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Transfers between Heads of Expenditure under the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019: Article 18 – 11th April 2022

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11TH APRIL 2022

Presented to the States on 14th April 2022 by the Minister for Treasury and Resources


2022  R.49



Decision(s): Under Article 18(4) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 (the Law), the Minister for Treasury and Resources hereby notifies the States, and having consulted with any relevant Minister under Article 18(5) of the Law; that she has agreed to the following –

Transfers between Heads of Expenditure under Article 18 of the Law


MD- TR- Ref.



Funding of –

From –

To –

2022 -


Health & Community Services (HCS)

Strategic Policy, Planning & Performance (SPPP)

£276,430 and

3.0 FTE staff

appropriate oversight of related Preventable Diseases programme funding






After the expiry of 4 weeks following the presentation to the States of these transfers, the Minister hereby authorises the Treasurer of the States to action the transfers outlined in the table above.


As part of the Government's Common Strategic Policy (CSP) priority to Improve Islanders wellbeing and mental and physical health', the Reducing Preventable Disease (RPD) portfolio was conceived as a suite of public health programmes to reduce the burden of preventable diseases and avoidable early death on the Island. The portfolio of work and delivery of programmes is currently shared across HCS, SPPP as well as CYPES. During 2021 work began to strengthen the Public Health Directorate in SPPP in partnership with HCS and in-line with the Jersey Care Model. At that time it was agreed to transfer £470,000 and one FTE from this portfolio from HCS to SPPP as well as £179,000 from HCS to CYPES in MD-TR-2021-0051 to re-align budgets to the appropriate lead delivery departments for planned programmes. As part of continued development  and  strengthening,  the  SPPP  Public  Health  Directorate  now  has  an approved organisational structure under a Director of Public Health with the necessary core functions to protect and improve population health. Therefore, the necessary department changes to support the final movements of budget to most effectively deliver the Governments RPD objectives can now be completed. The transfer of the RPD health promotion resource and related FTE from HCS into the Health Improvement function of the new Public Health Directorate under a new Senior Health Promotion Officer post that will ensure the best governance and professional accountability for these public health posts and related programmes of work.

The requested transfer covers staff and project delivery costs for RPD programmes which are led by budget holders in SPPP.

· Programmes led by the Public Health Directorate within SPPP:

Food and Nutrition Strategy

Tobacco Strategy

Substance misuse Strategy



Population Mental Health Improvement

Delivery costs planned for Reducing Preventable Disease relating closely to health service delivery including UNICEF Baby Friendly breastfeeding support and Smoking Cessation will remain in HCS.

The relevant Heads of Finance Business Partnering, Group Directors, Accountable Officers, and applicable Ministers for SPPP and HCS have agreed that the staff and non- staff resources as well as their related budgets be transferred accordingly

This decision can be found on under the following Ministerial Decision references –


which were signed on 11th April 2022.
