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Archivist's Annual Report 2023

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2023 Annual Archivist s Report

Rapport Annuel dØ l Archiviste 2023

On the work of Jersey Heritage and the Archivist under the Public Records (Jersey) Law, 2002 R.98/2024 Registered charity no. 411


Introduction  3 Management And Oversight  18 Records Advisory Panel  4 Archive Accreditation  19 Public Records (Jersey) Law 2002  5 Appendix A  20

Retention Schedules by Department

Identification Of Archives  6

Appendix B  28 Case Study - Public Records Law Compliance Audit  7 Public Records transferred in 2023

Transfer Of Archives  8 Appendix C  33

Key Performance Indicators

Case Study - Covid Collections  9

Appendix D  35 Preservation, Conservation and Security  10 Archive Funding

Case Study - Repair of Plans  11

Environmental Conditions  12

Access to Archives - Cataloguing and Indexing  13

Case Study - Volunteers Added Value Cataloguing 14

Access To Archives - In Person and Online  15

Case Study - Your Home, Your Story   16

Records Opened, January 2024 17


Archives tell the stories of our past, reflect the attitudes and communities of the present and are a roadmap for the future. The role of Jersey Heritage is to select and preserve these unique stories, care for them and keep them safe for current and future generations to research, learn from and enjoy.

In 2023 the team at Jersey Archive won an Archives and Records Association (ARA) Excellence Award. The ARA is the leading professional body for the record-keeping sector. Jersey Archive was named as Record Keeping Service of Year . The national awards are voted for by the public and recognise and celebrate the achievements of record keeping professionals and their contribution to society. I am very proud of the team for winning and it is the perfect way to mark the 30th anniversary of the Archive service being established.

Archives are a key part of Government of Jersey accountability. The Archive team work closely with each Government department and identify relevant records to be transferred to Jersey Archive through the production of retention schedules. These records reflect the decisions, functions and policies of Government. In 2023 we saw a significant improvement in the review of retention schedules moving from 57% of schedules being up to date at the end of 2022 to 82% by the first few months

of 2024.

During 2024 we need to ensure that regular reviews of schedules continue with 27 schedules due for review. Following proposed updates to Public Records legislation we will also work with Arm s Length Organisations (ALOs) that fall under the Law to monitor and help with their compliance.

In 2023 we transferred 44.6 cubic metres, nearly 3,000 boxes of documents, to the Archive. This represents a significant workload for the Archive team as we accession and preserve the contents of each box for future researchers. Over 2,800 digital files were also transferred to the Archive and these have now been placed in our digital preservation system before being catalogued in detail.

In 2023 we completed an audit of machine-readable material in a physical format, e.g. CDs, cassette tapes, film and floppy disks. We identified over 10,000 items at the Archive that needs to be digitised. Some of these items are already in an obsolete format, e.g. Betacam sp tape and/or in a format that is decaying quickly, e.g. acetate sound reels. This material needs to be digitised and placed in our digital preservation system which monitors for file format obsolescence. In 2023 we started the transfer process but this will take several years to complete.

The transfer of significant numbers of physical and digital records puts pressure on our ability to fully catalogue these collections as staff are dealing with thousands of new boxes of records each year. We ensure that basic descriptions of collections are placed online to facilitate access as an initial step and then prioritise collections for more detailed cataloguing.

Since 2021 Jersey Heritage has been able to support training and development of

our staff following an increased grant from Government. In 2023 our Trainee Archivist completed a postgraduate qualification in Archives and Records Management and our Trainee Conservator is in the process of completing her qualification in Archive Conservation. This is a significant part of our succession planning for the Archive team.

Linda Romeril

Archives and Collections Director, April 2024

Records Advisory Panel

The Records Advisory Panel is pleased to report that public authorities have made significant transfers in 2023 to the Archive (44.6 cubic metres), both physical and digital. Material is cleaned, repackaged and accessioned on arrival at the Archive with collections then prioritised for more detailed cataloguing. With the current quantities of material being transferred there is an impact on the cataloguing backlog which it is important to ameliorate through a sustained level of funding for the professional staff at the Archive.

The identification of archives relies heavily on the preparation and signing off of retention schedules, which, once finalised, are signed off by the public records

officer of the department that has custody and control of the records, as well as the Archivist. The next step is the timely transfer of records to the Archive for safekeeping as part of the historic record of the Island, and when appropriate, public access. This is influenced by the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Laws, so transfer to the Archive means records will continue to be handled sensitively, in accordance with the detail provided in the retention schedule.

Following the compliance audits issued annually by the Archivist, there has been a noted push in 2023 by departments, working with the Archivist, in getting up to date with their retention schedules. Appendix A shows the results of the current audit. Despite this work and the fact that 82% of schedules are now current, the Panel has noted that there are 18 schedules that are overdue. In some cases, there may be drafts in existence, but they need to be finalised and signed off. The Panel would like this matter to be taken seriously, and in the 2024 report, we hope that we will not see any retention schedules that have fallen behind.

A working group has been progressing draft amendments to the Public Records (Jersey) Law 2002. This will include an appropriate definition of Arm s Length Organisation ( ALO ) to embrace all relevant organisations carrying out work of an official nature. As part of the work being undertaken to the Law, a Code of Practice will be published to advise and inform departments of what constitutes good public records management to supplement training being given to records officers.

The Archive team, with ongoing professional development in place, continues to have a strong record of public engagement. The website is well maintained and extensively used, and personal assistance is available to online and personal applications for assistance, as the Report shows. Family history searches are very popular, for example. The Archivist and her team are always available to assist departments in assessing their records, creating retention schedules and timely transfers.

It is pleasing to note that Jersey Archive has maintained Full Archive Accreditation in 2023 under the National Archives Accreditation Scheme.

It is with some pride that I also advise that Jersey Archive also received an Excellence Award from the Archives and Records Association (ARA). Jersey Archive was named the Record Keeping Service of the Year in 2023, all the more rewarding because these are voted on by the public and recognise and celebrate the achievements of record keeping professionals.

Anne Harris

Records Advisory Panel Chair, April 2024

Public Records (Jersey) Law, 2002

The Public Records (Jersey) Law, 2002 places certain duties on Jersey  Heritage Trust, the Archivist employed by the Trust, the Records  Advisory Panel and Public Institutions who fall under the law.  

In 2023 the Archivist and Chair of the Records Advisory Panel worked with  representatives from the Economy Department, Law Officers Department and  Law Drafting Office on amendments to the law proposed by the Records Advisory  Panel. This includes a review into the public institutions covered by the Law and  the introduction of a Code of Practice for institutions to better define their duty of  records management.  

The Law sets out the Archivist s duty to review, select and identify which records  should be retained as part of the permanent story of the Island. It is the public  institution s duty to then arrange for these records to be transferred to the custody  of Jersey Heritage and the Trust s duty to maintain a public records office for the safe  keeping of the records. The Archivist is then responsible for managing the records and  making them available to the public.  

This report looks at the key areas of identification, transfer, preservation, cataloguing  and access to archives.  

Public Records Law Compliance - Identification of Archives

The identification of public records of historic value is one of the

key roles of the Archivist and the team at Jersey Archive. It is vitally important that we work with public institutions and subject specialists to select which records we should retain to continue to tell Jersey s unique story.

The tool that is used to identify archival material is the departmental retention schedule which lists the records produced by the institution, the length of time they should be kept and then whether they are confidentially disposed of or transferred to Jersey Archive for permanent retention.

Retention schedules are produced following consultation between the team at Jersey Archive and the public institution responsible for the creation of the records. This collaborative approach, set out in the Law, allows Jersey Archive staff to provide an independent, archiving and research perspective on the retention of records and for the institution to provide subject matter expertise and information on any legal and administrative requirements for retention.

The Law defines a record as information that is created or received in the conduct of a corporate, institutional or individual activity and has such content, context and structure as to provide evidence of the activity. The Law is format neutral and therefore covers both physical and digital records. The Law goes on to define public records as any record that has been created or received by a public institution in the performance of its functions.

These broad descriptions of both records and public records mean that every year millions of records produced by public institutions, from emails to minutes of meetings and application forms to acts of Court, are covered by the Public Records Law.

Case Study - Public Records Law Compliance Audit

Each year the team at Jersey Archive carry out a compliance audit  which looks at each Government department, the functions and  sections of that department, the retention schedules in place and  their last review date. The audit also highlights the last time that  records were transferred to the Archive. Generic retention schedules  and schedules for Arm s Length Organisations are not included in  the main audit.  

In 2023 25 retention schedules were reviewed by the team at the Archive and the  public institution and signed off by the Archivist and Departmental Public Records  Officer. In the first few months of 2024 a further 18 schedules have been reviewed  and signed off and there are currently a number of schedules under active review.  

Changes in the structure of Government, transfer of responsibilities between  departments and the way in which we work means that regular reviews of the  retention schedules are essential to ensure that all records series are included. We  recommend that schedules are reviewed at least every five years or sooner if new  systems are put in place or responsibilities change.  

Across the main Government departments there are now 120 retention schedules  in place and 82% of these have been reviewed or created within the last five years.  This compares favourable to the figures for 2022 when only 57% of schedules had  been reviewed or created within the last five years.  

Appendix A shows a full list of retention schedules in place for each department  and the date that they were last reviewed.  

Public Records Law Compliance - Transfer of Archives

Once public records have been identified as having archival value in the institution s retention schedule it is a requirement of the Public Records Law that those records are transferred to Jersey Archive after 20 years. The Law allows for records to be transferred sooner if this is agreed by the institution and Archive. In the majority of cases an earlier transfer is preferable to physical records being retained in unsuitable storage conditions or digital records being allowed to become obsolete.

In 2023 44.6 cubic metres of physical records were transferred to Jersey Archive, a significant increase on the 29 cubic metres transferred in 2022. This represents nearly 3,000 boxes of archival records and includes

the records of the 2001 census, inquest files from the Viscount s Department and legislation files from the States Greffe.

There were 21 transfers of digital collections in 2023 consisting of 2,869 electronic files. Digital transfers included a video documentary entitled From the Cradle to the Grave produced for the Social Security Department by Channel Island Video Productions explaining the work of the Social Security Department in the 1980s.

Each new collection that arrives at Jersey Archive is accessioned on our collections management database. The accession record includes a basic description of the contents of the collection, the transferring department and section, the amount of records transferred and

the location of the collection in the Jersey Archive strongroom. Transfer lists recording the basic contents of the collection are also received from the department. Recording this key information allows us to manage the collection and respond to any enquiries from the department.

A full list of collections of public records can be viewed at Appendix B.

Case Study - Transfer - Covid 19 Archive

The Covid-19 pandemic had lasting implications for the Jersey  community. The pandemic was a significant moment in Jersey s  history and touched all our lives in different ways. The experiences  of individuals and society as a whole, as well as the actions of  Government will be an important topic for future researchers and  it is vital that both public and private records that help reflect  

the experience of and decisions taken during the pandemic are  archived.  

In January 2023 Government-provided public PCR testing ended and the drive  through Airport Testing Centre closed. The Covid alert app and helpline were closed  and weekly reporting of Covid statistics were no longer posted across social media.  The day that the Airport Testing Centre closed staff from Jersey Archive visited to  talk to those involved in the testing programme, from individuals carrying out the  tests to those responsible for policy. We conducted oral history interviews with  

14 individuals who told their stories of the pandemic and collected photographs  

of staff, thank-you cards, staff induction sheets, papers relating to procedures,  generic risk assessments and notes from daily safety huddles  

The records of the Covid Review Panel had already been transferred to Jersey  Archive in 2022 and the Testing Centre oral history interviews were followed with a general appeal to all members of the public to come and tell their stories of the pandemic. In addition to the original 14 oral history interviews carried out at the testing centre we have now spoken to over 30 members of the public who have a wide breadth of different experiences to share.

Public Records Law Compliance - Care of Archives - Conservation, Preservation and Security

The preservation of the unique records that we care for at Jersey Archive is one of the key functions of the service. The transfer of 44.6 cubic metres

of material in 2023 meant

that Archive staff, and the Conservation team in particular, spent a significant amount of their time working on cleaning and repackaging these new records.

The Conservation team continued their detailed treatment and repair of documents in 2023 with the aim of bringing unusable documents back into public access and ensuring their long-term preservation. As part of our succession planning programme our Trainee Conservator, who is working towards a formal qualification in conservation, completed training placements in the repair of maps and plans and bookbinding.

We also continued our conservation programme of external bookbinding, working with Sycamore Bookbinding. Over the course of the year 51 documents were treated, either in-house or by Sycamore.

The items conserved include hospital registers from the early 20th century, school admission registers from the Occupation period, plans of St Saviour s Hospital and plans of the original Jersey College for Girls building.

Case Study - Repair of Plans

In 2023 the Conservation

team repaired a number of documents, including plans of the original Jersey College for Girls building. This case study shows the work that needs

to be carried out to repair a single document and ensure that it is safe in storage at the archive and can be accessed by members of the public.

The plan shows the site of the proposed Ladies College at Rouge Bouillon with the layout of the main building, lawn in front and playground behind. It had a large central tear

that zig zagged vertically almost the whole width of the document. Other tears were present and the plan was covered with surface dirt. As part of the treatment the plan was cleaned with smoke sponges and then placed on a piece of polythene and sprayed out with calcium bicarbonate multiple times, recto and verso, to remove ingrained dirt and to further relax the paper fibres so the plan would be easier to apply to the map wall.

As the verso of the plan has extensive  annotations, and the paper of the  

plan was deemed to be strong  

enough, it was applied to only a lining  of Japanese Spider tissue using 3%  Methyl Cellulose:14% wheat starch  paste. It was then sized with 3% pork  gelatine to increase the pH and give  some extra strength to the paper. Infills  were applied with pieces of K32 paper  and K32 fibres in the larger tears, and  all tears were then covered with either  Japanese Tengu tissue or RKO tissue.  RKO was used over the largest infill as  the Tengu tissue was not wide enough.  The excess Japanese tissue was  trimmed away and the plan placed  in a custom folder of archival card  for storage. It took nearly 10 hours to  conserve this single plan.  

Public Records Law Compliance - Environmental Conditions

Storage of records in the correct environmental conditions ensures that the unique archival material that we care for can be preserved for future generations of researchers. Records that are stored in buildings with high humidity and temperatures are subject to mould growth with significant fluctuations in temperature in a short period of time also putting the records at risk.

The Records Advisory Panel, as one of their functions under the Public Records (Jersey) Law, have approved BS 4971:2017 Conservation and care of archive and library collections as the standard that we aim to meet. Adherence to this standard is also required as part of Jersey Archive s application to The National Archives Accreditation scheme.

BS 4971:2017 sets out the following criteria for the storage of standard archival collections;

 Humidity of between 35 60%

 Temperature of between 13 C - 23 C with an annual average of less than 18 C

The strongrooms at Jersey Archive were built to provide a passive, sustainable way of meeting BS 4971. In 2023 both strongroom blocks met the conditions specified by the British Standard.

Cataloguing and Indexing

Once records have been accessioned and the basic contents of the collection recorded they join a list of cataloguing priorities for detailed cataloguing, listing and indexing of each individual file on our online database.

Each collection is rated with a high, medium or low priority in line with our cataloguing priorities policy. When we set the priority level we consider the potential use of the collection, public interest in the collection, any preservation benefits of cataloguing and whether the collection is available to the public or closed for a period of time.

The detailed cataloguing and indexing of archival material requires the staff to have an in-depth knowledge of both the documents they are cataloguing and the history of the department or institution that they came from.

Public records that were catalogued in 2023 include

a series of applications to the Jersey authorities for naturalisation from the First World War period to

the 1930s. The applications include one from Albert Bedane, who was later honoured for hiding Mary Erica Richardson, a Jewish woman during the Occupation and one from George Alexandre Yvon who represented Great Britain in diving at the 1912 Olympics.

Collections catalogued over the course of the year also  include legislation files from the States Greffe, witness  statements from the Judicial Greffe, Government press  releases from 2018 and records from the Parish of  

St Saviour.  

Case Study - Cataloguing and Indexing - Volunteers Added Value Cataloguing

The team at Jersey Archive work with between 25-30 volunteers each  In 2023, for example, volunteers worked on the Police arrest register for St Helier year. The majority of our volunteers attend the Archive on a weekly  from 1915 - 1918. They created a new catalogue entry for each new arrest and the basis and work with our staff on digitisation, preservation and added  details can now be searched online by the name of the individual who was arrested

and the crime they were arrested for, this includes Walter Le Boutillier who refused value cataloguing projects. The volunteers contribute over 2,800  to pay maintenance for his wife and Marx Wenzel Horkey for intemperance and

hours each year and their work opens up access to the collections for  drunkenness.

researchers and family historians.

As part of our added value cataloguing programme volunteers create catalogue records for each individual entry in registers including baptism registers and records of the Honorary Police. The entries are indexed and the digitised image attached allowing members of the public to search for specific names online and find relevant records.

In 2023 over 2,400 members of the public visited Jersey Archive building to carry

out in person research into the records we hold. Research topics varied from house and family history to Roads Committee minutes and the records of the Inspector of Cattle. The staff at Jersey Archive continue to provide a high-quality service and some of the comments received through the year are listed below:

 We have now returned to the UK after our week in Jersey and wanted to

thank you for all your help regarding finding out information on my husband s great grandparents who were in Jersey during the occupation and buried

there. In particular we wanted to thank Catherine and Georgina who were so supportive in finding out information for us - nothing was too much trouble and it was lovely to get information to help us locate their graves so we could visit whilst there. So, again, a huge thank you for being so kind to us and we have something very special to take away from Jersey - knowledge of where his great grandparents are buried.

 First of all, I want to say thank you to each and every one of you. You have helped me discover a love and passion for the history of Jersey and my

ancestors who lived there. Your resources are amazing, and websites are flawless.

 Just wanted to say thank you for organising the photo. My friend was delighted and was able to identify her late husband. Both of us identified quite a lot of people. It brought back happy memories. They were such great times. It was so kind of you to take the trouble to sort this for us.

In 2023 Archive staff responded to 35 requests for information from local media and are regularly interviewed by local media for radio, television and print media. We also contribute monthly articles to both the Jersey Evening Post and Bailiwick Express and write a quarterly feature for the Jersey Evening Post on new accessions to the archive collections.

We managed to discover that they were and their response was as follows:

 That is absolutely brilliant. Yes, that is my husband s grandmother and grandfather although his father was Pierre Leon Bihet born in 1928 and the youngest so not even thought of at the time of the hospital admissions. How

life turns out. We knew all these aunts and uncles when they were elderly. Bless them! Thank you so much for your reply and taking the time to let us know. Very valued information.

The Archives and Collections Online catalogue continues to be a key tool for members of the public to use to access information about and digital copies of our collections. The catalogue holds over a million images of the records held at Jersey Archive and allows people to access the collections at any time of day and from wherever they are in the world.

Our subscriber base to the catalogue continues to be steady at about 900 individuals with a number of people using the pay per view options. This provides an annual income which supports two part time digitisation posts and allows us to digitise and develop access to more of the collections. In 2023 we carried out an online survey for users of the catalogue, allowing them to suggest developments and give feedback

on the usability of the current site. We had an excellent response and suggestions such as searching across all collections and dates searching are included in our development plans for 2024.

Members of staff continued to answer email and telephone enquiries with 2,702 enquiries answered during the course of 2023. This included 156 enquiries from public institutions into the records that we hold on their behalf. These enquiries included Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, requests for loans of documents, records management and conservation advice.

Our work with the local media helps promote the stories that the Archive holds and encourages members of the public to come and use our services. As a result of the press coverage of the release of newly opened records at the beginning of 2024 a local family got in touch to see if they were related to one of the families we featured.

Case Study - Access - Your Home, Your Story

In 2023 we developed our What s Your Street s Story programme of monthly talks into Your Home, Your Story , asking members, asking members of the public to nominate their homes

for us to research. We encouraged nominations about all types of properties from flats to country houses. We received over 150 nominations for the 2023 programme and selected homes from eight different areas of

the Island to focus on. Areas included Les Quennevais, Pontac, Boulivot and Trodez and as part our series of talks and articles we told the stories of the people who lived in the properties and the changes to the areas over time.

Your Home, Your Story was a great way to engage people with the place in which they

live and the wider history of the Island. The programme will continue in 2024 with over 200 nominations for properties being received.

Some of the feedback from the public included:

 I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your talk on Saturday, it was fascinating

to hear about the history of our house and the very interesting Constable Philippe Le Vesconte I like to think of him as a little bit of a rogue now!

 Thank you so much for all your hard work researching our home. Your talk was so very interesting and beautifully delivered by you too. Our family were delighted to come and even the grandchildren coped .and I was so proud and a little emotional to have them all with us. Our roots are so important and firmly embedded in our beautiful home with the sixth generation.

Records Opened, January 2024

Every year public records held at Jersey Archive, that are closed to the public, are reviewed after periods of 30, 50, 75 and 100 years. In 2023 431 files were due to be reviewed and in January 2024 51% of these records were opened to public access.

Records opened to the public after 100 years included the minutes of the Primary Instruction Committee. The minutes cover a variety of subjects including school finances, staff training and salaries, building projects and the inspection of schools in the Island.

On 13 June 1923 the Committee decide to dispense with the services of married women employed in Primary schools expect in exceptional cases at the discretion of the Committee. The Committee Secretary is asked to inform female married teachers that their services are no longer required from 31 October 1923.

On 11 July the Committee records that it received

letters from Edith Creswell, F G Le Blancq and Ellen Hall , all married female teachers who were due to lose their jobs under the Committee s decision. The Committee decide that in Mrs Creswell s case there are exceptional circumstances and that she can keep her job, but in the case of Mrs Le Blancq and Mrs Hall the Committee s decision stands.

Records opened to the public after 75 years include  

the Prison Register from HMP which covers the period  1931 1948. The register includes the names and stories  of the men and women who passed through the Prison  during the Occupation period and the Registers shows  both prisoners who appeared in Jersey Courts and  

those who appeared before the German Courts that  were established in the Island at the time.  

The first person mentioned in the Register who was imprisoned on the order of the Island Commandant of  German Occupation is Gordon Surguy who was tried  for wilful damage on 19 August 1940 by order of the  German Military Authorities.  

The register includes names familiar to Occupation  historians such as Canon Clifford John Cohu who was  sentenced to 18 months in prison for his involvement  in disseminating news listened to on wireless sets that  had been banned by the German Authorities. Cohu  was sent to France on 13 July 1943 and died in Z schen  Forced Labour Camp.  

This practice was known as the marriage bar and

was still common in the interwar period despite the introduction of the Sex-Disqualification (Removal) Act in 1919. In England the marriage bar was removed for teachers in 1944.

Management and Oversight

The Records Advisory Panel was  established under the Public Records  (Jersey) Law, 2002. The panel is required to  meet at least twice each year and part of  

its role is to review the performance under  the Law of Jersey Heritage, the Archivist  and public institutions.  

The panel met four times in 2023 and agenda  

items included the update of the Public Records  (Jersey) Law, the annual compliance audit, the  Archivist s Annual Report for 2022, the Conservator s  Environmental Report for 2022 and the creation of a  draft Code of Practice for Records Management.  

The Government of Jersey Central Data Protection  Unit Manager and Corporate Records Officer and  Head of Information Governance attended the  December meeting of the panel to give an update  on records management within the Government of  Jersey and plans for future developments.  

Archive Accreditation

The Archive has full Archive Accreditation at the highest level after re-applying to The National Archive scheme in 2020. In 2021 we received the results of our accreditation submission and were delighted that the service was awarded accredited status for the second time.

In their findings the Accreditation Panel noted that they;

welcomed this positive update from a highly effective archive service which consistently reflects on and continues to develop its role. They commended the strong support of the Jersey government; this investment is being well used to build the archive service s presence and to increase its productive contribution to the life of the island.

The Accreditation Panel made the following recommendations for improvement before full reapplication in 2026. In 2024 the Archive will complete the interim accreditation review reporting on the recommendations for improvement.



Transfer of the backlog of records from the period that the new expansion was being constructed.

The new £3.5 million strongroom block was completed in 2020. Environmental conditions were suitable for the transfer of collections in 2021 after a drying out period. Over the period 2021 2023 the Archive has taken in 146 cubic metres of records and cleared the backlog of public records waiting to be transferred pre-2020.

Development of the Public Records Law Compliance Schedule to help enhance public institution s compliance with the Public Records Law.

The Compliance Audit listing retention schedules and transfers of records has been sent to each Government department on an annual basis since 2021. Follow up meetings are then held with each department and retention schedules are reviewed and updated. Since 2021 75 retention schedules have been reviewed by the Archivist and the department.

Work to improve coverage of diverse communities.

In 2021, Jersey Heritage appointed a new Outreach Curator. Part of her remit is to work with diverse communities and build relationships with communities that have a low level of engagement with heritage. In 2024 a new Access and Volunteer Co-ordinator will be working at Jersey Heritage.

Since the appointment of the new Curator the Archive team has been involved in initiatives to engage new communities. This has included giving talks about the history of the area in local housing estates and continuing to work with local societies and care homes.

Work to tackle the backlog of uncatalogued collections.

Collection level descriptions for all new collections are now added to the online catalogue as part of the accessioning process. The descriptions are searchable and encourage people to book an appointment to come and view the collection. All transfers of public records now include box lists. In January 2024 we employed a new cataloguing archivist and increased the resource in this area to tackle the backlog of uncatalogued material.

Development of a more formal cataloguing prioritisation methodology.

We have reviewed the original logjam programme and are waiting for the results of the current review of the logjam methodology commissioned by The National Archive. We have updated our Cataloguing policy and reviewed the prioritisation. We will include elements of the logjam methodology as part of the accession records within our Axiell database.




Last Sign Off

Next Review Due


Cabinet Office





Chief of Staff





Ministerial Support Unit





Communications Unit





People and Corporate Services





Information Services




People Directory draft in place December 2023 waiting for sign off.

Modernisation and Digital - JerseyMe




People Directory


Draft in place Dec-23



Strategic Public Health Unit (Public Health)





SPPP Central Retention Schedule





Stats Jersey





Children, Young People, Education and Skills





Policy and Planning (CYPES)















Inclusion and Early Intervention





Standards and Achievement





Jersey Youth Service





Primary and Secondary Schools





Department/Section Last Sign Off Next Review Due Notes Children, Young People, Education and Skills

Highlands College Sep-22 2027 L Office du Jrriais Mar-23 2028 Jersey Music Service Mar-24 2029 Skills Jersey Aug-19 2024 CYPES Generic Aug-19 2024 Governance Aug-19 2024 Children s Social Care and Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Jul-22 2027 Children and Family Hub Service May-23 2028 Jersey Library Feb-22 2027

Customer and Local Services

Service Hub  Mar-22 2027 Income Support Mar-22 2027 Enforcement Feb-24 2029 Finance - Cashiers Apr-22 2027 Pensions Feb-22 2027 Governance Feb-22 2027 Back to Work May-22 2027



Last Sign Off

Next Review Due


Customer and Local Services




Operational Support/Scanning




Acceptable Behavior



Long-Term Care



Learning and Development



Change and Projects Team



Housing Control



People Hub



Health Team



Critical Support Team



Customer Experience



Spend Local



Housing Advice and Support Services



Business Licensing



Affordable Housing Gateway



Back to Work Recruitment






Contribution Tier 1





Last Sign Off

Next Review Due


Economy Department




External Relations




Health and Community Services




NHS Retention Schedule



Agreed to use NHS schedule in 2021 but working on a Jersey version which will include Adult Services. Draft in place October 2023.

Adult Services



Infrastructure and Environment




Office of the Director General - Corporate Operations



Reviews of schedules agreed over five years ago are ongoing.

Animal Health and Welfare (Veterinary)



Jersey Met






Marine Resources



Natural Environment Ecology



Sustainability and Climate Change Engagement



Building Control



Planning Services



Compliance (Planning and Building)



Land Controls



Planning and Building Application Files



Driver and Vehicle Standards



Department/Section Last Sign Off Next Review Due Notes

Infrastructure and Environment

Environmental and Consumer Protection Feb-24 2029 Reviews of schedules agreed over five years

ago are ongoing.

Engineering and Development, Highways and Transport Dec-22 2027

Operational Services Mar-22 2027

Technical and Support Services Mar-22 2027

Solid Waste Disposal and Management Sep-21 2026

Liquid Waste Management Mar-24 2029

Parks and Gardens Mar-22 2027

Jersey Fleet Management Dec-23 2028

Property Holdings Sep-19 2024

Markets Feb-24 2029

Sport Jan-24 2029

Judicial Greffe

Magistrates & Petty Debts May-15 2020 Court May-15 2020 Samedi Division May-15 2020 Public Registry May-15 2020 Family Division May-15 2020 Master May-15 2020

Department/Section Last Sign Off Next Review Due Notes

Judicial Greffe

Probate May-15 2020 Court of Appeal May-15 2020 Employment Tribunal May-15 2020 Administration Services May-15 2020 Jersey Legal Information Board May-15 2020 Finance May-15 2020


Justice and Home Affairs




JHA Directorate



Draft schedule for Police produced in 2020 and currently under review.

Customs & Immigration Mgt



Customs & Immigration - Passports



Customs & Immigration - Immigration



Customs & Immigration - Revenue and Goods Control



Customs & Immigration - Administration



Customs Administration



Customs & Immigration - Officer Safety



Customs & Immigration - Training and Compliance



Customs & Immigration - Frontiers



Customs & Immigration - Investigations





Last Sign Off

Next Review Due


Justice and Home Affairs




Customs & Immigration - Intelligence



Draft schedule for Police produced in 2020 and currently under review.

Fire & Rescue Service



HM Prison La Moye



Police inc. JMAPPA



Jersey Field Squadron



Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme



Health and Safety Inspectorate



Registrar s Office



Independent Prison Monitoring Board



Law Officers Department








Probation and After-Care Service




States Treasury and Exchequer




Treasury and Exchequer



Draft in place for Revenue Jersey, December 2023.

Revenue Jersey



Freedom of Information



Health and Safety





Last Sign Off

Next Review Due


Office of the Lieutenant Governor




Receiver General




Bailiff s Chambers




States Greffe




Law Drafting Office




Viscount s Department





Accession Number

Accession Description

Accession Date

Public Institution


St Peter s School Admission Registers, 1930-2017


Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department


Customer and Local Services Department additional deposit. Includes: acceptable behaviour incident statistics, 2017-2020


Customer and Local Services Department


Customer and Local Services Department additional deposit. Includes: digital copies of long-term care scheme road map leaflets, 2023


Customer and Local Services Department


Customer and Local Services department additional deposit. Includes: minutes and agendas of the Change and Projects team senior management team 2009-2014


Customer and Local Services Department


Customer and Local Services department additional deposit. Includes: Change and Projects team documents, c2008-2018


Customer and Local Services Department


Customer and Local Services department additional deposit. Includes: Quarterly risk meeting minutes 2015- 2017, compliance return and governance statement 2017


Customer and Local Services Department


Customs and Immigration service additional deposit. Includes: Imp t hut (on the EcrØhous) visitor books, 1996-2022


Customs and Immigration Service


Department for Infrastructure, Housing and the Environment additional deposit. Contains information about radon and radioactivity in Jersey, 1987-2012


Department for Infrastructure


Department for Infrastructure, Housing and the Environment additional deposit. Includes: States Planning Office additional deposit of planning application files, c2000-2012


Department for Infrastructure


Department for Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance deposit. Includes reciprocal agreements between Jersey and other jurisdictions, job evaluations, policy documents, Earnings Related Scheme Social Security Fund Investments files, law revisions relating to safety, c1960s-1990s


Department for Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance


Children, Young People, Education and Skills (Education department), Inclusion section additional deposit. Includes: pupil folders for the year ended 31/08/1998


Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department


Children, Young People, Education and Skills (Education department) additional deposit. Includes: The Way Ahead report, c1976-1977; Routes to The Way Ahead with notes from St Clement s School c1980-1981; bound volume of printed resources produced by the Channel Islands Educational Broadcasting Service relating to the Government of Jersey


Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department


Accession Number

Accession Description

Accession Date

Public Institution


Grouville School additional deposit. Includes Log Books 1961-1991, Staff Weekly Briefings, Newsletters to parents, newscuttings, photographs, leavers books, DVDs of events and other items, c2010-2023


Grouville School


Hautlieu School additional deposit. Includes: magazines, books, leavers books and other items


Hautlieu School


Hautlieu School additional deposit. Includes: student prospectuses, 2010-2020


Hautlieu School


Hautlieu School additional deposit. Includes: 14 plus prospectuses 2022-2023, and one pre-2004


Hautlieu School


Health and Community Services deposit of an information leaflet on facilities at the Enid Quenault Health & Wellbeing Centre, Les Quennevais, September 2023


Health and Community Services Department


Heath and Community Services additional deposit. Includes: Theatre registers, c2006-2016


Health and Community Services Department


Health and Community Services additional deposit. Includes: Register of Nurses from the Jersey General Hospital, 1914-1922


Health and Community Services Department


Jersey COVID Testing Team collection. Includes photographs of staff and thank-you cards, staff induction sheets, papers relating to procedures, generic risk assessments, notes from daily safety huddles . The papers mainly relate to the drive-through testing facilities which operated at Jersey Airport and St Helier Harbour, 2021-2023


Health and Community Services Department


HM Prison La Moye additional deposit. Includers prisoners ledgers, August 1987-August 1993


HM Prison, La Moye


Infrastructure and Environment department additional deposit. Includes: Planning and building files planning application files, c2012 onward - listed buildings and buildings in public ownership


Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Department


Infrastructure, Housing and Environment department additional deposit. Includes: documents relating to the former Sport, Leisure and Recreation committee and Fort Regent


Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Department


Jersey Airport additional deposit. Includes: drawings and plans (including some of St Helier Harbour), c1993- 2002


Jersey Airport


Jersey Business additional deposit. Includes: Media releases, 2023


Jersey Business


Accession Number

Accession Description

Accession Date

Public Institution


Jersey College for Girls additional deposit of historic material relating to the school, mostly c1930s-1990s


Jersey College for Girls


Jersey College for Girls additional deposit. Includes: Circulars to Staff, Weekly Notices to Parents and Year Group Academic timetables, all for the Academic year 2022-2023


Jersey College for Girls


Jersey College for Girls additional deposit of historic material relating to the school


Jersey College for Girls


Jersey College for Girls additional deposit. Includes: Sample student files, c2001-2011


Jersey College for Girls


Jersey College for Girls additional deposit. Includes: Pilkington Trust Reports and admin (ended 2022), and photographs relating to the school


Jersey College for Girls


Jersey Consumer Council No to GST leaflets and posters, 2007


Jersey Consumer Council


Jersey Consumer Council collection. Initial deposit includes records relating to the establishment of the Council, annual reports, statutory documents, and projects, c1988-2016


Jersey Consumer Council


Jersey Development Company (formerly Waterfront Enterprise Board) deposit. Includes: Maps of St Helier showing names and street numbers of individual buildings, 1980s, and nautical charts


Jersey Development Company


Miscellaneous correspondence of Henry Thomas Bosdet, c1893-1926, and sketch book signed Donald W Webber marked Guernsey September 1893


Jersey Heritage Trust


Two portable hard drives and one memory stick containing digitized copies (.tiffs and .jpgs) of parish church baptism, marriage and burial registers held at Jersey Archive, created for Jersey Heritage in 2017 by Ancestry


Jersey Heritage Trust


Jersey Heritage Trust additional deposit. Includes: Visitor comments books for Mont Orgueil, Elizabeth Castle, Jersey Museum, the Maritime Museum, and Hamptonne, c2017-2022


Jersey Heritage Trust


Jersey Heritage Trust additional deposit. Includes: two maritime maps of the coast around Normandy and the Channel Islands, one c1693 and one not dated


Jersey Heritage Trust


Jersey Heritage Trust additional deposit. Includes: returns for marriages and civil partnerships conducted at Jersey Heritage sites, c2006-2018


Jersey Heritage Trust


Oral history recordings of interviews of the Jersey COVID Testing Team, January 2023


Jersey Heritage Trust


Jersey Archive Covid Oral History Project


Jersey Heritage Trust


Accession Number

Accession Description

Accession Date

Public Institution


Jersey Library additional deposit. Includes: Action plan and Library Management Team minutes, 2020-2022


Jersey Library


Judicial Greffe additional deposit. Includes: Public Registry property contracts, January-December 2022


Judicial Greffe


Magistrate s Court records. Includes: Charge Sheets, Acts of Court, Court Records, December 1973-


Magistrate s Court


Ministerial Support Unit deposit of letters addressed to various ministers from members of the public who did not agree with the stances being taken by the Government of Jersey regarding the Coronavirus pandemic, 2021


Ministerial Support Unit


Parish of St Brelade additional deposit. Includes: Approved rates list for 2023


Parish of St Brelade


Parish of St Saviour additional deposit. Includes: Electoral list, September 2023


Parish of St Saviour


Parish of St Saviour additional deposit. Includes: printed copy of approved rates list for 2023


Parish of St Saviour


Planning and Environment department additional deposit. Includes: files relating to the development of Island Plans, c2009-2014


Planning and Environment


Video Documentary entitled From the Cradle to the Grave produced for the Social Security department by Channel Island Video Productions explaining the work of the Social Security department, c1980s


Social Security Department


St Clement s School additional deposit of parent newsletters, 2015-2021


St Clement s School


Rolling accession for Government of Jersey internal communications & press/media releases distributed via the States Intranet, 2023


States Greffe


States Greffe additional deposit. Includes: Print copy of the personal map of the commander of the German forces in the Channel Islands showing mine locations


States Greffe


States Greffe additional deposit. Mainly includes files relating to the drafting of legislation, c2010s


States Greffe


Jersey Census Returns, 2001


Statistics Unit


Statistics Jersey additional deposit. Includes: Digital copies of Jersey census reports, 1821-1996


Statistics Unit


Trading Standards Department additional deposit. Includes: student dissertation The Necessity and Suitability of a Fair-Trading Law for Jersey by Mrs A G Youngs, 1994


Trading Standards Department


Accession Number

Accession Description

Accession Date

Public Institution


Treasury and Exchequer Department additional deposit of departmental documents from the German Occupation period


Treasury and Exchequer Department


Treasury and Exchequer department additional deposit. Includes: procurement strategy documents; various contracts and service agreements; c2006-2020


Treasury and Exchequer Department


Victoria College Jersey additional deposit. Includes: black and white photographic portrait of Colonel Raymer (possibly relating to the Combined Cadet Force)


Victoria College


Viscount s department additional deposit. Includes: sudden death files 2006, 2009-2010, 2013-2014; inquest files 1996 & 2001; bodies into and out of the island 1997-2009; regulations and orders, 1966-2012 (may not be inclusive); vue de vicomte, 1992-2001; prisoner transfer 1968-2008 (may not be inclusive)


Viscount s Department


Viscount s department additional deposit of Inquest files, 2008-2014, sudden death files c1996-2008, press cuttings c1964-2018, inquest notes c1965-2012 (may not be inclusive)


Viscount s Department


Visit Jersey additional deposit of documents uploaded to the Visit Jersey website, including board meeting minutes, business plans, archived advertising campaigns, and other documents, c2015-2022


Visit Jersey


Visit Jersey additional deposit. Includes tourism publications 2005-2013, mixed brochures maps and guides, 2000s, video postcard [VHS tape] c1990s


Visit Jersey


Visit Jersey additional deposit. Includes media releases, 2023


Visit Jersey

Key Performance Indicators



2021 Result

2022 Result

2023 Forecast

2023 Result

2024 Forecast


Number of new collections (public and private records) accessioned






The transfer of public records in both physical and digital format continued in 2023 with 64 collections being transferred. This is consistent with the 62 collections of public records transferred in 2022.

Transfers of private collections have decreased to 73 as we concentrate on large collections of public records.

2024 forecast reflects the continuing transfer of records to the new strongrooms at the archive and the impact of the compliance audit on public records. It also recognises a slight slow down in the transfer of private collections.

Cubic measurement of new collections accessioned

72 cubic metres

29.2 cubic metres

25 cubic metres

44.6 cubic metres

40 cubic metres

The transfer of 44.6 cubic metres of archival material in 2023 includes 11 cubic metres of census records and the start of a significant transfer from the States Greffe.

2024 forecast is based on material that has been identified for transfer during the year. The fact that Government are moving to new premises has also been factored in to the forecast.

Digital measurement of new collections accessioned

211 GB

93 GB

100 GB

47 GB

50 GB

2023 total included 21 transfers of digital collections. This translates to 2,869 electronic files.

2024 forecast assumes a similar level of digital collecting, however this could increase if a large collection of digital images/film/sound is transferred.

Time until Jersey Archive is full

29.5 years

28 years

27 years

22 years

20 years

2024 forecast takes into account collections that are ready to transfer and assumes a total transfer of 40 cubic metres of records.

Time is calculated on an average of 25 cubic metres per year.

Newly catalogued records available online






2023 figures show the impact of processing 44.6 cubic metres of records arriving at the Archive, nearly double the amount transferred in 2022.

2024 forecast recognises that with Government office moves and transfer of large volumes of material to the Archive there is likely to be continued pressure on staff cataloguing hours.

Number of retention schedules in place






Government of Jersey reorganisation has led to the merging of some schedules into larger documents covering the work of a number of sections, for example Treasury and Exchequer have merged 16 schedules into two.

Key Performance Indicators



2021 Result

2022 Result

2023 Forecast

2023 Result

2024 Forecast


Number of retention schedules reviewed






25 schedules were reviewed and signed off in 2023. Reviews are in progress with a number of departments pending sign off in 2024.

2024 forecast reflects the number of schedules due for 5 year review in 2024.

Public Access to Jersey Archive days open per year






2023 opening was as scheduled apart from a day s closure due to Storm Ciaran. 2024 forecast reflects scheduled opening.

In-person visits to Jersey Archive






2023 figures show an increase in in person use of the Archive. This includes a number of academic researchers.

2024 forecast reflects the balance between in person and online use.

Online catalogue visits






2023 figures show the continued importance of online use of archive material. 2024 forecast expects a maintained level of online use.

Distance enquiries






2021 figures included telephone enquiries, 2022 and 2023 only includes email/ written enquiries.

2024 forecast expects a similar level of distance enquiries.

Attendance at Archive talks

293 in person

991 listened live

1061 listened at a later date

717 in person

147 listened live

1149 listened at a later date

750 in person

750 at a later date

1,223 in person


2023 figures show strong attendance at the Your Home, Your Story talks and an increase in the number of talks and tours over the course of the year.

2024 forecast reflects a similar talk programme to 2023.

Archive Funding

Jersey Heritage receives an annual grant from the Government of Jersey to run a wide  maintenance, collections management, finance and human resources. As a result of of range of services including the provision of an archive. Jersey Archive is an integral  these shared central costs it is difficult to give a definitive stand-alone figure which part of Jersey Heritage and the public of Jersey benefit from the overall synergies  reflects the exact cost of running the Jersey Archive service. However, the table below between the provision of archive, historic environment and museum services.  gives an indication of spend in different areas of the archive services operations. Synergies include central support services across the organisation such as buildings




Actual Spend


Actual Spend


Actual Spend

Building Maintenance Jersey Archive




Conservation, Preservation and Packaging Materials




Digital Preservation System




Digitisation of Records (inc. purchase of A0 flat bed scanner in 2022)




Disaster Planning




Documentation and online development




Environmental Costs and Maintenance of Building Management System Jersey Archive (included in building maintenance for 2023)




Gardening and Cleaning




Heat, Light and Water




Interpretation, Public Services and Support Costs




Permanent Staff (Social security and pension costs have been included for 2023)
















This table does not include IT, telephones and computer support costs, insurance and rates and training costs which are all held centrally.

Archives sit at the heart of our collective understanding: who we are, where we came from, and, indeed, where we are going.

Archives Unlocked, The National Archive

Jersey Archive, Clarence Road,

St Helier, Jersey JE2 4JY

Telephone: +44 (0) 1534 833300 Email: Registered charity no. 411