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Arm’s Length Organisations – Visit Jersey (R.149/2018) – Executive responses

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Presented to the States on 19th February 2019 by the Public Accounts Committee


2018  R.149 Res.


In  accordance  with  paragraphs 64–66  of  P.56/2018,  the  Code  of  Practice for Engagement  between  Scrutiny  Panels  and  the  Public  Accounts  Committee'  and the Executive'  (February  2018),  the  Public  Accounts  Committee  present  the Executive Responses to the Comptroller and Auditor General's Report: Arm's Length Organisations –  Visit  Jersey'  (R.149/2018);  the  first  from  the  Director  General, Growth,  Housing  and  Environment  ("GHE");  and  the  second  from  the  Chief Executive Officer of Visit Jersey.

The  Public  Accounts  Committee  is  content  with  the  Response  from  the  Chief Executive Officer of Visit Jersey.

However,  it  is  disappointed  with  the  Executive  Response  it  received  from  the Director General, GHE in respect of the C&AG's Report. The Committee considered that the answers given to some of the recommendations were inadequate. For example, in response to recommendation 32, the Director General had advised "consideration should be given to the establishment of a working group to consider and action this recommendation".  The  Committee  agreed  that  his  undertaking  to  consider  a consideration  was  underwhelming.  The  Director  General  had  also  answered,  in response  to  recommendation 4,  about  evaluating  KPIs  in  the  context  of  strategic objectives, that this would be reviewed, with no clear commitment to achieving that. Other recommendations were agreed but advised to be ongoing', with no clear plan of action, or lacking detail and substance.

The PAC has asked the Chief Executive, in light of his previously stated commitment to provide adequate, full and meaningful responses to the recommendations of both C&AG and PAC reports, if he was of the opinion that the Executive Response met the standard commensurate with that commitment, and will publish his response in due course.

Senator S.C. Ferguson

Chairman, Public Accounts Committee



Comptroller and Auditor General ("C&AG") Report title:

Report number:

Arm's Length Organisations – Visit Jersey


Director General of Growth, Housing and Environment's response, January 2019 Summary of response[1]

On  6th  December  2018,  the  C&AG  published  a  report  titled  Arm's  Length Organisations – Visit Jersey (the "Report"). The Report considered the arrangements in place within both the States of Jersey (the "Government") and Visit Jersey Limited ("Visit  Jersey"),  and  included  a  number  of  specific  recommendations  both  to Government and to Visit Jersey.

Visit Jersey is funded by way of a grant from the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture. The relationship, which was previously managed by the Economic  Development,  Tourism,  Sport  and  Culture  Department  (the  "Former EDTSC  Department"),  is  now  managed  by  its  successor,  the  Economy  and Partnerships  Directorate  (the  "Directorate"),  part  of  the  Growth,  Housing  and Environment Department.

This document provides the Directorate's response to the Report's recommendations to Government. The Directorate is liaising with Visit Jersey regarding their views and respective responses to the Report in order to monitor fulfilment of any commitments they make. The Directorate draws a degree of comfort from the findings of the report directed at Visit Jersey which, save for a few specific areas, is generally positive as to its internal control and governance arrangements.

By way of additional background, on 29th June 2017, the C&AG separately published a report titled Arm's Length Organisations (the "2017 Report"). Since the publication of that report, the Former EDTSC Department, and subsequently the Directorate, has made concerted efforts to improve its governance arrangements. This includes the introduction of more robust and documented procedures for the management of such funding  relationships.  These  procedures  form  part  of  the  Directorate's  3 lines  of defence, being –

  1. Controls  implemented  by  the  independent  boards  and  executives  of  each funded organisation. Each organisation confirms the high-level content and compliance with their own corporate governance procedures, and compliance with  their  agreements  with  the  Directorate  ("Partnership  Agreements  and Annual Schedules") each year.
  1. Application of the Directorate's internal procedures –
  1. to monitor performance of obligations made under Partnership Agreements and Annual Schedules;
  2. to provide a robust process to consider the award of annual and top-up grants for recommendation to the Minister;
  3. to effectively monitor and challenge performance of these organisations against performance measures they agree to each year;
  4. to evaluate value for money for Government of grants awarded to these organisations;
  5. ensure compliance with Financial Directions.
  1. Assurance provided through additional checks and balances, including –
  1. reviews and reports by the Government's internal audit function;
  2. reviews and reports conducted by the Comptroller and Auditor General;
  3. audits performed by external independent auditors of these organisations.

The Directorate is conscious of the need to ensure its procedures are robust, and as such, welcomes the Report. The Directorate is broadly supportive of the C&AG's recommendations to Government noted in the Report and will, where practicable and appropriate, review and amend its procedures over the course of 2019. However, the States and its various Departments that fund ALBs must balance their efforts to perfect their governance procedures with ensuring that such procedures remain efficient and cost-effective.

Examples of proposed changes in procedures, brought about in response to the Report's recommendation, include –

  • Replacing the quarterly documented review with an annual and 6-monthly review, supported by documented formalised quarterly meetings where the department can discuss and challenge the performance, outputs and finances of ALBs. It is believed that this will result in a more rigorous and timely consideration process.
  • More rigorous review of the self-assessment governance checklist provided by ALBs, ensuring that where inconsistencies or concerns in the self-assessments are noted, these are appropriately challenged. However, the Directorate currently still plans to continue to place appropriate reliance on the self- assessments/ declaration of such governance arrangements by placing reliance on the duty of care and or director/ trustee responsibilities of those making such declarations.
  • Requesting sight of ALBs' ISA 260 (and where made, ISA 265) auditor issued correspondence (communication with those charged with Governance) and sight of ALBs' Directors'/ Trustees' Representation Letters issued to their auditors. Such correspondence (and where appropriate the challenge) to such findings and declarations should generally provide comfort or areas to investigate more thoroughly.

In addition to reviewing and amending our procedures in response to the Report, we will continue to review, adapt and strengthen procedures as part of our commitment to continual improvement, and to reflect our ongoing assessment of the effectiveness and usability of existing procedures.

The Government's Partnership function will be established during 2019. This will fundamentally change how Government manages its relationships with ALBs. The operations and roles to be assumed by this new function will have a materially positive impact.  It  will  focus  on  the  procedures  for  the  management  and  oversight  of Government's  relationships  with  ALOs  and  reviewing  the  relevance  of  functions funded through these organisations to the delivery of Government's evolving strategic policies. The new Partnerships function will also find efficiencies, stimulate positive change, and drive synergies.

The  Directorate,  under  the  umbrella  of  the  Growth,  Housing  and  Environment Department,  is  leading  the  consideration  of  the  development  of  the  Partnerships function in conjunction with both the Treasury and the Office of the Chief Executive Officer. Such considerations will include the findings of the C&AG in both the Report and the 2017 Report, as well as to the views of the various Government departments with responsibility for managing ALBs.

Government's response to the 2017 Report included the drafting of a new Financial Direction for Arm's Length Organisations, which is pending implementation. Whilst delayed implementation of the new Financial Direction may result in a less consistent governance and control environment across all Government departments in the short term, it may be sensible to delay its introduction until roles and functions to be assumed by the new Partnerships function have been finalised to ensure that the two are aligned.




Target date

Responsible Officer

Award of Grant by the States of Jersey

R1 Prioritise the development of the proposed Enterprise Strategy, linked to the Common Strategic Policy and Government Plan, and explicitly covering the tourism sector.

The Enterprise Strategy is no longer being developed.

The Economic Framework, referenced in the Government's 2018 Common Strategic Policy, will be developed over the course of this Government. The tourism strategy will be developed through this work-stream. The existing Jersey Destination Plan sets out the current strategy for the sector. This was developed by Visit Jersey on behalf of the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture/ Government.

31 Dec 2020

Group Director Economy and Partnerships




Target date

Responsible Officer

R2 Agree objectives for Visit Jersey explicitly linked to the Common Strategic Policy, Government Plan and, when adopted, Enterprise Strategy.

See response to R1.

Visit Jersey's objectives and KPIs are derived from the annual business plan it agrees with the Minister (following review and challenge by the Directorate) and/or the Jersey Destination Plan. Objectives and KPIs will be challenged where inconsistencies are noted.


Head of Partnerships/ Visit Jersey Budget Holder

R3 Periodically review the continuing appropriateness of existing arrangements for financial support of tourism.

See above.

The Directorate's Annual Operational and Financial Capability Assessment process is designed to capture this consideration. However, the application of this process will be revisited to ensure that due challenge is exercised/ recorded.

It is also proposed that, as part of the development of the new Partnerships function, a broader consideration of funding awards will be undertaken across the portfolio of ALBs, including challenge of value for money and identification of efficiencies.



Visit Jersey Budget Holder

Head of Partnerships

R4 Ensure robust review and evaluation of KPIs proposed by Visit Jersey in the context of the States' strategic objectives, with independent expert advice as necessary.

The Directorate's Annual Operational and Financial Capability Assessment process is designed to capture the relevance and rigour of KPIs proposed for inclusion in Annual Schedules. The application of this process will be revisited.

The new Partnerships function will provide additional focus on this area.

Independent non-executive directors on the board of Visit Jersey include industry experts. As such, it is considered reasonable to place a degree of reliance on their expertise.

The C&AG's recommendation to consider the use of further independent expert advice will remain an option, where anticipated benefits outweigh costs.

To be reviewed by Q3 2019

To be considered on a case-by-case basis

Group Director Economy and Partnerships

Group Director Economy and Partnerships/ Head of Partnerships




Target date

Responsible Officer

R5 Ensure that there is sufficient analysis contained in reports to Ministers recommending a grant award.

Noted. Consideration will be given to developing a standard form report to Ministers for the recommendation of grant awards, requiring inclusion of sufficient analysis.

To be progressed over 2019 in time for implement- ation for 2020 awards

Group Director Economy and Partnerships/ Head of Partnerships

R6 Bring forward the timetable for annual review of a grant recipient to ensure that it is undertaken in sufficient time to inform a decision on grant award.

Noted. Procedures will be reviewed for 2020 awards. It is proposed to conduct reviews of ALBs on a half-yearly basis, with the mid-year review forming part of the evidence for future grant award consideration.

31 Dec 2019

Group Director Economy and Partnerships/ Head of Partnerships

R7 Ensure that the States' review of Visit Jersey, including Visit Jersey's self- assessment, is challenging and that the conclusions reached are supported by appropriate documented evidence.

The recommendation is noted.

The Directorate will revisit its procedures. However, it must be  careful not to make procedures overly onerous, such that they either  start  to  bring  into  question  the independence  of  ALBs,  or  make  the administration of ALBs overly inefficient, thus potentially negating the key reasons for the  establishment  or  funding  of  certain organisations as ALBs.

The  directorate  will  consider  alternative means  to  achieve  sufficient  comfort regarding  ALBs'  internal  controls  and governance.  One  such  option  being considered  is  a  move  away  from  self- assessment to requiring sight of –

  • ISA 260 / 265 letters
  • Directors'  Representation  letters  to auditors.

As a third party to these letters, Government will not be able to place legal reliance on them. However, the letters should provide comfort  or  highlight  concerns  where additional  evidence  of  robustness  of governance procedures or remedial actions should be sought.

Additional options will be considered.


30 Sep 2019


30 Jun 2019

Group Director Economy and Partnerships/ Head of Partnerships

Group Director Economy and Partnerships/ Head of Partnerships




Target date

Responsible Officer

R8 Ensure that Partnership Agreements are reviewed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the new Financial Direction applicable to ALOs.

As and when the new Financial Directions are introduced, the Directorate will seek to update Partnership Agreements and its procedures in a timely manner. This may require requesting exemptions until the commencement of 2020, as the majority of the Directorate's ALBs have multi-year Partnership Agreements running to the end of 2019.

Immediately upon notification of and implement- ation of final form Financial Direction

Group Director Economy and Partnerships

R9 Ensure that the targets contained in key strategic and operational documents are aligned.

Noted. See comments above.

Reviewed during course

of 2019,

in time for 2020 awards

Head of Partnerships and Visit Jersey Budget Holder

R10 Clearly document and communicate the respective roles of the Relationship Manager and Compliance Director.


Roles to be reviewed and documented/ Partnership Agreement amended to ensure roles are accurately described and communicated.

The performance of these functions are being revisited as part of the establishment of the Partnerships function.

30 Sep 2019

Visit Jersey Budget Holder

Head of Partnerships

Delivering and Monitoring by Visit Jersey

R11 Consistently include objectives, targets and actions in strategies.

The Board of Visit Jersey are responding separately to the Report's recommendations directed specifically at them. The Directorate are liaising with the Board of Visit Jersey, and will monitor Visit Jersey's progress against its agreed actions.


Group Director Economy and Partnerships/ Visit Jersey Budget Holder

R12 Working with the States, develop enhanced arrangements for identifying and managing anticipated underspends.

The Board of Visit Jersey are responding separately to recommendations directed to them. The Directorate are liaising with the Board of Visit Jersey, and will review Visit Jersey's progress against its agreed actions.


Group Director Economy and Partnerships/ Visit Jersey Budget Holder

Implementing plans and programmes

R13 Ensure that Board minutes are published promptly.

The Board of Visit Jersey are responding separately to recommendations directed to them. The Directorate are liaising with the Board of Visit Jersey, and will review Visit Jersey's progress against its agreed actions.


Group Director Economy and Partnerships/ Visit Jersey Budget Holder




Target date

Responsible Officer

R14 Review the continuing appropriateness of the composition of the Board 4 years after its establishment.

See Response to R11.



R15 Adopt formal monitoring of the implementation of agreed recommendations from Board effectiveness reviews.

See Response to R11.



R16 Consider regular external input into the Board effectiveness review.

See Response to R11



R17 Introduce a formal evaluation process for Board members.

See Response to R11



R18 Consider periodic internal audit coverage and/or instituting compliance checks.

See Response to R11



R19 Formalise the engagement of the Visit Jersey accountant, based on a clear specification.

See Response to R11



R20 Develop a structured plan to obtain the evidence necessary to prepare an annual Statement on Internal Control.

See Response to R11



R21 Publish an annual Statement on Internal Control.

See Response to R11



R22 Carry out a formal job evaluation exercise prior to the recruitment of the next Chief Executive.

See Response to R11






Target date

Responsible Officer

R23 Develop structured arrangements for validation of all data used to evaluate performance, including evaluation of the design of surveys.

See Response to R11



R24 Ensure that the goals, priorities and KPIs proposed for inclusion in the schedules to the Partnership Agreement address the States' strategic objectives.

See Response to R11



R25 Working with the States, use external expertise to challenge the robustness of the approach to deriving RoIs.

See Response to R11



R26 Ensure that the Annual Report gives prominence to Visit Jersey's performance against objectives, including KPIs.

See Response to R11



Oversight of Visit Jersey by the States of Jersey

R27 Routinely document the attendance by the Relationship Manager at and key points arising from meetings with Visit Jersey.

Formal quarterly meetings with Visit Jersey will be documented. These will become integral to evidencing our ongoing consideration of Visit Jersey's performance.

Q1 2019

Visit Jersey Budget Holder

R28 Improve the challenge of Visit Jersey in the quarterly review, including the documentation obtained, and the recording of judgements made.

The application of the operational and financial capability assessment review process will be amended such that it is conducted on a half-yearly basis (in line with the draft new Financial Directions). These reviews will be supported by documented formalised quarterly meetings.


Group Director Economy and Partnerships/ Visit Jersey Budget Holder




Target date

Responsible Officer

R29 Develop and document a wider scope for the annual review of Visit Jersey in time for the

2019 grant award deliberations.

The C&AG Report was published too late to influence the 2019 award process.

It is anticipated that this will be targeted for subsequent award considerations by the new Partnerships function.

By end Q3 2019

Group Director Economy and Partnerships Head of Partnerships

R30 As part of its monitoring of Visit Jersey, monitor the implementation of the recommendations for Visit Jersey contained in this report.

Noted. This will be monitored as part of the ongoing review process of Visit Jersey.


Visit Jersey Budget Holder

R31 Undertake the annual reviews of ALOs in parallel to assess whether support for ALOs in aggregate most effectively supports the attainment of the States' objectives.


It is proposed that a review of the roles and functions of ALBs (including potential efficiencies) is undertaken in 2019 in conjunction with the establishment of the new Partnerships function, and that this determines future grant award recommendations to Ministers.

31 Dec 2019

Group Director Economy and Partnerships, Budget Holders, and Head of Partnerships

Conclusion: Recommendation for the States

R32 Actively consider and document the consideration of the findings and recommendations in this report for the oversight by the States of other ALOs both individually and generally.


Consideration should be given to the establishment of an officer working group to consider and action this recommendation.

30 Jun 2019

Head of Partnerships

Recommendations not accepted


Visit Jersey's response, 25th January 2019 Summary of response

This document provides Visit Jersey's response to the Report's recommendations to Government.  We have  had limited time  to consider, and  this reply is  our initial response; further clarifications may be submitted.

Visit  Jersey  was  established  in  2015  and  is  one  of  the  larger  Arm's  Length Organisations ("ALOs"). The Review considered arrangements in place both within the States of Jersey and Visit Jersey, and the adequacy of arrangements for the award of the grant, including linkage to strategic objectives and justification for the level of grant; focussing on Visit Jersey, the adequacy of arrangements for internal control, value for money and corporate governance; and focussing on the States of Jersey, the adequacy of arrangements for oversight of Visit Jersey, including measurement of performance against the objectives of the grant.

The Review began in February 2018 and was published on 6th December 2018. The report is an important piece of work that provides comfort to the States of Jersey that a robust  infrastructure  is  in  place  for  delivering  the  Island's  collective  tourism aspirations. Valuable recommendations are outlined within the Report as to how we can continue to develop and maintain a proactive, confident and compliant working relationship between the States of Jersey and Visit Jersey. The Report highlights that Visit Jersey has developed a structured approach to how it runs its business, and recognises the progress that has already been made since the previous C&AG report (R.76/2017: Oversight of Arm's Length Organisations').

At Visit Jersey, we take our responsibility seriously and recognise that every pound we spend is coming directly from the taxpayer. It is vital that, as a high-performing organisation,  we  demonstrate  characteristics  and  an  approach  that  ensures Government's objectives are being met and that we continue to deliver value for money. Visit Jersey is an organisation keen to learn and is always looking to improve, and we welcome the Report in its entirety.

The Board of Visit Jersey draws comfort from the findings of the Report, and we note and welcome the conclusions of the C&AG. The Board is committed to working with Government colleagues to implement the recommendations.

"Within  Visit  Jersey the  arrangements  for  corporate  governance  and monitoring performance are generally well developed for an organisation of its size."

(C&AG Review R.149/2018, page 24, paragraph 5.3)

Action Plan




Target date

Responsible Officer

Award of Grant by the States of Jersey

R1 Prioritise the development of the proposed Enterprise Strategy, linked to the Common Strategic Policy and Government Plan, and explicitly covering the tourism sector.



R2 Agree objectives for Visit Jersey explicitly linked to the Common Strategic Policy, Government Plan and, when adopted, Enterprise Strategy.



R3 Periodically review the continuing appropriateness of existing arrangements for financial support of tourism.



R4 Ensure robust review and evaluation of KPIs proposed by Visit Jersey in the context of the States' strategic objectives, with independent expert advice as necessary.



R5 Ensure that there is sufficient analysis contained in reports to Ministers recommending a grant award.



R6 Bring forward the timetable for annual review of a grant recipient to ensure that






Target date

Responsible Officer

it is undertaken in sufficient time to inform a decision on grant award.




R7 Ensure that the States' review of Visit Jersey, including Visit Jersey's self- assessment, is challenging and that the conclusions reached are supported by appropriate documented evidence.



R8 Ensure that Partnership Agreements are reviewed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the new Financial Direction applicable to ALOs.



R9 Ensure that the targets contained in key strategic and operational documents are aligned.



R10 Clearly document and communicate the respective roles of the Relationship Manager and Compliance Director.



Delivering and Monitoring by Visit Jersey

R11 Consistently include objectives, targets and actions in strategies.

The Board will sign-off Visit Jersey's annual business plan to include objectives, targets and actions in strategies. This plan will be presented to the Minister's team for review and agreement.


Head of Partnerships/ CEO Visit Jersey

R12 Working with the States, develop enhanced arrangements for identifying and managing anticipated underspends.

Visit Jersey will continue to provide quarterly business and financial summaries to Government and enhance them in light of these C&AG findings and the Government's modifications once known.


Head of Partnerships/ CEO Visit Jersey




Target date

Responsible Officer

Implementing plans and programmes

R13 Ensure that Board minutes are published promptly.

Board minutes will be published within

2 weeks following the next Board meeting (to allow for ratification).


CEO Visit Jersey

R14 Review the continuing appropriateness of the composition of the Board 4 years after its establishment.

The  Board  is  comprised  of  independent non-executive  directors  both  from  Jersey and off-Island.

We  will  continue  to  review  the  Board's composition in light of business needs and good governance.

The Board has established a nominations committee.

Q4 2020

Chairman Visit Jersey

R15 Adopt formal monitoring of the implementation of agreed recommendations from Board effectiveness reviews.

The Senior Independent Director ("SID") will lead a further evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board, and consideration will be given to an external costed review, if the need arises.


SID Visit Jersey

R16 Consider regular external input into the Board effectiveness review.

Visit Jersey is confident in the composition of the Board, and a senior independent representative from the Government attends all Board meetings. The Board, at this time, is not persuaded that this would be the best use of taxpayers' funds.


Chairman Visit Jersey

R17 Introduce a formal evaluation process for Board members.

See R15.


Chairman Visit Jersey

R18 Consider periodic internal audit coverage and/or instituting compliance checks.

The Audit Committee of Visit Jersey considers the need for an internal audit function periodically. To date, the conclusion has been that an internal audit function is not warranted however, as the company engages an independent chartered accountant to prepare management accounts. This will continue to be monitored by the Audit Committee.


Chairman and CEO Visit Jersey

R19 Formalise the engagement of the Visit Jersey accountant, based on a clear specification.

Will be actioned in Q1 2019.

Q1 2019

CEO Visit Jersey




Target date

Responsible Officer

R20 Develop a structured plan to obtain the evidence necessary to prepare an annual Statement on Internal Control.

Visit Jersey will define its approach to risk management, internal control and corporate governance and set this out in our Annual Financial Statement. The first such report will be for the financial year 2019.


CEO Visit Jersey

R21 Publish an annual Statement on Internal Control.

See R20.


CEO Visit Jersey

R22 Carry out a formal job evaluation exercise prior to the recruitment of the next Chief Executive.

The current CEO is due to step down

in 2020, and planning for his replacement will begin in Spring 2019. Advice will be sought from the Government's Appointments Commission, and a professional recruitment adviser will be retained to support the process.

Q2 2019

Chairman Visit Jersey

R23 Develop structured arrangements for validation of all data used to evaluate performance, including evaluation of the design of surveys.

Visit Jersey has developed a structured arrangement for all data used to evaluate performance, including evaluation of the design of surveys. The company commissions third party expert companies to undertake research and evaluation. The Exit Survey methodology was reviewed and passed by BDO in 2018. This will be repeated in 2019. Visit Jersey will consider an independent review of the methodologies during 2020.


CEO Visit Jersey

R24 Ensure that the goals, priorities and KPIs proposed for inclusion in the schedules to the Partnership Agreement address the States' strategic objectives.

As part of the annual planning process, Visit Jersey will work with the Head of Partnership to align, where possible, tourism's goals with those of Government.

Visit Jersey's Business Plan was first presented to Government in

September 2018, the Government's Strategic Objectives were published in November 2018, and the refreshed Jersey Destination Plan was published in January 2019. The JDP clearly sets out the relationship between Government's strategic priorities and tourism's contribution.


Head of Partnership/ CEO Visit Jersey




Target date

Responsible Officer

R25 Working with the States, use external expertise to challenge the robustness of the approach to deriving RoIs.

The approach taken by Visit Jersey on RoIs is the same as used by VisitBritain and many other tourist boards. It has been reviewed by both the National Audit Office and Treasury, and accepted as being a realistic and pragmatic way of calculating a tourist board's interventions.

As part of deepening relationships with Government, and demonstrating the difference Visit Jersey makes, we are keen for a broader consideration by the new Partnership team.


Head of Partnership/ CEO Visit Jersey

R26 Ensure that the Annual Report gives prominence to Visit Jersey's performance against objectives, including KPIs.

Visit Jersey publishes 2 reports annually: statutory Financial Statements, and Annual Reports.

The 2018 Annual Report will ensure that Visit Jersey's performance against objectives, including KPIs, is set out in a clear and consistent manner.

Action for 2018 Annual Report to be published May 2019

CEO Visit Jersey

Oversight of Visit Jersey by the States of Jersey

R27 Routinely document the attendance by the Relationship Manager at and key points arising from meetings with Visit Jersey.



R28 Improve the challenge of Visit Jersey in the quarterly review, including the documentation obtained, and the recording of judgements made.



R29 Develop and document a wider scope for the annual review of Visit Jersey in time for the

2019 grant award deliberations.






Target date

Responsible Officer

R30 As part of its monitoring of Visit Jersey, monitor the implementation of the recommendations for Visit Jersey contained in this report.



R31 Undertake the annual reviews of ALOs in parallel to assess whether support for ALOs in aggregate most effectively supports the attainment of the States' objectives.



Conclusion: Recommendation for the States

R32 Actively consider and document the consideration of the findings and recommendations in this report for the oversight by the States of other ALOs both individually and generally.



Recommendations not accepted None.