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OCT 2022
Ministerial Plans
Government Programme
Proposed Ministerial Plans
Introduction 5 Chief Minister 7 Minister for Children and Education 11 Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture 17 Minister for the Environment 21 Minister for External Relations 25 Minister for Health and Social Services 29 Minister for Home Affairs 35 Minister for Housing and Communities 39 Minister for Infrastructure 43 Minister for International Development 47 Minister for Social Security 51 Minister for Treasury and Resources 55 Council of Minister s Legislative Programme for 2023 58
Proposed Ministerial Plans
Jersey: A Thriving Community
The Ministerial Plans form part of the Government Programme 2023-2026 and set out:
each Minister s priorities; and
the Council of Minister s Legislative Programme for 2023
The Ministerial Plans will be updated each year.
Further information on the functions discharged by each Minister and Assistant Ministers can be found in the Art. 30A Ministerial Responsibilities: Ministers and Assistant Ministers Report when presented to the States Assembly.
Chief Minister
Deputy Kristina Moore
Assistant Ministers
Deputy Deputy Lucy Stephenson Alex Curtis
ConnØtable Andy Jehan
Ministerial Priorities
My priorities are: range and accessibility of data and
information across Government and
- Leading a government that is trusted, make a formal and structured process compassionate, and responsive, by: for better inclusion of minority and less
leading and co-ordinating the work of heard groups in policy development the Council of Ministers. processes.
creating positive opportunities for opening constituency offices in each Ministers and Government to listen voting district.
to and engage with Islanders and drawing on Jersey s unique heritage,
stakeholders, including a series of open progress the development of a cultural
evenings in each of the parishes to diversity centre to provide advice and
engage with parishioners. information; and encourage Islanders supporting the Engagement and from all backgrounds to come together
Information Review to ensure and celebrate their unique identities, the appropriate communication promoting diversity and inclusion in the arrangements are in place. An action Island.
plan will be developed to improve the
Proposed Ministerial Plans
- Strengthening the relationship and to monitor key States Assembly between the Government, States and decisions and reviews.
the parishes, by: establishing an Assistant Ministers forum
holding monthly meetings with the to support the work of the Council of President of Scrutiny Liaison Committee. Ministers and enable cross-cutting work
holding quarterly meetings with Scrutiny improving the trust and accountability of chairs to discuss progress on ministerial Government which is a clear priority in work programmes. our Common Strategic Policy.
developing and publishing an annual examining the current structures and programme of Ministerial priorities and procedures under the States of Jersey associated legislation. Each Minister will Employment Law to determine what provide an annual progress report to reforms are needed to the Jersey
the relevant Scrutiny panel in December Appointments Commission, the States each year. Employment Board and the role of
the Chief Executive and Executive Council of Ministers (CoM) meeting Leadership Team.
once a month in each of the parishes
across the year. This will provide 5. Reviewing the capacity and resources the ConnØtable, parish officials and of the Strategic Housing function parishioners the opportunity to meet to ensure Government has strong
with Council of Ministers to discuss and sustained actions to tackle the parish issues. housing crisis and increase home
- Building strong partnerships across ownership.
the whole of government, the private
6. Making support to children and their
sector and charitable and community
families central to the work of this new organisations to deliver real benefits
Government by leading on delivery of for Islanders.
the outcomes of the 2017 Care Inquiry
4. Directing and requiring that Report, to ensure we learn from the governance arrangements are in mistakes of the past and ensure that place to support a culture of delivery we delivery positive change. and robust decision making, that is
- Supporting an engaged and
efficient, effective, value for money,
productive public service by listening transparent and accountable across
and engaging with staff, by:
the whole of Government, by:
undertaking a programme of supporting departments to improve
departmental site visits, webinar and delivery and engender a culture that
staff leadership development events.
is customer focused and strives for
continuous improvement in productivity undertaking a Be Heard staff
and reliability of its services. engagement survey and communicate
to staff the results by the end of quarter tasking officials to develop intelligent
3 (2023).
integrated government data insights
to support robust decision making, increasing the number of key worker and adoption of the Statistics Code of housing units by at least 100 by the end Practice to build a culture of trust, quality of 2023.
and value in the production and release
growing our talent through training
of government data.
and development programmes and ensuring use of the Public Accounts increasing the number of apprentices Committee (PAC) Tracker model to employed by the Government year on report progress on Scrutiny Panels year.
recommendations on a quarterly basis
Proposed Ministerial Plans 9
ensuring that the public service values are demonstrated in everything we do.
- Continuing to support the delivery of efficient, effective public services, by:
prioritising, through the States Employment Board (SEB), the delivery of strategic workforce planning (across departments), with a particular focus on recruitment and retention of staff in critical frontline services for example Children s Social Care, Education and Healthcare.
assuring that we enhance our cyber security maturity.
- Progressing population and migration policy by:
developing the Council of Ministers Common Population Policy for presentation to the States Assembly, in line with the requirements of the States of Jersey, by end June 2023.
re-structuring operational systems to effectively manage responsive migration controls.
providing resources to collect accurate and timely statistics on populations trends including migration and immigration volumes and analysis.
leading the Population and Skills Ministerial Group which will provide
a central political forum for matters relating to population policy, the employment market and the skills needs of the Island.
updating the 2(1)(e) policy to enhance the economic, social, and benefits to
the Island from a fewer number of 2(1)(e) applicants, while valuing our high value resident community. This will include a review of available performance data
and industry-engagement.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 11
Minister for Children and Education
Deputy Inna Gardiner
Assistant Ministers
Deputy ConnØtable Louise Doublet Richard Vibert
Ministerial Priorities
My priorities are: so that all children and young people
are happy to learn and can go on to
- Ensuring all children and young people succeed and be the best that they
have the best education available can be, whatever their background or
to them, from early years through to individual needs.
adulthood, by:
offering evidence-based approaches ensuring that education is shaped that support families and children who around children, their needs and their need early help and support within an human rights and that children and outward looking education and support young people are listened to at every system.
level of the Education system and where
providing new ways of including and possible their views are taken into
supporting learners with particular account and acted on.
needs, better supporting children and using the Council of Ministers mission young people who are multi-lingual commitment to put schools at the heart learners, further development to the
of an inclusive community approach schools funding formula and further
to innovate and establish the best upskilling the teaching workforce though leadership and partnership models the rollout of continuous professional for schools, which have children, their development programmes.
families and communities as their focus.
recruiting more specialist staff to work continuing to modernise and enrich with children to access the curriculum the Jersey curriculum to reflect the and continuing to develop our workforce challenges of the modern-day world to improve how we teach and support
children and better target support young people, by:
where it is needed across inclusive
continuing to reduce CAMHS waiting schools.
times for ADHD neuro-developmental developing plans for legal reform of assessments and to maintain within
the Education Law that will promote target waiting times post-Children inclusion, autonomy of schools, and and Family Hub triage, for initial
clear systems of governance and assessments, therapy, and autism accountability, whilst continuing to assessments.
promote inclusive communities and
implementing new data and recording support for all children and families to
systems to improve measurement, access the highest quality education.
monitoring, and improvement to identifying and implementing a model of performance standards, towards an
early years services that is child-centred, annual report from 2023.
equitable, efficient, and affordable that
launching the now fully recruited to
can deliver very good outcomes for all
Early Intervention Service, in September children and families.
2022, providing mental health support engaging with families to understand earlier, in the right environments
how parenting support services can including schools, and aligning and
be improved and better accessed, organising Tier 2 support approaches. including designing, and piloting an
recruiting to and launching our new integrated progress check at age 3
Neuro-Developmental Service in 2023. during 2022/3.
extending our Duty and Assessment recognising the importance of
Service in 2023 and providing an out of communication and language in the
hours crisis support service for children, early years and beyond, and working
young people, and families.
in partnership with Jersey Library
and Every Child Our Future (ECOF) to addressing and implementing
increase literacy levels and enjoyment forthcoming recommendations from the through all ages of our population. C&AG Review Report.
reviewing and delivering on the capital continuing to update the CYPES programme, including the production estate ensuring disability accessibility
of a roadmap for the re-development and safeguarding requirements are
of schools in Town, and explore models addressed.
of community integration for schools in
Jersey. 3. Improving our social care services for publishing and delivering the next children and building on the Jersey phase of delivery of the school meals Care Inquiry recommendations, by:
programme to States schools in Jersey. working across Government to deliver
our corporate parenting responsibilities. rreecgouglanr isainndg ftrheaqtuaelln ct haicldc reesns n toe egdreen This will mean children in the care of
space and nature in order to flourish, the Minister, and care leavers, will be and search for and act on opportunities supported by the Government to thrive to increase access to these wherever and prepare to move into adulthood.
children and young people are working with partners to improve accessing education. continuity in care, early identification
of need and better co-ordination of
- Implementing the Children and Young services.
People s Emotional Wellbeing and
Mental Health Strategy 2022-25 ensuring our services are safeguarding and delivering improved health and children and young people with wellbeing outcomes for children and targeted focus on the most vulnerable.
delivering system change so that we better support and care for our children. This will include delivering programmes which aim to keep children safely with their families and where this is not possible to provide a loving home for them. Our promise will be to ensure we all thrive together.
developing a Community Partnership Group, involving CYPES, Health and Community Services, Housing, States of Jersey Police, Customer and Local Services, the parishes and honorary police. This would be a proportionate, focussed, evidence-based approach with partners to address issues of antisocial and offending behaviour.
ensuring we have enough capacity to support our most vulnerable children and families, for those either in care or through preventative work and continuing to work with children and families to improve the quality of our services.
delivering improvements in our residential care services including developing and enhancing therapeutic support working closely with the range of services.
delivering sustainable improvements within the Greenfields Secure Unit and developing long term strategic plans for the unit through engagement and participation with service users, the public and system partners.
increasing support across Fostering and Adoption Services to ensure our parents and carers are getting the right help when needed.
- Working in partnership to deliver a range of services for children and young people, by:
launching the new Integrated and Intensive Support Service, which will provide targeted extra intensive support for young people to enable them to achieve and be safely cared for in their families and as an alternative to care.
developing relationships and support for multilingual young people into
community-based provision.
continuing to deliver on the Youth Service Improvement Programme.
delivering on the capital programme to provide young people with fit for purpose community-based provision in St Helier and Le Squez.
establishing ways to meaningfully involve and engage children and young people in delivering improvements to services by developing participation standards across CYPES and introducing accountability and governance structures.
ensuring all front-facing CYPES services to children and young people are rights respecting.
continuing to develop the work of the Youth Parliament and school councils to ensure children and young people have an active voice in their schools, colleges and community.
- Establishing a strong, engaged and valued workforce working on behalf of children, young people and their families and ensuring services are
delivered safely and effectively, by:
addressing the acute recruitment challenges faced in nurseries, childcare settings, schools, Children s Social Work, Residential Care and CAMHS. To develop bespoke campaigns and improve processes to attract future colleagues to work for our services.
engaging with early years providers to understand and address the challenges of workforce pressures.
addressing staff wellbeing by listening to the needs of the workforce, addressing day-to-day work challenges, for example workload, and providing opportunities for colleagues to grow with the organisation.
ensuring robust governance, safeguarding and quality assurance frameworks are in place across CYPES and schools, ensuring children and young people are protected and service operate effectively.
- Enhancing Jersey s skills system to ensure it is responsive to the evolving needs of the economy and Islanders
aspirations, by:
continuing to build strong partnerships between Government, industry,
and employers to ensure that local education and training fully prepares learners for the workplace.
confirming an agreed approach to upgrading the teaching and learning facilities at Highlands College to ensure they mirror high-quality contemporary workplaces.
ensuring Islanders of all ages can access training opportunities which support them to develop new and additional skills required by our changing economy.
taking forward the actions recommended in the recent Further Education and Skills White Paper and proposed changes to higher education funding.
working with ministerial colleagues, and the People and Skills Ministerial Group, to ensure skills policy and delivery is coordinated across Government.
promoting individual and employer investment in lifelong learning by developing strong and visible culture and raise awareness of the importance and benefits of lifelong learning.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 17
Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture
Deputy Kirsten Morel
Assistant Ministers
Deputy Deputy
Alex Curtis Lucy Stephenson
Ministerial Priorities
My priorities are: identification of, and preparing,
necessary legislative changes where
- Developing an economic framework needed.
which will champion a sustainable
and inclusive approach and drive reviewing the Tourism (Jersey) Law an economy that is consistently 1948 and the Licensing (Jersey) Law high-performing, environmentally 1974 to ensure they are fit for purpose
and enable businesses to operate sustainable, entrepreneurial and
efficiently within the sector technologically advanced. I will
work with other ministers to develop tracking Jersey s progress via regular policies and mechanisms to alleviate questions to industry to be included in the current problems of staff Statistics Jersey s Business Tendency shortages and helping Islanders cope Survey.
with the rising cost of living. 3. Identifying new international
opportunities for Jersey businesses
- Working with stakeholders to ensure and work to deepen our Island s that Government interactions are economic ties to our closest
simple and efficient for new and neighbours, by:
existing businesses, entrepreneurs
and social enterprises, by: publishing export and inward investment strategies by the end of
producing a review identifying existing Q1 2023 and beginning to implement barriers to business by Q1 2023. them during 2023.
beginning the process of lowering exploring opportunities through regular, barriers to business following at a minimum, quarterly meetings
Proposed Ministerial Plans
with our Guernsey counterparts for developing a coordinated approach to greater cooperation across all areas sport across Government to help in the of economic activity including, but not delivery of Ministers strategic priorities. limited to, air and sea connectivity,
designing and begin delivering an elite digital, sport, culture and heritage.
sport strategy to support our local talent, deepening our cultural and economic enrich our local economy and promote links with France, particularly the Jersey internationally.
departments of Ile et Vilaine and La
using research being conducted into the Manche.
value of sport in Jersey to inform future
- Working with our key partners to policy and promote the benefits of sport to our community.
ensure our Island maintains robust
transport and digital connectivity, 7. Ensuring the continued commitment improving resilience and expanding to devote 1% of all Government choice for consumers, by: expenditure to the arts, to support
launching a public consultation on an delivery of the Arts and Heritage enhanced competition framework by Q2 Strategies, by:
designating the Jersey Opera House as re-establishing the Ports Policy Group to a major capital project and commence provide clear direction to Ports of Jersey work with new funding on this historic as a vital States-owned body. asset.
developing and lodge amendments to progressing the refurbishment of update the Shipping (Jersey) Law 2002. Elizabeth Castle as a major capital
- Recognising the importance of our
marine and agriculture sectors, championing the Creative Island
Partnership through 2023, facilitating by supporting these industries to
direct engagement with the arts sector. improve productivity, environmental
performance and Jersey s food developing and lodging a new bespoke security, by: Heritage and Antiquities Law.
implementing the Rural and Marine developing and lodging amendments to Economic Frameworks. the Public Records Law.
expanding the provision of the Rural 8. Creating new opportunities for growth Initiative Scheme. in the daytime, evening, visitor and
providing additional support to the events-led economies through clearly fishing industry to meet new safety articulated sector strategies which will standards. encourage investment and influence
placemaking to create an attractive supporting the development of the and dynamic retail and tourism sector,
medicinal cannabis industry into a highly
regulated, robust and innovative, export-
focused element of our rural economy. engaging with stakeholders from across
the tourism sector to develop and
- Recognising the part sport can play publish a new tourism strategy by Q4
in improving lives and strengthening 2023.
communities, we will deliver a
coordinated and enhanced sport working with our retail and visitor
partners to facilitate new opportunities offering for Islanders. We will embrace
for growth in the daytime, evening,
the power of sport to enrich our visitor and events-led economies.
local economy and promote Jersey
internationally. This will include:
Proposed Ministerial Plans 19
designing and beginning to deliver
a new retail strategy to promote investment and influence placemaking to create attractive and dynamic opportunities for our retail sector.
- Working, with ministerial colleagues and the Population and Skills Ministerial Group, to realise the
full economic potential of Jersey s workforce by fostering an economy that is skills-led, with a digitally empowered workforce supported through the Productivity Support Scheme to modernise, innovate and to become more technologically enabled to improve productivity by:
working with the Population and Skills Ministerial Group to addressing the current skills shortage.
including productivity standards as a condition for inward investment.
driving productivity improvements through the Productivity Support Scheme, the Rural Initiative Scheme and the Technology Accelerator Fund.
- Deploying the £20m Technology Accelerator Fund, from Q2 2023, to drive prudent and targeted digital solutions to wider Island challenges and we will promote a responsible, internationally competitive and innovative digital and technology sector.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 21
Minister for the Environment
Deputy Jonathan Renouf
Assistant Minister
Deputy Hilary Jeune
Ministerial Priorities
My priorities are: 2. Protecting and enhancing Jersey s
natural environment and heritage by:
1. Tackling the climate emergency by
reducing Jersey s carbon emissions extending protection of the Island s
in line with our net-zero target and rich geodiversity to ensure that improve our resilience to the impacts geo-heritage assets are valued and
of climate change by: appreciated.
designating the Island s first
dneeulivtrearli nrogatdhme afiprs itnpchluadsien go fat hfoeccuasrbon conservation area to protect and
on the decarbonisation of heating improve its special architectural and buildings and road transport through a historic character and appearance.
just transition. developing a marine spatial plan to reviewing the operation and ensure the sustainable management of governance of the Island s energy the Island s marine environment.
market to ensure our transition from a better protecting biodiversity through reliance on hydrocarbons; and working new legislation and planning policies; with Jersey Electricity to ensure the exploring the introduction of biodiversity readiness of the grid for accelerated net gain; progressing a biodiversity electrification. strategy to address biodiversity loss begin developing the necessary (including trees).
consenting regimes and frameworks to
enable utility-scale renewable energy
Proposed Ministerial Plans
- Ensuring the delivery of the homes and infrastructure that are essential to economic prosperity and Islanders wellbeing; and enhance the quality of
places in the Island, by:
publishing development briefs for all rezoned housing sites identified in the bridging Island Plan for the provision of affordable homes.
publishing guidance and schemes about the design, standards and specification of homes, along with density and parking standards, to ensure that they provide good and safe living environments.
bringing forward proposals to regulate rental property to ensure that minimum standards in rental dwellings are maintained.
developing a long-term Island-wide water strategy.
developing and publishing new plans for key areas identified in the Bridging Island Plan including, for example, an improvement plan for St Brelade s Bay.
- Promoting flexibility, responsiveness, and efficiencies in the way that we work to best meet the needs of our
customers by:
ensuring the planning system is responsive to key priorities; and developing a new Island Plan review process that is agile, efficient and easily accessible.
enhancing public debate to ensure
that the integral links between climate, natural resource quality, environmental quality, active travel, health both physical and mental, and personal responsibility are understood and more widely discussed.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 23
Proposed Ministerial Plans 25
Minister for External Relations
Deputy Philip Ozouf
Assistant Minister
Deputy Ian Gorst
Ministerial Priorities
My priorities are: engaging regularly with UK Ministers,
including those of an incoming
- Conducting external relations, Government, and cross-party concurrently with the Chief Minister, parliamentarians to provide clarity on
in accordance with the Common Jersey s constitutional relationship and Policy on External Relations, which is value to the UK.
approved by the Council of Ministers.
undertaking targeted programmes of
- Updating and publishing, on behalf engagement in the run-up to the UK
of the Council of Ministers and with General Election (which must occur no input from the States Assembly, the later than January 2025)
Common Policy on External Relations engaging on high profile policy issues
in Q4 2022, setting the framework e.g. providing further constructive within which Jersey s external detail on Jersey s register of beneficial engagement will be conducted over ownership.
the next administration. ensuring the successful delivery of the
British-Irish Council Summit in Jersey in
- Continuing to build positive, long-term
relationships with Jersey s external
partners to promote and protect maintaining and strengthening the
the Island s interests through our Jersey London Office to safeguard the international engagement, specifically: delivery of a successful on-the-ground
platform for UK political and officer United Kingdom political relationships: engagement.
Proposed Ministerial Plans
United Kingdom - Trade and playing a key role in developing the Cooperation Agreement (TCA): Island s response to international
developments on tax and beneficial spearheading Jersey s representation
in relevant oversight and governance
structures. supporting work to develop the new
cultural diversity centre, helping to continuing to engage with Marine
create a focal point for community Resources, the domestic fisheries
engagement with effective utilisation of community and international parties
honorary consul and other community in respect of fisheries management,
particularly in relation to the next stage
of discussions in respect of the nature France:
and extent of fishing rights.
developing a cross-Government French United Kingdom Free Trade engagement strategy and establishing Programme: a cross-departmental working group by
Q3 2022, to steer and oversee work coordinating cross-government input
to improve and cultivate Jersey-French to new FTA deals, including work to
relations, including with the French clarify the benefits and risks of Jersey s
national government.
undertaking proactive and wide- pursuing extension mechanisms in
ranging engagement with regional respect of services trade, in line with the
partners across Normandy and Brittany, Island s priority interests.
including a programme of ministerial leading negotiations to secure and officer inbound and outbound visits agreement of the overarching complemented by regular regional Memoranda of Understanding in respect summits.
of Dispute Resolution.
working collaboratively with other
departments to develop and implement Supporting Government of Jersey
projects supporting cooperation across priorities:
trade, connectivity, travel, education, working with Government of Jersey arts, heritage and sport, including departments and arms-length exploring the possibility of formalising bodies to support and enhance the commitment with the negotiation and Island s economic productivity, using implementation of targeted Memoranda our contacts in the UK, the EU and of Understanding.
relationships further afield to inform and
in conjunction with the Communications support the objectives of the Council of
Directorate, overseeing implementation Ministers.
of a targeted campaign to improve
using our existing and growing new understanding and perceptions of
external relationships to develop Jersey by Q1 2023.
collaborative approaches to areas of
finalising new agreements with the common challenge including housing
UK s Foreign, Commonwealth and policy, population and migration issues,
Development Office to allow Jersey labour and skills shortages.
officials to make use of the UK s supporting other Government of Jersey diplomatic platform for short-term departments in the development of deployments to priority jurisdictions, strategies around off-Island recruitment initially in respect of Paris by Q4 2022. and the application of work permits
as an immediate response to post- Russian invasion of Ukraine:
pandemic and post-Brexit labour market
ensuring Jersey continues to take a shortages.
proactive and visible leadership role
Proposed Ministerial Plans 27
in supporting the global community in its response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Implementing international sanctions on designated individuals and entities in a timely and comprehensive way, and by undertaking collaborative multi-agency work as part of an effective whole-of- Island, government/regulator/industry response.
conducting regular outreach sessions to industry to provide clarity and guidance on issues related to sanctions implementation.
European Union:
continuing to develop and grow Jersey s profile and engagement with key partners across the EU.
utilising our overseas representation in London, Brussels and Caen to horizon- scan, lobby and engage directly with EU stakeholders on the ground.
developing and implementing targeted plans for engagement, with particular focus on those jurisdictions with which we share historic, community and economic ties.
undertaking a wide programme of ministerial and officer inbound and outbound engagement to build solid and positive bilateral relations.
Global relationships:
progressing the Global Relations Strategy to increase Jersey s visibility and access to key decision-makers in carefully selected priority jurisdictions outside the UK and EU.
negotiating new international agreements, such as bilateral investment treaties (e.g. entry into force of the UAE BIT, and negotiation and conclusion of a BIT with Ghana, by Q1 2023) and double taxation agreements (e.g. negotiations with Ghana concluded by Q4 2022).
building alliances, in conjunction with other Government of Jersey departments, to further international
cooperation in areas such as trade, asset return, tackling financial crime, environmental, digital, cultural and educational collaboration.
Island identity:
continuing to represent Jersey s interests - and take leadership positions - in strategic multilateral fora, such
as the OECD, the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting,
the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council, IMF and World Bank.
delivering relevant commitments within the Island Identity Report.
developing a diaspora initiative, including enhancing and growing our #AlwaysJersey platform, to improve connectivity with and engagement of Islanders living abroad.
delivering an effective international compliance function, including managing the relationship with the Director of Civil Aviation.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 29
Minister for Health and Social Services
Deputy Karen Wilson
Assistant Ministers
Deputy Rose Binet
Ministerial Priorities
I will address the scale of the challenges faced and safe outcomes for patients and
by Health and Community Services (HCS) by users of HCS s services ensuring they bringing forward plans for radical turnaround are good value for the taxpayer and and transformation. comply with statutory duties.
My priorities are: hold HCS to account for the delivery
of safe, effective and patient centred Standards, Quality and Safety care.
reform HSC s internal care
- Advancing the quality of Government governance structures, ensuring
of Jersey health and care services, evidence-based standards for ensuring they are well governed, safe governing the quality and safety of and person centred, by: healthcare are embedded in clinical
- establishing, by end of Q1 2023, an practice and the organisational independent board, consisting of experts systems and processes that
in health and social care practice, drive quality, safety, learning and leadership and governance, who will continuous improvement.
collectively: create the conditions which
champion development of a healthy provide stewardship to HCS placing a
and a positive working culture in greater emphasis on the relationship
which HCS staff feel they are valued between governance and quality of
team members working together care.
to meet patients needs and that oversee the delivery of high quality they are free to speak up about any
concerns they have. to advance quality of care, by:
promote greater integration between a. making plans in 2023 to establish a new HCS and the health and social care strategic health and care policy function system. which will:
involve patients and the public in determine government policy and the drive for improving quality and associated funding and financing performance. arrangements across the whole
Island health and care system. oversee and account for the
performance of the service and scope, with input from Islanders publish audit and information, and providers, how best to improve data and evidence necessary access to, and ensure availability of, to understanding and driving up high quality, well governed, patient standards of care. centred services for all Islanders, to
include development of:
oversee delivery of the improvement
framework developed in response to a primary care strategy in
the Mascie- Taylor report. collaboration with the Minister for
Social Security, and
- publishing a Service Excellence a paid-for services strategy to ensure Standard setting out HCS s that all Islanders benefit from the commitments to its patients and staff. ability to attract medical professionals to Jersey who can drive innovation
The standard will set out how HSC will in practice and income generation listen and respond to the voices of associated with delivery of paid-for patients and their families and explain services.
what people can do when something
- publishing a citizen involvement
goes wrong. It will also drive patient
strategy, setting out how Islanders focused services by:
should be involved in the work of helping HSC teams to build the whole health and care system in competence and capability in patient Jersey and introducing measures which involvement and engagement work. capture the patient experience.
placing greater emphasis on c. supporting the development of a improving the patient experience dementia strategy and an autism and
and introducing robust measurement neurodiversity strategy, setting out
of service satisfaction. how Jersey will provide care and life
opportunities for these members of our setting out access standards for community.
waiting times and referrals for
treatment. d. prioritising the development of the data
and evidence needed to understand
- supporting development of a new service capacity and demand, plan professional registration law, for improvements and monitor the
debate in 2024, consolidating the five effectiveness of the Jersey health different laws that currently provide system and health services.
for the registration of health and care e. working across the Council of Ministers professionals into one new fit-for- to agree and publish, in 2023, a whole
purpose law. Island workforce strategy which will set out how government will address the
Policy and Strategy Development barriers to recruitment and retention
of health and care staff regardless of
- Helping to ensure that the different whether they work for Government of parts of our Island health and care Jersey, primary care or the voluntary system work together more effectively and community sector.
Service Development Public Engagement
- Helping support improvements to the health and wellbeing of children and adults by:
- asking the States Assembly to support revisions to the original Jersey Care Model proposals to focus the previously agreed investment on the expansion of digital health and new forms of care.
- overseeing continued development of services that will:
enable people to receive high quality treatment in hospital or to recover at home (to include in 2023 a new care, support and discharge support service and enhanced assisted technology devices).
see the introduction of evidence- based standards of care that will ensure that people, with particular conditions, receive consistent high-quality treatment and care and understand what treatment they can expect (to include, in 2023, people at end of life).
ensure people can be quickly and accurately referred to the right specialist support via a new digital referral service.
focus on improving the health and wellbeing of women and girls by beginning work that will inform a women s health strategy, including:
continuing to raise awareness of
preventative services such as HPV immunisations, breast and cervical screenings.
supporting the education
programme in schools on sexual development, menstrual health and pregnancy.
raising awareness of the
implementing the maternity
improvement plan including pre- and postnatal mental health services and the substantive appointment of a breast-feeding specialist.
- Commence scoping, in 2023, an updated:
service-user led mental health strategy which will focus on:
meeting the treatment and recovery
needs of those affected by severe mental illness including those in need of forensic/specialist psychiatric care.
improving access to early intervention
and behavioural therapy for families affected by mental illness.
improving the quality and access to
specialist provision for young people affected by severe mental illness in collaboration with the Minister for Children and Education.
promoting mental wellbeing and
preventing mental ill health.
suicide prevention strategy which will focus on preventing suicide and reducing incidence of self-injury associated with mental distress.
- Reviewing the fees and charges associated with assisted reproduction services, contraception and termination of pregnancy.
I will also undertake a citizen s engagement process with a view
to bringing forward changes to our Termination of Pregnancy Law.
Improving Public Health
- Supporting development of more accurate information about health trends in Jersey during 2023, which can be used to decide what services are needed to improve and protect health, and to chart progress over time.This information will form part of a wider Jersey Strategic Needs Assessment, to be developed over coming years, which will combine Islanders views about the services they want to support them, routine data sources on health trends and best evidence internationally on what works in practice.
- Bringing forward clear access high quality end-of-life or recommendations on how to protect palliative care services.
Islanders from infectious disease
and other environmental threats. 11. Commence scoping a potential new Recommendations will be informed by law which will focus on safeguarding a forthcoming Health Protection Review. and protecting adults at risk of harm New arrangements will also be put in or neglect and providing for the needs place to improve data on infectious of carers. The end date for this work diseases (surveillance) and to enable cannot be known until it is scoped.
Government Department and external
organisations to work even more
closely together when necessary.
- Developing a clear plan and service model for how to improve health
in both the short and long-term.
The work will consider the best opportunities for promoting health
on the Island, will be influenced by Islanders views about what helps
them keep well and will set out where Islanders can gain support to stay well. This will be described in a Public Health Strategy, which will also set out the skills, resources and capacity needed
to take things forward in 2023.
New Legislation
- Supporting continued development of a new public health law to replace the existing out of date Law. The new law will provide proportionate measures
to support the control of infectious disease threats and other hazards and will support Government of Jersey
to address health inequalities and to focus on health outcomes across all
its activities by taking a Health in all Policies approach. The intention is for the Public Health law to be ready for debate in 2024.
- Continuing the development of a proposed new law, for debate in 2024, permitting assisted dying in Jersey for residents aged 18 or over. I will also support the development of end-of-life and palliative care services to ensure that no person chooses an assisted death on the basis that they cannot access or believe they cannot
Proposed Ministerial Plans 35
Minister for Home Affairs
Deputy Helen Miles
Assistant Ministers
Deputy Deputy Louise Doublet Hilary Jeune
Ministerial Priorities
My priorities are: the service s succession planning and
the inability to attract specialist or senior
- Ensuring Justice and Home talent from outside Jersey, as highlighted Affairs (JHA) frontline services are in the National Fire Chiefs Council/Local appropriately funded to operate Government Association Peer Review effectively, efficiently and perform their Report 2022.
statutory functions and addressing
reforming fire safety, including significant pressures and key risks
affecting JHA Services by: dleegvisellaotpiomne, fin rt e owf onrekws, fiarned p rreescpaountidoinnsg to
investing in the Fire and Rescue Grenfell Tower Inquiry recommendations and Ambulance Services to address and UK Building Safety Programme. pressing issues in relation to demand continuing to develop the existing
and capacity, risk and compliance with Combined Control Room Teams,
modern professional standards. focusing on resilience. Work with each establishing the demand on, and JHA service to establish a governance
capacity of, the Ambulance Service, and structure and plan to increase
determining what the future resourcing compliance with national standards. model should be, addressing the supporting officers to take forward findings of the Association of Ambulance the departmental People and Culture, Chief Executives Review Report 2021. Wellbeing and Diversity, and Equality
investing in public and firefighter safety and Inclusion plans.
to address significant risks to due to
inadequate resources, concerns about
Proposed Ministerial Plans
- Refreshing our community safety and reviewing firearms legislation. substance use approach by:
working closely with our partners on
responding to and preventing issues Jersey Customs and Immigration (JCIS): which cause concern in our community
by focussing on early intervention and cthoen tWinourikn gP etorm mito Pnoitloicr ya tnod e r ne svuierew an prevention, considering substance use, appropriate balance between providing
and other harms such as gambling. an effective border control / being creating a new building a safer responsive to the Island s bespoke
community strategy to replace the needs and workforce requirements. previous Building a Safer Society responding to the ongoing development Strategy (BaSS), which lapsed in 2019. of the UK/Crown Dependencies
ensuring we focus on diversity, equality Union post-Brexit, and the Future
and inclusion. Border Immigration System, as part
of the Common Travel Area, and developing and delivering a programme work closely with the UK and other
for schools as part of an overarching Crown Dependencies to develop strategic focus on early intervention, and implement new processes and
filling the gap left after Prison! Me! No! legislation to ensure the Island s borders Way! (PMNW) was discontinued. are safe and secure whilst allowing
an efficient flow of genuine trade and
- Developing and delivering a modern passenger traffic.
and effective youth justice policy by
reviewing the findings of the previous remaining responsive to the impact of youth justice reviews and the latest changes to import taxes (including GST) available evidence of effective on the service and Islanders, to ensure practice, working with the Minister for the efficient collection of revenue Children and Education. with minimal disruption, by investing
in systems that enable the necessary
- Increasing understanding of violence functional and technical improvements against women and girls through the to be made.
taskforce established to undertake
public engagement and research, States of Jersey Prison Service (SOJPS): and developing and implementing an embedding a new culture focussed
action plan from the findings. on a rehabilitative model to reduce
reoffending, by providing prisoners with
- Building and enhancing relationships the right interventions and environment across Government and the justice whilst in prison. This will give them the system, as well as with the third sector best possible opportunity to reintegrate and other key partners, to enable with the community upon release,
truly joined up and strategic working releasing better neighbours.
including preparatory work for a new
Criminal Justice Policy. embedding the new operating model
for the States of Jersey Prison Service
- Reforming legislation by: including a new and affordable model for staffing that provides opportunities developing a new civil contingencies for staff, including an aspiration to
law with a focus on resilience. professionalize the role of the prison continuing work on reform of the Law officer and offer qualifications, up to and of Divorce by developing legislation including degree level, in leadership
for delivery post-2023 to introduce the and rehabilitation.
concept of no fault divorce in Jersey reviewing service delivery models within Law. the Prison for Education, Healthcare,
Proposed Ministerial Plans 37
Secure Custody of Young People and Rehabilitation by working with HCS, CYPES and the Probation and After- Care Service.
States of Jersey Police (SOJP):
building effective, cohesive, inclusive and effective partnerships as a cornerstone of the community policing approach.
continuing to prepare for the MONEYVAL inspection at the end of 2023 as overseen by a Political Steering Group chaired by the Minister for Treasury and Resources.
continuing to assess, adapt and respond to the changing demands on the SOJP including demand related to mental health, children and young people. Mental health incidents have increased by 20% in 2022 so far and, as corporate parents, SOJP have a statutory duty within the Children s Law for the wellbeing of young people.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 39
Minister for Housing and Communities
Deputy David Warr
Ministerial Priorities
I will progress a sustainable response to the ensure our most vulnerable Islanders housing crisis, increasing the supply and are able to access the right help at the delivery of homes whilst improving affordability, right time, as part of a whole-system quality and security of tenure. response, and improving the visibility of
homelessness in Jersey using improved My priorities are: data.
- Continuing to model open and delivering more homes for Islanders, accessible political leadership with whilst making better use of the homes respect to the housing crisis, listening we already have, including policies
to learn from Islanders about the to support right sizing that will be challenges they face and their hopes delivered in 2023.
for the future. taking action to bring vacant homes
back to the market, including working
- Working collaboratively with the with Andium Homes to seek the Strategic Housing Partnership and purchase of sites and turn them into States Members to find solutions and quality, affordable homes for Islanders. new opportunities, together.
delivering fair and sustainable changes
- Improving the housing situation for to the affordable housing gateway Islanders by: eligibility criteria, further reducing the age requirement to 25 as soon as
increasing the rate of home ownership, possible and reviewing the level of introducing a new scheme backed by savings that are allowed.
an initial £10m investment in 2023.
- Addressing both the causes and
wEnovrikrionngmweintht itnh ed eMliivneisrtinegr faopr pthroepriate effects of our housing crisis, mechanisms to protect and support including:
private rental tenants, and developing developing new schemes that will proposals to protect tenants from help tenants buy their homes, working excessive rent increases, as soon as with social housing providers and, in possible. particular, Andium Homes.
fully implementing commitments made implementing a housing data
in response to the Homelessness intelligence project to improve visibility Strategy in 2023, including formalising and understanding of housing trends, the definition of homelessness and and work collaboratively with others to working with shelter providers to unblock challenges with administrative
Proposed Ministerial Plans
data sharing in order to better understand the Island s housing market and make better decisions.
publishing the Island s first long-term, sustainable strategy for the future of Jersey s housing market, based on a vision that extends beyond political terms and which carefully considers the role of fiscal measures towards a healthy housing market. This strategy will serve to test future housing actions proposed by the States Assembly, ensuring that actions:
both individually and cumulatively, will
take Jersey in the right direction
will help to alleviate the housing issues
experienced by Islanders today
will leave a legacy of housing that is
affordable and fit for future generations.
- Confirming ongoing funding for the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Team in the Government Plan 2024- 27, including reviewing the adequacy of the funding to deliver continued action to tackle the housing crisis.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 41
Proposed Ministerial Plans 43
Minister for Infrastructure
Deputy Tom Binet
Assistant Ministers
Deputy Steve Ahier
Ministerial Priorities
I will develop and improve the Island s critical working with the Jersey Development infrastructure and its contribution to Islanders Company to assess the appropriateness lives, the environment and the economy. and commercial viability of progressing
ideas for Fort Regent.
My priorities are:
ensuring the delivery of new mental
1. Key Government projects: health facilities during 2023, as directed by the Health and Community Services
delivering and implementing a review
of the current Our Hospital project, in
conjunction with ministerial colleagues, subject to funding, working with St
to assess the appropriateness and Matthew s Church to deliver a new affordability of the current proposals. community park facility as an extension
to Coronation Park, due to complete in ensuring the completion of the new early 2024.
government headquarters building by
mid-2024. 2. Government property:
completing the construction of the ensuring that the Property Directorate new Sewage Treatment Works by the can act more widely across the
end of 2023, and continue with the Government of Jersey to ensure decommissioning of the old Sewage effective and efficient coordination Treatment Works. across our property assets and highlight
the investment needs required. continuing a review into the replacement
and enhancement of sport facilities, ensuring the timely and coordinated providing a plan for longer term delivery. release of Government land and
Proposed Ministerial Plans
premises associated with the new office headquarters and other property rationalisation projects.
working in partnership with the Future Places workstream, ministerial colleagues and arm s length bodies
to input into a public land vision for St Helier, including delivery of the public realm strategy.
commissioning a strategic condition survey of the public estate.
- Waste:
beginning work on a circular economy strategy to deliver against wider environmental and carbon reduction aims.
delivering an effective solution for the throughput of inert waste at the La Collette Reclamation Site and plan for the hazardous waste site replacement, extending the lifespan of the solid waste facility.
enabling the ongoing management of solid waste, through the development of a new permanent strategic store facility to replace the temporary bulky waste store at La Collette.
assessing delivering of the Bridging Liquid Waste Strategy 2023-26 to support the delivery of new housing across the Island and to ensure longer term environmental resilience.
- Carbon Neutral Roadmap and Transport:
supporting the Minister for the Environment in delivering the Carbon Neutral Roadmap.
working on sustainable transport measures in line with the Sustainable Transport Plan and delivering a Sustainable Transport Roadmap.
assessing options to deliver the fleet decarbonisation programme, including the assessment of electric vehicle infrastructure and the replacement of petrol/diesel vehicles with alternatives.
working with the industry to progress taxi provision and efficiency.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 45
Proposed Ministerial Plans 47
Minister for International Development
Deputy Carolyn Labey
Assistant Ministers
Deputy Steve Ahier
Ministerial Priorities
My priorities are: Zambia, following the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding
- Ensuring that Jersey meets its (MOU) with the Ministry of Fisheries obligations as a good global citizen, and Livestock, reaching at least 2000 to help change the narrative more small-holder farmers with Jersey about the Island, and to provide expertise.
opportunities for businesses and
supporting Jersey s financial services individuals, by:
industry to develop its offerings in implementing the 15 specific objectives impact investment and sustainable
of the Strategic Plan (published 2022) finance and philanthropy.
for Jersey Overseas Aid, and develop
standing with Ukraine in its struggle detailed, sector-specific strategies for
to survive the Russian invasion, conservation livelihoods and financial
adding to the £2.4m of humanitarian inclusion, as have been produced for
assistance already provided by Jersey dairy.
and ensuring it meets the needs of playing to Jersey s strengths by the civilians worst affected by the focusing our development aid on three war, while responding to other global areas where we add particular value, emergencies, including in Yemen, Syria increasing the size of our portfolio and Afghanistan.
of ongoing dairy, conservation and
diversifying and improving skills in financial inclusion projects by at least
Jersey by increasing the number
of opportunities for Islanders to beginning dairy programming in volunteer and providing more career
Proposed Ministerial Plans
opportunities in the international development sector through bursaries, internships and United Nations (UN) placements.
continuing to gradually increase
Jersey s official development assistance towards the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average (0.33%), raising it from 0.27% in 2022 to 0.28% of GVA in 2023.
- Ensuring that Jersey continues to nurture a positive and inclusive Island identity by:
encouraging and providing support to government departments, businesses, arm s length organisations, and the public to implement policies and ideas which progress the opportunities identified in the Island Identity Work Programme.
promoting the Island with learning opportunities for young people, newcomers and international audiences about the Island s unique constitution, history, culture, environment and community through material provided on the Island Identity website.
investigating how the Island can be presented internationally and how messaging locally can be made more positive. Through Government policies, the Island s personality and interests abroad will be protected and pursued, and through cross-cutting projects, Jersey will be better understood locally, promoted and celebrated.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 49
Proposed Ministerial Plans 51
Minister for Social Security
Deputy Elaine Millar
Assistant Ministers
Deputy Malcolm Ferey
Ministerial Priorities
My priorities are: 2. Reviewing the benefits and support
available to adults with long term care
1. Developing targeted support and needs and their carers by:
polices to help Islanders with the rising
cost of living, by: evaluating the operation of the Long- Term Care Scheme and carers benefits
revising the community cost bonus in 2023.
scheme in 2023.
considering the support provided to implementing a scheme to provide people receiving care in their own
support for families with under five years home, their carers and younger adults in residency in 2023. 2023.
working with community organisations improving the communications and
to improve the coordination and guidance provided to these customers communication of their services on an and the community to improve ongoing basis. understanding of the support available
supporting workers through increases in in 2023.
the minimum wage and taking actions to working with the Minister for Health improve their rights in 2023. and Social Services to ensure that the
implementing a scheme to provide practical support and services available community access to period products for people receiving care and their
for those who needs them in Jersey in carers are well aligned to their needs on 2023. an ongoing basis.
Proposed Ministerial Plans
3. Reviewing our incapacity and health 6. Promoting the Disability Strategy and benefits to enable Islanders to stay Social Inclusion and Diversity policies in work and access the primary by: healthcare they need by:
continuing to implement the disability minimising the impact of health strategy on an ongoing basis. conditions on employees and self-
considering the accessibility of employed people, including an update
communications and guidance notes of benefit rules and setting up a new
to ensure that government documents support service in 2023 and 2024.
are fully accessible to people with a working with the Minister for Health and range of disabilities and are easy to Social Services to establish schemes to understand in 2023.
address women s health issues on an
seeking the views of the public on ongoing basis.
extending discrimination legislation to reviewing the operation of the Health include religious belief in 2023. Access Scheme in 2023.
7. Ensuring the long-term sustainability
working with the Minister for Health and of the Social Security funds by:
Social Services and the primary care
sector to support the delivery of primary completing actuarial reviews of each of care services on an ongoing basis. the Social Security funds, taking account
of new population projections, and
- Developing schemes to improve taking action where needed in 2023 financial wellbeing in old age and and 2024.
promoting the role of older people in
working with the Minister for Treasury government policy making by: and Resources to review the current
developing a policy framework for a investment strategies for each fund in statutory workplace pension scheme 2023.
and investigating possible long-term confirming the reinstatement of the savings products on an ongoing basis. States Grant into the Social Security
working with the Chief Minister to fund from 2024, in 2024.
establish an older persons living forum
to ensure the views and needs of older 8. Reviewing and enhancing the ways people are reflected across government Social Security contributions and policies on an ongoing basis. benefits issues are communicated
with the public by:
- Conducting a review of our benefits
landscape to ensure that benefits are initiating a review of standard letters well-targeted, modern and effective are easy to understand and e a sd ud rr ee s ths ey
and guidance notes to mak
by: customer needs in 2023.
undertaking a high-level review across all benefit areas to identify areas where action is required in 2023.
reviewing the impact of benefit rules on specific groups (e.g. seasonal workers, pensioners just above the income tax threshold) in 2023 and 2024.
taking into account of the major ongoing IT project to support benefit administration (Transform) in 2023 and 2024.
ensuring that the IT systems used to administer contributions and benefits are designed around the needs of the customer in 2023 and 2024.
reviewing the use of digital, phone and face to face communications to ensure that Social Security contribution and benefit systems are operated efficiently and are easy to access for all customers on an ongoing basis.
Proposed Ministerial Plans 53
Proposed Ministerial Plans 55
Minister for Treasury and Resources
Deputy Ian Gorst
Assistant Ministers
Deputy ConnØtable Elaine Millar Richard Vibert
Deputy Steve Ahier
Ministerial Priorities
My priorities are: beginning to develop the digital
strategy for Revenue Jersey customers
- Upholding customer service following the Organisation for Economic standards by: Cooperation and Development (OECD) ensuring that there are sufficient framework.
resources and effective processes in
- Continuing to transform the Treasury
place within Revenue Jersey and the
Finance Hub. and Exchequer Department by:
continuing to work on digital embedding the integrated technology technologies to improve customer solution for Government (Connect) experience. which will enable continuous
improvement within commercial service modernising the tax appeal process and finance processes.
making it more open and transparent.
continuing Revenue Jersey
making ongoing improvements to the transformation, including ongoing accessibility of public facing services. enhancements to the revenue
Proposed Ministerial Plans
management system and the Future publishing the National Strategy for Digital Strategy Combatting Money Laundering, the
Financing of Terrorism and the Financing
- Investigating and creating funding for of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass community infrastructure by: Destruction 2022-2026 and associated action plan.
providing funding to support small scale
investment in charitable and voluntary chairing the Financial Crime Political sector infrastructure in furtherance of Steering Group, which takes strategic Government objectives. policy decisions, ensures national
cooperation between all agencies and considering possible links to existing
monitors the delivery of the national funds, funding arrangement, local
action plan.
foundations and/or charitable
organisations. implementing measures to ensure
that, from 2023, all financial crime creating a strategy for the administration
agencies will regularly report data on and management of the fund.
their effectiveness which drives national developing clear guidance on policy.
management, oversight, and
governance of any related delivery 8. Preparing for and delivering the partnerships. 2023/2024 MONEYVAL evaluation,
which will assess Jersey against the
- Providing finance and commercial Financial Action Task Force (FATF) support for the Our Hospital Project international standards on anti-money by: laundering and countering terrorist facilitating an appropriate and affordable financing by:
funding strategy for the project. implementing and overseeing an providing financial and commercial effective national structure to prepare advice and guidance to the project for and to conduct the upcoming
team. evaluation.
delivering the strongest possible result
- Supporting the current housing for the Island, and quickly reacting situation in the Island by: to findings of what will be a critical reviewing stamp duty. evaluation for Jersey s international reputation.
investigating means of funding new
housing developments and supporting 9. Overseeing work on Pillars 1 & affordable purchases especially for first 2 - the Organisation for Economic time buyers. Cooperation and Development
(OECD) initiative to update
- Finalising and lodging the legislation international tax rules in light of
for the final stage of independent the digitalising economy to ensure taxation. This would see a move to that Jersey aligns with international mandatory independent taxation with standards while supporting the
an accompanying compensatory Island s long-term prosperity. allowance by 2025 (if approved by the
States Assembly). 10. Leading the delivery of the Financial Services Policy Framework, creating
- Maintaining and developing a strong the environment required to enable regime for combatting financial crime the continued success of Jersey s
in Jersey in line with international financial services industry by standards, best practice and the facilitating its digital transformation, Island s long-term prosperity by: its continued compliance with global
Proposed Ministerial Plans 57
standards, and its transition into being a leading centre for sustainable finance by:
developing and implementing a strategic roadmap for sustainable finance.
enhancing industry s ability to take advantage of the opportunities created by fintech.
14. Infrastructure funding:
assessing and creating a local infrastructure pool within the Common Investment Fund for investment in income generating local infrastructure.
ensuring plans preserve liquidity needs whilst also providing a return that reflects the level of risk of the investments.
enhancing consumer protections through implementing a consumer lending legislation and a comprehensive framework for pension regulation.
updating Jersey s financial regulatory framework, including a new memorandum of understanding.
- Reviewing the Government s insurance strategy by:
investigating the options for insurance against risks whilst maximising value for money.
preparing a detailed action plan linked to government risk appetite.
- Establishing a Value for Money Programme by:
providing appropriate governance, reporting and resourcing for the Value for Money Programme.
providing financial and commercial advice and guidance to departments
in the delivery of the Value for Money Programme (including savings, improved service effectiveness and better user outcomes).
- Developing the governance arrangements for arm s length bodies (which includes arm s length organisations (ALOs), States-owned entities (SOEs) and other entities) by:
providing ministerial leadership of relationships with arm s length bodies, ensuring good value for money of these relationships.
providing clear guidance to enable arm s length bodies to contribute and evidence contribution to Government priorities.
Council of Minister s Legislative Programme for 2023
This section outlines the legislation that it is aimed will be lodged for debate by the States Assembly during 2023. It does not include policy development and drafting for legislation to be lodged in later years, or business as usual Orders and Commencement Acts.
Chief Minister
Name of Legislation | Brief Description |
Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018 | To undertake reforms to the legal structure of Statistics Jersey, the role of the Statistics Users Group and the legal requirements for official statistics. This will enhance the independence of Statistics Jersey and improve the protection available to key Government statistics. Amendments to the Law would also introduce better coordination across Jersey s statistical system and provide new mechanisms to support the professional practice of analysts working outside Statistics Jersey. Legislative amendments will be lodged for debate in the Assembly in 2023. |
Jersey Public Services Ombudsperson
To develop the necessary legislation to establish an Ombudsperson for Jersey and associated functions. The Ombudsperson will investigate alleged maladministration and service failure by public authorities
and drive a higher standard of administration by public services. The legislation will also set standard requirements for complaints handling processes across relevant public bodies. The new Law will be lodged for debate in the Assembly in 2023.
Control of Housing To bring forward secondary legislation to support the Common and Work Law Population Policy.
Following the development of this CoM s first Common Population Policy, the Chief Minister will develop secondary legislation in line with the structure provided by the Control of Housing and Work (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 202- which was approved in March 2022 but is not yet in force. Legislation will be developed during 2023 to develop robust and flexible housing and work controls to support the implementation of the agreed Common Population Policy. The controls address the occupation and ownership of dwellings and the ability to work and run a business. The intention is to develop and then seek approval for secondary legislation during 2023 and to enact the new primary law.
Name of Legislation | Brief Description |
States of Jersey Law 2005 | To provide a power for the Chief Minister to be able to suspend ministers in certain circumstances and to further define the role of the Deputy Chief Minister. This would address a current deficiency in the Law, which provides mechanisms to appoint and to dismiss ministers but not to suspend them. Changes to the Law will be developed with a view to them being lodged for debate in the Assembly in 2023. |
Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005
To ensure the constitution and role of the States Employment Board
is underpinned by a modern legislative base. To put in place effective statutory arrangements to set and monitor performance standards for the Chief Executive Officer, and to enhance the legal and operational independence of the Jersey Appointments Commission. This work will commence in 2023.
Minister for Children and Education
Name of Legislation | Brief Description |
Regulations for independent advocacy | Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 2022 requires the Minister for Children and Education to bring forward regulations that describe clear legal parameters for independent advocacy. Regulations provide for a children s voice and influence in decision-making. |
Children and Young As agreed in the previous Assembly s debate of the original Law, the People Amendment Minister will return with an amending Law with revised wording to Law replace drafting error identified during the debate of the original Law.
Higher Education To revise the current Order in two phases. Firstly, increase HE grants for Order overseas students. Secondly bring forward revised bandings for grant
awards and include differentiated levels of award depending on where student is studying.
Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sports and Culture
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Heritage and Robust legislation for the protection and management of finds of Antiquities Law national archaeological and historical significance to Jersey
Public Records (Jersey) Changes are needed to ensure the Law remains fit for purpose. The Law - amendments proposed changes include clarifying the duties of the Archivist and the
ongoing resourcing required, and refining definitions and wording used throughout the Law.
Telecommunications The A.57 modifications will introduce a Telecoms Security Framework (Jersey) Law 2002 for Jersey that is aligned with the UK s Telecoms Security Act 2021. The
introduction of a Telecoms Security Framework for Jersey is seen as a Ministerial priority.
Shipping Law A number of changes to shipping legislation have been identified that
are required to meet international obligations, respond to court rulings, and to bring offences under shipping laws into line with other Jersey equivalents. Necessary changes to shipping legislation have been approved by ministers as far back as 2016 yet have been delayed and/ or deprioritised from being passed into law. Ports of Jersey (PoJ) and Law Officers Department (LOD) colleagues have recently reviewed the legislative changes needed and have brought forward these proposals.
Export Control Order Drafting the Order(s) to control the export of strategic goods. This
Orders(s) will be finalised in the latter half of 2023 or early 2024.
Cyber Defence Legislation is needed to provide the clarity and broad legal framework (Jersey) Law that CERT.JE is the body on Jersey to gather, analyse, review and
disseminate cyber security information and threat analysis both locally and internationally and has the capacity and ability to handle the sensitive data appropriately.
Minister for the Environment
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Food Safety (Jersey) Introduce a new primary Food Law which will include regulation to Law 202- allow the Minister to require registration of food businesses and the
introduction of fees.
Conservation area Primary legislation necessary to deal with breaches of control and the regulations potential funding of improvements in conservation areas. Changes to
General Development Order have begun. A new Order is needed for designating conversation areas. Will also require regulations to outline fines, etc.
Name of Legislation Brief Description
CITES (Trade of A modification to existing Law to allow for automatic species changes Endangered Species) in Appendices in ambulatory accord with UK. This would modernise
our legislation meaning that we did not have to change the appendices every time a new species is added to them. This would allow us to
follow changes made in UK legislation and result in clarity for operational staff dealing in cites imports / exports.
Amendments to the Legislative amendments to extend the remit of the independent Jersey Regulation of Care Care Commission to regulate hospital, mental health and ambulance (Jersey) Law 2014 services.
Review of Planning Review of requisite parts of the planning framework to deliver a more and Building (Jersey) flexible and responsive Island Plan review process. Currently the
Law and/or Island Plan Bridging Island Plan Order is within the Covid-19 Law. Need to redefine (Order) the Planning and Building Law (Article 4) to include the Bridging Island
Plan process. Consultation to be held Q4 2022.
Sea Fisheries (Jersey) To implement the fisheries provisions of the Trade
Law 1994 and/or Co-operation Agreement. Changes will be to the Licensing of Fishing associated Regulations Boats Regulations and possibly
to the 1994 Law in relation to replacement vessels.
Minister for External Relations
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Financial Sanctions Amendments to financial sanctions legislation related to full Legislation implementation of international standards
Minister for Health and Social Services
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Mental Health (Jersey) Law 2016 and
the Capacity and Self-Determination (Jersey) Law in 2016
Bring forward, in 2023, a first tranche of changes to the existing laws to enable better deployment of staff with the right skills and experience
to support the best possible care of clients, and to improve existing statutory provisions so that the Courts can deal with mentally disordered defendants in a way that serves the interests of justice and the interests of defendants who may require assessment or treatment. To start scoping a second tranche of proposed changes, for development by 2025, to ensure the legislation continues to enable the effective delivery of the best possible care and is human rights compliant.
Minister for Home Affairs
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Crime (International To enable the backing of warrants of arrest issued in Guernsey and the Co-operation) Isle of Man.
(Amendment No.3)
Revised remand To expand the ways in which children who are not granted bail can be arrangements for accommodated.
Draft Police Regulations to provide for the detailed process for police complaints, (Complaints and further to the overarching primary legislation passed in 2022.
Conduct) (Jersey)
Regulations 202-
Marriage and A short modification that rectifies a drafting matter. Civil Partnership
(Amendments) (Jersey)
Law 202-
Children and Civil Legislation to be lodged by the Minister for Children and Education, but Status Law 202- with significant consequential amendments to Civil Status legislation
under the Minister for Home Affairs.
Draft Crime (Prejudice Intended to describe and address crimes motivated or aggravated by and Public Disorder) prejudice, and to update Jersey s public order offences.
(Jersey) Law 202-
Criminal Justice (Young Offenders in Secure Accommodation) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Jersey) Law 202-
To modernise and improve the rules for youth detention.
Prison (Amendment To create a system of post-custodial supervision for people leaving No. 8) (Jersey) Law prison.
Export Control Order Drafting the Order(s) to control the export of strategic goods. This
Orders(s) will be finalised in the latter half
of 2023 or early 2024.
Minister for Housing and Communities
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Residential Tenancy (Jersey) Law 2011
This law creates a legal framework in respect of some tenancies that last no more than 9 years. Detailed law drafting instructions have been prepared to extend the scope of the law to create protections
for a greater number of residents. Balance measures for tenants and landlords. Provide clarification on a number of areas such as evictions, peaceful enjoyment and uninhabitable premises. Provide greater security of tenure through the creation of different tenancy types. Provide for regulation and order-making powers, future proofing this area. Law drafting will start early in 2023 and approval for the new provisions will be sought following a period of public consultation on the new legal proposals.
Minister for Infrastructure
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Commercial Vehicle Following the adoption of the Commercial Vehicle (Licencing of
Operators) (Jersey) Law 2022, bring forward secondary legislation to enable implementation
Minister for Social Security
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Community Costs The current Community Costs Bonus Regulations will expire at the end Bonus (Jersey) of 2022. They provide an annual payment to households that satisfy Regulations 2020 specific eligibility criteria. New Regulations will be developed and
implemented in 2023 following a review to confirm the appropriate target groups and level and manner
of payment.
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Employment (Jersey) Law 2003
The Employment Law provides a legal framework of rights and responsibilities between employers and employees. The independent Employment Forum is conducting a review into the treatment of workers on zero-hour contracts and subject to similar modern working practices. Subject to the outcome of the review, the Employment Law will be updated in 2023. Separately, legislation will be brought forward to provide statutory bereavement leave to parents following the death of a child.
Subject to further work on minimum and living wage policy, legislation may be amended in this area.
Long-Term Care The Long-Term Care Law provides benefits to adults who have long (Jersey) Law 2012 term care needs, with benefits paid out of a ring-fenced fund. The
Minister will review the overall scheme in 2023 and, subject to the outcome of the review, will initiate changes to the Law, in particular with respect to the support provided to people receiving care in their own homes and their families.
Social Security (Jersey) Law 1974
The Social Security Law collects contributions from employers and working age people and makes benefit payments to eligible individuals. Improving support for working age people with a health condition
is likely to include legislative changes to the Short-Term Incapacity Allowance in 2023. Separately, following a high-level review of benefit coverage, amendments to the Law may be developed to remove anomalies in eligibility conditions as they apply to seasonal workers and resident workers.
Income Support (Jersey) Law 2007
The Income Support Law provides means tested support on a household basis with a weekly payment reflecting the size and needs
of the household and the level of its own income and assets. Subject to the outcome of the Minister s review of the long-term care scheme, the Income Support law may be extended to provide additional support to low-income households receiving care in their own home. Separately, following the review of the Health Access Scheme, the Income Support Law may be extended to establish the Scheme on a statutory basis.
Minister for Treasury and Resources
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Limited Liability Power to elect to form a limited liability company which is a body Companies (ILLCs) corporate
Consumer Lending Introduce a consumer lending regulatory regime
Pensions Regulation Widening the remit of the Financial Services Ombudsman to include Ombudsman complaints in relation to Jersey tax approved occupational pension
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Beneficial Ownership Legislation amending the provisions on access to beneficial ownership Regulations information
and associated
amendments to the
financial crime regime
Exemptions from AML/ Legislation to cover fully all entities required to conduct AML/CFT CFT requirements - obligations in line with international standards
Secondary Legislation
Not for Profit Law An Order making provision for regulation of certain higher risk Not for Order Profit Organisations related to Terrorist Financing
Financial Crime The introduction of Deferred Prosecution Agreements in Jersey Offences - DPAs
Misc. Technical Technical amendments related to the full implementation of international Amendments to POCL standards for financial crime.
Virtual Assets Legislative amendments to implement the international standards Regulation - VASPS concerning regulation of virtual assets
Finance (Budget 2024) Implementation of tax proposals outlined in the Government Plan 2024- (Jersey) Law 202 2027
Income Tax Implementation of final phase of independent taxation including a (Amendment compensatory allowance and requirements for mandatory independent Stage 2 of taxation
Independent Taxation)
(Jersey) Law 202
OECD International tax Implementation of Jersey s commitment to the OECD s two-pillar agenda initiative on tax issues arising from the digitalising economy
Assistance in Implementing Jersey s commitment to provide assistance to the UK in Collection collection of tax debts, agreed in 2017
Common Reporting Improving the administration of CRS and FATCA Standard Amendment
Name of Legislation Brief Description
Family Courts The instructions ask for amendments to do three things: Registrars Change of I. replace all references to the Registrar in legislation relating to Title Law matrimonial causes and children with Family Judge
- transferfunctions of theJudicial Greffier which are, inpractice,part of the role of theFamilyJudge, to theFamilyJudge
- addthe office of FamilyJudge to thelistinSchedule 1 of the Employment of States of JerseyEmployees(Jersey) Law 2005,so that a FamilyJudgeisnot a States employee
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