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Presented to the States on 13th June 2016
by the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture
2016 R.62
Introduction 3 Physical and Digital Storage 13
Island Wide Identi 4 Conservation and Environment 14 Case Study - What s Your Street s Story? 4 Appraisal 14
Communi and Learning 6 Cataloguing 15 Case Study - Who do You Catalogued Records 16
ink You Are? Live 6 No of Records Catalogued and
Case Study - Reminiscence 7 Available to Search Online 18
Backlog in Years
International and Economic Impact 8 (Projected with current staff) 19 Case Study - Jersey Heritage Archives
and Collections Online 8 Closed Records 20
Case Study - Petitions from Prisoners Accountabili 9 to the Home Secretary, 1937 - 1940 20 Case Study - Children s Home Inquiry 9
Case Study - Archiving Websites 9 Access 22 Public Records Law Compliance 10 Management and Oversight 23
Records Management 10
Appraisal 11 Appendix A
Public Records transferred in 2015 24 Transfer 12 Appendix B
Key Performance Indicators 38
Archives are a unique irreplaceable record telling the Permanent staff numbers continue to be at levels that Dr story of the development of Jersey. Archives help us to Norman James of e National Archive highlighted in define our island wide identi , they act as a means to his 2008 report:
learn more about our local communi , have an impact
on the international perception of Jersey and are an 4.4. e staff resources available to the Jersey Archive impartial voice providing legal evidence of activities are inadequate to meet its commitments to the Trust, and government accountabili . the States government and its other stakeholders,
especially members of the public.
In 2015 archive staff catalogued over 20,000
records and added thousands of images to our online We will continue to work with public institutions catalogue. e team continue to provide a records on the transfer of records, manage the archives in our management, transfer, storage, cataloguing and care and promote the widest possible access to the enquiry service for all public institutions under the records that we hold on behalf of the Island.
Public Records Law.
We will also work with partners such as the Social
rough in person visits to the archive, distance Securi Communi Jobs Fund team and enquiries and our online catalogue we have connected to develop our online resource which creates income with over 60,000 individuals around the world to help through subscription, with Proper Holdings and them discover the unique Jersey story which forms part the construction team on the feasibili study for the
of their heritage. new archive strongroom block and with colleagues at
Information Services on the development of strategies In 2016 we face the challenge of a reduction in staff for the digital transfer of public records to Jersey numbers of over 30% a er the completion of a two Archive.
year service level agreement with the Chief Minister s
Department. Whilst we have retained 1 of the 5.6 staff
employed under this agreement through a yearlong Linda Romeril
extension, this will have an inevitable impact on the Archives and Collections Director
services provided by the archive to public institutions Jersey Heritage
and cataloguing rates will fall.
Archives help people feel a sense of connection with and belonging to their Island, home, organisation, school and family.
Jersey Archive works on a number of outreach projects across the island, talking to local groups such as WIs, offering opportunities for schools to interact with primary sources and taking part in initiatives such as the Channel Islands Heritage Festival and Jersey Festival of Words.
Case Study What s Your Street s Story?
In 2015 we continued the successful What s Your Street s Story? project. e project looked at the history and stories of the people, communi and properties of eight different areas of the Island including St Aubin s Harbour, Havre des Pas, St Ouen s Village and Halkett Place.
For each area and communi we created an e Cour de Cattel records at Jersey Archive article for the Jersey Evening Post, told the stories show that 12 men were sent to view the body with BBC Radio Jersey and gave a talk at Jersey of Michael Jenkinson which was found in the Archive for members of the public on one of our public road near St Aubin at the foot of Mont de open Saturdays. la Rocque . e men agreed that the death was
caused by a cut of the sword in the thigh.
What s Your Street s Story aims to involve
members of local communities in the stories e Havre des Pas team found out some of the and history of their area. e project has evolved stories of the hotels in the area:
from a talk researched and given by archive
staff to include co-production with communi Hotels dominated the Havre des Pas area into groups working with archive staff to discover and the twentieth century. e Marina Hotel was research the stories that will appear in the talk. converted into a boarding house at the turn of In 2015 two communi groups spent over 130 the twentieth century by Nathaniel Nicholls, a hours working with staff to research the history boarding house keeper from Cornwall. His lack of St Aubin s Harbour and Havre des Pas. of knowledge of local laws is illustrated when in
1905 he can be found in the Magistrate s Court e St Aubin s group discovered information selling liquor without a licence. He was found about the 17th century privateers: with over 100 bottles of claret, ale, cider and a
stock of champagne. He claimed that as he was On the a ernoon of 7th December 1646 a not selling the alcohol for profit but at cost
Royalist Lieutenant named Manuel Clement was price he should be exempt from needing the drinking in a tavern with Michael Jenkinson, the licence but this plea fell on deaf ears and he master mariner of Sir George Carteret s galley. was fined £10.
ey fell into a dispute over a bill and Jenkinson
in his anger flung his money on the table and
made for the door saying he would pay no more.
Clement drew his sword and rushed a er him,
ran him through and le him dead in the gutter.
Archives help people feel a part of and get involved with their local communi through partnerships with other organisations, volunteering opportunities, group visits and workshops.
ey promote opportunities for lifelong learning.
Jersey Archive benefits from nearly 1,500 volunteer hours each year from individuals involved in indexing, scanning, researching and packaging projects. e Channel Islands Family History Socie also provide volunteers to help members of the public with their research on the 161 days that the archive is open.
Case Study Who do You ink You Are? Live
Jersey Archive works with partner organisations as part of the Jersey Family History Forum. e Forum was established to promote the study of family history by all those with Jersey roots, whether they live in the Island or in places such as Australia or Canada, which have seen strong migration from Jersey.
e Forum is a partnership between Jersey Heritage, the Channel Islands Family History Socie , the SociØtØ Jersiaise, Jersey Library, the Office of the Superintendent Registrar and the Parish of St Helier.
In April 2015 the Forum, with the support of Education, Sport and Culture, attended Who do You ink You Are? Live, Europe s most comprehensive family history event. e Forum worked together to promote the Island as a place to come to find out more about Jersey ancestors.
e populari of Jersey as a family history destination is increasing. In 2015 over half the newly registered readers at the archive who listed their country of residence were not from the Island.
Case Study - Reminiscence
Jersey Heritage uses both archive and museum collections as part of its reminiscence programme. e programme is run from Jersey Archive and in 2015 staff participated in 12 reminiscence sessions working with over 220 adults to show them objects, programmes and photographs which sparked memories and discussion.
Jersey Heritage also runs a loan box scheme, allowing residential homes and groups to borrow boxes of duplicate or handling material to use when talking to groups about their memories and experiences of the past. In 2015 8 boxes were loaned.
Reminiscence therapy has a positive impact on well-being and research shows that it can bring benefits to those living with dementia:
Reminiscence therapy is usually described as the use of triggers, that promote the recollection of life histories, or overall stimulation of the mind, with a very positive impact in overall well-being. e therapy has been used with people living with dementia, with very positive impact and results in their overall health, comfort and sense of securi
Archives help Jersey to promote the catalogue and digitising new collections. As
part of the re-launch Jersey Heritage worked with our unique cultural heritage, allowing the Ancestry site access to
to a worldwide audience. ey our indexes giving the collections we hold a truly
global reach.
inspire people to discover more
about our Island and its people. Recehsoeaes orch cur oarwrin fied onudt bingy ts ihn Je Nerasteioy ananl Ad srhchowives s
there has been a consistent trend towards
greater online searching of archive data and
Case Study Jersey Heritage Archives that digitised collections are the main driver for and Collections Online online engagement. In its report Digital Services
and Archive Engagement 2014, National Archives In 2015 Jersey Heritage re-launched the Archives
reported an increase of 1.6% in the number of people and Collections online catalogue. e new
using its website, with more than two thirds of
look catalogue included over 90,000 images of
people using the site to view digitised documents. Occupation Registration Cards available to view
and download either on a pay per view basis or By developing the online catalogue and placing
as part of an annual online subscription for the more images online we can promote worldwide
first time. access to Jersey s unique heritage. We encourage
people to discover they have Jersey roots and then
e re-launch was the result of a number of
visit the Island. We generate income through pay per years work with volunteers, Family Search and
view downloads and subscriptions which can then Communi Job s Fund posts attaching images to
fund future digitisation projects.
Archives help people to Case Study Archiving Websites
make informed decisions In 21st century socie a significant amount of public and act as evidence of records and comment on public projects only exists
online through websites, social media and blogs. In political, communi 2015 Jersey Heritage formed a partnership with the
and personal actions. Bparirttinesh Lrs ihbi rp aarly wlowhs Jo aerrscehy aive trchhe .cive so.tuak dff to aomcaciens. s the e
British Library s web archiving so ware and to add Case Study Children s Home Inquiry sites with Jersey content. e sites are then crawled
on a regular basis and copies stored and made
From 2008 2011 over 21 cubic meters or 500 available by the British Library.
boxes of records were transferred to Jersey Archive
Since the formation of the partnership archive staff from the Children s Services division of Health
have added over 60 Government websites including and Social Services and from individual children s, and http://www.jersey2015. homes. e records were transferred to ensure
com (for the Nat West Island Games).
appropriate management, securi and impartial
storage of the records. In 2016 we aim to continue to add both sites and
social media to the collection and will be seeking the Since June 2014 staff at the archive have spent over
public s opinion as to which sites should be added to 400 hours liaising with the Independent Jersey Care
show not only the government of Jersey but also all Inquiry and producing files for the Inquiry to view.
aspects of socie in the Island.
Archive staff have also worked with the Inquiry to
ensure that a retention schedule is in place for their
own records.
e Public Records Law was introduced to ensure that records produced by Public Institutions are correctly managed. e Law gives Jersey Heritage and
ARCHIVE the Archivist a number of duties to perform with the ultimate aim of preserving OR DESTROY is diagram shows USE and providing public access to the archival records which tell the story of
the management Jersey s cultural, social, economic and political development.
of records through
their life cycle.
rough our work under the Public Records Law Jersey Heritage provides a service to all public institutions to assist with the management of records from creation to disposal.
APPRAISAL RETAIN e Archive team meet with all separate sections and functions of each public OR REVIEW institution to discuss the roles that they perform and the records they create.
e team then identi those records with long-term archival value and work with the institution to decide how long records with no archival value should be kept for.
is work results in the production of a retention schedule which lists the records produced, length of time they should be retained for and whether they should be transferred to Jersey Archive or destroyed.
Over the past two years, through a fixed term service level agreement with Records that relate to notable events or persons;
the Chief Minister s Department funded by FOI implementation Jersey Records that are suitable for statistical and quantitative analysis; Heritage has made significant progress in ensuring that retention schedules
Records that show the development of communities in Jersey and are in place for the majori of public institutions.
Records that can be used in the growing field of genealogical research.
Schedules should be reviewed on a five yearly basis to ensure that the
changing roles and functions of public institutions are included. In 2015 over 2,500 records were appraised prior to transfer of relevant
material to the Jersey Archive.
Schedules also need to be produced for bodies that fall under the Public
Records Law as corporations owned by the States or in which the States have
a controlling interest. 200 APPRAISAL
Once documents have been retained for the appropriate period of time 150 they are appraised against the agreed retention schedule before being
transferred to Jersey Archive or destroyed. Jersey Heritage staff work with
public institutions to appraise the records and to archive those that meet the
following criteria: 100 Records that show Jersey s social development, including demographic,
cultural and economic change;
Rtieme acordns td ahsast dist wocuitmeh tnht ce hhiastongreic i, conntetrinpurei atatinon od d f seveucloh cpmehannt igen Js;ersey over 50 Records that show States administration s policies, procedures and decision
making processes;
RSteactoers ods tf Jherast sey aho dw aminnd distoractuiomensn; t the significant functions and activities of NO. OF RETENTION SCHEDULES 0
Records that show changes to Jersey s physical environment;
2013 2014 2015 2016
120 90
60 30 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
In 2015 119 new collections of records were received from Public Institutions. Each new transfer is cleaned, repackaged and accessioned with basic details of the collection recorded on the adlib database.
Since the introduction of Freedom of Information and as a result of the work that the archive staff have carried out appraising and producing retention schedules the number of collections transferred has risen significantly over the past 5 years.
A er transfer the management of the collections, care of the material and the initial enquiries into access are all handled by archive staff.
Appendix A is a list of all collections transferred by public institutions in 2015.
In 2015 35 cubic meters of It is vital that building start as soon as possible to
ensure that Jersey Heritage can continue to accept records were transferred to the transfer of public records under the Law.
the Jersey Archive, a 46% Transfers of digital material to Jersey Archive are increase on the amount of slowly increasing and a recent survey of public
physical material transferred imnasttietruitail tonhs hat ias ds suhe to bown te ahart ochveiver 9d0. % he aave drchive igit al in 2014. is brings the total team are working with the Information Management
amount of physical storage at tmeaam aterianl cd Iann bfore smamtioootn Shley trvriacnes to esferrend to tsure thhe aat drcihgive ital the archive to 706 cubic meters with appropriate securi and evidential value.
leaving only 3.3 years of space e feasibili study into the new strongroom
for additional records. bfolor ack irchnivcluadl mes paterorivail bsioun ft woir a nell not cw soveerr tvehr re cooom sts
of setting up and running an appropriate digital We are aware that the conclusion of the Children s storage solution for the long-term preservation
Home Inquiry in Jersey will bring with it an official of archival digital files.
transfer of at least 22 cubic meters of records to
Jersey Archive.
In 2015 a feasibili study began into the new archive strongroom block, which has been included in the current States of Jersey Medium Term Financial Plan.
When documents arrive at Jersey Archive their physical condition is assessed by our Conservator. Records have o en been stored in unsuitable damp or dir conditions and our first job on arrival of a new collection is to clean, repackage and monitor the material for mould growth or insect damage. Once collections are in a stable condition they are placed in the strongrooms to await cataloguing.
Preservation treatment of some collections can take several months of time consuming cleaning and mould removal. In 2015, through the Freedom of Information Service Level Agreement the Conservator had two assistants working with her on the preservation of archival material. As a result over 650 large boxes of material were cleaned and repackaged.
Ensuring a stable, clean environment for storage of records at Jersey Archive is essential for the long-term preservation of the material. e archive team aim to meet British and European Standards for the storage of archival records and the brief for the new strongroom block includes reference to these standards.
PD: 5454 indicates a standard of 35 - 60% RH and 13 20"C for mixed archival materials. Specific cold storage requirements for photographs and film are met in our air-conditioned cold rooms. e passive environmental control used in the strongroom block is generally able to maintain RH within the range set by PD 5454 and dehumidifiers are switched on as the RH approaches 60%.
e low winter temperatures are controlled well and at no point did the temperatures drop below the required 13oC. High summer temperatures continue to be challenging for the passive system and similar to previous years the summer months saw the upper limit of 20oC being exceed in all storage areas. Summer 2015 was mild so the top temperatures were not as high as in previous years and the period during which the upper limit of 20oC was exceeded was significantly shorter. e maximum temperature during 2015 was 23.2oC Improvements to temperature management in the Summer months are being reviewed as part of the feasibili study into the new strongroom block.
Physical conservation of individual items is a time consuming process and each year we aim to conserve a small number of items that are in such poor condition that they are in danger of further deterioration and cannot be used by members of the public.
In 2015 we used an external firm of archive conservators to repair 17 volumes. ese included a Jersey Shipping Register dating from 1855 1858. e register includes details of the registration date of ship in Jersey, the name of the ship, the owners of the ship, master of the ship, size of ship, pe of ship, where it was built, transactions involving the ship and what ultimately happened to the ship.
e registers help us tell the story of this important part of Jersey s 19th Century development.
e detailed cataloguing and indexing of archival records demands a wide breadth of knowledge from the cataloguing team. Records that come to Jersey Archive under the Public Records Law reflect all the functions of local and central government;
from 16th century legal records to technical records of
construction projects;
from political developments and papers to 19th century
from 21st century digital material to the complexities of
planning and environmental records and
e cataloguing of each new collection requires the member
of staff to gain an understanding of the public institution that produced the records and the policies, procedures and processes behind each function and section of the institution.
In 2015 staff catalogued public records from the Chief Minister s Department, Department for Infrastructure, Department of the Environment, Department for Education, Treasury, States Greffe and Judicial Greffe.
Of the thousands of records catalogued during the year the following encapsulate the abili of archives to show us the smallest details and personal impacts of events with the world wide importance of the Second World War, the Jersey reaction to the threat of nuclear emergency during the cold war, the importance of petitions in showing public opinion and the relevance of archives to current events such as the UK EU Referendum to be held this year.
from parochial responsibilities and the honorary system to
records of medical care.
Requisition Order 1598; receipt for billiard table from Royal Yacht Hotel for the German Forces, Mayfair Hotel, 1941
Aliens Card of Brunhilde Kuhne with change of Nationali from Austrian to German a er the Anschluss of 1938
e petition opposing the flooding of Queen s Valley which had over 11,000 signatures but was ultimately unsuccessful, 1985
Dra broadcast scripts including announcements, summaries and talks to inform, instruct and advise the public in preparation for or response to a nuclear emergency, 1972
Report and Recommendations on all Matters Relating to the Government s Application to Join the European Economic Communi , 1967
225,000 150,000
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Records Catalogued 5,545 7,478 9,121 6,918 7,796 20,750 Records Online 213,348 218,893 226,371 235,492 242,410 250,206 270,956
Cataloguing is an essential part of providing access to collections for public institutions and members of the public. Each catalogue entry becomes available to search on our online catalogue
BACKLOG IN YEARS(Projected with current staff)
50.0 37.5 25.0 12.5
| ||
In 2016 with the completion of our two year service level agreement with the Chief Minister s Department cataloguing staff numbers have been cut by 66%. is cut will have a significant impact on cataloguing services provided by the archive.
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Backlog in Years (Projected with current staff)
At the start of each year new Case Study - Petitions from Prisoners to
the Home Secretary, 1937 1940
archival records are opened
to the public a er closure Jersey Prisoners had a right to petition the Home
Secretary on a number of matters, some of the periods of 30, 50, 75 and 100 petitions in the file that has now been opened ask for
years. In November 2015 the rceomndisitsiioonn os af snd sentoeme cnceso, smopme clain aombopulat bin aotbh louoct pal arisnod n Archivist reviewed over 200 national authorities.
records and sent details and Included in the file is the petition of Arnold Edward recommendations to each ZEidg Zdiae Cg dhuarpinmg tan whe Sheo bcoencd Wame norld Wotoraior. Cus ahas Apmgaen wnt as
public institution as to whether recruited from the Channel Islands by the Germans the files should be opened to bmuuct th ournef thd de woubar. le agent and spied for British for
the public or if they should be
Prior to the Second World War Chapman initially subject to exemptions under lived a life of pet crime and then became part of
the FOI law. 94% of records tin Whe Loornmdwon Good Sancg srubcesne s. Chearpvminag a pn wars oison bn saenil iten nce reviewed in 2015 are now open Scotland a er ing to blow up the safe of the
for the public to come and Ethde Cinbhuarngneh Cl Ios-loapnedrsa. tive Socie when he fled to consult at the Jersey Archive.
e Police followed him to Jersey and raided the Hotel de la Plage where Chapman was staying with his future wife. Chapman made a spectacular escape through the dining room window. Chapman committed a number of pet the s in Jersey and was sentenced to two years hard labour at the Royal Court on 11th March 1939.
Chapman s petition to the Home Secretary gives a glimpse into his complex personali . He relates that he was arrested by the Edinburgh Police, conveniently does not mention that he skipped bail, but highlights that the Police confiscated his suitcase, overcoat and shoes and that they have not been returned. He goes on to complain about the Bournemouth Police who conducted the raid on the Hotel de la Plage;
e Bournemouth English Police came over to Jersey to arrest me for an offence in that town. ey found themselves unable to do so...... they raided the hotel I was staying at and seized my luggage .
He petitions the Home Secretary for return of his clothes.
He finally asks the Home Secretary if he can possibly help him get his bail money back from the Scott ish Solicitor he gave it to before he broke his bail and fled to Jersey.
Access to records is a vital part of the archive s work under
the Public Records Law. It allows people to view the records of government for their own research or leisure use, for professional purposes and as part of the accountabili of government bodies to socie .
People access archives in different ways and the development of our online catalogue in 2015 has led to a significant increase in online access to and interaction with archival material. In 2015 our online catalogue had 89,488 visits, there were 3,170 visits to the archive in person and we received 3,041 distance enquiries from individuals and public institutions.
Many thanks for your help and advice. is is an impressive facili with very helpful assistants. e best centre of its pe that I have ever encountered.
ank goodness there are organisations like yourselves so that we can preserve our history. Very helpful and informative.
I am really happy with the service thank you. I have received my subscription and it works very well, and I m thrilled to have access to this area. So much information.
anks so much for sending this information over. I found it a fascinating read. I have to say I think the work you guys do at the archive is incredible and especially helpful to me in terms of bringing that history to life through contemporary public art commissions.
e work of both Jersey Heritage and the Archivist under the Public Records Law is reviewed by the Records Advisory Panel. e Panel have an advisory role and under the law may provide advice to the Archivist, Jersey Heritage, the Minister and Public Institutions.
e Panel are also required to approve the standards under which the Jersey Archive operates and in 2015 they approved the National Archive Accreditation scheme and PD5454: Guide for the Storage and Exhibition of Archival Materials as appropriate standards for the Archive to operate under.
e Archive has full Archive Accreditation at the highest level a er applying to the scheme in 2014. e assessors noted:
e Archive Accreditation Panel felt that this was overall a very strong application, which meets all requirements of the Accreditation Standard one of only a few to do so in the scheme s history. ey considered that the assessment demonstrated a very well run service, with a clear policy direction and an important role in the public accountabili of the government of Jersey.
e Records Advisory Panel s 6 year term ended in December 2015. A new Panel was recruited and appointed by the Minister at the end of the year and sworn in in January 2016.
e Archive holds an annual internal stocktake of all items catalogued and viewed during the year. We are also externally audited by a colleague from Guernsey Museums Service. 100% of items checked were located in the 2015 stocktake.
Bailiff 's Chambers | Bailiff 's Chambers additional deposit of general correspondence files and Cour Royale Notes D'Audience, 1899-2004 | JA/2753 | 01/07/2015 |
Bailiff 's Chambers | Bailiff 's Chambers additional deposit of general correspondence files, c1950's-2010 | JA/2765 | 20/07/2015 |
Bailiff 's Chambers | Bailiff 's Chambers additional deposit of general correspondence files and warrant file, c1950's-2000's | JA/2769 | 27/07/2015 |
Chief Minister's Department | Chief Minister's Department additional deposit, includes; Chief Minster correspondence files, Haut de la Garenne email files, IMF action plans, Fiscal Stimulus Steering Group Files and Jersey College for Girls files, 2004-2013 | JA/2650 | 28/01/2015 |
Chief Minister's Department | Mapping Services deposit of St Helier Street Maps, 1977 | JA/2805 | 01/10/2015 |
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association | Commonwealth Parliamentary Association additional deposit of the Jersey Branch Newsletter, 2015 | JA/2853 | 03/12/2015 |
Comptroller and Auditor General | Comptroller and Auditor General document published on the web, 2015 | JA/2655 | 06/02/2015 |
Customs and Immigration Service | Customs and Immigration Service additional deposit of a Registration card and form for Margaret Patricia Veronica Wilkinson, 1940 | JA/2678 | 06/03/2015 |
Customs and Immigration Service | Jersey Customs and Immigration Service additional deposit of a case file, 2014-2015 | JA/2699 | 15/04/2015 |
Customs and Immigration Service | Customs and Immigration Service additional deposit of Royal Court case files, 2012- 2014 | JA/2704 | 21/04/2015 |
Customs and Immigration Service | Jersey Customs and Immigration Service additional deposit of Royal Court case files, 2012-2015 | JA/2827 | 26/10/2015 |
Department of the Environment | Department of the Environment additional deposit of sample entries from school competition relating to ecoactive/energy efficiency competition, 2013 | JA/2636 | 14/01/2015 |
Department of the Environment | Department of the Environment additional deposit, includes; Planning and Building Control files relating to development control, legislation and guidance notes,1997-2013 | JA/2676 | 05/03/2015 |
Department of the Environment - Rural Economy Finance Team | Rural Economy additional deposit, includes; templates of application forms, overview of historic loans, Agricultural Loans Advisory Board information, correspondence and meeting minutes, 1968-1999 | JA/2637 | 14/01/2015 |
Economic Development Department | Economic Development Department additional deposit, includes; Trading Standards-Inventory of standards and certificates of testing Jersey standards, 1950- 2010 | JA/2661 | 10/02/2015 |
Education Sport and Culture Department | Education, Sport and Culture department additional deposit, includes; Heads and governing bodies meeting minutes, reports, business plans, strategies, correspondence, validated school self-evaluation reports, programmes and curriculum guides, c1928-2013 | JA/2630 | 07/01/2015 |
Education Sport and Culture Department | Education, Sport and Culture Department additional deposit of posters for events at Fort Regent, c1990's | JA/2635 | 14/01/2015 |
Education Sport and Culture Department | Education, Sport and Culture additional deposit, includes; child care registration requirements, reports, reviews, handbooks, projects, policy formulation and correspondence, c1951-2014 | JA/2658 | 07/02/2015 |
Education Sport and Culture Department | Education, Sport and Culture additional deposit, includes; Primary and Secondary Schools, Highlands College and Jersey Instrumental Music Service development plans, reports, publications, policies, correspondence, press releases and plans. Finance age weighted pupil units; guidelines for Central Library; student grant changes; control of school funds 1978-2014 | JA/2673 | 03/03/2015 |
Education Sport and Culture Department | Education, Sport and Culture additional deposit, includes; reports, press releases, regulations, plans for schools and staff houses, consultations, meeting minutes and registration documents, 1962-2005 | JA/2687 | 31/03/2015 |
Education Sport and Culture Department | Education, Sport and Culture additional deposit of leaflets for apprentice applicants and employers in relation to Trackers - e Apprentice Programme, 2015 | JA/2727 | 04/06/2015 |
Education Sport and Culture Department | Education, Sport and Culture Department additional deposit, includes; teachers salary sheets, pension correspondence, budgets and estimates, 1913-1982 | JA/2745 | 17/06/2015 |
Education Sport and Culture Department | Education, Sport and Culture additional deposit, includes; budgets, committee agendas, head teacher meetings, council notes, correspondence files and papers on Working Parties, 2003-2012 | JA/2771 | 30/07/2015 |
Employment and Social Securi Department | Social Securi Department additional deposit of Box GOV006 and GOV008 relating to Health Service disciplinary tribunals, 1981-1995 | JA/2641 | 20/01/2015 |
Employment and Social Securi Department | Social Securi additional deposit, includes; various photos, committee reports, statement of accounts, review of Special Needs Employment Service, business plans, strategic review, action plan, financial report and Island of Jersey census - Report, 1946-2005 | JA/2682 | 25/03/2015 |
Employment and Social Securi Department | Social Securi additional deposit of blank forms relating to the Back to Work scheme and job event flyers, c2014-2015 | JA/2791 | 28/08/2015 |
Employment and Social Securi Department | Social Securi additional deposit, includes; policy documents for job creation, employment, health insurance, old age pensions, employment of disables persons and work permits, unemployment statistics and correspondence, 1961-2003 | JA/2792 | 28/08/2015 |
Employment and Social Securi Department | Social Securi additional deposit of Acceptable Behaviour Report, 2014 | JA/2795 | 03/09/2015 |
Grainville School | Grainville School additional deposit of Admission Registers, 1982-2002 | JA/2808 | 07/10/2015 |
Grouville School | Grouville School deposit, includes; newsletters, minutes, photographs, drawings, plans, meeting notes and cuttings, 1937-2014 | JA/2840 | 04/11/2015 |
Harbours Department | Harbours Department additional deposit of Mayday forms, c1980's | JA/2820 | 20/10/2015 |
Haute VallØe School | Haute Vallee School additional deposit, includes; Governors meeting minutes, official opening documentation, newsletters and details of leavers awards, 1995- 2009 | JA/2845 | 18/11/2015 |
Health and Social Services - Children's Service | Children's Service additional deposit of photographs relating to Haut de la Garenne, 1900's | JA/2857 | 17/12/2015 |
Health and Social Services Department | Health and Social Services additional deposit of legislation and policy files of Health Legislation Officer Mr W G Prouse, 1969-1996 | JA/2638 | 15/01/2015 |
Health and Social Services Department | Health and Social Services additional deposit of correspondence from the Channel Islands Joint Advisory Council on Common Environmental Problems, 1938-1988 | JA/2677 | 06/03/2015 |
Health and Social Services Department | Health and Social Services additional deposit of Legislation and Policy files of Health Legislation Officer Mr W G Prouse, 1975-1993 | JA/2680 | 12/03/2015 |
Health and Social Services Department | Health and Social Services additional deposit of photographs and negatives of St Saviour's Hospital, c2000's | JA/2705 | 22/04/2015 |
Health and Social Services Department | Health and Social Services additional deposit, includes; daily report books, ward registers, ward diaries and drugs record book, 1963-2005 | JA/2715 | 14/05/2015 |
Health and Social Services Department | Health and Social Services Department additional deposit of research papers into the history of St Saviours Hospital, c2010's | JA/2720 | 21/05/2015 |
Health and Social Services Department | Health and Social Services additional deposit of General Hospital theatre registers, 1980-2007 | JA/2755 | 06/07/2015 |
Health and Social Services Department | Public Health Department additional deposit of Jersey Alcohol Profile, 2015 | JA/2844 | 17/11/2015 |
Home Affairs | Home Affairs Department deposit of notes made by Jurat Voisin relating to the appearance of Edward Paisnel in the Magistrates Court, 1971 | JA/2852 | 01/12/2015 |
Jersey Airport | Ports of Jersey Communications Services additional deposit, includes; paperwork relating to projects, services for states departments, budgets, Chief Engineer correspondence, meeting minutes and radio licences, 1960's-2008 | JA/2733 | 08/06/2015 |
Jersey Airport | Jersey Airport additional deposit from the Engineering department, includes; overview plans of the airport site, new terminal airfield layout, proposed development, fire plan and aerial photographs, 1958-2010 | JA/2772 | 30/07/2015 |
Jersey Airport | Ports of Jersey Communications Services additional deposit, includes; projects, services, accounts, Chief Engineer correspondence, salaries, meeting minutes and radio licences, c1950's-2008 | JA/2775 | 05/08/2015 |
Jersey Heritage | Jersey Heritage additional deposit, includes; photographs, papers, sound, plans and research, c19th-21st Century | JA/2628 | 05/01/2015 |
Jersey Heritage | Jersey Heritage additional deposit of 'Voices of the Great War' DVD, 2014 | JA/2695 | 10/04/2015 |
Jersey Heritage | Jersey Heritage additional deposit of Staff Bulletins, 2003-2014 | JA/2716 | 15/05/2015 |
Jersey Heritage | Jersey Heritage additional deposit, includes; sponsorship contracts, proposals for corporate sponsorship, approved grants and website design brief, 2010-2015 | JA/2759 | 13/07/2015 |
Jersey Heritage | Jersey Heritage additional deposit of tapes and CD of friends of the Maritime Museum recorded lectures, c1990-2003 | JA/2760 | 15/07/2015 |
Jersey Heritage | Jersey Heritage additional deposit of photographs of Jersey Archive, 1994-2000 | JA/2761 | 16/07/2015 |
Jersey Heritage | Jersey Heritage additional deposit of policies and procedures from Operations and Securi Management, 2015 | JA/2773 | 30/07/2015 |
Jersey Heritage | Letter of Marque of Samuel Ganier, Fi eenth November 1798 | JA/2851 | 30/11/2015 |
Jersey Library | Jersey Library documents, includes; an action plan, management team minutes, marketing materials, brochures, statistics and press releases, 2013-2014 | JA/2656 | 05/02/2015 |
Jersey Overseas Aid Commission | Jersey Overseas Aid Commission deposit, includes; Scrutiny panel reviews, reports, booklets, policies, procedures, committee agendas, grant report registers, agency reports and grant aid applications, 1991-2010 | JA/2850 | 26/11/2015 |
Jersey Post | Jersey Post additional deposit of stamp yearbooks, 2012-2014 | JA/2640 | 16/01/2015 |
Jersey Tourism | Jersey Tourism additional deposit, includes; leaflets, brochures and pamphlets produced by Jersey Tourism about all aspects of Jersey and Jersey events, 2002-2015 | JA/2684 | 27/03/2015 |
Judicial Greffe | Judicial Greffe additional deposit, includes; Jersey Employment and Discrimination Tribunal Services notification of tribunal decisions, 2006-2010 | JA/2629 | 06/01/2015 |
Judicial Greffe | Judicial Greffe additional deposit of Public Registry contracts, 2001-2013 | JA/2764 | 17/07/2015 |
Judicial Greffe | Judicial Greffe additional deposit of Public Registry contracts and Wills of immoveable proper , 2003-2014 | JA/2782 | 18/08/2015 |
Judicial Greffe | Judicial Greffe additional deposit, includes; Samedi Section files on Visites des Chemins Royaux and Voies es Sentes Publiques, 1878-2013 | JA/2788 | 24/08/2015 |
Office of the Lieutenant Governor | Office of the Lieutenant Governor additional deposit; includes; numerous correspondence files relating to all aspects of the work of the office, c1900-2014 | JA/2668 | 23/02/2015 |
Office of the Lieutenant Governor | Office of the Lieutenant Governor additional deposit, includes; correspondence files on visits, events, awards, immigration, complaints, the Jersey Field Squadron and photographs, 1957-2008 | JA/2766 | 21/07/2015 |
Office of the Lieutenant Governor | Office of Lieutenant Governor additional deposit, includes; visitor books, newscuttings, photographs, scrapbook and programme of 1957 royal visit, c1957- 2009 | JA/2767 | 22/07/2015 |
Parish of Grouville | Parish of Grouville additional deposit of an Electoral Register, 2015 | JA/2809 | 07/10/2015 |
Parish of St Brelade | Parish of St Brelade additional deposit, includes; Sunday Trading Book, Honorary Police log books, minutes and meeting attendance sheets, 1976-1994 | JA/2660 | 10/02/2015 |
Parish of St Brelade | Parish of St Brelade additional deposit, includes; correspondence files on Visite Royale, Honorary Police, War Relief Fund, elections and branchage, emergency measures plan, driving licences, refurbishment files, La Baguette, general correspondence files and rates list, 1912-2015 | JA/2774 | 04/08/2015 |
Parish of St Brelade | Parish of St Brelade additional deposit of Districts 1 and 2 Electoral Registers, 2015 | JA/2796 | 03/09/2015 |
Parish of St Helier | Parish of St Helier additional deposit, includes; files relating to driving licences, cemeteries, rates receipt books, correspondence with the Attorney General and signed nomination papers, c1918-1990 | JA/2632 | 08/01/2015 |
Parish of St John | Parish of St John additional deposit, includes; registers of deaths and births, scrapbooks, parish magazines, Confidential magazines, details of Liberation celebrations, Visite Royale, cemeteries and St John's Church, 1930-2014 | JA/2710 | 07/05/2015 |
Parish of St Lawrence | Parish of St Lawrence additional deposit of an Electoral Register, 2015 | JA/2811 | 08/10/2015 |
Parish of St Martin | Parish of St Martin additional deposit of road accounts for St Martin Vingtaines, c1980's | JA/2746 | 18/06/2015 |
Parish of St Martin | Parish of St Martin additional deposit , includes; St Martin Mutations and Le Comice Agricole, c1946-2001 | JA/2789 | 27/08/2015 |
Parish of St Martin | Parish of St Martin additional deposit of an Electoral Register, 2015 | JA/2813 | 08/10/2015 |
Parish of St Mary | Parish of St Mary additional deposit of an Electoral Register, 2015 | JA/2807 | 06/10/2015 |
Parish of St Peter | Parish of St Peter additional deposit, includes; annual rates returns, driving license applications and welfare cashbooks, 1970-2008 | JA/2757 | 09/07/2015 |
Parish of St Peter | Parish of St Peter additional deposit of an Electoral Registers, 2015 | JA/2810 | 08/10/2015 |
Parish of St Saviour | Parish of St Saviour additional deposit, includes; Account books, electoral lists, rate lists, Honorary Police documents, minutes, photographs, certificates, plans and drawings, c1890-2012 | JA/2686 | 30/03/2015 |
Parish of St Saviour | Parish of St Saviour additional deposit, includes; birth registers, death registers, parish building documents, marriage licences and general correspondence, c1899- 1990's | JA/2778 | 12/08/2015 |
Parish of St Saviour | Parish of St Saviour additional deposit of a Rate List, 2015 | JA/2806 | 06/10/2015 |
Parish of St Saviour | Parish of St Saviour additional deposit of an Electoral Registers, 2015 | JA/2812 | 08/10/2015 |
Parish of Trini | Parish of Trini deposit of Annual Returns and driving licence applications, 1999- 2011 | JA/2688 | 31/03/2015 |
Parish of Trini | Parish of Trini additional deposit of Honorary Police papers, c2000-2005 | JA/2696 | 14/04/2015 |
Parish of Trini | Parish of Trini additional deposit, includes; cash books, committee meeting books, registration of land contracts and volumes relating to the Honorary Police and Civil administration, 1913-2006 | JA/2724 | 27/05/2015 |
Parish of Trini | Parish of Trini additional deposit of an Electoral Register, 2015 | JA/2815 | 09/10/2015 |
Plat Douet School | Plat Douet School additional deposit, includes; photographs, news cuttings and newsletters, 1999-2010 | JA/2634 | 13/01/2015 |
Probation Service | Probation and A er Care Service additional deposit of child welfare reports, c2004- 2011 | JA/2648 | 27/01/2015 |
Proper Holdings | Proper Holdings additional deposit of plans, schematics and general correspondence relating to electrical installations of buildings in Jersey, c1970's- 1990's | JA/2649 | 30/01/2015 |
Proper Holdings | Proper Holdings additional deposit, includes; documentation relating to Les Landes Primary School, Island Development Plan, St Catherine's breakwater, A I Centre, Highlands College, Western Railway land and the General Hospital flower shop, 1937-2009 | JA/2711 | 11/05/2015 |
Proper Holdings | Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee additional deposit of copies of plans of Fort Regent swimming pool, 1969 | JA/2793 | 28/08/2015 |
Public Health Services | Public Health Department additional deposit, includes; annual death reports, premature deaths, health profiles, school survey results, cancer reg reports, men's health and alcohol reports from the web, 2007-2014 | JA/2662 | 10/02/2015 |
Receiver General | Receiver General's records additional deposit from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, includes; correspondence regarding land, sales and enquiries, copies of leases, Gigoulande Mill and Touzel record of 1881, 1959-2004 | JA/2709 | 06/05/2015 |
Receiver General | Receiver General's records additional deposit, includes; files relating to e Foreshore, Parish Proper , Crown Land, Crown Estate accounts, Les Pas Holdings, Les Minquiers and Les Ecrehous, 1935-2004 | JA/2714 | 14/05/2015 |
Rouge Bouillon School | Rouge Bouillon School additional deposit of admission registers, 1982-1996 | JA/2822 | 21/10/2015 |
Safeguarding Board | Safeguarding Partnership Board additional deposit, includes; minutes, reviews and reports, 1996-2010 | JA/2639 | 15/01/2015 |
Springfield School | Springfield School additional deposit, includes; school development plan, millennium calendar, photograph and Cds of photographs of trips, 2000-2007 | JA/2756 | 07/07/2015 |
St Clement's School | St Clement's School additional deposit, includes; Reception and nursery pack samples, 'Life in Reception' books, school self-evaluations and reports, parents letters and Headmasters minutes, 1999-2015 | JA/2856 | 15/12/2015 |
St Lawrence School | St Lawrence School deposit, includes; attendance and admission registers, log books, PTA minutes and files, newsletters, validated self-evaluation files and head teacher's filing, c1902-2007 | JA/2646 | 26/01/2015 |
St Martin's School | St Martin's School additional deposit, includes; photographs, plans, evaluation documents, newspaper cuttings and DVDs, c1959-2015 | JA/2821 | 20/10/2015 |
States Greffe | States Greffe additional deposit of a tax agreement with Romania, 2014 | JA/2633 | 08/01/2015 |
States Greffe | States Greffe additional deposit of tax agreements with the Republic of Rwanda and Republic of Germany, 2015 | JA/2768 | 23/07/2015 |
States Greffe | States Greffe additional deposit, includes; scrutiny reports, public accounts committee minutes, projects, reports, order papers, petitions, propositions, Role des Etats and 2014 States debate samples, 1958-2014 | JA/2779 | 12/08/2015 |
States Greffe | States Greffe additional deposit of Tax Agreements with Korea and the Seychelles, 2015 | JA/2783 | 18/08/2015 |
States Greffe | States Greffe additional deposit of Voter Turnout and registration campaign material for Election 2014 and Hansards, 2013-2014 | JA/2802 | 22/09/2015 |
States Greffe | States Greffe additional deposit of lunch menus from Royal and Political visits as well as a copy of ' e Committee System of the States', Parliamentary Supremacy in the Channel Islands and a booklet on e Royal Court House, 1966-2001 | JA/2855 | 08/12/2015 |
States Greffe | States Greffe additional deposit of Jersey Textile Department minutes, 1940-1945 | JA/2644 | 21/01/2015 |
Statistics Unit | Statistics Unit additional deposit of Jersey in Figures 2014, 2014 | JA/2726 | 29/05/2015 |
Transport and Technical Services | Transport and Technical Services additional deposit of Victoria College historic drawings c1800's-1900's | JA/2777 | 10/08/2015 |
Transport and Technical Services | Transport and Technical Services Department additional deposit of historic Public Works drawings, c1960's-1980's | JA/2830 | 24/09/2015 |
Transport and Technical Services | Transport and Technical Services Department additional deposit of Public Works drawings, c1960's-1990's | JA/2839 | 04/11/2015 |
Trini School | Trini School additional deposit, includes; circulars, newsletters, development plans, action plans, handbooks, photographs, leaflets, minutes, finance information and DVDs, 1983-2014 | JA/2824 | 21/10/2015 |
| |
Number of new collections accessioned | 203 | 235 | 235 | Numbers of accessions should remain stable if public institutions follow retention schedules. | |
Cubic measurement of new collections accessioned | 24 cubic metres | 35 cubic metres | 35 cubic metres | Includes significant deposit of records from Children s Services currently being used by the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry. | |
Time until Jersey Archive is full | 4.7ys | 3.3ys | 2ys | Children s Services records described above will add to anticipated transfers. | |
Newly catalogued records available online | 7,796 (250,206 total) | 20,957 (270,956 total) | 4,780 (275,736 total) | Significant reduction in cataloguing staff in 2016. | |
Number of retention schedules in place | 173 | 185 | 190 | Majori of public institutions now have retention schedules in place so the 5 year review process is the focus of work. | |
Number of retention schedules reviewed | 7 | 28 | 12 | 12 schedules require 5 yearly review. | |
Public Access to Jersey Archive days open per year | 161 | 161 | 162 | Scheduled opening | |
| |
In person visits to Jersey Archive | 3,394 | 3,170 | 3,200 | In person visits to the Archive have declined slightly with the growth of online use. | |
Online catalogue visits | 37,309 | 89,488 | 100,000 | Predicted continued increase in online use | |
Distance enquiries | 3,574 | 3,617 | 4,000 | Predicted continued increase in distance enquiries | |
Attendance at Archive talks | 989 | 948 | 950 | Talks schedule for 2016 is consistent with 2015 | |
Jersey Archive, Clarence Road, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4JY
Telephone: +44 (0) 1534 833300 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1534 833301