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Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (R.151/2022): executive response.

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Presented to the States on 30th January 2023 by the Public Accounts Committee


2022  R.151 Res.



In accordance with paragraphs 69-71 of the Code of Practice for engagement between Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee' and the Executive', (as derived from the Proceedings Code of Practice) the Public Accounts Committee presents the Executive Response to the Comptroller and Auditor General's Report entitled: Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services) (R.151/2022 presented to the States on 13th September 2021).

The Committee intends to arrange a public hearing with the Chief Officer of Children, Young People, Education and Skills in the first quarter of 2023, after which it will consider any further action in respect of the report and recommendations.

Deputy L. Feltham

Chair, Public Accounts Committee

R.151/2022 Res.

The Chief Executive and Acting Director General of Children, Young People, Education and Skills' and Director General for Health and Community Services response to the Comptroller & Auditor General's Review:

 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service November 2022

Glossary of Terms

C&AG – Comptroller and Auditor General

CYPES - Children Young People Education and Skills CAMHS – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service HCS – Health and Community Services

GoG – Governance Oversight Group

WACs – Women's and Children's Care Group

ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

GoJ – Government of Jersey

PAC – Public Accounts Committee

Chief Executive, Acting Director General of Children, Young People, Education and Skills, and Director General of Health and Community Services - Response to C&AG Review: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - Executive Response to Public Accounts Committee by 7th November 2022

Summary of response:

The Chief Executive, Acting Director General of Children Young People Education and Skills (CYPES) and Director General of Health and Community Services (HCS) welcome the Comptroller and Auditor General's (C&AG) report on the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). The Acting Director General of CYPES, and Director General of HCS, are pleased to note that the C&AG has observed that the Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy (2022-2025) sets out a clear picture of what needs to be achieved and is clear on implementation standards. The Acting Director General of CYPES, and Director General of HCS, are also pleased that C&AG note the positive impact of the new service structure, reductions in waiting times, positive impact of investment and extensive recruitment that has occurred.

The Acting Director General of CYPES, and Director General of HCS, agrees with the C&AG that there is work to be completed on addressing the governance arrangements for CAMHS. The background context is that CAMHS moved into CYPES from HCS in 2019 as part of the target operating model, and delays to addressing the governance work occurred in the subsequent context of COVID and the focus of efforts on the delivery of emergency inpatient and community support, staffing issues, and rapid increase in mental health issues exacerbated by the pandemic. The Acting Director General of CYPES, and Director General of HCS, would particularly like the PAC to note that the majority of recommendations had already been identified and work already underway to address them. This included work the newly appointed CAMHS Quality Assurance Manager, CAMHS Data Officer, and Head of Health and Wellbeing have been completing on data records, performance measures and meeting structures to name but a few. The other comprehensive recommendations are helpful to continue the efforts to improve the CAMHS service.

Action Plan



Target date

Responsible Officer

R1 Strengthen:

 the use of Jersey specific risk data and wider determinants of health in forecasting demand for children's mental health services (both capacity and services needed); and

A CAMHS data officer and Quality Assurance Manager were appointed in 2022 to lead improvements to data recording,  performance  assessment,  feedback  and analysis.

From January 2023 there will be an annual CAMHS report developed by the Quality and Assurance Team that will feed into a larger annual review of strategy implementation. This will review the key data sets from


Head  of  CYPES Informatics;  Quality and  Assurance Manager CAMHS


 cross-departmental measures of the impact of interventions, including as part of the Jersey Performance Framework.

the previous year, which will help inform the business case and capacity / specialism required. This will be complete by February 2023.

CAMHS data will be richer and more robust following the work to update care partner (completed in 2022) and change in data recording from the Referrals now going through the Children and Family Hub to case activation (since February 2022).

CAMHS  Quality  Assurance  Manager  will  liaise  with Daniela Raffio, Public Health, to ensure wider health and care data identified in the strategy, such as the Jersey Performance Framework will be included. The report will be  presented  at  the  Health  and  Wellbeing  Delivery Forum, chaired by Peter Bradley, Public Health from 2023 onwards.

August 2022 - Training delivered to all staff in the use of the new forms. Forms are live on Care Partner. Further support for training is available to staff. Plan - by the end of December 2022 all staff to be using all the new forms. Three months of data to be collected before moving away  from  the  current  method  of  data  collection. September 2022 - Informatics/CAMHS - development continuing dashboard.



R2 Establish service needs and criteria for evaluating opportunities for services to  be  commissioned  for  delivery  in partnership with - or exclusively from - community providers.

There are existing positive commissioning arrangements with  Islands  Autism  and  Options  8  for  autism assessments, and with Kooth and Mind Jersey for Tier 2 support arrangements and the Youth Service for the Wellbeing  drop  in.  All  of  these  have  contributed  to improved waiting times and support arrangements. The annual  report,  from  January  2023,  by  Quality  and Assurance  will  identify  service  pressures  and  areas where  further  commissioning  arrangements  may  be helpful,  such  as  currently  within  ADHD  diagnostic


Quality  and Assurance  Manager CAMHS;  Team Manager  System Redesign  and Commissioning



assessments  where  the  wait  for  assessment  is  6-8 months.  As  part  of  the  redesign  and  strategy development  it  was  identified  a  new  integrated neurodevelopmental service needed to be developed, this will sit within Health and Wellbeing and help support a more robust approach to ADHD treatment.



R3  Ensure improvements to on-Island inpatient  care  for  children  and  young people  are  implemented,  including  by setting and monitoring Key Performance Indicators  (KPIs)  to  demonstrate improved service user experience.

Work is continuing at Clinique Pinel to replace Orchard House as an inpatient facility for young people requiring crisis care (due to be completed Spring 2023). Currently any young people placed at Orchard House receive 1:1 support in a separate area. The new environment at Clinique Pinel will address existing concerns. Specialist  inpatient  care  at  the  General  Hospital  is sometimes required and there were plans in the new hospital design for a dedicated space for young people receiving this support. Thus, specialist inpatient care will be included in the design of the new General Hospital. Significant  reviews  and  work  took  place  in  2022  to consider the design / adaptions to Robin ward to support current  concerns,  but  the  existing  building  aspect prevented any progress. There is currently a wait whilst the Government review the new hospital options. We will work on developing KPIs and feedback collation from any young person who has received inpatient care to ensure  a  robust  inpatient  pathway  is  implemented Children / young people placed off island will have a care co-ordinator who will review and monitor the placement and feedback monthly to the relevant resources and funding panels in CYPES and HCS. This is described in the CAMHS Operational Policy.


Director  of  Adult Mental Health


R4 Ensure that the IPP considers and commissions services to meet all needs of the service user when deciding on a package of care.

All requests for off island placements are taken to the Children's IPP. This panel meets monthly and at other times as required in exceptional situations. The TOR is completed  for  this  panel.  This  panel  is  attended  by relevant  practitioners  and  senior  managers  across CYPES and HCS. The panel explores relevant OFSTED / CQC reports ahead of any placement to ensure young people are not placed in services that are deemed failing or requiring improvement. CAMHS care co-ordinators monitor and review all off-island placements and report back to IPP monthly. This role has been added to the CAMHS Operational Policy.


Director of CYPES

R5 Ensure that the due diligence' items set out in the Procurement Strategy are supported  by  high  quality  information and are used consistently when making decisions about off-Island placements.

The procurement strategy used in decision making for off island  placements  includes  a  due  diligence  process which lists factors to consider when making a placement option such as Care Quality Commission (CQC) ratings, OFSTED ratings and customer feedback. This process will be formalised and consistently recorded to evidence due diligence against placement decisions. There was just one young person who accessed off island support in 2021, and one additional young person (now 18) in 2022. Off island placement remain rare for CAMHS.


Director  of  Adult Mental Health

R6  Agree,  adopt  and  communicate  a Memorandum  of  Understanding between  CYPES  and  HCS  for  the governance and operation of CAMHS.

Draft versions of the memorandum of  understanding (MOU) between HCS and CYPES have been reviewed and agreed in principle. The MOU needs updating, after 3  years  review,  and  agreeing  and  signing  by  key Directors in HCS and CYPES. Towards this, the MOU was discussed at two workshops hosted by Team Jersey in  2021.  This  has  been  further  considered  during Governance Oversight Group (GOG) Meetings, and in a separate meeting in August 2022 with HCS / CYPES


Director  of  Adult Mental Health



Directors / Associate Directors. The Director of Mental Health and Adult Social Care is leading the updating of the  MOU.  Once  complete  this  will  be  signed  off  at Director General Level.



R7  Agree,  adopt  and  communicate  a Terms  of  Reference  for  the  joint Governance  and  Oversight  Group, ensuring that this document:

how  all  accountabilities  are satisfied

how the joint principles identified at the away day will be carried forward; and

how the states objectives of the move of CAMHS to CYPES will be assured

Terms  of  Reference  (TOR)  is  in  place  for  the Governance and Oversight Group. This will be reviewed at the next meeting in November 2022 with additional factors suggested included and described. Also, to take into account updated MOU.


Chief  Nurse / Head of  Health  and Wellbeing

R8  Agree,  adopt  and  communicate Terms of Reference for newly developed governance groups including the Mental Health System Partnership Board and the  Children's  Health  and  Wellbeing Programme  Board.  Ensure  that these Terms  of  Reference  document  the groups' relationships to:

the Jersey Care Model; and

the Our Hospital' Project

TORs  for  both  boards  are  in  the  process  of  being finalised. We will add the relationship to the Jersey Care Model; and the Our Hospital' project to the TOR. One of the  working  groups  in  the  Children's  Health  and Wellbeing Programme Board (CHWPB) is looking at the joint  capitol  project  between  Child  Development  and Therapy  Centre  (CDTC)  and  CAMHS  which demonstrates the link.


Director  of  Public Health  /  Director  of Adult Mental Health

R9 Ensure arrangements are in place to monitor and manage compliance with all governance processes.

Quarterly  Governance  audit,  including  a  review  of meeting minutes. There is a clear Governance structure (Exhibit  8  in  C&AG  report).  The  structure  needs  to ensure TORs are in place for all boards / meeting groups,


Head of Governance CYPES



that attendance is maintained, and that meetings take place at the frequency detailed.

From  Spring  2023  CAMHS  will  be  inspected  by  the Jersey Care Commission.



R10  After  a  suitable  period,  evaluate how  effectively  all  governance processes are working in practice.

 Audit to take place in Summer 2023 to review TOR, meeting  minutes,  and  Governance  effectiveness. CAMHS  will  also  be  inspected  by  the  Jersey  Care Commission in Spring 2023.

 Summer 2023

Head of Governance CYPES

R11  Document  and  implement  a comprehensive  quality  and  safety programme across CAMHS.

Within CAMHS, the newly appointed Quality Assurance Manager  oversees  quality  and  safety  currently, reviewing Datix reports and post incident reviews; staff absence and wellbeing; and risk assessment aspects. Darren  Bowring  head  of  Service/Associate  Director reviews the CAMHS risk register monthly and reports into  the  CYPES  risk  board  and  the  Governance Oversight Group on risk issues. 4/10/2022 Permissions given for CYPES H&S manager, to have oversight of CAMHS datix submissions, so CYPES as well as HCS have oversight.

Current exploration of Quality and Safety programme requirements  across  CYPES.  Quality  and  Safety monitoring is an issue across Government of Jersey departments and requires corporate planning to address.

Complete  for CAMHS – further investigations regarding  Q&S support  across CYPES.

Director  General CYPES

R12 Establish a process to ensure that all  relevant  departments,  not  just  the lead  department,  are  aware  of  and properly  engaged  in  implementing actions in response to accepted C&AG recommendations. Include this process

This action plan represents a clear list of identified leads, for  each  recommendation,  across  departments  and services. The Public Accounts Committee oversee the Government Tracker and will monitor implementation oversight and ensure accountability. This will be added to the TOR for the GOG.


Head of Health and Wellbeing


in  the  Tracker  Manual  which  covers roles,  responsibilities,  accountabilities and Tracker operation.




R13  Agree,  map  out  and  implement roles, responsibilities and arrangements for CAMHS performance management across all areas of Government and all relevant structures, covering:

Setting standards

Identifying and capturing data for Key Performance Indicators

Establishing  ambitious  targets and  benchmarking arrangements

Monitoring  and  overseeing performance  against  standards and targets

Reporting; and

Taking  action  to  resolve identified  weaknesses  and implement improvements  

September 2022 - CAMHS already benchmark against the NHS on an annual basis. There are set key KPI's that are used to measure. These are monitored and reported monthly  to  management.  Informatics  are  currently reviewing  the  weaknesses  of  this  system  and implementing a more robust method of capturing and reporting the data. Further improvements will be made on  standards  and  targets  once  methods  of  data collection  have  been  implemented.  An  Informatics Analyst started in post in September, following a period of vacancy. The postholder is currently working on a delivery  plan  in  relation  to  the  CAMHS dataset/dashboards. CYPES informatics are liaising with HCS Informatics to arrange access to all the relevant reporting tables from Care Partner, and to agree on the regular  provision  of  data  from  Trak.  The  analyst  is working  closely  with  QA  Managers  to  ensure  that relevant targets are available for the KPIs. Responsibility for the NHS benchmarking submission is transferring to CYPES Informatics in 2023. Updates on the delivery plan and the latest data will be provided to the monthly FMT  meeting,  with  highlights/areas  for  discussion presented  to  CGOG,  and  high  level  KPIs  reported through  CYPES  Performance  Board  and  within  the annual report.


Head  of  CYPES Informatics;  Quality and  Assurance Manager CAMHS

R14  Agree,  map  out  and  implement roles, responsibilities and arrangements for CAMHS risk management across all areas of Government and all relevant

Head of CAMHS has oversight of children's risks in the following  areas:

1) HCS Risk Management committee (RMC) reports - See last monthly report attached (appendix 1) which


Head of Governance CYPES / HCS Risk Manager


structures.  As  part  of  this,  review arrangements  for  ensuring  all  risks relevant to CAMHS are logged and can be appropriately cross-referenced in one document.

includes  CAMHS  /  WACs  children's  risks.

  1. Access to CAMHS operational and Clinical risks all stored in Datix (no CAMHS operational / clinical risks are stored outside of Datix for CAMHS so this does provide a single repository for risk (note project risks follow the separate.  CPMO  process)
  2. Visibility of WACs (Woman's and Children's) Care Group  Risks  on  Datix  since  Q3  2022.
  3. Attendance of Joint Oversight Committee to work together.
  4. Head of CAMHS (or delegate) attends of CYPES and HCS Monthly Risk Committees for wider risk position (where  possible).
  5. Risk Dashboard reporting (see attached) and ability to extract current position as pdf, excel or screen grab.
  6. Each logged risk has a dedicated Risk Handler and Risk  Owner  (lead)  assigned  -  Risk  related responsibilities are attached to each role and built into the  system  /  support  documentation.
  7. roles  and  responsibilities  are  also  covered  within training  and  process  (swim  lane)  diagram.
  8. Roles and responsibilities are defined in both CYPES and HCS RMC Terms of Reference (ToRs) plus in the GoJ Enterprise Risk Management strategy which both Directorates  have  adopted.
  9. Both CYPES and HCS have adopted and used the Deep Dive Risk review process. Red (high) risks are prioritised  and  if  suitable,  subject  to  this  at  the appropriate time.



R15 Set standards for documenting the output and outcome of CYPES strategic and  key  operational  management meetings.  As  a  minimum  this  should

 All CYPES strategic and key operational management meetings will follow the governance structure of CYPES Senior  Leadership  meetings.  This  will  include  the recording of the meeting by the creation of meeting


Head  of  Office, CYPES


include attendance, items to be logged as risks, decisions made, and actions agreed. Ensure these are appropriately accessible  so  that  they  can  be meaningfully used by officers.

minute, the recording of attendance, actions taken, and decisions made. Meeting minutes will be agreed and signed-off at the next meeting. If risks are identified, these are to be logged and communicated to the relevant risk lead for escalation.



R16 In finalising a Minimum Data Set for CAMHS,  make  it  sufficiently comprehensive to encompass all data to be  routinely  collected,  including  as  a priority  data  to  identify  potential inequalities in access to services.

A minimum data set has been developed during 2022 and is described in the Health and Wellbeing (H&WB) Operational Policy.

28/9/22 - Draft minimum data set has been agreed which the new forms are based on.

To be signed off at the CAMHS management away day on 24/10/22. As part of the referral form, data such as ethnicity  and  gender  are  identified  and  collected. Demographic data, as well as insights from the Jersey Children and Young People's Survey will be used to help inform our understanding of access inequalities.


Head  of  CYPES Informatics;  Quality and  Assurance Manager CAMHS

R17  Formalise  plans  to  improve  the richness  and  quality  of  performance dashboards within Children's Health and Wellbeing. Ensure the needs of all parts of  the  governance  and  advisory structure are considered, including the Annual Report planned for 2023.

 21/9/22 - Dashboards are currently a work in progress. HCS  Informatics  have previously  provided  data from Care Partner and Trak.

The  responsibility  for  reporting  from  Care  Partner  is transitioning  to  CYPES  Informatics,  and  access  to relevant  data  tables  has  been  requested  from  HCS colleagues.  Now  that  we  have  a  dedicated  CAMHS analyst in post, CYPES will be best placed to develop these dashboards, working closely with the service.

Required data has been identified which will then be able to be included in the Annual report from January 2023.


Head  of  CYPES Informatics;  Quality and  Assurance Manager CAMHS






R18 When using online live' data at a meeting  or  group,  ensure  sufficient information is recorded so that:

Risks identified, decisions made, and  actions  agreed  are  clear; and

The  basis  for  those  decisions and  actions  is  evident   for example  a  screen  shot  of  the relevant data.

From 21st September 2021 all live data used in meetings will be accurately recorded in meeting minutes by using the  suggested  screen shot (as  currently  occurs  with referral data in the H&WB management and referral meeting) or by detailed minute taking.


Head of Health and Wellbeing / CAMHS Service Managers

R19 Ensure that learning from Jersey's participation in the NHS Benchmarking Network  for  CAMHS  is  routinely captured  as  part  of  action  plans  to improve data quality and performance.

21/9/22 - Jersey CAMHS benchmark against NHS data. Data from this will be included in the annual review regarding outcomes and learning opportunities.

Jersey CAMHS consistently outperforms UK CAMHS in waiting times.


Quality  and Assurance Managers CAMHS

R20  Implement  a  process  for  regular CAMHS caseload review to ensure that caseloads  are  managed  consistently and in line with agreed criteria.

21/9/22 - all clinical supervision meetings explore current case load and document / describe this in supervision notes.

We  are  currently  following  the  HCS  2021  practice supervision guidelines on a monthly basis for both case management  and  clinical  supervision.  This  will  be documented and recorded to meet the CAMHS service quality standards and JCC standards.

Service Manager and the Lead Nurse will jointly review Worker's caseloads on a monthly- looking at how many cases are in the service, how many cases are allocated to each worker, and stages of assessment process.


Duty  and Assessment Service Manager  CAMHS  / Service  Manager Specialist CAMHS



 Audit of cases open for over three (3) months and to ensure case progression is reviewed and monitored. Dip sample audits using different themes will used to review quality and standard of work being produced by duty and assessment  workers.  Monthly  supervision  will  also review the progression of cases.

Feedback of audit will be used as learning points for the team, for the service and for partner agents.



R21 Risk assess recruitment practices against relevant lessons from the issues experienced in retaining social workers and take mitigating actions to reduce the risk  to  CAMHS  recruitment  and retention.

CAMHS  has  made  significant  progress  in  terms  of recruitment in 2023.

The  Government  plan  2022-2025  includes  planned investment of £8m for the implementation of the new model for CAMHS services.

The redesign was implemented in 2022 effectively and significant  progress  made  on  recruitment.  Work  on promoting  retention  is  already  occurring  and  being supported by visual and accessible leadership, weekly full  staff  meetings,  collaborative  working  practices, wellbeing  plan  including  input  from  MIND  Jersey  to promote staff wellbeing, flexible working, regular social events, monitored supervision levels, TNA in progress to ensure good CPD / training opportunities for 2023.

Darren Bowring has a quarterly meeting with CAMHS union  representatives  (TOR  agreed  August  2022)  to explore employee issues and wellbeing.

We are trialling a session on values and wellbeing with the Early Intervention service in October 2022 based on the study "Value congruence, importance and success


Head of Health and Wellbeing



and  in  the  workplace:  Links with  well-being  and  burnout  amongst  mental  health practitioners"; if feedback is positive, we will extend to all CAMHS staff.

Key CYPES Directors / Associate Directors attended a workforce strategy planning session at Team Jersey on 20/09/2022. Work on retention of staff is wider than just CAMHS and includes CYPES wide approaches, and Government  wide  approaches  such  as  keyworker accommodation initiatives.

19/10/22  HR  presented  to  CAMHS  management Delivery  Hub  functions  to  improve  recruitment  and retention support.



R22  Undertake a post implementation review of the new process for receiving CAMHS  referrals  to  understand whether:

including examples would help referrers phrase their concerns and improve information provision

use of urgent' by those making referrals is in line with expectations; and

there are issues caused by duplicate referrals.

Cleophas Ndhlalambi and Lisa Perkins to conduct a review on the referral process since CAMHS referrals have been processed via the Children and family Hub in 2021, and consider data on triage status, and whether template  examples  would  improve  information  being received.

Request will be made to the Mosaic team to run DATA and to provide access to PowerBI, to ensure that Data is analysed on a monthly basis and Data reports to be shared with the Team to review the child and family hub referrals process.

There is a workshop for Hub staff planned on 9/11/22.


Duty  and Assessment Service Manager  /  Head  of Service  Family  and Community Support


R23  Establish  criteria  against  which against to monitor the impact of self- referrals,  including  as  part  of understanding inequalities of access to CAMHS and other Children's Health and Wellbeing services.

With the move to referrals coming through the Children and  Families  Hub  self-referrals  have  been  in  place; ensuring reduced inequality of service access.


Head of Health and Wellbeing

R24 Explore options for automating the process of logging referral information across multiple systems (Mosaic, Care Partner and Trak Care), to reduce the risk of error.

21/9/22 - Multiple patient data systems are an issue across the Government of Jersey and requires corporate solutions.  Current  process  involves  the  H&WB administrator to open an additional entry on Trak and Care partner. There is a high risk of error in the manual transfer of data between systems. Potential solutions - Exploration of whether the two systems can interlink (informatics) and also whether Hub administrator could take on this task so it can be completed in a timely manner  and  any  problems  can  be  addressed immediately. This to  be  discussed  with  Duty Team Leader and Hub manager.

The CAMHS Practitioner in the HUB is now set up with Two (2) screens to be able to open up two systems (Mosaic and Care Partner) whilst triaging the CAMHS referral  to  minimise  the  human  errors  in  recording referrals.

All referrals for CAMHS now come through the C&F hub and this has reduced the chances of referrals being lost in the system, and this has improved the centralisation of referrals to all referring agencies. There is need for a work to be done with our partner agencies in relation to the referral form and its completion. CAMHS-Service Manager for Duty and assessment jointly with the Head of Family and Community Support will arrange regular review  meetings  of  the  referral  form  to  improve confidence  in  partners  agencies  in  making  referrals


Duty  and Assessment Service Manager  /  Head  of Service  Family  and Community Support



correctly and completing them with sufficient information. The CAMHS referral meeting on Mondays and Fridays will ensure that referrals are triaged appropriately and will then  discuss  the  outcomes  in  the  FMT  for  senior management oversight.

Trak is due to be replaced by Maximus in 2023 so CAMHS will need to prepare for further changes to IT processes.



R25 Keep a log of decisions made and action agreed at the weekly Health and Wellbeing  Service  Referral Management  meetings,  including  any actions to update the risk register.

21/9/22  -  Minutes  are  taken  at  the  H&WB  weekly meetings and are available. Risk issues are a standard agenda item.


Head of Health and Wellbeing

R26 Ensure that arrangements to keep in  touch  with  those  referred  and accepted  for  assessment  meet  good practice.

Cleophas  Ndhlalambi  will  update  guidance  in  the Operational Policy to describe expected communication requirements for CAMHS staff as per best practice.


Duty  and Assessment Service Manager

R27  Ensure  triage'  target  times  are widely understood by, and performance is reported to, referrers and the public.

21/9/22 - Report acknowledges our P1,2,3, &4 represent good  practice.  CAMHS  will  be  releasing  an  Annual Report in 2023 Q1 where these can be outlined.

Ross Lawless, Assistant Psychologist, is updating the website details of CAMHS (update given to Head of Health and Wellbeing on 24/10/22) - this process will be added to that section and also to our information leaflets.

Average waiting times for routine generic assessments, and for neurodevelopmental assessments, are currently reported quarterly, within the GoJ Service Performance Measures.  This  includes  waiting  time  targets,  and


Quality  and Assurance  Manager CAMHS,  supported by  an  Assistant Psychologist.



commentary to support the public's understanding of the data.



R28 Although this is implicit in the triage process  described,  explicitly  set  and communicate  waiting  times  standards for assessment for young people with psychosis and with eating disorders.

Referrals for Psychosis and eating disorders will all be triaged as P2 Urgent. This has been clarified in the H&WB  Operational  Policy.  Cleophas  Ndhlalambi  to communicate to Duty and assessment Team / Child and Family Hub Practitioners. This will be communicated in the duty team meetings, Supervision and will instruct all HUB practitioners to triage the Psychosis and eating disorder clients as urgent priority 2 (P2).

Dip sampling to check that workers are following the process of progressing Psychosis and eating disorders referrals.

Supervision will be used to review cases where P2 was the outcome from the referral.


Duty  and Assessment Manager CAMHS

R29 Set out clear discharge protocols to provide explicit and tailored information on:

how to stay well

a summary of how the child or young person felt about being discharged; and

whether they achieved the goals they identified or modified the goals

Discharge letter templates will be updated to include • how to stay well • a summary of how the child or young person felt about being discharged; and • whether they achieved the goals they identified or modified the goals. This  will  be  completed  in  consultation  with  Youthful Minds.


Service  Manager Specialist CAMHS

R30  Reconsider  the  approach  to children and young people who were not brought' for appointments, both for

H&WB Operational Policy has been updated to clarify improved process. Lead Nurse in CAMHS will report WNB data at weekly H&WB management and referral


Quality  and Assurance  Manager CAMHS


in house' and commissioned services. Ensure that the emphasis is on safety and  the  child's  right  of  access  to healthcare.

meeting (TOR has been updated) and issues for key cases will be discussed and decision making recorded. PLAN - CAMHS to be included in WNB work with Health so  that  we  can  follow  the  same  policy  and  share processes.

Meeting took place on 5th October with Claire Thompson (HCS) to ensure CAMHS / HCS approaches aligned.

22/09/2022  Darren  Bowring  discussed  with  Juliet  Le Breuilly at CAMHS Operations and Governance Group meeting.

All CAMHS staff trained in WNB policy on 26/10/22, given copy of policy, and discussion occurred to address questions from staff.



R31 Prioritise an understanding of the reasons for re-referrals to CAMHS and set out any required actions in response.

21/9/22 - Due to recording issues, the re-referral rates previously include data of service users who are already open to CAMHS, for example if an open service user presents at A&E or is referred to another pathway.

New data collection checks indicated an average re- referral rate for 2022 of 8%.

Improved methods (i.e., referral form on care partner) will differentiate this data and provide more accurate details.

Once accurate data is collected, we can more robustly review the reasons for re-referral and make appropriate changes if need be.


Quality  and Assurance  Manager CAMHS


R32  Finalise  the  protocol  and arrangements  for  young  people transitioning from CAMHS to AMHS and other  services,  ensuring  decisions  on timing are criteria rather than age driven. Establish  a  process  to  oversee compliance which includes service user feedback.

21/9/22 - A transition policy was developed by CAMHS and  AMHS  and  is  waiting  to  be  ratified  by  the Governance and Oversight Group (GOG)

Audit  being  completed  by  Richard  Dyer  regarding numbers. Clare Stretch is project manager employed by health to complete work around this.

Feedback forms to be completed as standard with young people once transitioned and logged on care partner and presented in the annual Quality and Assurance report (Sarah Hayward / Sandra Haines).

Meeting between CAMHS and the Adult Team at midday (29/9/22)  to  conclude  the  Policy  and  forwards  for ratification.

CAMHS and JAMHS have continued to follow the policy for the last 12 months in order to follow best practice guidelines on transition. The document has been sent out to various services which include the input of young people  and  their  families.  Once  ratified  the  working document will then be reviewed at 6 months due to the complex nature and the need to greater feedback within this period from all users.


Service  Manager Specialist  CAMHS supported by Project Manager

Recommendations not accepted  

Recommendation  Reason for rejection