Corporate Committee Structure within HSSD providing clear reporting lines and accountability for decision-making.

Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Nurse

December 2010




Development of HSSD Risk Management Framework that encompasses all components of integrated governance.

Chief Nurse

December 2010 COMPLETED


Establishment of a single comprehensive risk register incorporating clinical and corporate risks. This will assign clear ownership for the risk and appropriate mitigation or control actions.

Chief Nurse

February 2011


Develop external assurance by establishing clear memoranda of understanding or service agreements with outside regulatory bodies i.e. Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), Social Work Inspection Agency (SWIA).

Deputy Chief Executive Chief Nurse

March 2011


Establishment of a Ministerial Advisory Panel to provide independent advice to the Minister of Health & Social Services.

Deputy Chief Executive

March 2011


Development of a clinical audit strategy to include an annual audit programme, Multi- disciplinary team clinical audit days and the introduction of morbidity-mortality meetings twice yearly.

Associate Medical Director Governance

March 2011


Development of strengthened governance arrangements within Community & Social Services.

Managing Director Community and Social Services

June 2011


Development of strengthened governance arrangements within the Hospital.

Managing Director Hospital

June 2011


Review operation of Independent second stage complaints procedure.

Deputy Chief Executive

 July 2011


Child Protection Inspection with SWIA completed.

Deputy Chief Executive and Managing Director Community & Social Services

November 2011







Roll out of Jersey Induction and Mandatory training Academy incorporating a locum doctor electronic screening tool.

Associate Medical Director Governance

December 2011



An effective Health and Social Services Department requires appropriate organisational arrangements and management capacity to ensure that safe and effective care is delivered. The Department has many managerial functions it must discharge including a planning and commissioning role, regulatory responsibilities and governance, health protection and delivery of services in hospital and community based settings. This section looks at the key delivery capabilities the Department requires moving forward.

Corporate Management & Management Capacity

All  organisations  require  effective  leadership  and  co-ordination  between  the  various  delivery  and corporate  support  functions.  A  new  Corporate  Management  Executive  (CMEX)  with  a  consistent management and clinical membership was established in July 2010. The previous Senior Management Team structure was not ideal in creating a common purpose with a varying membership and a large span  of  control  for  the  Chief  Executive.  A  conscious  effort  has  been  made  to  improve  clinical engagement with the management of the organisation following the appointment of the joint Medical Directors and involvement of GPs to provide a primary care perspective.

The  Corporate  Management  Executive  will  need  to  progressively  improve  the  performance  and benchmarking information available so as to manage the delivery of safe and good quality care more effectively.  A  new  Assurance  Framework  has  been  developed  and  this  must  be  supported  by investment in the necessary analytical skills. Good governance is also about good management and having sufficient managerial capacity and skills to support the Department's change agenda.

Programme and Project Management

New skills are also required to deliver modern public services and particularly to deliver the scale of change  which  will  be  required  in  redesigning  health  and  social  care  in  the  future.  Programme management involves the delivery of effective change on time and to budget, whether this is a product such as an IT system, a new service development or a new way of working. In common with many complex  organisations,  the  Department  needs  to  improve  its  programme  and  risk  management capability. A new Programme Management Office has been established to oversee and help support delivery  of  the  portfolio  of  change  programmes  across  the  organisation.  However,  this  requires additional capacity to become fully functional. This will be critical to the successful delivery of the CSR plans and reform for health and social services.

Modern Corporate Services

Health and social care delivery requires effective support in areas such as finance, human resources and information systems. In each of these areas the Department has initiated reforms to improve the effectiveness of these services to better align them with the needs of business units in the Hospital,




Community & Social Services and Public Health. The Department is also working closely with the States  Treasurer,  Chief  Information  Officer  and  States  Director  of  Human  Resources  on  their programmes to deliver modern, effective corporate services.


In line with the recommendations of the Verita and Williamson Reports, there has been a strengthening of the leadership and management capacity in the Hospital and Community and Social Services directorate. Coupled with this is a clearer devolvement of accountability and responsibility for service delivery, financial management and governance. At the same time, there is a need to strengthen the ability of the corporate centre to hold these delivery units to account for their performance and implementation of appropriate strategic plans for change as they emerge from the Strategic Roadmap work during 2011. As a result, a Director of Commissioning will be recruited by summer 2011. This will ensure that commissioning skills are brought into the department to oversee the transformation of services as set out in the Roadmap. Given the likely need to develop non-hospital services in primary and community care settings, some additional commissioning expertise in these areas will also be required.





Target Completion Date (month, year)



Appointment of Interim Managing Director for the Hospital.

Appointment of Substantive postholder.

Chief Executive

May 2010

COMPLETED December 2010


Appointment of Interim Director of Human Resources.

Appointment of Substantive postholder – some additional resource required to secure the skill set required.  

Chief Executive and States Director of Human Resources

May 2010 COMPLETED June 2011


Development of new Corporate Management Executive and subcommittee structures to provide more effective management to the organisation.

Chief Executive



Establishment of a CSR Delivery Programme and Programme Management Office – additional resource required for effective functioning.

Chief Executive

Deputy Chief Executive

September 2010 COMPLETED


Appointment of joint Medical Directors.

Chief Executive and Managing Director Hospital

October 2010 COMPLETED







Appointment of permanent Managing Director Community and Social Services.

Chief Executive

November 2010 COMPLETED



Development of revised management and organisational structures for the Hospital, Community & Social Services and Public Health Directorates.

There are some key additional skill sets and capacity required, particularly in the Hospital but also in mental  health services, that require additional resources that are not yet available

Managing Director Hospital

Managing Director Community & Social Services

Medical Officer of Health

February 2011


Design and delivery of a series of Risk Management workshops to support the effective embedding of risk management practices across the organisation.

Director of Human Resources

Chief Nurse

February 2011


Develop a series of Delivery Skills workshops for managers and clinicians involved in delivering service changes.

Director of Human Resources

March 2011


Appointment of a Director of Commissioning/commissioning team.  Additional resources will be required  

Chief Executive

July 2011


This section considers the critical information development requirements to effectively manage the business through the rigorous use of key tools and measures including; a Performance Scorecard, Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios (HSMRs), Length of Stay, the introduction of Service Line Reporting, Workforce Plan/Scorecard, and more generally acknowledging how the IS Strategy may need to develop to meet the needs of a 21st Century workplace.

The Health and Social Services Department has for many years lacked complete information relating to clinical activities to support management decision making. The effect of this is that Health and Social services is, in this regard, considerably behind comparable UK organisations.

This section considers the development of core systems and the necessary support teams to ensure appropriate information is captured and made readily available to support management and clinical decisions.




Technical Team (The H&SS IS Business Support Group)

Considerable hardware upgrades for H&SS core systems have been undertaken as part of the ICR (Integrated Care Record) project. The H&SS IS Business Support Group (BSG) is the team that provides  administration,  technical  and  user  support  in  respect  of  H&SS  hardware  and  software applications. In conjunction with the States of Jersey Head of IS, the future options for the optimal management of the IS Business Support Group have been considered.

As part of this, the management structure will need to be re-designed to better reflect the service needs of the Department. A proposal to provide a transitional solution is being developing in collaboration with the Chief Minister's Department to change the way user support is provided for Health & Social Services IS systems.

Continued Development and Integration of H&SS clinical systems

The  Integrated  Care  Record  (ICR)  provided  a  vision  for  creating  a  single  patient  record  that encompassed all aspects of the patient's care. However, this vision ultimately proved too costly to deliver  and  whilst  the  platform  for  the  ICR  is  being  implemented,  the  scope  of  the  project  was considerably revised in 2009. The Patient Administration System (PAS) was planned to come on line at the end of 2010 and this has now been rescheduled for the end of summer 2011.

The revised go-live date is to help mitigate the clinical risks of implementing a new clinical system in the winter period where activities and priorities can change rapidly e.g. due to serious flu outbreak, extreme cold weather generating an increase in hospital admissions due to slips, traffic accidents and chest conditions etc. To move towards the long term vision of an ICR, several individual projects will be scoped based upon clinical opportunities where the benefits delivered will help generate the revenue required to meet the ongoing costs.

Development of a Dedicated Management Information Team

An effective Health & Social Services Department requires appropriately analysed information to enable effective management decision making and the monitoring of organisational performance. The current systems  and  technical  support  available  to  enable  this  information  to  be  captured  and  analysed requires a dedicated team with appropriate skill levels.

The information team will be focused to deliver corporate information on performance management, clinical effectiveness and strategic planning. This team will be fundamental in providing clinical activity information for the balanced score card, corporate performance indicators and to support performance management of the business. It will also be critical to the development, over time, of Service Level Reporting  (SLR),  Patient  Level  Information  Costing  (PLICs),  and  the  development  of  island  wide capacity plans to improve management of waiting lists.




Action  Lead  Target Completion Date

(month, year)

  1. Implement RIS/PAC (digital diagnostic  Managing Director  August 2010 imaging) system.  Hospital  COMPLETED
  2. Implement revised management  States Head of IS  January 2011 arrangements for H&SS Business

Support Group Technical (BSG) support


3  Develop new Service Level Agreement  States Head of IS  May 2011

(SLA) for the BSG Technical support

team to the Department.

  1. Recruitment of additional management  Director of Finance  June 2011 informatics support - if resources can be  and Information


  1. Complete PAS configuration and user  Managing Director  September 2011 testing ready for go-live.  Hospital
  2. Prepare detailed HSSD Management  Director of Finance  September 2011 Information Development plan.  and Information


The  Health  and  Social  Services  Department  is  a  uniquely  complex  organisation,  without  obvious counterparts in either the UK or the States of Jersey. This makes for unusual complexity in managerial arrangements over a variety of services and professional staff groups. This section looks at the critical workforce issues and the professional HR function required in managing the organisational and service change needed by the Department.

HR Function and Effectiveness

The Department recognises the need to strengthen the senior leadership to this function and strongly supports the substantive appointment of a director-level HR professional with established track record of delivery, particularly in acute health services. In addition, there is an urgent need to build appropriate capacity to help deliver the organisation's change agenda. This will enable people and workforce issues to be considered at the outset of any major change and ensure high level professional advice to the senior management team in HSSD. The function will also need to build critical skills and specialist knowledge in areas such as medical staffing, workforce planning and to simplify many of the HR processes and make better use of modern information systems to improve responsiveness.




Workforce Issues

Health and Social Services benefit from a dedicated and committed workforce with relatively low employee  turnover.  However  the  fundamental  workforce  model  suffers  the  challenge  of  lack  of economy of scale which larger organisations in the UK benefit from. The organisation needs to develop a new workforce model working closely with professional bodies to support future service delivery. This will require investment in building workforce planning capability and improved talent management of critical workforce groups.

Recruitment  and  retention  for  many  professional  groups,  particularly  critical  talent  pools  such  as qualified nurses, career grade doctors and social workers are now more challenging than they were 5 years ago. This is at a time when global demand for health and social care workers has increased to meet the demands of an aging population.

The  Department  will  also  need  to  invest  in  organisational  development  initiatives;  ensuring  an appropriate culture and management arrangements are in place to support the delivery of safe and effective care to the population of Jersey.

No.  Action  Lead  Target Completion Date

(month, year)

  1. Support to the Chief Executive in reviewing  Director of Human  July 2010

corporate governance arrangements and  Resources

put in place a new top team structure  COMPLETED

  1. Conduct a rapid review of all exclusion  Director of Human  July 2010

cases and put in place appropriate control  Resources

actions to address concerns  COMPLETED

  1. Deliver training workshops for managers,  Director of Human  September 2010 clinicians, HR staff and law officers in the  Resources

disciplinary and performance  COMPLETED management procedures to be adopted in

respect of medical staff

  1. Develop management guidance in support  Director of Human  September 2010 of the States Memorandum of  Resources

Understanding to assist managers and  COMPLETED clinicians in conducting investigations

where more than one agency is involved

  1. Develop HR governance and systems to  Director of Human  September 2010 strengthen recruitment and staffing  Resources

assurance in respect of medical locums  COMPLETED

  1. Deliver a reduction of £400,000 in  Director of Human  October 2010 management costs to support the  Resources

Department's 2011 CSR savings target  COMPLETED




  1. Design a Workforce Efficiency &  Director of Human  January 2011 Productivity Programme (WEPP) that  Resources

supports the delivery of CSR workforce

savings over 2012-13

  1. Improve retention and future recruitment  Director of Human  April 2011 through implementation of the new Staff &  Resources and

Associate Specialist contract  Managing Director


  1. Improve workforce capacity through  Director of Human  April 2011 completion of an effective international  Resources

nurse recruitment campaign and

implementation of the nursing terms &  Chief Nurse

conditions, subject to resources being

made available

  1. Improve the management of sickness  Director of Human  June 2011 absence through revised reporting and  Resources

management training to support service

delivery  Corporate



  1. Develop consistent induction  Director of Human  July 2011 arrangements and mandatory training  Resources

standards across all directorates and

professional groups

  1. Develop and implement a programme to  Director of Human  December 2011 improve both the uptake and effectiveness  Resources

of appraisals across all professional staff

groups in the organisation  Corporate







This section considers the finance and related information systems required to support a complex and unique  organisation  that  spans  many  varied  areas  of  activity.  It  focuses  on  improving  financial management and control (adherence to Financial Directions etc.) and developing appropriate financial information to support clinical activities, strategic planning and building procurement capability.

Scheme of Delegation and Basic Resource Accountabilities

The legacy management structure in the department has been restructured to better support the appropriate delegation of authority for budgets. In addition, clear accountabilities and reporting lines in the revised management structure have been introduced in the Hospital and in Community and Social Services.

An appropriate scheme of delegation is being established with budget holders clearly identified, trained and held accountable for resources under their control. The finance team will be able to provide better support to the reduced number of budget holders in the Department, making use of the Really Real Time (RRT) reporting tool.

Alignment of Financial Resources to Service Outputs, Benchmarking, Demonstration of VFM and appropriate Service Reporting

The  management  restructure  and  scheme  of  delegation  are  fundamental  in  ensuring  that  the Accounting  Officer  has  a  clear  hierarchy  of  accountability  for  the  total  resources  voted  to  the Department.

The next stage will be to ensure that all business units and financial resources are appropriately aligned to  the  delivery  of  agreed  service  outputs.  Corporate  support  and  overhead  costs  will  then  be apportioned to service areas on a monthly basis. The full cost of services will, thereafter, be monitored on a monthly basis, with a clear understanding as to the responsibility of corporate directors for the management  of  resources  within  their  control. This  is  called  Service  Line  Reporting  (SLR)  and effectively means that the Department will, moving forward, be able to fully articulate the actual cost of delivering any service on a monthly basis.

The benefit of structuring the Department in this way is that costs can then be benchmarked against UK Health and Social Care providers, helping to identify and control the key cost drivers. The Department will be in a better position to justify the additional costs i.e. diseconomies of scale operating in a small Island jurisdiction or target management action to reduce any source of in-efficiency.

Financial Control Environment, Polices and Procedures, compliance with financial Directions and Budget Holder Training

The  Department  is  further  strengthening  the  internal  control  environment  to  demonstrate  good stewardship and improve value for money. A considerable number of procedure documents have been developed to support budget holders in following H&SS Finance Polices and Financial Directions.  




Compliance with Financial Direction 5.7 and the Development of the H&SS Supplies and Procurement Team

The Department is providing better controls on procurement, particularly in respect of commodity items and consumables. We have also committed non recurrent investment in the Department's Procurement team and an appropriate process is being implemented during January and February 2011 to ensure all future procurement is appropriately aligned with a purchase order. Together with better inventory management and sourcing practice this is expected to lead to improved value for money and efficiency savings.

Contracting and Commissioning

The Department has replaced many of the legacy "grant funding" arrangements with clearly defined service level agreements. Standard terms and conditions for organisations that receive funding from the Department have been developed with clear service outputs specified. This development is already leading to improved monitoring of services in relation to cost and quality.

Service managers although required to manage these enhanced contracts often lack the time and, in some cases the necessary skills, to develop the quality standards further and monitor for delivery of agreed outputs. The Department also commissions specialist clinical services from UK healthcare providers and there is no dedicated resource to manage the information flows or the clinical outcomes from  these  high  value  contracts.  The  Department  is  therefore  investigating  ways  of  further strengthening contract management arrangements for third party providers.

No.  Action  Lead  Target Completion Date

(month, year)

  1. Enhance controls around H&SS purchase  Director of Finance  August 2010

card expenditure.  and Information  COMPLETED

  1. Commission a management report to  Director of Finance  October 2010

ensure that Jersey is paying appropriate  and Information

rates for UK clinical activity.  COMPLETED

  1. Ensure all "Strategic Users" in the  Director of Finance  October 2010 Department have been training to use the  and Information

Really Real Time (RRT) executive  COMPLETED console.

  1. Re-structure the Financial Management  Director of Finance  January 2011

team around newly defined management  and Information

and service areas.

  1. Implement revised scheme of delegation  Director of Finance  January 2011 for H&SS budget holders.  and Information
  2. Complete the development of the H&SS  Director of Finance  March 2011 procurement team to assist compliance  and Information

with Financial Direction 5.7.




  1. Ensure all budget holders have received  Director of Finance  April 2011 mandatory States of Jersey budget holder  and Information


  1. Deliver specific Department specific CSR  Director of Finance  May 2011 target savings for Pay to Procure project.  and Information
  2. Ensure all budget holders are utilising the  Director of Finance  June 2011 RRT financial reporting tool - dependant  and Information

on software development by JDE BSG

  1. Complete review of Departmental  Director of Finance  July 2011 Financial Procedure documents to assist  and Information

compliance with Financial Directions.

  1. Develop the Contracting function to  Director of Finance  September 2011 support the development and monitoring  and Information

of service delivery for contracted services.

  1. Develop the finance structures and  Director of Finance  October 2011 processes to enable initial implementation  and Information

of Service Line Reporting (SLR).


This section looks at how the existing Public Health function can become focused on core public health and health protection business to help inform proper decision making in the remodelling of services across the health and social care domain.

Increased joint working with other Departments and Agencies

The Public Health Department is looking to progress joint working, looking for synergies and added value through working in different ways. This may be with other parts of the Department (such as the new Directorate of Community and Social Services) or through cross-departmental initiatives such as the development of the Children's Plan.

The Public Health Department will also be looking for opportunities for more joined-up work with other States Departments. The benefits of this approach have been recognised in the November 2010 UK Department of Health White Paper, Healthy Lives, Healthy People, and include championing the local population's health through education, adult and children's social services, transport, environment, planning, housing, economic development, sport, leisure and tourism.

Strategic Health Protection across the Channel Islands

In  2011  the  Health  Protection  function  of  the  Public  Health  Service  will  be  redesigned.  Work  is underway with colleagues in Guernsey and locally in Planning & Environment to determine a better model of delivering this important function. The aim is to improve efficiency and increase resilience, maximising joint work at both the strategic and operational level across the Channel Islands. All opportunities for economies of scale, collaboration and joint appointments will be explored.









Target Completion Date (month, year)



Review range of functions provided within the Public Health Department in the context of the establishment of the new Community and Social Services Directorate

Medical Officer of

Health and Managing Director of Community

and Social Services

March 2011


Increased joint working with Guernsey and Planning & Environment in relation to Health Protection.

Medical Officer of Health, Guernsey Health Authorities and Planning and Environment, Jersey

April 2011


This section looks at the workspace and accommodation requirements for a modern 21st Century health and social care environment

Investment in Facilities

It is evident that there has been insufficient investment in the estate across Health and Social Services since the last major development at the General Hospital in 1987. Since then some investment has been made in service areas that include Day Surgery, ENT, Eyes, Radiology, A&E, within the hospital, Greenfields and the Assessment and Rehabilitation Centre at Overdale. The rest of the vast estate has been slowly deteriorating with ever reducing building maintenance and investment funding and the estate has fallen significantly behind the standard now generally expected in other jurisdictions.

Mitigation and Building Replacement Strategy

Short  term  actions  to  mitigate  potential  key  estate  risks  have  been  identified  in  advance  of implementation of the longer term solution (rebuilding or relocating of the Hospital and other facilities including mental health and social care facilities).

Strategies have been identified which will support the reduction of what are considered the highest risks. These will, where possible, identify older buildings that can be disposed of to generate capital funding for re-investing into bespoke modern and fit for purpose accommodation.

In order to advance these strategies, Health and Social Services is working closely with Property Holdings to identify which buildings would be best disposed of, their value and the required funding to rebuild.




No.  Action  Lead  Target Completion Date

(month, year)

  1. Implementation of Mitigating Action Plans  Managing Director  Rolling Programme of to reduce key estates related risks.  Hospital  works starting in January 2011

Director of Property


  1. Undertake a feasibility study for the  Managing Director  December 2011 redevelopment or relocation of the  Hospital

General Hospital once Strategic

Roadmap agreed.  Director of Property


  1. Deliver a programme of Modernisation of Managing Director  Rolling programme Children's' Homes.  Community & Social  starting in 2011 Services

Director of Property Services

  1. Review the provision of Group Homes for  Managing Director  Rolling programme both Special Needs Service and Mental  Community & Social  starting in 2011 Health.  Services

Director of Property Services

  1. Complete the disposal of the St Saviours  Managing Director  Outline Business Hospital site and the re provision of  Community & Social  Case to be developed Mental Health services to the Overdale  Services  in 2011


Director of Property


  1. Review the provision of Staff  Managing Director  Rolling programme Accommodation.  Hospital  starting in 2011

Director of Property Services





The Health and Social Services Department has the largest workforce in the States of Jersey. Staff work across more than 200 sites and deliver care 24/7, 365 days of the year. This makes for a uniquely challenging set of circumstances in which to communicate and engage with people. The organisation is going through a period of significant organisational and service changes, together with a programme of reforms to help deliver the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) savings agreed for the Department

Supporting Staff Engagement

Health and social care have many stakeholders with a legitimate interest in how services are managed and they will develop. Until recently the Department had no dedicated resource to help manage internal communications  or  proactively  manage  media  communications.  In  November  2010  a  full  time communications  professional  was  appointed.  A  Staff  Engagement  &  Communication  Plan  was developed to help involve staff in the changes which were being implemented as part of the CSR. To build on this a Partnership Forum was established with staff representatives and members of the Corporate  Management  Executive  chaired  by  the  Chief  Executive.  A  programme  of  CSR  Staff Workshops was initiated in November to engage staff from all professional groups and at each of our main locations on the need for change and seek their ideas on doing things differently to support the Department's savings goals.

Building an Open Culture

The importance of openness in a health and social care setting is critical to ensure safe services to patients and clients. We need to capitalise on the potential advantages of an integrated service by breaking down unnecessary barriers between and across professional groups.

Health and Social Services have a highly educated professional workforce who expect to be involved in, and consulted on, changes which affect them and their services. Staff working on the front line are also the people who often know ways to improve how their service is delivered, if they are empowered to do so. Whilst developing a new culture takes many years, the Department has started to build the necessary foundations for this new way of working.





Target Completion Date (month, year)



Development and implementation of Staff Engagement and Communication Plan to support delivery of the Department's CSR changes

Director of Human Resources



Delivery of regular CSR Briefing sessions with staff representatives to provide two way dialogue on the CSR changes

Director of Human Resources

Deputy Chief Executive








Develop a more open culture, through adoption of an Open Culture Action Plan, agreed by the Corporate Management Executive

Director of Human Resources

Chief Executive




Establishment of a Staff Partnership Forum enabling a single body for consultation with all the unions and staff representatives recognised by the organisations

Director of Human Resources



Development of a Whistle Blowing Protocol for the Department outlining how staff can raise concerns and escalate this if they feel their concern is not being appropriately addressed

Director of Human Resources

September 2010 COMPLETED


Commence delivery of a programme of CSR Staff Workshops to help communicate the need for change but also involve staff in eliciting ideas for savings and delivering services differently

Director of Human Resources

Deputy Chief Executive

November 2010 COMPLETED


Establish a comprehensive system for staff briefings to cascade business and service updates across the organisation, delivered by members of the senior management team

Director of Human Resources

Corporate Management Executive

March 2011


Improve alignment of corporate support services with the needs of the Hospital, Community & Social Services and Public Health Department through understanding new customer requirements

Director of Human Resources

Director of Finance & Information

Chief Ministers Department

March 2011


Building on previous work establish a Medical Engagement Plan to ensure clinical staff are effectively involved in and understand the business issues which affect delivery of services

Director of Human Resources, Managing Director Hospital, Managing Director Community & Social Services

May 2011



HSSD Legacy Management Structure

Senior Management Team 1st June 2010 Chief Minister's Department

Senior HR Chief Executive Manager

Directorate Manager  Directorate Manager Directorate Manager Directorate Manager Director of Nursing & Medical Officer of  3x Acting Medical Directors  Director of Corporate  Acting Chief Ambulance  Director of  Director of Estates

Mental Health Surgery Medicine Social Services Governance Health Planning & Performance  Director of Strategy Officer Finance & Information

21 R.153/2010

[a]HSSD Management Structure- Current State

Chief Minister's Department

Corporate Management Team – December 2010 Interim Director of Human Resources

Chief Executive

Deputy Chief  Director of MMaannaaggiinng Diirreecctotor r  MMaannaaggiinng Diirreecctotor r  EDxireeccutotri voef Finance  Finance

HHoossppititaall SCSCooococmmiiaammllS[b]uuenenriritvtvyiycic&e&es s MMededicicaal lOOfffiiccer  off HHeeaalthlth CChhiieef Nuurrssee DeirpeucttyoCr hoife fSEtrxaetceugtiyve & Information & Information

Delivery Group Clinical Group Corporate Group

Managing Director,  Managing Director,

Medical Officer of  Chief Nurse Director of   Deputy Chief  Director of Finance  Director of Human Hospital Community &

Health Strategy Executive & Information  Resources Social Services


Unscheduled CareAdult ServicesHealth PromotionClinical GovernanceStrategic Ministerial OfficeFinancial Human Resources

Development Accounting & Control

Inpatient CareChildren's ServicesHealth ProtectionClinical AuditSpending ReviewMedical Staffing


Women & ChildrenSpecial NeedsHealth IntelligenceNursing & Midwifery Business PlanningOrganisational

Accounting &

Education Training &  Development Ambulatory CareMental HealthRegistration & Litigation &  Business Decision


Inspection Legislation Support

Theatres & Drug & Alcohol


AnaestheticsHealth Care CommunicationsProcurement &

Psychology Development

Programmes Supplies

Clinical Support Complaints

Nursing Homes


Policy &

Residential Care  Systems

Operational  Performance

Support ServicesPsychiatry


FacilitiesOccupational  Governance



Speech &

Ambulance Service

Language Therapy

HSSD Management Structure – Future State

Chief Minister's Department

 Proposed Corporate Management Team –

Chief Executive  To be Appointed Director of

Human Resources








Managing Director  Managing Director  Medical Officer of Health  Chief Nurse   Deputy Chief Executive  Director of Finance  To be Appointed Hospital  Community &  & ICT  Director of

Social Services  Commissioning

Delivery Units Clinicians Corporate

Delivery Group  Clinical Group Corporate Group

Managing Director,  Managing Director,

Medical Officer of  Chief Nurse  Director of   Deputy Chief  Director of Finance  Director of Human Hospital Community &

Health Commissioning Executive & Information  Resources Social Services


Unscheduled Care Adult Services Health Promotion Clinical Governance Commissioning Ministerial Office Financial Human Resources Inpatient Care Children's Services Health Protection Clinical Audit Service Level Spending Review  Accounting & Control Medical Staffing Women & Children Special Needs Health Intelligence Nursing & Midwifery  Agreements Business Planning Management Organisational Ambulatory Care Mental Health Registration &  Education Training & Contracted ServicesLitigation &  Accounting &  Development

Theatres & Drug & Alcohol  Inspection  Development  Legislation  Business Decision

Anaesthetics Health Care Practice DevelopmentCommunications  Support


Clinical Support Nursing Homes  Programmes Complaints Procurement &

Services Residential Care Policy &  Supplies

Operational Support Performance Information

Services POscyccuhpiaattiroynal Information  Systems

Facilities  Therapy  Governance

Estates Speech & Language

Ambulance Service  Therapy

Budget:  Budget:  Budget:  Budget:  Budget:  Budget:  Budget:  Budget:  

Staff:  Staff:  Staff:  Staff:  Staff:  Staff:  Staff:  Staff:

HSSD Corporate Management Executive & Sub Committees

Corporate Governance – July 2010

Corporate Management Executive

Integrated Governance Committee

Hospital Operational  Community & Social Services

Group Operational Group

Hospital Care  Community & Social Services Quality Group Care Quality Group