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Presented to the States on 23rd March 2023 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee
2023 R.44
On 1st February 2023, PPC presented a report to the States (R.11/2023) regarding the appointment of Ms. Jennifer Long as independent reviewer of States Members' remuneration. The appointment was made following the establishment of a dedicated panel which was tasked by PPC to identify a person to carry out a review of the amount of remuneration and allowances payable to elected Members. The panel, which comprised Lisa Hart , Greffier of the States, Mark Porter, Diana Koch, Judy Martin and Steve Pallet, advertised the position in 2022 and interviewed 4 candidates in January 2023. The panel were unanimous in their endorsement of Ms. Long.
Ms. Long was formally appointed on 15th February 2023 (after the States was given 14 days' notice of the proposed appointment). In accordance with the provisions of the States of Jersey (Amendment – Remuneration of Elected Members) (Jersey) Law 2022 PPC is required to direct the reviewer to carry out the review and determine any other matters relating to remuneration and allowances as required.
PPC met Ms. Long on 13th March 2023 to discuss the scope of the review. A number of matters were discussed which led to agreement of the following:
• To produce a report to the Privileges and Procedures Committee by 15th February 2024.
• The remuneration review will be focussed on the amount of remuneration and allowances payable to elected members as specified in the States of Jersey (Amendment- Remuneration of Elected Members) (Jersey) Law 2022.
• The review will consider payments on loss of office as part of overall remuneration, but it is acknowledged that options may be limited.
• The review will not include making recommendations on differential pay.
The letter from PPC to Ms. Long is attached in appendix 1 which also includes her response, confirming the scope of the review. It is anticipated that Members will receive a letter from Ms. Long which sets out the approach of the review and how Members can input into the evidence-gathering phase.
Appendix 1
Privileges and Procedures Committee
Jennifer Long
States Members' Remuneration Reviewer By email
21st March 2023 Dear Jennifer
Review of States Members' Remuneration
Thank you for attending the meeting of the Privileges and Procedures Committee on Monday 13th March 2023. The Committee was grateful for the opportunity to meet with you and to discuss the core elements of your review.
I thought it might be helpful to confirm in writing the direction agreed during the meeting:
• To produce a report to the Privileges and Procedures Committee by 15th February 2024.
• The remuneration review will be focussed on the amount of remuneration and allowances payable to elected members as specified in the States of Jersey (Amendment- Remuneration of Elected Members) (Jersey) Law 2022.
• The review will consider payments on loss of office as part of overall remuneration, but it is acknowledged that options may be limited.
• The review will not include making recommendations on differential pay.
I look forward to seeing how the review progresses. Should you require anything further please do contact the Greffier, Lisa Hart ( or the Principal Committee and Panel Officer, Kellie Boydens (
Yours sincerely,
Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone
Chair, Privileges and Procedures Committee
Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone
Chair, Privileges and Procedures Committee Jersey States Assembly
By e-mail
21 March 2023
Dear Karen
States Members' Remuneration Review
Many thanks for your letter today and for the recent opportunity to discuss the review with the PPC.
As I mentioned at the meeting, I consider that stakeholder engagement is an important responsibility of the statutory reviewer and that the public interest is best served if the review is informed by evidence, including stakeholder input, and conducted in a transparent manner.
In this regard it is very helpful that PPC has confirmed its expectations of the scope of the review. These seem to me to be entirely consistent with the reviewer's current statutory mandate. By way of additional clarification I would like to record that my focus will be very firmly on Members' remuneration – that is the reward they personally receive for the work they do – as distinct from the separate matter of the resources available to Members to help them carry out their function and the costs of providing those resources.
Following your letter, I plan to send the attached communication to all Members so that they are aware of the planned approach the review and have the opportunity to input to the evidence- gathering phase. In parallel, I will be seeking evidence from other relevant stakeholders to help formulate options and proposals on which Members and the public will be consulted later in the review.
I look forward to meeting PPC again once the review is further advanced.
Jennifer Long
States Members' Remuneration Reviewer