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Policing Priorities for 2020–2023

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States of Jersey Police


Prepared by



Foreword by Chair of Jersey Police Authority  3 Foreword by Chief Officer of States of Jersey Police  4 Strategic Outcomes and Key Indicators  5 Policing Priorities  6 Actions and Initiatives   7

Jersey Safe and Crime is Reduced  7

Victims and vunerable people are safeguarded and supported  7

People have confidence in States of Jersey Police  8

The States Police Force is well managed and continuously improves  9

The States Police Force has a capable and resilient workforce  9

I am delighted to present our new Policing Priorities for the years 2020 to 2023. This is a new approach which the Authority has adopted to better align itself with government financial planning. The Authority believes that having started with an annual plan before moving to a two year plan, this longer four-year time frame will provide Islanders with a better indication of what the States of Jersey Police wish to achieve and, importantly moving forward, what it is expected to cost. For this reason, the priorities and objectives will be targeted, but subject to change as time progresses and re-evaluated on a year by year basis.

With the adoption of the new Government Plan  Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and

by the Assembly, our Policing Plan for 2020 –  Rescue Services (HMICFRS) which lists areas 2023 looks to ensure that the policies approved  for improvement within performance and

by the States are embedded within our own  leadership and also makes recommendations Policing priorities. This requires a tangible and  on enhancing partnership working with other verified set of indicators so that we can more  services. All of the recommendations and areas accurately measure performance to ensure  for improvement have been included within the that Jersey remains a safe and sustainable  Plan and it is hoped that many will be achieved Island for our residents and visitors alike.  in 2020. The full report is available to view on The new Government Plan also marks a vital  our website.

commitment to fund the recruitment of new

It is also worth mentioning that the future role officers to bring total strength from a figure of

and responsibilities of the Authority may change 190, up to 215 warranted officers and I wish to

in the future as a consequence of the positive acknowledge this vital commitment and the

reception from government of the Report into support that it received from the Minister for

Police Governance, issued in March 2018 by Home Affairs and his team. These extra officers

the former Comptroller and Auditor-General. will make an enormous difference, not just

In a true partnership between government,

to the service that the public of Jersey rightly

States of Jersey Police and the Authority, a well- expect, but also to officers themselves, relieving

constructed and supported set of instructions stress and allowing for greater flexibility in

have now been sent to the Law Draftsman deployment, training and leave.

with the aim of bringing amendments to the One of the main strategic outcomes of this new  States of Jersey Police Force (Jersey) Law 2012 Plan, is that people have confidence in their  to the Assembly during this year. If approved, Police Force. By increasing the establishment,  these amendments will clarify the role of the

we will ensure that the police have a presence  Authority as the custodian of the public interest, in the community by re-introducing the  increase our resources and further guarantee Community Policing function, focussing on  the operational independence needed by the early intervention, greater partnership working  States Police in order to uphold the law.

and the prevention of crime and anti-social

Finally, it is my great pleasure to recognise the behaviour. Confidence should not be taken

appointment of our new Chief Officer, Mr Robin for granted however, and the Authority was

Smith, who has responsibility for the operational pleased to receive the report from Her Majesty's

delivery of this plan moving forward.

Jason Lane Chair JPA

I was delighted to be sworn in as Chief Officer for the States of Jersey Police earlier this year. With it comes the privilege of leading a dedicated group

of men and women who are committed to delivering the very best policing service to our Island community and our many visitors.

Our overarching priorities are clear: we will be more accessible too, ensuring you

Catch criminals know who your local officer is and how best

Protect the vulnerable and, to contact and engage with them.

Get there quickly when you need us We also acknowledge the importance of our specialist crime assets to hunt down those

It really doesn't need to be any more

intent on committing serious crime and will complicated than that, despite operating in an

constantly seek to enhance our capability and increasing complex world, with many competing

capacity to tackle the threats they pose. Implicit demands and justifiably high expectations.

in this is protecting the most vulnerable in our This Policing Plan sets out how' we intend to

community, who are often disproportionately deliver our services by revitalising those things

affected by serious criminality.

we all hold dearvisible policing embedded in

the heart of our parish communities. This year  We have an exciting year ahead of us as we

we will reboot' Community Policing, ensuring  increase the number of police officers to 215 we are agile, responsive and relentless in the  and have ambitious plans to ensure their pursuit of criminals, keeping people safe and  presence is seen and felt. I look forward to confident in the knowledge we are tackling  working alongside Jersey Police Authority, those things that matter most. Government and other valued partners,

constantly striving to find the best outcomes We will be even more visible, often patrolling

for Islanders.

on foot at key locations and at a time when

we can most effectively provide reassurance,  Our ambition is clear - to provide a world class prevent crime, disorder and anti-social  policing service that the Island is proud of. behaviour. With the use of social media,  

Robin Smith | Chief Officer

Victims and vulnerable people are safK• eAAArisky indicat % change in % change in repeat % change in children who are eeguarded and supportedDomestic2ors to ensure wAbuse.victims supporVictims,e achieting a criminal cv That Jersey is safKout• e this outPeople havKinclude:exposed tAcrimes per 1,000 population,Awho fyec indicat % change in o % change in resident populationyome include: indicateel safc 3o high ome include:ors tors t1omplainte in their neighbourhood.o ensure we confidence in the policeo ensure wverall numbers o, e and crime is reducede achiee achieve this vf ree this outcorded come

A change in the % of Islanders who think that our States Police Force is targeting issues that matter

the most in our communities,

Our States Police Fand is continuously improK• eAper 1,000 population,A1,000 population.y indicat % change in P % change o4ors to ensure wverall colice Officost oorce is we achief Pers and Staff olicing per v Ke this outeving y indicatell managed come include:ors to ensure w5e achieve this outcome include:

A change in the % of people who think that our

States Police Force is doing a good job.

Our States Police Force has a capable

and resilient workforce

A change in the % of our workforce who would describe our organisation as a good place to work,

A change in the % of Officers and Staff who consider themselves competent to undertake their role.

That Jersey is safe  and crime is reduced

We will reduce re-offending  

We will tackle Domestic Abuse  

and Sexual Violence

We will work in partnerships to  ensure road safety

We will investigate International  

Money Laundering and terrorist  Victims and vulnerable  financing where identified people are safeguarded  

and supported

We will ensure that Children and  Young People grow up safely

We will work in partnership to deliver  

a 24/7 mental health crisis service

People have  We will work in partnership to support  confidence in the police victims at all stages of the  

criminal justice system

We will establish a community   policing capability that focuses on  problem solving and engagement

We will tackle hate crime and  anti-social abuse

We will increase the diversity of  

the States of Jersey Police workforce  Our States police force  to better reflect the community  is well managed and  

it serves continuously improves

We will support the OneGov   transformation programme to ensure  that the States Police Force maximises  opportunities for efficiency  

and effectiveness

Our States police force  We will continue to improve  efficiencies particularly through digital  

has a capable and resilient  transformation opportunities workforce We will research monitor and  

We will invest in the skills and capabilities  prepare for emerging crimes  

of police officers and police staff and trends

We will prioritise police officer and police  

staff health and wellbeing

We will develop and implement career  and succession paths alongside  

talent development plans

Jersey is Safe and Crime is reduced

We look forward to developing and introducing a programme to help prevent and / or reduce the risk of crime and abuse committed by identified Domestic Abuse perpetrators

We will explore technological opportunities and solutions to tackle road safety

We will research the characteristics and profile of repeat offenders, and develop plans to reduce re-offending

We will embed Counter Terrorism considerations across government team

We will enhance financial crime intelligence from industry through the establishment of a multi-agency triage assessment framework

We will review and consult on existing and proposed legislation that supports making Jersey safer

Victims and Vulnerable People are Safeguarded and Supported

We will support the delivery of the Government   Children's Plan

We will review, develop and implement a new

  States of Jersey Police Adult Safeguarding Policy

We will better understand the opportunities and  basis of how modern-day slavery and people   trafficking may present in Jersey

We will pilot an integrated victim & witness service

We will research the characteristics and profile of   repeat victims

We will develop plans to reduce the number of   repeat victims

We will continue to implement the States of Jersey   Police's "10 pledges to Children and Young People"

We will review the current and future policing  requirements for the more senior members of   our community

We will:

Increase our Police officer establishment

to 215 and a further 9 Police staff.

Re-introduce a Community Policing function, focusing on early intervention,

greater partnership working, Crime Prevention, and Anti-Social Behaviour.

Introduce problem solving policing initiatives, setting out

standards in policy and procedures,  and deliver the required training to our officers and staff.

Undertake surveys to better understand the characteristics and diversity of our workforce.

Work with partners in the completion

of the National Risk Assessment

process to better understand the

focus in combating Financial Crime.

Ensure Digital practices are aligned to BS 10008 (digital evidence).

The States Police is Well Managed and continuously improves

We will:

Support a further review by HMICFRS into demand and resourcing

Progress the implementation of the Areas for Improvement' and Recommendations' outlined in the HMICFRS 2019 inspection report

Continue to implement the Force digital strategy as well as monitoring and responding to the national police digital agenda

Design and introduce a new target operating model and organisational structure

Explore feasibility of securing ISO standards or equivalent across Scientific Services and Hi-Tech Crime

Research and develop a Big Data Strategy to improve reporting, predictive data models and performance framework

Ensure that conclusions and recommendations made by the Jersey Police Complaints Authority following their investigations, are acted upon

The States Police Force has a capable and resilient workforce

We will:

Introduce a well-being strategy for officers and staff

Identify opportunities to extend the training services provided by Norfolk Constabulary

Develop and Implement a Professional Development Unit, to support student officers through their probation, training and diploma qualification

Identify succession, career pathways and talent development plans in preparation for implementation in 2021

Undertake a skills audit of the force

Review, update and deliver core training programmes for officers and police staff

Continue to develop and enhance the forces capability to deal with all aspects of the evolving cyber threat. Focusing in particular on Online Fraud and opportunities to help protect the public


States of Jersey Police