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Jersey Appointments Commission 2020 Report

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Annual Report 2020




  1. Introduction  4
  2. Definitions on Terminology  5
  3. Role of the Jersey Appointments Commission  5
    1. Clarification on the role of the JAC  5
    2. The Employment of States of Jersey Employees (ESoJE) (Jersey)  5 Law 2005
    3. Relationship with the States Employment Board (SEB)  6
  1. Recruitment  6
    1. COVID Pandemic  6
    2. Interim Appointments  6
    3. Recruitment of Interim and Permanent Chief Executive  7
    4. Complex Appointments  8
    5. Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests  8
    6. Governance Statements  8
    7. Diversity and Inclusion  9
    8. Succession Planning  9
  2. Arm's length Organisations (ALO) and States Funded Bodies  9
  3. Audit and Costs  9
  4. What has worked well  10
  5. Ongoing concerns and progress since my last report  10
  6. New concerns  11
  7. Other meetings and advice sought  11
  8. Recommendations  12
  9. Thanks, from the Chair of the Jersey Appointments Commission  12

Appendix I  Overview of recruitment process and

oversight by the JAC

Appendix II  Definitions (Provided by HR)

Appendix III  Government of Jersey I WILL' (Inspiring

Women into Leadership and Learning)

Appendix V  Government of Jersey Senior Tier 2 and 3

appointments overseen by JAC

Appendix VI  Other roles overseen by the JAC

  1. Introduction

This is my 7th report for the Jersey Appointments Commission (JAC). I am pleased to be able to comment on good and improving practice, as well outlining on-going or new issues of concern.

The Jersey Appointments Commission (JAC) was established by the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005, to oversee the recruitment of States Employees, appointees and senior members of independent bodies. As the regulator of process our role is to ensure that recruitment is fair, efficient and conducted in accordance with best practice principles and procedures according to the Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013, and that appointments are made on merit.

We  do  this  as  a  team  of  six  commissioners,  each  assigned  to  several  recruitment assignments. The commissioner chairs and oversees recruitment from the start of the process through to the final interview. The commissioner does not vote or take a view on the person selected, where the process has been followed correctly. See appendix I for an overview of the process.

We publish guidelines for departments and for the independent sector which we expect them to follow. We undertake spot check audits on compliance to ensure robust practice and procedures. Adherence to legislation has led to appointments on merit throughout the service.

This has been an exceptionally busy year as the recruitment to posts in the Target Operating Model progresses. Almost all parts of all of the recruitment processes in which we have been involved have been handled remotely which has not in any way hampered the delivery of the

main aim, to determine on merit, through open competition, the best and most appropriate person to fulfil the role advertised.

The JAC has full oversight of the recruitment to the remaining Tier one, Tier two and Tier three roles that attract a salary over £100,000 and all appointment panels for open recruitment have been chaired by a Commissioner.

We have completed 9 assignments for executive roles within the Government and are content that due process and appointments based on merit has been followed. There have however been three assignments: Director of Property, Director of Capital Projects and Our Hospital Project Director that have been more challenging. While the Director of Property has now completed, all three assignments lacked suitably qualified candidates both on and off island and even after rerunning the search, two remain unfilled with an Interim covering the Our Hospital Project Director role and the Director of Capital Projects being currently covered by internal resources and recruitment to recommence in quarter 1 2021.

We have also seen continued challenges in attracting and securing candidates needing to relocate to the Island from other jurisdictions. A predominant reason is the responsibility for caring for children or elderly relatives which disproportionately affects women candidates. The GoJ has in place a substantial support and relocation package but although understanding the issues, it remains disappointing that we are losing good quality candidates for these reasons despite the enthusiasm for the transformation programme and narrative of One Government shown by candidates.

We have seen a slight increase in local candidates applying for the senior roles which have the oversight of the JAC but would still like to see more. The succession planning policy introduced last year may be beginning to see positive results. All roles which have our oversight are advertised and promoted on island through, local media and social media channels as well as through the various search partners that are used. The GoJ central resourcing team is working to see how to enhance the promotion and identification of suitably qualified local candidates.

  1. Definitions on Terminology

I thought it might be useful to offer definitions of some of the terms that have been used throughout the year, for example:

Consultant, interim, by exception, succession planning

Headhunter or search consultant

Short-term contract, substantiated

Recruitment, selection

Some  of  these  terms  are  often  misused  or  used  interchangeably  which  makes  the identification of a breach all the more difficult. During the year we encouraged the change of nomenclature to more appropriately describe the roles undertaken by members of staff in non- permanent contracts. We have provided a summary of definitions in Appendix II

  1. Role of the Jersey Appointments Commission
  1. Clarification on the role of the JAC

The Jersey Appointments Commission is an independent body that oversees the recruitment of States' employees and appointees to States supported or related bodies. We ensure that the selection is fair, efficient, and conducted in accordance with best practice and procedures.

We are not part of the People and Corporate Services department of the Government of Jersey but established by the States of Jersey to oversee the process and to report on our findings. There are, however, areas where the JAC is asked to comment which are outside of our remit and we do so where we have information that can add to the process.

We do not take part in setting salary levels except to ensure that no salary is offered to a candidate which is outside the salary range published when the post was advertised. We are not responsible for collecting or analysing of HR data. However, we can, and do, comment on our experience and what we have learned from our involvement. Although it is not our role to monitor succession planning, it is worth of noting that a planned programme of mentoring and succession planning is in place and, although it is sometimes difficult for staff to take timeout to be involved, there is active involvement in the programme.

  1. The Employment of States of Jersey Employees (ESoJE) (Jersey) Law 2005

The Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) recommended changes to the position of the JAC, these changes are to be included in the amendment to the ESoJE Law which was due to be amended in 2020. However, due to COVID-19 changes to the ESoJE Law have been put back to 2021, the changes include:

establish the JAC as an independent body corporate; and

clarify the functions of the JAC as a public services commission, including oversight and regulation of employment processes.

In addition, the C&AG JAC have recommended that the JAC published their accounts in the Annual Report and Accounts. However, until the JAC becomes an independent body they will not have designated accountability for a set budget, the JAC currently sits under the People and Corporate Services budget. This budget recommendation is currently being managed through the change to the Employment of States of Jersey Employees Law which is due to be amended in 2021.

  1. Relationship with the SEB (States Employment Board)

This year we met with the SEB on two occasions to report on our work in 2019 progress on our recommendations and to present our interim review report for 2020. In particular, the JAC escalated the need for confirmation that there was a process in place for monitoring Director General compliance with the JAC guidelines. The JAC also discussed with the SEB the progress made against the 2019 recommendations and the recruitment process for the interim and permanent Chief Executive in which the JAC members involved constitute the majority of the decision-making panel.

  1. Recruitment
  1. COVID Pandemic

In March 2020 the COVID worldwide pandemic hit Jersey and resulted in employees having to work from home. This changed the way recruitment was carried out across the world. The Government of Jersey put in place measures to enable the majority of employees (excluding frontline workers) to carry out their roles from home, this included making changes to the way recruitment was carried out. The Government of Jersey embraced the use of Microsoft Teams allowing panels and interviews to take place online via video conferencing. As expected, there were a number of challenges including IT technical issues at the start but the Government of Jersey were able to quickly adapt to a new way of working and mitigate the majority of challenges that come with an island lockdown and with the majority of people working from home.

The new online process of using Microsoft Teams, or Zoom if required to accommodate candidate's needs, has become part of business as usual. The JAC appreciate that although the preference would always be to interview candidates in a meeting room environment, the adaptation to remote working during the pandemic has been efficient and successful.

  1. Interim Appointments

In 2020, the Government of Jersey were consistent in their requirement for specialist Interim resource which fell into two categories.

  1. An Interim to temporarily cover a substantive post where a permanent recruitment exercise was being undertaken
  2. An Interim to cover a specific project or programme where specialist expertise was required for a defined period of time

The number rose from 29 in June and July 2020 to 40 in December 2020. And because of this the JAC has provided below an overview analysis of these posts.

The JAC was, however, content that appropriate governance and controls were in place in the approval and recruitment of all Interim staff into the organisation, with one exception identified as a long-term Interim consultant within Health and Community Services, the approval process for this consultant was rectified – further information can be found at the following link  For roles covering substantive posts JAC is content that a formal recruitment plan was in place to recruit permanently into the position.

The JAC reviews the use of Interims at their monthly board meetings together with a detailed analysis from the GoJ central resourcing team.

The JAC can confirm that this resourcing approach has been used flexibly and only when required. The JAC also noted the number of complex programmes and projects launched in 2020 (e.g. the infrastructure programmes across Growth Housing and Environment, Brexit, Our Hospital and the Integrated Technology Solution) all requiring specialist resource support.

The JAC welcomes the steps being taken by the government on the introduction of Workforce Planning strategies which will support staffing requirements and forecasts for the next 3-5 years

Analysis on GoJ Interim resources








Interims covering a substantive role







Interims engaged on a project/ programme





















Interims covering a substantive role







Interims engaged on a project/ programme














Note - The average time span for an individual interim term is circa 5 months

  1. Recruitment of Interim and Permanent Chief Executive

Following the announcement by the chief executive that he would be stepping down from his position as Chief Executive and Head of the Public Service for the Government of Jersey details of which were published on the Government of Jersey website under Letter from the Chief Executive on 9th November 2020, the JAC began the process for the immediate recruitment of an interim CEO, and simultaneously the recruitment of the permanent post supported by the People and Corporate Services Department. This action follows the direction laid down in statute in part 4 section 26AA of the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005.

The SEB reviewed the proposal for the permanent  and interim recruitment panels. The permanent and interim recruitment panels would be chaired and overseen by a UK Civil Service Commissioner and includes the chair and up to two other members of the Jersey Appointments Commission. The UK commission, as the regulator with a structure and role most aligned with the JAC's in oversight of senior positions across Whitehall, was appointed as regulator for this recruitment given the changed role and remit of the Jersey CSC.

A report on the handling of the process was submitted by the UK commission which confirmed that the process was fair, efficient and conducted in accordance with best practice principles and procedure in line with Jersey legislation. The report did however question the added value brought to the process by the unusual approach determined by the SEB of appointing two search agencies, suggesting additional cost and adding unnecessary complexity.

The  Government  of  Jersey  successfully  recruited  the  interim  Chief  Executive  to  begin employment in March 2021 allowing for a handover with the current post holder.

  1. Complex Appointments

The significant time pressure in 2020 has in part been the number of senior appointments in GoJ and non-States bodies but also the time needed to handle several complex appointments requiring a significant amount of commissioner time. This situation is increasingly common and will require the JAC to seek an increase in the number of appointed commissioners.

Complex appointments include the Chair of Andium and the Chair of the Channel Islands Competition & Regulatory Authorities (CICRA), complexities arose as a result of the formal transition from CICRA to the JCRA during July 2020. The JAC also provided oversight to the Interim CEO appointment of the JCRA.

  1. Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests

In 2020 there were several FOI requests related to the panel make up for numerous senior roles,  the  JAC  have  been  asked  to  confirm  whether  they  are  content  for  individual commissioners to be named. However, as the commissioner is not a panel member but has oversight of the process on behalf of the JAC to ensure it is fair, efficient, and conducted in accordance with best practice and procedures, the involvement of the JAC should be recorded in general terms and that the individual commissioner should not be named. For future FOI requests a statement should be provided to confirm that the JAC had oversight of the recruitment process.

  1. Governance Statements

In 2019, the JAC after discussion with the Chief of Staff, Directors General were to be asked to confirm in their annual Governance Statements that all their recruitment had followed the JAC guidelines. The JAC had requested from the Chief of Staff:

a copy of the letter / email sent to the DG's from the Chief of Staff reminding them of their recruitment obligations.

the compliance statement for each DG noting this for the JAC records.

an update on how DG's and Accountable Officers Governance Statement would record this in the future.

The Governance Statement questionnaire, which all Accountable Officers must complete, now includes:

5.2.1  Is all recruitment undertaken fairly, equitably, impartially and consistently taking account of fairness, equity and diversity – involving the Jersey Appointments Commission as required?

Although a statement has now been added, JAC has asked for it to be amended to make direct reference to following the JAC guidelines in all appointments. The JAC has also asked for how this is be monitored and will be seeking the support of the internal audit team to understand further whether recruitment has been undertaken within JAC guidelines.

  1. Diversity and Inclusion

The JAC is often asked about the gender mix for States of Jersey Tier one appointments (only one woman has been appointed at this level). The JAC can report that the gender mix at Tier two and three appointments is more evenly matched. A more detailed analysis is needed however at the end of each recruitment processes for Tiers one, two and three and should be undertaken by the resourcing team. See Appendix V Government of Jersey Senior Tier 2 and 3 appointments overseen by JAC for the analysis on 2020 senior recruitment.

  1. Succession Planning

The JAC appreciates that oversight of succession planning is outside its remit, but the JAC does suggest that details of the States succession policy is shared so that the JAC can understand how the Government of Jersey intend to regulate the policy to avoid inconsistent or unfair processes taking place outside JAC guidance on recruitment.

  1. Arm's length Organisations (ALO) and States Funded Bodies

The JAC does not currently hold a list of all arm's length organisations and States funded bodies. The list held by the JAC administrative support team is as close as is possible to determine. When new arm's length bodies (ALO's) and States funded bodies are created the JAC do not necessarily get informed, there is no central oversight of all the ALO's and States funded bodies and no one point of contact for the JAC to contact if the JAC wish to report concerns related to failure to follow guidelines or other concerns related to the recruitment process. There is currently oversight by Treasury and Exchequer of States funded bodies but not all ALO's. The JAC is concerned that there is no central accountable officer in the Government of Jersey with responsibly for ALO's.

  1. Audit and Costs

Where full oversight of a recruitment process is not required the JAC can and does provide audit only' oversight. This is sometimes requested by independent organisations keen to follow the guidelines but where the posts concerned do not strictly fall within those identified. Although our resources are stretched the JAC feels that it is an important service to offer and may sometimes suggest it for borderline appointments.

The JAC would like to re-establish its relationship with the Jersey Internal Audit team to undertake spot checks and full departmental adherence to the JAC guidelines.

JAC commissioners have had to cope with significant recruitment demands in 2020 and continue to receive requests needing commissioner involvement both within public sector and independent bodies This has caused significant time pressures on the current team and the JAC  will  be  seeking  consideration  by  the  SEB  of   the  appointment  of  an  additional commissioner to support the level of demand.

  1. What has worked well

We were particularly pleased with the continued improvement in the oversight of interim appointments and the clarification of the role that has resulted. It is also worthy of note that appointments on merit which properly encourage a diverse range of candidates is producing results. As a result of open competition, the Government of Jersey has appointed its first woman Prison Governor. We also welcomed in the appointment of the Superintendent, Head of Uniformed Services the first female officer to hold this position in the force.

Support for the JAC through the appointment of a resourcing specialist, JAC Executive Officer and administrative support in the People and Corporate Services department has ensured greater co-ordination within the People and Corporate Services department of recruitment activity and begun to offer more appropriate JAC support.

  1. Ongoing concerns and progress since my last report
  1. The lack of analysis of data collected during the application process. HR departments are not supported by IT systems that make this aneasy task. We are not sure whether the Shareholder Executive has this information in relation to the Independent ALOs it works with. There seems to be no systematic way of easily assessing the gender balance, residential status, sexual orientation, age, BAME candidates or those with any disability.  The  effective  use  of good  statistics  can  facilitate  learning  and improvement as well as compliance with discrimination laws and robust defence, where  warranted,  to  claims  of discrimination  in  the  Jersey  Employment  and Discrimination Tribunal. The JAC appreciate that the organisation is attempting to mitigate this by introducing an Integrated Technology System which is currently in procurement stages.
  2. Some panels are still unbalanced in terms of gender. All panel members should be properly  trained  in  recruitment.  Sometimes  previous  experience  is  used  as a substitute, but this is unreliable. There have been occasions where commissioners have had to intervene to prevent the use of inappropriate comment or questions for some applicants asking for example questions relating to child-care arrangements. Training in unconscious bias would be a helpful addition, establishing a pool on which to draw. Training in selection should not be a once and for ever event but should consist of regular refresher programmes as standards improve and take account ofnew legislation and case-law. The JAC is aware that the Resourcing function within the Government of Jersey provide training to recruitment panels undertaking senior recruitment to mitigate the risk of inappropriate comments and potential unconscious bias.
  3. The pool of talent is still a concern although the JAC is not directly involved in the appointment of senior positions other than Chair, CEO and sometimes the FD, those with non-executive experience, are likely to form, to a large extent, the pool of talent for future chair appointments. It is vital therefore that people from more diverse backgrounds get experience in these positions if they are to be selectable for the highest roles.

Andium Homes continued to be a cause of concern to the JAC but has now settled the appointment of its new chair. As chair of the commission, I had previously agreed a by exception' appointment of an interim Chair and NED to lead the development of the organisation and prepare for the open recruitment of a new permanent Chair for a maximum period of 12 months. The JAC had reported several concerns that Andium did not intend to follow an appropriate and fair process and there was again an attempt to sidestep JAC guidelines and the stated position of the Minister.

  1. The appointment of a pan Island Chair with Guernsey for CICRA not having been secured, plans were put in place for the current SID as Acting Chair to be extended for a period ofup to 6 months to enable the recruitment process for the permanent process. A permanent appointment was made in July 2020.
  2. The JAC still has no way of measuring overall compliance throughout departments in roles  where  Commissioners  are  not personally  involved.  Although  there  is  now mention of the matter in the annual governance statements for each department this remains a significant concern.
  3. Although notice of recruitment activity has improved there have been some cases where more  timely  notification  to  the  JAC  could  have  helped  prevent a gap  in employment resulting in the necessity for an  interim posting. Earlier initiation of engagement with the JAC will aim to ensure sufficient handovers between old and new role holders to ensure the best transition.
  1. New concerns
  1. The involvement of a States observer within recruitment exercises. This needs to be clarified. Where approval of a process has been agreed by the board of an ALO and has the endorsement of the JAC, while the observer has the right to report to the minister, he/she has no right to intervene in the process itself.
  2. There seems to be an increase in criticism of the JAC on the basis of a lackof understanding of our role. The JAC will work with the State's Employment Board to help the public to know what the commission does and can do, and the limits of its authority.
  3. There seems also to be an increase in the perception that open competition' always leads to appointments from the UK. This is clearly not the case and again the JAC looks to work with the SEB to publish an explanation of open market competition' and what it means and its results and to demonstrate the work that is going onto prepare Jersey  employees  with  the  skills  and  experience  necessary  to  compete  more successfully. There have been some recent examples where the States have tried to recruit local candidates but where no potential applicants have been forthcoming, this is particularly notable in technology roles.
  1. Other meetings and advice sought

The JAC were invited to attend the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel on 23 June 2020 to discuss the JAC's ongoing work programme and recommendations the Commission may have regarding P.70/2020 - States of Jersey Development Company: amendments to the Board of Directors and Articles of Association which was due for debate in the States Assembly on the 14 July 2020 and also the content of R.48/2020 - States Employment Board: Annual Report 2019.

Proposition P70/2020 /assemblypropositions/2020/p.70-2020.pdf

SEB Annual Report R. 48/2020 /assemblyreports/2020/r.48-2020.pdf

  1. Recommendations
  1. Appointment of a flexible commissioner who will be able to support the JAC with fluctuations  of workloads  due  to  the  time  needed  to  handle  several  complex appointments requiring a significant amount of commissioner time.
  2. There should be structured governance in place around DG compliance that all their recruitment  has  followed  the  JAC  guidelines.  JAC  are  recommending  that  the governance statements be amended to make direct reference to following the JAC guidelines in all appointments. The JAC also recommend that a process to monitor this is put in place.
  3. The JAC are recommending that any FOI requests requesting the names of panel member which the JAC have had oversight should not disclose the commissioners name unless the commissioner is acting as a panel member.
  4. The JAC are recommending that there should be central government oversight for ALO's and States funded bodies to ensure consistent application and monitoring of the JAC guidelines.
  5. The Government of Jersey should ensure that there is continued review of the interim process to ensure it is appropriately utilised across the organisation.
  6. Attendance at or evidence of appropriate Interview Selection training should be mandatory for all panel members
  1. Thanks, from the Chair of the Jersey Appointments Commission

This has been another busy and quite challenging year and one where thanks are especially due to Natalie Williams and Elsa Sousa without whose steadfast administrative support, our work could not have taken place. At the start of the year the JAC had the support of Louise Ferns to whom, with the continued support of HR colleague Neil Wiseman in particular, we also offer our thanks.

My thanks to go to the team of commissioners Helen Ruelle, Joanne Waring-Hockley, Jennifer Carnegie  and  Simon  Nash  for  their  attention  to  detail  and  rigorous  regulation  of  the competitions in which they were involved, some of which have been particularly challenging. A particular thanks to Peter Charalambous who took on the additional role as my Deputy . Short biographies of the team are found in appendix IV.

Appendix I – Overview of recruitment process and oversight by the JAC Stage 1 - Identification of requirement

Appointment of JAC Commissioner

Initial assignment briefing and sign off of process including appointment of search partner (if applicable)

Stage 2 - Process and panel sign off

Agreement of timelines

Oversight of job description/candidate briefing pack and the "attraction and search" strategy (on and off Island)

Oversight and agreement of recruitment panel ensuring independent and gender balance is adhered to

Oversight of search and weekly update reports

Stage 3 - Long listing

Chairing of long listing meeting with full panel attendance including compliance of conflict of interest with panel members

Reach agreement/consensus with panel on candidates to be taken forward

Stage 4 - Short Listing

Chairing of short-listing meeting with full panel attendance including compliance of conflict of interest with panel members

Review of technical assessment interviews with panel (if applicable)

Reach agreement/consensus with panel on candidates to be taken forward for final interview

Stage 5 - Assessment centre (if applicable)

Overview of assessment centre and psychometric testing processes undertaken

Stage 6 - Final Interview

Oversight and panel approval of interview question framework

Oversight and panel approval of interview presentation topic (if applicable)

Chairing of final interview with full panel attendance including compliance of conflict of interest with panel members

Reach agreement/consensus with panel on candidate to be appointed

Stage 7 - Final Audit

Oversight of candidate due diligence (if required)

Final audit report on stages 1 – 7

Appendix II – Definitions (Provided by HR)

Assessment Centre

An assessment centre is used for shortlisted candidates to undertake a number of technical assessments on their suitability for a role and also their individual attributes and behaviours. These may include Psychometric tests, Leadership scenarios, media interviews/assessments, role plays and strategic written exercises. The outputs of an assessment centre are provided to the Interview panel as part of the selection of a suitable candidate for the role being recruited into.


The term consultant is used to describe an organisation or company that are engaged to provide professional consulting services. The company is normally engaged for a specific service or to provide advice or consultancy to a client and are normally engaged on a total fee or  number  of  days  to  complete  the  consultancy.  Examples  would  include  engaging consultancy services from a professional services firm or specialist consultancy who may for example provide consulting services on a new flood defence project. The term consultant should not be confused with the term Interim/Interim worker.

Contract for Service

Contracts  for  services  are  predominately  used  for  the  contractual  arrangements  of Interim/Interim workers where the Interim is contracting with the end client (for example GoJ). This is a direct contract between the organisation and the Interim's limited company.

Additionally, contracts for services are used where an Interim is engaged through a third-party recruitment agency. In these instances, the Interim is contracted to the agency and the agency is contracted to the end client or organisation.

In all instances Professional indemnity and Employer Liability insurance are required.

Headhunter/Search Consultant

A  headhunter/search  consultant  is  a  company  or  individual  that  provides  employment recruiting services. Headhunters are hired by organisations to find talent and to locate individuals who meet specific job requirements. The term headhunter may also be referred to as an "executive recruiter," and the function they perform is often called "executive search."  

Independent Panel Member

Independent panel members are independent of the organisation recruiting and are normally subject matter experts in the discipline being recruited into.


The term Interim or Interim worker describes a person that is engaged on a contract to provide professional/subject matter expertise on a project or programme or would temporarily cover a Substantiated post' while a recruitment exercise is completed. It is normal that the contract between the interim worker and the organisation has a statement of work' which include specific outputs and outcomes that the Interim is contractually committed to deliver.

The Government of Jersey does not class interim workers as employees and they are not paid through the organisation's payroll. They are responsible for managing their own tax affairs and have no employment rights with the organisation they are contracted to.


A long-list is a formal report of all candidates that have applied for a role which are then reviewed by a panel using an evaluation criterion to select which candidates should be rejected and which should be added to a shortlist.

P59/2011 Proposition

The P59 (GoJ only) is used as a business case to the States Employment Board seeking approval for the provision of interim resource and for roles which carry a salary of over £100,000 or report directly to a director general. The process is also used for extensions to interim assignments and authority to recruit on a fixed term contract (within Tiers 1,2 or 3) where the salary is over £100,000 or reporting to a director general.

P59/2019 Proposition

This is a proposition from the States Assembly which requires the Government to report on all consultant expenditure. The report has to be lodged twice a year covering a six-month period.

Professional Services contract

A professional services contract is used where an organisation is procuring consultancy or goods from an organisation. Examples would include services from a professional services firm.


Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable  candidates  for jobs (either  permanent  or  temporary)  within  an  organisation. Recruitment can also refer to processes involved in choosing individuals for unpaid roles. Managers, human resource generalists and recruitment specialists may be tasked with carrying out recruitment, but in some cases public-sector employment agencies, commercial recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies are used to undertake parts of the process.  


The term selection describes the process that is undertaken to assess an initial set of candidates for a role.


Following the technical assessment of all long-listed candidates, a formal report is produced and reviewed by a panel using an evaluation criterion to select which candidates should be rejected and which should be taken forward for final interview.

Short-term/Fixed Term appointment/Acting up

Short-term, Fixed Term and Acting up appointments occur when the role is occupied on a temporary basis pending an appointment to the substantive position. Employees engaged on one of  these  contracts  are employed on  an organisation's  payroll. In  some fixed  term appointments, the substantive role may be time limited for a period of 12- 24 months where the initial recruitment process would have full oversight by the JAC. All requests for senior roles in these three categories are considered by the JAC.

Specialist/Technical Assessor

Technical assessors are subject matter experts (usually in a role more senior to that being recruited for) that can assess the technical expertise and competence of candidates.


This term is used to describe a role or person that is established within an organisation's structure. Expressions sometimes used include recruit into a substantiated role/position'.

Technical Assessment

Usually a stage after long listing where a technical interview will take place to explore a candidate's technical capability for the role they are applying for.

Please see: /assemblypropositions/2019/p.59-2019amd.pdf

Appendix III – Government of Jersey I WILL' (Inspiring Women into Leadership and Learning)

I WILL aims to increase the number of women in senior leadership positions, and to develop opportunities for women to connect and network across the organisation by aiming to:

support women in their Government careers and their professional development

work towards making the Government an exemplar and employer of choice for women

recognise the skills and talents of women and their impact across Government

raise awareness of barriers facing women in the workplace

share knowledge, inspiration and motivation from key speakers and networking events

encourage the Government to support women in securing senior and board level positions

scrutinise and challenge bias against women in the workplace

I WILL group have introduced:

A mentoring and coaching scheme for women which is great opportunity to benefit from an experienced leader who has the mentee's professional and personal

growth interests at heart.

I WILL has partnered with Board Apprentice to run a pilot scheme aiming to increase board member gender diversity across the public sector, arm's length organisations (ALOs), and wider States owned bodies.

I WILL have also set up a job shadowing scheme which is a great opportunity for employees  as  it  can  help  build  new  skills  and  provide  insight  into  how  they might broaden career horizons and build development plans to help them secure future


Appendix IV - Commissioner biographies Dame Janet Paraskeva, DBE.

Dame Janet has been Chair of the JAC since September 2014. She was previously the First Civil Service Commissioner in the UK and has held a range of other senior posts including six years as Chief Executive of the Law Society of England and Wales. She is currently Chair of Council for Licensed Conveyancers, Chair of the Standards and Regulation Board RICS and a non-executive director of a Mental Health Trust (HPFT). During the year Dame Janet was reappointed as Chair for a further three years to 23 September 2021.

Jennifer Carnegie

Jennifer is a senior director with experience in the development and management of talent across diverse geographies, cultures and businesses. She is currently a director and co- founder of Amicus Limited, a strategic leadership consultancy. She was previously the Chief People Officer for Digicel, a global telecommunications and entertainment provider and a director for Mars, Incorporated worldwide. She is a non-executive director of Jersey Business and is a co-opted board member of the Channel Islands Cooperative Society. Jennifer was appointed to the JAC on 18 January 2018 for a term that runs until 31 January 2022.

Peter Charalambous

Peter is an experienced financial services director with in-depth involvement in global financial services. He was a JFSC Registered Principal/Key person for Banking and Investment Funds and is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Securities Institute and a member of the IOD. He was an Executive Director with UBS AG and held Executive roles with  HSBC. He is a Consultant with BDO Greenlight and is an NED for Integritas Wealth Partners. Peter is a lay member of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board and was appointed to the JAC on 18 January 2018 for a term that runs until 31 January 2022.

Helen Ruelle

Helen is a highly regarded, high profile Jersey Advocate with extensive experience gained predominantly in Jersey but prior to that, in the UK. She is currently Director of Local Legal Services at Ogier, and she has held senior positions at Mourant Ozannes. She also holds the roles of Chair of the Employment Forum, and Vice-chair of Jersey Employment Trust. She was previously Chair of Jersey Community Relations Trust. Helen was appointed to the JAC on 30 April 2019 for a term that runs until 29 April 2022.

Simon Nash

Simon has a breadth of senior HR experience in both banking and law, including the positions of HR Director at Carey Olsen and Crestbridge. He is now the Founder and Chairman of the Insight Group which is a collection of complementary businesses built around the proposition of "great ideas about people that work". He is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and author of Effective Selection Interviewing (2010). Simon was the winner of an Innovation in Technology HR Law award in 2015 and he is also member of the Jersey Employment and Discrimination Tribunal. Simon was appointed on 1 October 2019 for a term that runs until 30 September 2022.

Joanne Waring-Hockley

Joanne has extensive senior HR experience in a variety of industries including retail, airports, telecommunication, fast moving consumer goods, finance, utilities and defence. Joanne has held the positions of HR Director at Jersey Telecom and Jersey Electricity and is now the owner of JW-H Strategic HR & Coaching service. She has also worked with the Royal United Services  Institute  (a  British  Defence  and  Security  think  tank)  supporting  Women  in Leadership. Joanne is also a Fellow of the Institute of Directors (IoD). Jo was appointed on 1 November 2019 for a term that runs until 31 October 2022.

Appendix V Government of Jersey Senior Tier 2 and 3 appointments overseen by JAC




Gender split of applications

No of Jersey applications

Final Interview gender split

Gender of appointee

Jersey/Int'l Appointee

Type of contract

Government of Jersey





Director of Health Modernisation (HCS)










Director of Property










Director of Capital Projects










Director of Communication










Chief of Police










Director of Financial Crime










Principal of Highlands










Programme Director – Our Hospital










Director of Computer Emergency Response










Group Director of Policy










Associate Director of People Services - Health










Associate Director of People Services - OD









Fixed Term

Associate Director PC&S People Services









Fixed Term

Director of Local

Complete  15  7  12  2  1  Male  Jersey  Permanent Services

Prison Governor  Complete  3  6  1  2  1  Female  International  Permanent Head of Architecture  Complete  2  2  4  2  0  Male  Jersey  Permanent Head of Corporate

Complete  2  2  4  1  1  Male  Jersey  Permanent Change Delivery

Head of Information

Complete  2  2  4  2  0  Male  Jersey  Permanent Management

Total  n/a  110  74  42  28  15  16  n/a

59.78%  40.22%  22.83%  65.12%  34.88%  75% (M)  56% (Jersey)

25% (F)  44% (Int'l)


Chair of the Board of  4 year

Complete  7  5  0  3  2  Female  International Governance C&AG*  term

*Note that there were a number of restrictions imposed in law which negated some Jersey candidates from applying: (a) he or she is or, during the period of 5 years preceding the date of the proposition recommending his or her appointment, has been, a States' employee; (b) he or she is a member of the States; or (c) he or she is an officer of, employed by, or engaged under a contract for services by, any States funded body (including any non-Ministerial States funded body) or independently audited States body.

Appendix VI Other roles overseen by the JAC




Chair – Andium Homes

Bank Depositors Compensation Scheme Board

Chair and Independent Member – C&AG, Jersey Audit Office

Chair of Employment & Discrimination Tribunal

Information Commissioner

Chair of JCRA

Interim CEO of JCRA

Chair of JDC

Chair of Jersey Employment Trust

Chair of Jersey Heritage

Chair of Jersey Police Complaints Authority

CEO of Visit Jersey

Chair of Social Security Tribunal Panel - ISMAT

Chair of Statistics User Group