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Jersey Council for Safety and Health at Work to the States: Annual Report and Accounts 2021

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The Jersey Safety Council Financial Statements

For the Year Ended 31 December 2021


Page Council members and professional advisors  1 Accountant's  Report  2 Income Statement  3 Balance Sheet  4 Notes to the Financial Statements  5-6

The Jersey Safety Council

Council Members and Professional Advisors

Council Members  Dr Steve Taylor (Chairman)

Adrian De Gruchy

Bob Matthews

Kirsten du Heaume

Wayne Balcombe

Tammy Fage (HSI)

Anne Matthews (Secretary) John Gavey (Honorary)

Address  The Pines

Rue De La Garenne Trinity


Bankers  Lloyds Bank

Broad Street

St Helier


Accountant  Catherine Swemmer FCCA

Tequila, Rue de Jambart St Clement

Accountant's Report

For the year ended 31st December 2021

To the Council Members Jersey afety  Council The Pines

Rue De La Garenne Trinity


Dear Sirs,

Jersey Safety Council  Financial Statements for the Vear Ended 31 December 2021

I have examined the books and records supplied to me.  I am pleased to report that I found the books and records to be in good order and they are summarisedin the enclosed financial statements covering the year ended 31 December 2021.

The accounts show that for the year ended 31 December 2021 the net deficit was £(23,092) and the  accumulated  fund  at  31  December 2021  was  £35,756.  Appropriate vouchers covering all material items of expenditure were available.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Catherine Swemmer F C C A Tequila

Rue de Jambart

t  Clement



Income Statement

For the year ended 31st December 2021

Notes  2021  2020

£ £  £  £


Grant  16,000  18,000 Training, Courses & Conference Fees  4  65,400  10,200 JSAT Income  9,010  4,531 Bank interest  7  6 90,417  32,737

Administration Expenses

Training, Courses & Conference Fees  1,525  8,136 JSAT expenses  485  2,063 Behavioural safety set up  4  18,186

Behavioural safety running costs  4  77,661

Administration Fees  6,450  4,650 Advertising & Promotion  3,925  6,791 IT & Computer expenses  245  828 Website Hosting  2,803  2,224 Stationery, Telephone & Postage  440  156 Insurance  1,289  1,263 Audit & accountancy fees  SOO  SOO Entertainment  699 Educational materials & posters   498

(113,509)  (27,807)

Operating (expense)/income

Net (Expense)/lncome for the year transferred (from)/to accumulated funds

(23,092)  4,930 5  £ (23,092)  £  4,930

All amounts included within the profit for the year and the income of the preceding year arose from continuing operation.

The Council has no other recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the year.

Balance Sheet

As at 31st December 2021

Notes  2021  2020

£ £  £  £

Current Assets

Other debtors  2  2,790  880

Cash at bank and in hand  35,393  60,268

38,183  61,148

Creditors: amounts due within one year

Other creditors  3  2,427  2,300

2,427  2,300 Net Assets  £35,756  £58,848

Funds Employed

Accumulated Funds  s  £35,756  £58,848

These Financial Statements were approved by the Council on

and signed on its behalf by Dr Steve Taylor


Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st December 2021

1 ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting convention

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the accounting principles set out below.


The grant is receivable from the States of Jersey Social Security department

Training, courses and conference fee income is recognised to the extent that the council obtains rights to consideration in exchange for its performance. It is measured at the fair value of the consideration received and is based on the services supplied during the year.

Bank interest and other income is recognised on accruals basis


All expenditure is recognised on a accruals basis

Going concern

The directors have reasonable expectation that the company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for foreseeable future. The directors therefore continue  to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash is represented by cash in hand and deposits with financial institutions repayable with penalty on notice of no more that 24 hours.

2 OTHER DEBTORS  2021  2020

£ £

Course Fee income  £  2,790  £  880 3 OTHER CREDITORS  2021  2020

£ £

Administration fees  1,020  1,800 Accountancy fees  SOO  SOO Other accruals  907

£ 2,427  £  2,300

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31st December 2021


In 2021, the Council launched a major change programme, the Behavioural Safety Leadership courses, targeting safety in construction. The net deficit for these courses in 2021 is detailed below;




Course fees  65,400


One-off set up costs  18,186 Ongoing course running costs  77,661

Net deficit


Brought forward

Transferred {to)/from income and expenditure account

Carried forward


£ (30,447)

2021  2020

£ £

58,848  53,918 (23,092)  4,930

£ 35,756  f  58,848

In 2021, COVID continued to impact Council's activities throughout much of the year. The Council focussed its activities on embedding initiatives that were initially launched in 2020. With COVID restrictions easing during the year, the Council was able to officially start a major change programme the Behavioural Safety leadership courses designed to further improve safety in the construction sector (see Note 4) .The Council will continue to monitor the COVID situation throughout 2022 and any impact on its activities.