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Transfers between Heads of Expenditure under The Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019: Article 18 – 1st October 2021

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Presented to the States on 6th October 2021 by the Minister for Treasury and Resources


2021  R.161



Decision(s): Under Article 18(4) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 (the Law), the Minister for Treasury and Resources hereby notifies the States, and having consulted with any relevant Minister under Article 18(5) of the Law; that she has agreed to the following –

Transfers between Heads of Expenditure under Article 18 of the Law


MD- TR- Ref.



Funding of –

From –

To –

2021 - 0114

Chief Operating Office (COO)

Treasury and Exchequer (T&E)

£6,032,702 and 50 FTE (full-time equivalent posts)

budget and staffing supporting Commercial Services.






After the expiry of 4 weeks following the presentation to the States of these transfers, the Minister hereby authorises the Treasurer of the States to action the transfers outlined in the table above.


As part of the One Government Transformation programme, a number of structural transformations were prioritised. Two of these were the Treasury and Exchequer (T&E) redesign and the formation of the Chief Operating Office (COO).

The requirement for a Commercial service was confirmed in 2018 as part of the One Gov transformation. The concept was initiated but the services were yet to be designed. The existing transactional procurement team were moved into the Commercial Services (CS)  directorate  and  a  Director  appointed  to  lead  it  through  the  creation  and implementation of the new service, focusing on expanding and maturing how the Government thinks and delivers procurement across the organisation but also bring in the concept of Commercial, which to date had not a central centre of excellence with inconsistent  delivery  of  solutions  and  minimal  capability  across  the  organisation, focusing more on out-sourcing rather than developing our own.

The rationale behind removing the legacy procurement team out of T&E into the COO at that time was to give them both the best chance of success. The transformation of both, whilst connected, was too significant to undertake at the same time under the same programme,  therefore  the  COO  was  set  up  and  the  recruitment  process  for  the Commercial Services Director commenced.

The collaboratively led transformation design of Commercial Services has led to the creation of a matrix directorate, covering:

Commercial advisory and support e.g., Grant Schemes, ALO governance and standards development;



Procurement e.g., the development of Strategic Category Management across Capital  and  Revenue,  including  advisory  towards  multiple  strands  of expenditure,  which  is  being  developed  through  the  CS  transformation programme; and

Business  Services  e.g.,  demand,  data  and  process  management  and consolidation, ITS support and development, governance, and Commercial training.

Over the last 12-18 months, the evolution of this model has identified multiple touch points and synergies with the Treasurer & Exchequer Department, from operational, strategic, regulatory and statutory responsibility perspectives.

Due  to  the  above,  whilst  also  recognising  the  substantial  portfolio  including  a considerable amount of outsourcing that comes under the Chief Operating Officer, it is recommended that the Accountable Officer (AO) responsibilities should be separated.

The transfer of the Commercial Services directorate from the COO into T&E, will build on the synergies above and reposition the AO responsibilities, whilst also seeking to optimise commercial and financial strategic and operational thinking, process design and resource development.

All staff and related non staff items will be transferred to T&E with £1,920,002 and £4,112,700 budget respectively.

The Minister for Treasury and Resources already has ministerial responsibility for Commercial Services. This will not change. This will ensure that the core components under the Minister's responsibility are consolidated as they had been previously.

This decision can be found on under the following Ministerial Decision reference –


which was signed on 1st October 2021.
