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Office of the Children’s Commissioner for Jersey: Strategic Plan 2024

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24  Strategic 27 Plan



My name is Carmel Corrigan, and I am delighted to  strategies, policies and legislation; and advice from our

have been made Children s Commissioner for Jersey.  own advisory panels.

  I took up this post in March 2024. This consultation and consideration of other sources has

My job, and the job of everyone who works in the Office  identified six thematic areas and groups that we will focus

of the Children s Commissioner for Jersey (OCCJ), is to  on in the next four years (see pages 4-5). These are:

In everything we do, the Office of the Children s Commissioner for Jersey (OCCJ) will strive to

promote and protect the human rights of children and

uphold and demonstrate the following values: particular groups of young people up to the age of  Educational inequality

25. This is no small task, as it involves a large number  Children experiencing poverty

of rights under several international conventions,  Play and leisure

Children and young people are at the centre of all that we do. We will, at all times, seek to act  including the International Covenant on Economic,  Mental health and wellbeing

in the best interest of the child. As part of achieving this, we will seek their views and their  Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant  Children in care

participation in our work.  on Civil and Political Rights, and the European

Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and  Children in the youth justice system

We are open, honest and responsible in everything we do.  Fundamental Freedoms.  The OCCJ has already been active on a number of these

We will act with integrity at all times. Without doubt, though, the most significant international  issues and this work will continue to be developed. Some

agreement for our work is the United Nations Convention  of these areas, however, will present new opportunities

on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This was extended to  and challenges for us in engaging with children and young Jersey in 2014 and provides all children under the age of  people, organisations and the Government of Jersey.

We treat everyone with respect, dignity and compassion. We will counter discrimination  18 with over 40 substantive rights. These include survival,  I am still learning about children s and young people s lives of any kind in our work. development, protection, and participation rights.  in Jersey and about how their rights are upheld through

This plan sets out our priorities for the coming four years.  services, policy and the law. I know that there is much

This does not mean that we will work on nothing else or  more to learn, and I am looking forward to meeting and Wtherebe will alway building and enhancing respect for ys seek to be informed, confident and the authority trustworthy in of the OCCJ.our views and opinions,  that we will not take up other opportunities or challenges  talking to children, adults, professionals, organisations,

to promote and defend children s rights or address new  and the Government, each of whom have a role in

and emerging issues. It simply means that this is where we  making children s and young people s rights a reality.

expect a good deal of our resources will be directed. To paraphrase the famous words of the American writer Wyoung people in Jerseye will use our powers and functions , accepting the difficulties and challenges invto protect and promote the rights olved.of children and  informed bwhich took place betwy our consultation een April and June 2024. In with children and adults this  Children s Commissioner is to keep learning, keep listening

The thematic areas that we will focus on have been  Maya Angelou, only when you know better, can you do better. My commitment during these first years of my term as

and keep working, in order to do the best job I can for

We will be constructively critical in our work for children and young people, and welcoming  consultation, 800 children and 300 adults aged 18 and Your Island, Your Rights, we heard from over about what over Jersey s children and the young adults under my remit.

of constructive challenges to our work. This will promote a solutions-focussed, reflective

is important to them and what they think we should focus

and continuous improvement approach in ourselves and others.  on. We also met with over 300 children in schools around

the Island. We are grateful to those who took part for

sharing their views and ideas with us. We will publish the  We will champion children s rights in all circumstances. We will not be unduly influenced  detailed results of this consultation shortly. We could not  

by people in power, through politics, the media, or any other setting. create individual priorities for every issue that was raised  

but we hope that, by working on the priorities below, we  

will have a positive impact on many children and young  

people and how they experience their rights in Jersey.

This Strategic Plan is also informed by a range of other  sources. These include the Concluding Observations of the  UN Committee on the Rights of the Child issued to the  UK State Party, including Jersey, in 2023; the Concluding  

Observations of the UN Committee on Human Rights  issued to the UK State Party, including Jersey, in 2024; our  Carmel Corrigan

previous casework and the issues that have come up there;  Children s Commissioner for Jersey consultation with key stakeholder organisations; previous,

ongoing and forthcoming Government of Jersey plans,

"focuson how to improve  " Price s of everything its  "unaccessible education." "students facing racism, even living standardsand financial  to much for parents." if the people being racist just

costs on the island." think it's banter or whatever."

"Why are so many

neurodivergent children of

"I would make sure that everyone that  CHILDREN  "Address poverty for  school age not accessing  EDUCATIONAL

all children and young people in poverty  EXPERIENCING  families, housing." education in Jersey. This is  INEQUALITY "students being able would be helped and have a nice home to  POVERTY so wrong!" to access laptops for

live in and have nice food to eat without  exams and classwork"

worrying if they have enough money to

pay for bills."

Survival Rights Development Rights

" for us teenagers there is really

These include children's right to life,  These include the right to an  nothing to do. We can go in shops

good food, water, and healthcare. education, time to relax and play  in town but then get accused of "Suicide and panic attacks  These rights are important and  and develop talents and abilities.  stealing or followed around shops

they don't seem to be cared  relevant to the thematic areas  by the workers when all we want

about often." ideinntpifioevde ratbyoavnedi nmcelundtianl gh echalitldh r. en  to do is shop peacefully."



imp"cmoornetansnitdate lt rhheeadanml tshcohrbeoe ol." HEALMENTTH AL AND  THE UNCRC  PLAY AND  t"hpcieninogepsm lseuaacroher artesh mteaoamrvcbianadgpefa.u"rnk,

WELLBEING Protection Rights Participation Rights LEISURE

Children have the right to have  Some of the rights included here

their best interest considered in all  are that children must be given

decisions about their lives, to be safe  the opportunity to express their

from all forms of harm, including  views, be listened to, and taken  "Better facilities for families "Quicker access to mental  abuse, the effects of war and  seriously, as well as to information  to go to in wet weatherto

health support for children  discrimination in the justice system.  to help children form a view and  suit all ages and something for especially at senior school level" to associate with their peers.  everyone to get involved in."

"Children in care need to know

fao"dArdcdihtdiiorldensraesl nt nhbeeeewidnsagia taninsdsgemstismeendet soa lf   support them to best understand  "Thtoe yd no e t ehda tp dlaocne' st   tcoo gst o mano dn ethy!in" gs

their rights and their adults need to

health issues." their rights and entitlements." placing children "We should stop off

island for their care."



"If involved with the care system,  "Young people in care get forgotten about.

then have a consistent staff  The focus is on kids that are in care now but  "Staying safe, too many children are out on the streets member that doesn't change all the  forget about the ones that aged out and are  through the night which opens them up to be potential

time and who is contactable." approaching 25 with no help at all." victims of child criminal and sexual exploitation."


Children s rights are the commitments that the world s governments have made to children. Children under 18  PILLAR THREE: Protecting children s rights  PILLAR FIVE: Progressing incorporation of have a special set of rights in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The United  the UNCRC

Nations is made up of 193 countries from across the world. Every year the OCCJ receives requests for information

and advice in cases where either a child themselves or  As set out in the introduction to this Plan, the Government The Children s Commissioner s work is rooted in the UNCRC. This convention was first open for signatures in 1989, and,  an adult is concerned that a child s rights have not been  of Jersey has committed to gradually incorporating the

since then, 196 countries have ratified it (so-called State Parties) and one has signed it. The UNCRC was extended to Jersey  upheld. In all cases we offer advice and information,  UNCRC into Jersey law. This is an important commitment in 2014 and the Island has become part of the UK State Party. This means that Jersey has committed to respect, protect  while some complex cases need further attention and  and one that the OCCJ is keen to see progress on. This will and fulfil children s rights to survive and thrive, learn and grow, make their voices heard and reach their full potential.  longer involvement. Over the life of this Strategic Plan,  involve both proactive and reactive work by the Office.

All children have the same rights. All rights are interconnected and of equal importance. The rights in the UNCRC can be  we will prioritise building awareness of our casework  Under this pillar, we will:

grouped into four categories survival, development, participation and protection rights. The UNCRC and the General  function and facilitating early, effective and

Comments from the Committee on the Rights of the Child also provide guidance on how governments should and  collaborative resolutions where possible.  Identify priority areas of legislation to be progressed must work to implement the UNCRC, and how organisations like the OCCJ can hold them to account.  To increase awareness of our information, advice  over the four years of this Plan that give effect to

the UNCRC.

All children experience their rights in different ways in their everyday lives. They live their rights at home, in school and in  and casework function to support children, young

their communities through their family lives, their friends, and a wide range of education, care, health and other services.  people and adults to raise rights-based concerns to  Support commencement of the next phases of the Some of the main places and services where children live their rights every day are reflected in the thematic areas we will  the OCCJ. Children (Convention Rights) (Jersey) Law 2022.

focus on in the coming years.  To seek, promote and support early resolution  Continue to provide high-quality advice to the

of concerns raised by, or on behalf of, children  Government on policy and legislative proposals.

or young people.

OUR STRATEGIC PILLARS  To use the full range of our powers to address

complex cases where early resolution is not possible  PILLAR SIX: Engaging at international level rPILLARights anONEdth :e P OroCmCJo ting awareness of children s  bPILLARest pra TWOctice  :i nD tehme oinn vstorlavtei mnge  nant do fp crhoimldoret ning  or appropriate. The UNCRC is the most widely ratified international

To work collaboratively, where appropriate, with all  agreement. A consequence of this is that there is a wealth All children and young people should be able to enjoy  A fundamental right for any child is to have their views  key stakeholders to secure best practice and outcomes  of international knowledge and expertise which Jersey

all of their rights, but some find this more difficult than  heard and considered in decisions that affect them. This  in relation to upholding children s and young  and the OCCJ can draw on, and contribute to, in the

oakobntf,hooaeuwnrtssdt, t hafhoetatrirtea nrt ivhtgaiehoryitnesht,tayonv , oo erft i r grhieghaahtvsstio nsinn,gastan.h Tnde h aas edelsaruevcl ti ikcnieoncslf  ut auhdnne eddi r n e sl oyirfsstet tk aewnnmhodoswin  ign g  iaNcshtoiisnltcdhaerlevol neoa rdliy,nubstlytphshseaueirrprewepcoooorrfmtkt.shfAeoerdrivrtdialciibetvilseoe sa nw,n aidinltly hca,l tuongdro oiktnvnageol lr iwncnhmhtihloedewnriert  n t  floea kvmi nne oilv. lyw o ,l  v  e  PILLAR FOUR: Monitoring and advising Government human rights systems, including in the treaties reporting people s rights. pursuit of children s rights. In addition, it is essential that

we continue to participate in the relevant international

that support them. Raising awareness of, and providing  how to access the OCCJ to have their views heard. We will  mechanisms, as a means of holding the Government of education on, human rights is one of our statutory  address this by: As an independent human rights institution, one of our  Jersey to account. We will:

functions is to monitor how well children s and young

functions, and our first strategic pillar is to continue to  Ensuring that we are accessible to children and young  people s rights are respected and protected in Jersey.  Actively contribute to the shared learning and activities build on our work in this area. To achieve this, we will: people by providing appropriate resources, space and  We do this by holding different organisations, including  of our UK and Irish colleagues through the British

Continue to build children s and young people s  opportunities to engage with us, both in person  and Irish Network of Ombudsmen and Children s

the Government, to account for how their services,

awareness and understanding of their rights and of  and online. Commissioners, as well as working collaboratively

policies, regulations and laws operate for children and

the OCCJ through a variety of means and initiatives. Undertaking and/or commissioning consultations with  with our European counterparts through the European

young people. In this Strategic Plan we will:

Engage with parents, carers and professionals to  groups for children and young people to highlight their  Continue to monitor the achievement of children s and  Network of Ombudspersons for Children.

increase their understanding of children s and young  views and experiences. young people s human rights in Jersey through review  Engage with the relevant international human

people s human rights, how they can be applied every  Further developing our Youth Advisory Group as child  and analysis of relevant Government of Jersey policies,  rights systems.

day, and to hear their concerns. rights advocates. regulations and legislation.  Contribute to international awareness, discussions Collaborate with key stakeholder organisations to raise  Creating opportunities for children and young people  Identify and consider, in particular, opportunities to  and debate on the progression of children s rights awareness of children s rights among their staff. to speak directly to decision-makers. influence services, policy and legislation in relation to  through international conferences, events and Promote a greater awareness of children s and young  Working collaboratively with other stakeholders  the thematic areas and groups identified through the  publications as appropriate.

people s rights through events and activities that will  to promote and support the involvement of children  consultations and review that informed this Plan.

engage the general public. in relevant decision-making processes.

Use a wide range of media to raise awareness of, debate and discuss children s and young people s rights.


PILLAR SEVEN: Being an effective and efficient  Delivering on the strategy The OCCJ is an independent human rights institution created by the Commissioner for Children and Young independent human rights institution in Jersey Each of the pillars of work identified above will be  People (Jersey) Law 2019.

The OCCJ is Jersey s only human rights institution. While underpinned by a detailed implementation plan. This  The main role of the Children s Commissioner is to promote and protect the rights of all children under the age

we are independent of Government, we are accountable  will identify the key pieces of work to be delivered to  of 18, and those of all young people under the age of 25 if they have care experience, have a disability or have been to the States Assembly and to the public. It is important  meet the objectives set out above and will include a  in contact with the youth justice system.

that we are effective, efficient and accountable, and that  timeframe for each piece of work, key milestones and  The Functions, Duties and Powers of the OCCJ Powers

our internal processes support this. It is also important  relevant performance indicators, who we aim to work

that we continue to grow our knowledge and skills in  with and the anticipated opportunities and challenges.  The OCCJ has a wide range of functions, duties and powers. When the rights of children and young people are not order to deliver on our functions. To do this, we will: This implementation plan will help us track our progress  Functions or may not be upheld, the Children s Commissioner has

  Ensure that we are meeting our regulatory and  on delivering on this strategy.  the power to:

To make sure children, young people and adults

statutory responsibilities under relevant legislation,  know about and understand the rights of children   Provide children and young people with information including the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018,  and young people.  about their rights.

Freedom of Information Law (2011), as well as our   Support children and young people to complain to safeguarding duties. To ensure that people in power and with influence  the relevant organisation.

in Jersey respect, protect and fulfil the rights of

  Use the experience and expertise of our Audit  children and young people.   Bring concerns and complaints to the attention of

and Risk Advisory Panel to make sure that we are  people and organisations who provide services to financially compliant and that we have a regularly  Timproo provvide advice ements to laws and policies to the Government to enhance of Jersey on the  children, request relevant information and seek to

reviewed and appropriate register of our risks. realisation of children s and young people s rights.  help them to solve any problems or complaints.

  Review our existing internal processes and develop   Investigate cases where the rights of children and

new ones to ensure that we are transparent in our  To encourage adults to listen to and consider  young people have not or might not have been strategic decision-making. children are made s and that affect young people their lives. s views when decisions  upheld and make recommendations about how

things could be improved.

  Review with stakeholders the options available to  To monitor how Jersey laws comply with the UNCRC

ensure and enhance the independence of the OCCJ  and other international human rights treaties and   Take legal cases to court on behalf of children and young people or, in certain circumstances, support

in line with international standards.  conventions, and to make recommendations that  children and young people who are going to court.

  Constantly strive for improvement and development  bring Jersey laws into line with them.

through the creation of a self-reflective and learning  To encourage the Government of Jersey to sign and   Publishing an annual report every year that sets out

what we have done to promote and protect the environment for staff of the OCCJ. implement any treaties or conventions other European that will protect or international the rights  rights of children and young people.

of children and young people. A range of factors must be considered before the Commissioner exercises many of these powers. When

Duties considering the most appropriate approach, the

  Using the UNCRC and other relevant human rights  Commissioner also takes advice from their staff, their

instruments, including those already signed up to  advisory panels and, where necessary, legal advice.

by Jersey, as the basis for their work. While aiming to serve the best interest of the child and

  Involving children and young people and the people  afford due process to all involved, the OCCJ seeks to

who work with them in the work of the OCCJ.  support local, early resolution of concerns brought to it.

  Publishing a strategic plan explaining the work of

the OCCJ at least every four years.

  Making sure children and young people know about

the role of the Children s Commissioner and how to contact the OCCJ.

  Publishing an annual report every year that sets out

what we have done to promote and protect the rights of children and young people.


For a ten-week period, between 22 April and 30 June 2024, we asked Islanders what they felt we should focus on in our next strategic plan. We grouped the responses into three broad age brackets: under-13; 13-17; over-18.

Our engagement took place online and in person, giving children and adults the chance to volunteer their views on the issues that affect children and young people the most in our Island.

Some high-level results from our online survey of children, young people and adults are briefly presented here. We will publish more details from the online survey, along with a child-friendly version of our Strategic Plan, in Autumn 2024.

 MOR, E  THA  N   UCNHIDLEDRR E  N Y AE GA ER DS   YOAUGNEGD PEOPLE  OAEmotional and VDEUR LTSs SURVEY RESPONDENTS. The natural environment OVandERtheRclimateESPONSES Access %OF  RtoES healthcarePONDENTS  %mental health OF RESPONDENTS


WHAT DO YOU  Opportunities for play,  Emotional and  ARE STILL

UNDER s:  LIKE ABOUT  leisure and activities mental health IMPORTANT  Play



How easy it is  Poverty Education

to get around


Lack of opportunities for  Education/school Education/school play, leisure and activities



The environment and weather  YOU LIKE  Health/mental health ISSUES ARE  Health/mental health OVER RESPONSES ABOUT LIFE  ALMOST RESPONSES IMPORTANT  ALMOST RESPONSES


How expensive it

is to live in Jersey Cost of living/poverty The environment OVER RESPONSES RESPONSES



More play and  Improved leisure

leisure facilities  facilities/opportunities Education



FROM MORE THAN  WHAT WOULD  Reduce the cost  Education COMMISSIONER, Improved leisure YOU LIKE TO  of living in Jersey  WHAT WOULD  facilities/opportunities


CHILDREN AND  Better education on, and

YOUNG PEOPLE. School awareness of, children s rights Social media/online safety OVER RESPONSES RESPONSES


10 11

For advice, resources and information on all  Children s Commissioner for Jersey aspects of our work and on child rights more generally,  Brunel House, 3 Old Street visit our website or follow us on social media. St Helier JE2 3RG

Tel: 01534 867310 Email: