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States Members' Remuneration Review Body: Recommendations for 2013

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Presented to the States on 30th October 2012 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee


2012   Price code: B  R.132


The  Privileges and  Procedures  Committee  is  pleased  to  present to the  States  the recommendations  of  the  States  Members'  Remuneration  Review  Body  (SMRRB) for 2013.  The  terms  of  reference  of  the  SMRRB  require  it  to  present  its recommendations  to  PPC  and  the  Committee  is  then  obliged  to  present  the recommendations to the States.

In accordance with the revised Terms of Reference agreed by the States in June 2012, the recommendations of the Review Body in this report will be implemented by default after one month of the date of presentation to the States unless they are challenged by the lodging of a proposition by any member and a subsequent debate.

PPC would like to express its sincere gratitude to the members of the SMRRB for the work that they continue to do on an honorary basis on their task and for the very comprehensive way in which they have approached it again this year.


  1. The  Review  Body  will  make  recommendations  to  the  States,  through  the Privileges  and  Procedures  Committee,  on  any  matters  relating  to  the remuneration and expenses of elected members as it considers appropriate.
  2. The Review Body shall take any steps it considers necessary to gauge public opinion on the matters within its purview. Equally, the Review Body shall seek the  opinions  of  members  of  the  States  from  time  to  time  as  it  considers appropriate.
  3. In forming  its  recommendations the Review  Body will  take  account  of  any matters that it considers to be relevant and will have particular regard to, but not be bound by, the following matters –
  1. the  principles  that  the  level  of  remuneration  available  to  elected members should be sufficient to ensure that no person is precluded from serving as a member of the States by reason of insufficient income and  that  all  elected  members  should  be  able  to  enjoy  a  reasonable standard of living, so that the broadest spectrum of persons are able to serve as members of the Assembly;
  2. the economic and fiscal situation prevailing in Jersey, any budgetary restraints on the States of Jersey and the States' inflation target, if any, for the period under review.


  1. The Review Body shall consist of 5 members, none of whom shall be a member of the States.
  2. The members shall be appointed for a period of 5 years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one additional 5 year term.
  3. The members shall be appointed by the Privileges and Procedures Committee following  requisite  consultation  with  the  Jersey  Appointments  Commission. Before making any appointments the Committee shall nevertheless be required to  present  a  report  to  the  States  setting  out  the  names  of  the  proposed appointees and the appointments shall not be confirmed by the Committee until at least 15 days after the presentation of this report.
  4. The Review Body shall appoint one of its members as Chairman.
  5. The quorum of the Review Body is 3.


  1. The  Review  Body  shall  report  its  recommendations  to  the  Privileges  and Procedures Committee which shall present them to the States forthwith.
  2. The Review Body's recommendations on the actual level of remuneration and expenses payable to elected members shall be implemented automatically unless a proposition seeking a debate on the recommendations is lodged au Greffe' within one month of the date of presentation.
  3. The Review Body may make recommendations on other matters within its terms of  reference  to  the  Privileges  and  Procedures  Committee  but  any  such recommendations shall not be implemented until they have been agreed by the States.

Membership of the SMRRB Mr. Julian Rogers (Chairman)

Mr. Brian Bullock Mr. Maurice Dubras Mr. John Mills, C.B.E.