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States of Jersey Law 2005: Article 30a – ministerial responsibilities.

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Presented to the States on 27th January 2023 by the Chief Minister


2023  R.10


This report details the responsibilities of each Minister, in accordance with Article 30A of the States of Jersey Law, as of 1st January 2023. The full list of responsibilities is included in Annex 1.

For  each  of  their  responsibilities,  the  Minister  is  individually  accountable  to  the Assembly, including for the actions of the departments and agencies which discharge their responsibilities.

Ministers uphold these responsibilities in a manner which supports trust in government and the highest standards in public life, in line with the new Code of Conduct and Practice for Ministers and Assistant Ministers.1

Following review, and as we approach completion of the government's first six months in  office,  ministerial  responsibilities  will  remain  substantially  as  they  were  when Ministers were elected in July 2022. This supports a focus on the delivery of the Assembly  approved  Common  Strategic  Policy  and  Government  Plan,  rather  than extensive reshuffles in responsibilities and portfolios.

The limited changes that will take place are outlined in Annex 2 - including bringing together  Justice  and  Home  Affairs;  and  transfers  to  better  align  Ministers  with departments to strengthen lines of accountability.

Given the breadth of business and the ambition for change, Assistant Ministers also hold delegated powers, as listed in Annex 1. The Chief Minister wishes to promote a culture of  empowering  Assistant  Ministers  in  their  delegated  areas  (and  will  continue discussions  with  the  Privileges  and  Procedures  Committee,  including  the  naming conventions for Assistant Ministers). The aim is to make the most of all the talent in government, helping to deliver the best outcomes for Jersey.

The Council of Ministers supports coordination across the ministerial portfolios  - helping to deliver a government programme that is coherent as a whole, and effective.

The  Chief  Minister,  as  Chair  of  the  Council  of  Ministers,  has  responsibility  for coordinating its functions, which include the prioritisation of legislation and policy, and the Council of Ministers can also adopt shared policy positions. 2

The Chief Minister, or the Council of Ministers, may also create Ministerial Groups, which advise the responsible Minister on decisions in their areas of responsibility. This is usually done to support the coordination and development of prominent areas of policy, such as the new Future Places Ministerial Group or Population and Skills Ministerial Group, or oversight of major projects. 3

1 r.140-2022.pdf (

2 States of Jersey Law 2005 – Article 18

3 These groups will be created by public Ministerial Decision, and replace all existing policy development boards, and ministerial oversight and advisory groups, save those established by legislation or a decision of the Assembly. A consolidated list will be created and published on of all ministerial groups created.

While each Minister is supported by a single department for most of their functions, this is not the case in all circumstances. In particular, the new Cabinet Office, as recommended by the Democratic Accountability and Governance sub-Committee of the former Privileges and Procedures Committee[4], provides joined-up policy and delivery support to a number of Ministers. This cross-cutting approach is suited to a small jurisdiction, delivering complex work effectively and efficiently by joining-up expertise and learning at the centre of government. However, in all cases, the Minister responsible for the areas listed in Annex 1 holds the full authority of a Minister, including making policy decisions having sought advice, and providing direction.

These arrangements, including ministerial portfolios and departmental functions, are subject to ongoing review and learning. As appropriate, this will include liaison with the States Employment Board (on matters relating to employment) and the Privileges and Procedures Committee (in relation to the wider machinery of government).

The aim is to promote accountability, ensure clarity over roles and responsibilities, and generally, to aid good governance and effective delivery.

This Report under Article 30A detailing Ministerial responsibilities and delegations to Assistant Ministers will accordingly be updated and re-issued annually, considering all the above.

Annex 1: Full Listing of Responsibilities by Minister

Chief Minister: Deputy Kristina Moore

Deputy Chief Minister: Deputy Kirsten Morel

Assistant Chief Ministers: Connétable Andy Jehan , Deputy Lucy Stephenson , and Deputy Alex Curtis

Overview: The Chief Minister provides long term strategic direction, chairing the Council of Ministers - which is responsible for the Island's common strategic policy; co-ordinating the Government's policies and administration; and prioritising executive and legislative proposals.

The Chief Minister is also responsible for a range of prominent policy areas, including constitutional affairs and population and migration policy; she provides direction on government communications; is responsible for digital services across government; and, as Chair of the States Employment Board, has responsibility for the employment of public sector employees.

The  Chief  Minister  has  concurrent  responsibility  with  the  Minister  for  External Relations and Financial Services for Jersey's common external relations policy; and has responsibility for liaison with the non-Ministerial States Bodies5.

The Deputy Chief Minister acts for the Chief Minister in her absence, represents the Chief Minister on request and takes forward pieces of work on request.

List of Responsibilities

Leadership of the Council of Ministers, including standards and political governance

Corporate Strategic Policies, Performance and Planning

Performance framework for the Head of the Public Service Population and Migration Policy, including decisions under the Control of Housing and Work Law

Constitutional Affairs

Corporate Risk Management Statistics Jersey

States  Employment  Board  and  Jersey  Appointments Commission

Modernisation & Digital (Government ICT)

People Services (Human Resources)

Lead Department Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office Cabinet Office Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office Cabinet Office Cabinet Office Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office Cabinet Office

5 These are:

Bailiff 's Chambers

Judicial Greffe

Law Officers Department

Probation and After-Care Service (the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs will assume day-to-day responsibilities for liaison, as part of the wider justice portfolio)

States Greffe

Viscount's Department

Office of the Lieutenant Governor

Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General

Office of the Official Analyst

Government Communications

2(1)(e) initiative for high net-worth migration

Freedom of Information

Government of Jersey Data Protection governance Legislation Advisory Panel

Chair of the Emergencies Council and coordination of Emergency Planning

Cabinet Office Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office Cabinet Office Cabinet Office Justice and Home Affairs

Assistant Chief Ministers delegated responsibilities: Connétable Andy Jehan (with responsibility for employment of public sector employees, with the Chief Minister); Deputy Lucy Stephenson (with responsibly for communications and engagement); Deputy Alex Curtis (with responsibility for the modernisation and digital service).[4]

Minister for Housing and Communities: Deputy David Warr

Overview: The Minister is responsible for championing a good supply of housing across all categories of tenure, promoting affordability, and improving housing standards, as part of strong neighbourhoods and communities.

As part of this role the Minister will work across government, collaborating with Ministers who hold complementary responsibilities, and with public and private partners, to ensure the delivery of appropriate housing as part of sustainable communities.

List of Responsibilities

Long-term housing strategy Policies to support housing delivery

Regulation of Landlord/tenant relations, including deposit protection

Social housing policy, including relations with providers

Administration of the affordable Housing Gateway, Housing Advice, and Homelessness Services

Lead Department Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office Customer and Local Services

Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport, and Culture: Deputy Kirsten Morel

Assistant Ministers: Deputy Lucy Stephenson and Deputy Alex Curtis

Overview: The Minister is responsible for supporting a diverse and thriving business environment and sustainable economy, promoting productivity improvements, improving job opportunities, and promoting sporting, cultural, and leisure activities that enrich Islanders' lives.

List of Responsibilities Economic Policy

Productivity growth, diversification, and innovation

Economics Unit

Inward Investment and export policy Digital Economy



Data Protection Policy

Cyber Security – Island-wide

Competition Policy

Consumer Protection, including Trading Standards

Regulation of Business

Visitor Economy

Rural and Marine Economy Retail Economy

Sports Policy

Commercial Air and Sea Transport Maritime Policy, including safety at sea

Ships Registry

Ports of Jersey Policy

Beach Regulation and Lifeguarding Culture, Arts and Heritage Gambling Policy

Liquor Licensing

Public Records Law Channel Islands Lottery

Lead Department Department for the Economy – Economy Directorates[4]

Department for the Economy

Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy

Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy

Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Department for the Economy

Department for the Economy Department for the Economy

Department for the Economy Department for the Economy Treasury and Exchequer

Assistant  Ministers  delegated  responsibilities:   Deputy  Lucy   Stephenson  (with responsibility for Sports Policy); Deputy Alex Curtis (with responsibility for Digital Economy)8

8 R.99-2022.pdf (

Minister for Children and Education: Deputy Inna Gardiner

Assistant Ministers: Deputy Louise Doublet and Connétable Richard Vibert [4]

Overview: The Minister is responsible for co-ordinating across government policies and actions which improve the well-being of children, including providing a first-class education service and supporting the development of skills, creativity, and lifelong learning.

List of Responsibilities Primary Schools Secondary Schools Special Education Schools

Highlands College

Educational standards and achievement

Skills Policy Early Years

Children's inclusion and early intervention

Youth Service

Post-16 Higher and Further Education Policy

Departmental appeal hearings States of Jersey Library Children's Services

Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Co-ordinating policies to safeguard children and support children's well-being

Lead Department

Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills

Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills

Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills

Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills Children, Young People, Education and Skills

Children, Young People, Education and Skills

Assistant Ministers delegated responsibilities:   Deputy Louise Doublet (with responsibility for Libraries, Early Years, children's rights, diversity and equality and engagement and communication within the portfolio, participation, and school fees); Connétable Richard Vibert (with responsibility for Children's Social Care and school placement appeals).  

Minister for Environment*: Deputy Jonathan Renouf

* The Ministry will be renamed by Order to be "Minister for Energy and Environment" to reflect an increased emphasis on energy, including its affordability, the security of supply, and its importance in achieving carbon neutrality.

Assistant Minister: Deputy Hilary Jeune

Overview: The Minister is responsible for protecting and enhancing the Island's natural and  built  environment  in  the  best  interests  of  Islanders,  supporting  sustainable development, responding to the climate emergency, energy policy, and more generally, regulatory matters.

List of Responsibilities Abattoir Regulation

Development Control

Building Control

Planning and Building Compliance Eco-Active

Regulation - Environmental Health Regulation - Environmental Protection Regulation – Housing Standards Regulation - Waste

Agricultural and Plant Health Inspectorate Agricultural Land Control

Marine Resources

Natural Environment

Veterinary Services and Animal Welfare Jersey Meteorological Services

Energy Policy

Island Plan and Spatial Planning Policy Policies to deliver Carbon Neutrality Regulation of Care

Lead Department

Environment Directorates (Natural Environment and Regulation) – Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Department ("IHE")10 Environment Directorates - IHE

Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Environment Directorates - IHE Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office

Assistant Minister delegated responsibilities: Deputy Hilary Jeune (with delegated responsibilities for energy policy and responding to the climate emergency, appeals under Part 7 of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002, and complaints under Article 6 of the High Hedges (Jersey) Law 2008).11

10 The Head of Expenditure for the Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Department was split by the Council of Ministers in an amendment to the Government Plan 2023, to separately show the Directorates that support the Minister

for  Environment  and  Energy  (Natural  Environment  and  Regulation  Directorates)  and  Minister  for  Infrastructure (Transport and Operations and Property Holdings Directorates): P.97/2022 Amd(10).

11 R.129-2022.pdf (

Minister for External Relations and Financial Services: Deputy Philip Ozouf Assistant Minister: Deputy Ian Gorst

Overview: The Minister is responsible for promoting Jersey internationally and supporting the Island's interests on the international stage, a responsibility held concurrently with the Chief Minister.

The Minister works closely with ministerial colleagues, helping to promote their policy objectives and securing economic, environmental, and social benefits for Jersey through external engagement.

The Minister also has responsibility for promoting and supporting a sustainable and well-governed financial services industry, as a major driver of our economy and the Island's largest employer.

List of Responsibilities

EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement UK Government Engagement

EU Engagement

Global Markets

International Agreements

Sanctions and Treaties

Air Navigation, Civil Aviation and Air Safety Multilateral Engagement

Overseas Offices

Channel Islands Engagement

Financial Services

Intellectual Property

Charities Registration and Regulation

Lead Department External Relations

External Relations External Relations

External Relations External Relations

External Relations External Relations

External Relations External Relations

External Relations Department for the Economy[4]

Department for the Economy Cabinet Office

Assistant Ministers delegated responsibilities: Deputy Ian Gorst (with responsibility for Financial Services).[4]

Minister for Health and Social Services: Deputy Karen Wilson Assistant Ministers: Deputy Rose Binet and Deputy Malcolm Ferey

Overview: The Minister is responsible for delivering good quality health care services, promoting health and wellbeing for the community, and protecting the interests of frail and vulnerable adults.

List of Responsibilities

Strategic Health Policy

Primary Care Strategy and Governance Public Health Policy and Delivery Adult Community Support Services Adults Social Work

Occupational Therapy

65+ Community and Social Service 65+ Nursing and Residential

Adult Mental Health

Alcohol and Drugs Services Psychology

Speech and Language

Clinical Support, incl. radiology, pathology, pharmacy, physiotherapy

Hospital  Operations  Support,  incl.  non- clinical support, such as contracts, off-island treatment, emergency transfers

Medical Specialists & Emergency Care

Surgical Services Theatres & Anaesthetics

Women and Children, including pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics

Lead Department Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office

Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services

Health and Community Services

Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health and Community Services

Assistant  Ministers  delegated  responsibilities:   Deputy  Rose   Binet  (with responsibility for services related to mental health); Deputy Malcolm Ferey (with responsibility for adult services and social care policy, rehabilitation, and stakeholder engagement with charitable organisations related to the portfolio).14

14 r.167-2022.pdf (; SoJ Law 2005 Delegation of Functions - HSS (

Minister for Home Affairs: Deputy Helen Miles

* The Ministry will be renamed by Order to be "Minister for Justice and Home Affairs" to bring together responsibility for the justice within the executive branch of government with the other functions of the Minister, notably, their wider responsibilities for criminal justice and community safety.

Assistant Ministers: Deputy Hilary Jeune , Deputy Louise Doublet

Overview: The Minister is responsible for supporting and maintaining a safe and inclusive community; promoting equality and diversity; and leading on justice policy and relations with the justice system.

List of Responsibilities

States of Jersey Police

Jersey Customs and Immigration Service States of Jersey Prison Service

States of Jersey Fire and Rescue Service Jersey Field Squadron and Cadet Corps Office of the Superintendent Registrar

States of Jersey Ambulance Service

Combined Control Room

Criminal Justice and Community Safety Policy Firearms Policy

Promoting Diversity, Equality and Social Inclusion[4] Marriage and Divorce Policy

Justice Policy

Lead Department Justice and Home Affairs Justice and Home Affairs Justice and Home Affairs Justice and Home Affairs Justice and Home Affairs Justice and Home Affairs

Justice and Home Affairs Justice and Home Affairs Justice and Home Affairs Justice and Home Affairs Justice and Home Affairs Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office

Assistant Ministers delegated responsibilities: The Assistant Ministers are delegated all powers vested in the Minister.[4]

Minister for Infrastructure: Deputy Tom Binet

Assistant Minister: Deputy Steve Ahier , Deputy Stephenson 17

Overview:  The  Minister  is  responsible  for  the  government's  property  portfolio, maintaining our open spaces, gardens, and amenities; managing and maintaining the Island's transport, traffic, road systems and the waste, sewerage, and recycling facilities; and leading on sustainable transport to meet the needs of the community.

List of Responsibilities Abattoir

Animal Carcass incinerator Arboriculture Service

Bus Service

Capital Project Delivery

Car Parks and Parking Control

Cleaning Services

Climate change adaptation and mitigation Coastal Engineering

Drainage Design and Records

Driver and Vehicle Standards (DVS) Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Energy Recovery Facility Operations Government of Jersey Parks and Gardens Highways Maintenance

Highways Road Signs & Marking Internal Health and Safety

Jersey Fleet Management (JFM)

Liquid and Solid Waste Strategy

Liquid Waste Network Operations Network and Traffic Management

On Island Transport Policy

Property Holdings

Public Realm

Public Sports and Leisure Facilities Recycling Operations

Road & Beach Cleaning

Sewage Treatment Works (STW)

Lead Department

Infrastructure Directorates (Transport and Operations and Property Holdings) – Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Department ("IHE")

Infrastructure Directorates – IHE

Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE

Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE

Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Infrastructure Directorates - IHE

17 Deputy Stephenson has been appointed as an Assistant Minister to the Minister for Infrastructure with responsibilities in relation to Public Sports and Leisure Facilities. This delivers alignment with her responsibilities for Sports Policy,

which she holds, as Assistant Minister to the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture. (R.8- 2023.pdf (

Solid Waste Management & Recovery  Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Tanker Service  Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Taxi-Cab Service  Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Technical Support Services  Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Transport Planning  Infrastructure Directorates - IHE Sustainable Transport Policy  Cabinet Office

Assistant Minister delegated responsibilities: The Assistant Ministers is delegated all powers vested in the Minister.[4]

Minister for International Development: Deputy Carolyn Labey Assistant Minister: Deputy Steve Ahier 19

Overview: The Minister is the Chair of the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission, and in conjunction with the commission is responsible for promoting economic and social development in developing countries overseas, and humanitarian aid overseas.

The Minister is also responsible for co-ordinating work across government to promote an inclusive sense of Island identity and culture.

List of Responsibilities

Development  Grants   supporting sustainable  economic  and  human development

Humanitarian  response  to  overseas emergencies

Facilitating the efforts of individuals and organisations to provide overseas aid

Island Identity

Lead Department

Jersey Overseas Aid Commission

Jersey Overseas Aid Commission Jersey Overseas Aid Commission

Cabinet Office

19 R.119-2022.pdf (

Minister for Social Security: Deputy Elaine Millar Assistant Ministers: Deputy Malcolm Ferey

Overview: The Minister is responsible for helping people in Jersey to achieve and maintain financial independence, including supporting employment and provision for pensions in older age, and to provide financial safeguards to the most vulnerable in our community.

List of Responsibilities Supporting people into employment

Pension and Benefit payments Collection of Contributions

Promotion of the third sector and voluntary groups

Disability Strategy

Pension Policy and coordinating government response to ageing society Benefits Policy, including supporting those on lower incomes to manage cost of living increases

Sustainability of the Social Security scheme, Long Term Care Scheme, and Health Insurance Fund

Prohibition of certain types of discrimination

Regulation of employment activities, including employment relations, and minimum and living wage

Health and Safety Inspectorate

Lead Department Customer and Local Services

Customer and Local Services Customer and Local Services Customer and Local Services

Customer and Local Services Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office Cabinet Office

Cabinet Office Cabinet Office

Justice and Home Affairs

Assistant Ministers delegated responsibilities:   Deputy Malcolm Ferey (with responsibility for charitable sector, Back to Work, disability, and inclusion)[4]

Minister for Treasury and Resources: Deputy Ian Gorst

Assistant Ministers: Connétable Richard Vibert , Deputy Steve Ahier , Deputy Elaine Millar .21

The Minister is responsible for looking after Jersey's finances and assets and ensuring responsible use of public funds in the best interests of Islanders.

List of Responsibilities

Strategic Finance

Accounting Services

Financial Performance

Financial Planning

Financial Processing - payables and receivables Internal Audit

Pension Fund Administration

Shareholder Functions22

Investments strategy and managements Investment Appraisal

Revenue Jersey

International tax agreements

Tax Policy

Central Procurement (commercial services) Tax Information Exchange Agreements

Lead Department Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer

Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer Treasury and Exchequer

Treasury and Exchequer External Relations

21 R.120-2022.pdf (

22 Includes relations with States-owned companies, including delivering value for money and risk management for the public from these holdings. The Treasury and Resources Minister is not responsible for wider strategic direction and policy setting in the markets in which these companies operate, which rests with whichever Minister has political responsibility for those areas. The Treasury and Resources Minister works with ministerial colleagues to deliver appropriate public advantage from investment holding

Annex 2: Summary of main changes in ministerial portfolios and departmental transfers – as of 1st January 2023

The role of the Minister for Home Affairs' will be widened to create a "Minister for Justice and Home Affairs". This includes democratic responsibility within the executive branch of government for the overall justice system, which previously sat with the Chief Minister. An Order will be drafted to achieve this. This new role will also include a focus on community engagement and early interventions to enhance safety and ultimately prevent crime and other harms from occurring.

The Minister for Justice and Home Affairs will take on responsibilities for equality and diversity (which rested with the Social Security Minister under the previous government). The Minister is tasked with raising the profile of the equality and diversity agenda, and addressing issues such as the gender pay gap, and participation in public and private institutions and our wider community.

The  Superintendent  Registrar,  which  is  currently  the  responsibility  of  the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, has moved from the Customer and Local Services Department to the Justice and Home Affairs Department, bringing more of the responsibilities of the Minister into one Department.

The departmental responsibility for the States of Jersey Library has transferred from the Customer and Local Services Department to the Children, Education and Young People department, so that more of the functions of the Minister for Children and Education sit in a single department.

The Minister for Infrastructure is now leading on the delivery of a new hospital for Jersey, with advice from the Minister for Health and Social Services in relation to clinical matters; the Treasury and Resources Minister in relation to financing and value for money; and with the Chief Minister providing oversight, direction, and advice, as relevant, as part of the ministerial group to oversee the project. This means that responsibility for delivery of the largest capital project in the Island's history now rests with the Minister and the department with responsibility for infrastructure, supported by cross-government working.