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Finance Law Delegation Report for the period 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017

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Presented to the States on 3rd July 2018 by the Minister for Treasury and Resources


2018  R.84


  1. The administration of the public finances of Jersey

In accordance with the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 ("the 2005 Law") (including Regulations approved under that Law and Financial Directions), certain matters relating to  budgeting  and  to  the  financial  control  and  administration  of  States'  Trading Operations are required to be reported to the States twice-yearly by the Minister for Treasury and Resources ("the Minister").

This  report  summarises  all  decisions  made  during  the  12 month  period  from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017. Where decisions have not previously been published, this is due to one of 2 reasons –

  1. Reporting on decisions

The areas of administration which are to be reported on are as follows –

  • Borrowing and lending;
  • Budget transfers; and
  • Carry-forward of revenue balances.
  1. Borrowing and lending
  1. Jersey Student Loan Scheme

During the 6 month period to 30th June 2017, 14 new loans, with a collective value of £32,883.15, were guaranteed by the States under the Jersey Student Loan Scheme.

During the 6 month period from 1st July to 31st December 2017 a further 106 loans, with a collective value of £145,675.52, were guaranteed under the Jersey Student Loan Scheme. Terms with the intermediaries require the States of Jersey to underwrite 100% of the value of the loans.

P.53/2007 – Student Loans for higher education – guarantees was debated by the States Assembly on 6th June 2007, and a maximum outstanding limit of £10 million for an unlimited time period was approved.

  1. Infrastructure investments

During the 6 month period to 30th June 2017, the Parish of Trinity infrastructure investment of the Housing Development Fund drew additional capital, and increased from £680,000 at the beginning of the year to £2,770,000.

  1. Housing Development Fund

During the 6 month period from 1st July to 31st December 2017, 3 new loans were approved by the Minister for Treasury and Resources to Andium Homes Ltd. –

  • Loan 11, with a gross value of £7,050,000, was entered into on 9th August;
  • Loan 12, with a gross value of £47,183,000, was entered into on 29th August; and
  • Loan 13, with a gross value of £16,966,000, was entered into on 3rd October.

The net value of loans outstanding from Andium increased from £67,173,000 at the end of 2016 to £102,900,000 at 31st December 2017.

  1. Budget transfers

Articles 17 and 18 of the 2005 Law permit contingency expenditure and variations between heads of expenditure with the approval of the Minister.

Budget transfers under Articles 17 and 18 of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 are reported on the following basis –

  • transfers from contingency expenditure to heads of expenditure;
  • transfers between revenue heads of expenditure;
  • transfers between capital heads of expenditure;
  • transfers between revenue and capital heads of expenditure;
  • transfers between revenue and capital heads of expenditure where the transfer is required in order to comply with accounting standards.

All transfers between departments vary the budgets of individual departments but are net nil in total.

  1. Transfers between contingency expenditure and heads of expenditure

Transfers  between  contingency  expenditure  and  heads  of  expenditure  during  the 12 month period from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017 are shown below –




Funding of –

From –

To –

Central Contingency

T&R Revenue


Historic Abuse Redress Scheme (HARS) costs

Central Contingency (EDGDP)

EDU Revenue


Skills Strategy

Central Contingency

T&R Revenue (Taxes Office)


Extension of the Taxes Office Modernisation Programme team

Central Contingency – Redundancy Provision

Various Departments


Costs associated with the 2016 Voluntary Release ("VR") and Redundancy Scheme in 2016




Funding of –

From –

To –

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Ongoing sustainability of LEAN'

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Procurement and implementation of a States-wide workforce planning and management system

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

EDU Revenue


Review of Secondary Education

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

T&R Revenue


Financial Management Improvement Programme

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

T&R Revenue


Income Collection and Reconciliation ("ICAR") Project

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

T&R Revenue


Supply Jersey' Project

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CCA Revenue


States of Jersey Police Mobile Technology Project ("SMART" Police)

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Change Management Provision within the Portfolio Office

Central Contingency (EDGDP)

CMD Revenue

Up to 900,000

Financial Services Review

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Leadership Development within PSR programme

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

EDU Revenue


Support for the delivery of the Family Support Workers' initiative

Central Contingency (EDGDP)

External Relations Revenue

CMD Revenue

Up to 604,000



Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


States of Jersey Cyber-Security Strategy and Data Protection Capabilities project

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CCA Revenue LOD Revenue

Up to 412,744


Financial Crime Enforcement

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue

Up to 756,000

Implementation of the Cyber-Security Strategy

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Change Management Provision




Funding of –

From –

To –

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Engagement (Communication activities and support in relation to Workforce Modernisation and promotion of change and organisational improvement)

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Workforce Modernisation

Central Contingency

T&R Revenue (Taxes Office)

Up to 635,000

Increased capacity and capability of the Taxes Office International,

Tax Policy Unit and

Business Taxes Teams

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

T&R Revenue


Full costs of delivering the Taxes and Social Security Contributions Programme

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue

Up to 962,500

Phase 1 of the eGovernment Programme

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue

Up to 870,000

Ongoing revenue costs of the eGovernment Programme

Central Contingency (Pay Provision)

T&R Revenue


Costs associated with the 2015/2016 pay award

Central Contingency (Pay Provision)

CMD Revenue External Relations Revenue

CCA Revenue EDTSC Revenue Education Revenue

DfI Revenue

DoE Revenue H&SS Revenue SSD Revenue T&R Revenue Non-Ministerial Revenue

States Assembly Revenue


Departments for the non-consolidated payment of £500

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision (Redundancy)

CMD Revenue EDTSC Revenue Education Revenue

DfI Revenue


Recalculation of Compulsory Redundancy settlements

Central Contingency

Bailiff 's Chambers Revenue

Up to 46,100

Events associated with the Centenary Anniversary of WWI




Funding of –

From –

To –

Central Contingency

LOD Revenue CCA Revenue EDU Revenue HSSD Revenue

Up to: 168,000 114,550 148,000 14,400

Initiatives that support vulnerable children

Central Contingency

CCA Revenue

Up to 675,000

Appointment of a Children's Commissioner for Jersey

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CCA Minor Capital

Up to 170,000

Medical Practitioners' Register (Health and Social Care Professionals' Register)

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CCA Revenue

Up to 175,800

Implementation of Criminal Procedure (Jersey) Law 201- and Criminal Justice Information and Communication Technology Streamlining

Central Contingency – (Pay Provision)

CCA Revenue


Costs associated with the 2015/2016 1% pay award to uniformed members of the Fire and Rescue Service

Central Contingency

Bailiff 's Chambers

Up to £46,000

Liberation events in 2017

Central Contingency

Judicial Greffe Revenue

Up to 272,000

Costs associated with the re-location of the Tribunal Service

Central Contingency – (EDGDP)

EDU Revenue

Up to 220,000

Implementation of the Skills Strategy

Central Contingency

LOD Revenue Judicial Greffe Revenue Viscount's Revenue

Up to 48,200



Implementation of the Mental Health and Capacity Laws

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CCA Revenue DfI Revenue EDTSC Revenue EDU Revenue HSSD Revenue SSD Revenue


Costs associated with the 2017 Voluntary Release and Redundancy Scheme

Central Contingency

T&R Revenue


Costs associated with the PECRS Pre-1987 Debt Payments

Central Contingency

CMD Revenue


Allocation to cover JCRA costs under the Competition Law

Central Contingency

HSSD Revenue

Up to 70,000

Allocation for the Baby Steps' universal antenatal programme

Central Contingency – (Pay Provision)

CCA Revenue


Back-pay associated with the 2015/2016 pay award to uniformed members of the Fire and Rescue Service




Funding of –

From –

To –

CCA Revenue EDTSC Revenue EDU Revenue DfI Revenue DoE Revenue HSSD Revenue T&R Revenue

Central Contingency


Return of unspent capital allocations

DfI Limes Upgrade Capital

Consolidated Fund


Return of unspent capital allocation

DfI Revenue

Central Contingency


Transfer allocated for Parish rates

Central Contingency

T&R Revenue


Previously allocated monies for Parish rates

Central Contingency

DfI Liquid Waste Strategy Capital


Construction of the Clinical Waste Incinerator at La Collette

DfI Demolition of Fort Regent Pool Capital

Central Contingency


Demolition of Fort Regent Pool

DfI Revenue

Central Contingency


Demolition of Fort Regent Cable Car Station

Central Contingency

CCA Revenue HSSD Revenue Probation Revenue


Implementation of Care Inquiry recommendations

Central Contingency – (EDGDP)

EDTSC Revenue

Up to 125,000

Increase to the Marine Resources Team and consultancy work in relation to Brexit

Central Contingency

CCA Revenue


Funding following publication of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel Report

  1. Transfers between revenue heads of expenditure

Revenue transfers during the 12 month period from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017 are shown below –




Funding of –

From –

To –

Judicial Greffe Revenue

OLG Revenue CCA Revenue

549,758 31,404

Court and Case Costs

DoE Revenue

DfI Revenue


Planning Obligation Agreements – work to be carried out by DfI

HSSD Revenue

T&R Revenue


1 x FTE in connection with the Accounts Receivable function

SSD Revenue

T&R Revenue


Administration for PECRS Pre-1987




Funding of –

From –

To –

HSSD Revenue

CCA Revenue CMD Revenue

896,300 164,200

Establishment of the Strategic Public Health Unit; the transfer of the Medical Officer of Health reporting line and Professional and Care Regulation functions

DoE Revenue

DfI Revenue


Planning Obligation Agreements – work to be carried out by DfI

EDTSC Revenue

EDU Revenue


Teaching of Jèrriais

DoE Revenue

Judicial Greffe Revenue


Administration and Inspector's costs incurred by the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 Appeals Tribunal

DoE Revenue

Judicial Greffe Revenue


Administration and Inspector's costs incurred by the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 Appeals Tribunal

T&R Revenue

CMD Revenue

CCA Revenue

DfI Revenue

DoE Revenue

EDU Revenue

EDTSC Revenue

External Relations Revenue H&SS Revenue

SSD Revenue

T&R Revenue Non-Ministerial Revenue States Assembly Revenue


Costs associated with the 2015/2016 pay award

  1. Transfers between capital heads of expenditure

Transfers between existing capital heads of expenditure during the 12 month period from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017 are shown below –




Funding of –

From –

To –

T&R Tax Transformation Programme and IT Systems Capital

CMD Enterprise Systems Development Capital


HRPAYSYS Project within one Department

DfI Asbestos Waste Disposal Capital

DfI Waste: Ash Pit La Collette Capital


Consolidation of the Waste Cell projects under a single capital head of expenditure

Central Planning Vote

DfI St. Mary 's School Capital

Up to 190,000

Feasibility study ahead of building maintenance and improvements to existing facilities

DfI Infrastructure Capital

DfI Liquid Waste Strategy Capital


Construction of a new Sewage Treatment Works at Bellozanne

DfI Replacement Assets Capital

DfI DVS Systems Capital


Replacement DVS Vehicle Registration System

  1. Transfers between revenue and capital heads of expenditure

Transfers between revenue and capital during the 12 month period from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017 are shown below –




Funding of –

From –

To –

DfI Revenue

DfI Capital Replacement Assets


Purchase and construction of new Emergency Generators at the General Hospital site

CCA Revenue

CCA Minor Capital


States of Jersey Police Mobile Technology Project

Dfi Revenue

(DfI) Public Markets Capital


Improvement works to the Central and Fish Markets

DfI Revenue

DfI Road Safety Improvements Capital


Planning Obligation Agreements in various locations within the Island

DfI Revenue

DfI Eastern Cycle Network Capital


Planning Obligation Agreements in connection with the Eastern Cycle Network

Dfi Revenue

DfI Road safety Improvements Capital


Several sustainable transport capital schemes in 2017, including e-bikes scheme

CCA Revenue

CCA Minor Capital CCA Prison Shower Refurbishment Capital

65,000 185,000

Refurbishment projects for the Jersey Prison Service

CCA Revenue

CCA Prison Shower Refurbishment Capital


Refurbishment of J Wing at H.M.P. La Moye

Education Department Revenue

Education Department Capital


Refurbishment of classrooms and outdoor learning areas at Jersey College for Girls and Jersey College Preparatory

Central Planning Vote

DoE Revenue


St. Helier Waterfront Masterplan Review

T&R Corporate Contingency

T&R Revenue


Onward grant payment to Community Savings Ltd.

DfI Revenue

DfI Road Safety Improvements Capital


Planning Obligation Agreements in various locations within the Island

DfI Revenue

DfI Eastern Cycle Network Capital


Planning Obligation Agreements in connection with the Eastern Cycle Network

DoE Revenue

DoE Equipment, Maintenance Minor Capital

Up to 93,000

Digitally Integrated Planning Process

DfI Revenue

DfI Scrap Yard Infrastructure Capital


Construction of new scrapyard at La Collette

DfI Revenue

DfI Road Safety Improvements Capital

Up to 75,000

Bus network and road safety improvements

CCA Revenue

CCA Minor Capital


Essential equipment for the Jersey Fire and Rescue Service




Funding of –

From –

To –

EDU Revenue

EDU VC Francis Field Capital


Development of Francis Field as a sports facility for Victoria College and VCP

DfI Revenue

DfI Public Markets Maintenance Capital


Public Markets maintenance

CCA Revenue

CCA Prison Phase 6 Capital


Funding for Phase 6 of the Prison Masterplan

DfI Revenue

DfI La Collette Fire Equipment Capital


Funding of additional firefighting equipment at La Collette

EDTSC Revenue

DfI Archive Storage Extension Capital


Completion of the capital funding required to enter into contracts for the construction of the Jersey Archive Store-Room Extension

DfI Revenue

DfI Infrastructure Capital


Budget in the capital head of expenditure to pre-agreed levels

DfI Revenu

DfI Capital

DfI Road Safety Improvements Capital

69,000 168,000

Carried forward from 2016 underspends for use in relation to St. Peter 's Valley Path Scheme

DfI Revenue

DfI Road Safety Improvements Capital

Up to 600,000

Concessionary Bus Pass Scheme and sustainable transport initiatives

DfI Revenue

DfI Vehicle Registration System Capital

Up to 250,000

Replacement DVS Vehicle Registration System

EDU Revenue

DfI Les Quennevais Replacement School Capital


New Les Quennevais School

  1. Transfers between revenue and capital heads of expenditure where the transfer is required in order to comply with accounting standards

The States of Jersey adopted International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as interpreted by the Jersey Financial Reporting Manual ("JFReM") from 2012 as its framework. Under IFRS, expenditure that meets the definition of capital expenditure must be capitalised. The following transfers show the movement between capital and revenue required to align the budgeting treatment of expenditure with the accounting treatment, in order to comply with IFRS.

IFRS  transfers  between  revenue  and  capital  during  the  12 month  period  from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017 are shown below –




Funding of –

From –

To –

CCA Capital Heads of Expenditure:

Tetra Radio Replacement Minor Capital

Prison Control Room Prison Security Measures Prison Cell Call System Prison 2009 Minor Capital

CCA Revenue


Year-end adjustments

CCA Revenue

CCA Minor Capital


Year-end adjustments

CMD eGovernment Capital

CMD Revenue


Costs incurred under eGovernment

DfI Future Hospital Capital

DfI Revenue


Costs associated with previous preferred new hospital sites

Education Department Revenue

Education Department Minor Capital


Victoria College and Victoria College Preparatory schools – Development of Francis Field

CMD eGovernment Capital

CMD Revenue


Expenditure incurred for the research and discovery phases of each element of the eGov programme

CMD Microsoft Desktop Upgrade Capital, Hardware Refresh Capital, Hardware Replacement Servers Capital

CMD Revenue


Expenditure incurred for various replacements of hardware

T&R Revenue

T&R Taxes Office Minor Capital


Expenditure associated with the Income Tax Contact Centre

T&R Revenue

T&R Taxes Office Minor Capital


Expenditure associated with the Taxes Office Helpdesk Queuing Management System

DfI Revenue

DfI Road Safety Improvements Capital


Work completed under Planning Obligation Agreements in various locations within the Island

DfI Revenue

DfI Eastern Cycle Network Capital


Work completed under Planning Obligation Agreements in connection with the Eastern Cycle Network

T&R Taxes Office System Renewal Capital

CMD Revenue


Expenditure incurred for various hardware and support costs

CMD Enterprise Systems Development HRPAYSYS Capital

CMD Revenue


Expenditure incurred for various support costs

HSSD Revenue

HSSD Digital Care Strategy Capital


Software licences, software development and testing in connection with the Digital Care Strategy




Funding of –

From –

To –

DfI Future Hospital Capital

DfI Revenue

Up to 200,000

Expenditure incurred in relation to the DfI Future Hospital Project including IT costs

DfI Revenue

DfI Replacement Assets Capital


Expenditure incurred for the purchase and construction of new emergency generators at the General Hospital

CCA Revenue

CCA Minor Capital


Expenditure incurred for the States of Jersey Police capital projects

DfI Revenue

EDU Minor Capital


Expenditure incurred in relation to Grouville School access improvements

  1. Carry-forwards

Departments'  carry-forwards  were  dealt  with  in  Ministerial  Decision  reference MD-TR-2017-0068.

2.3.1  Transfers over multiple years between various heads of expenditure

Multi-year transfers between the various heads of expenditure during the 12 month period from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017 are shown below –




Funding of –

Year(s) of transfer

To –

From –

Central Contingency

T&R Revenue (Taxes Office)


Extension of the Taxes Office Modernisation Programme team

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Ongoing sustainability of LEAN'


Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

EDU Revenue

105,000 43,000

Review of Secondary Education

2018 2019

DfI Revenue

DfI Road safety Improvements Capital


Several sustainable transport capital schemes in 2017

In each year 2018 – 2019

HSSD Revenue

T&R Revenue


1 x FTE in connection with the Accounts Receivable function

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Change Management Provision within the Portfolio Office

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Leadership Development within PSR programme

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency –

CCA Revenue

140,000 212,500

Baby Steps' Universal Antenatal programme

2018 2019

Central Contingency (EDGDP)

External Relations Revenue

CMD Revenue

Up to 534,000 120,000



Central Contingency

CMD Revenue


States of Jersey Cyber- Security Strategy and Data Protection Capabilities project

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency

CCA Revenue LOD Revenue

Up to 412,744 458,000

Funding for Financial Crime Enforcement

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency

CMD Revenue

Up to 544,000 644,000

Implementation of the Cyber-Security Strategy

2018 2019

Central Contingency Restructuring Provision

EDU Revenue

Up to £110,000

Additional teaching of Jèrriais

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue


Change Management Provision

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue



In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency

T&R Revenue (Taxes Office)

Up to 830,000

Increase in capacity and capability of the Taxes Office International, Tax Policy Unit and Business Taxes Teams

In each year 2018 – 2019




Funding of –

Year(s) of transfer

To –

From –

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

T&R Revenue

Up to 1,270,000

Full costs of delivering the whole Taxes and Social Security Contributions Programme

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue

Up to 962,500

Phase 1 of the eGovernment Programme


Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue

Up to 870,000

Ongoing revenue costs of the eGovernment Programme

In each year 2018 – 2019

HSSD Revenue

HSSD Digital Care Strategy Capital


Software licences, software development and testing in connection with the Digital Care Strategy


Central Contingency

LOD revenue CCA revenue EDU revenue HSSD revenue

Up to 350,000 87,000 155,000 90,000

Initiatives that support vulnerable children


Central Contingency

LOD revenue CCA revenue EDU revenue HSSD revenue

Up to 350,000 70,500 155,000 90,000

Initiatives that support vulnerable children


Central Contingency

CCA revenue

Up to 590,000

Appointment of a Children's Commissioner for Jersey

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CCA revenue

Up to 245,800

Implementation of the Criminal Procedure (Jersey) Law 201- and Criminal Justice Information and Communication Technology Streamlining

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency

Bailiff 's Chambers

Up to £46,000

Liberation Day events in 2018 and 2019

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency – (EDGDP)

EDU Revenue

Up to 585,000 605,000

Implementation of the Skills strategy

2018 2019

Central Contingency

LOD Revenue Judicial Greffe Revenue Viscount's Revenue

Up to 829,400 804,400

Implementation of the Mental Health and Capacity Laws

2018 2019

Central Contingency

HSSD Revenue

Up to 140,000 212,500

Allocation for the Baby Steps' universal antenatal programme

2018 2019

Central Contingency – (EDGDP)

CMD Revenue

Up to 499,000 30,000

Allocation for the Internet of Things Lab'

2018 2019




Funding of –

Year(s) of transfer

To –

From –

DfI Revenue

DfI Road Safety Improvements Capital

Up to 1,200,000 1,672,000

Concessionary Bus Pass Scheme and sustainable transport initiatives

2018 2019

Central Contingency

DfI Revenue

Up to 1,500,000

Costs associated with the demolition of Fort Regent Pool building

In each year 2018 – 2019

Central Contingency

CCA Revenue HSSD Revenue Probation Revenue

1,611,429 1,290,049

Implementation of Care Inquiry recommendations

2018 2019

Central Contingency – (EDGDP)

EDTSC Revenue

Up to 125,000

Increase to Marine Resources Team and consultancy work in relation to Brexit


CCA Revenue

DfI Prison Phase 6 Capital


Phase 6 of the Prison Masterplan project from COCF


Central Contingency – Restructuring Provision

CMD Revenue

Up to 489,000

Initial implementation of Data Protection Capabilities (GDPR) within SoJ Departments


Acronyms and Abbreviations

CCA  Community and Constitutional Affairs

COCF  Criminal Offences Confiscation Fund

CMD  Chief Minister's Department

DfI  Department for Infrastructure

DoE  Department of the Environment

EDU  Education Department

EDTSC  Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture EFW  Energy from Waste

EPGDP  Economic and Productivity Growth Drawdown Provision FTE  Full-Time Equivalent

HARS  Historic Abuse Redress Scheme

H&SS  Health and Social Services Department

IJCI  Independent Jersey Care Inquiry

JCG  Jersey College for Girls

JCP  Jersey College Preparatory

JG  Judicial Greffe

JPH  Jersey Property Holdings

LOD  Law Officers' Department

LTC  Long-Term Care

OLG  Office of the Lieutenant Governor

PSR  Public Sector Reform

SoJ  States of Jersey

SSD  Social Security Department

VC  Victoria College

VCP  Victoria College Preparatory