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Presented to the States on 4th September 2020 by the Minister for the Environment
2020 P.94 Com.
The Minister would like to thank Karen Shenton-Stone , the Connétable of St. Martin , for bringing forward P.94/2020 ("the proposition") that helps ensure that we minimise disturbance to the iconic wildlife that inhabit the Les Ecréhous and Les Minquiers offshore reefs.
This is a commendable step and the Minister too recognises the importance of protecting our wildlife and, in particular, the need to limit any disturbance that might be caused by dogs to the breeding birds and other wildlife.
The Minister met the Connétable of St. Martin and Scott Michael Wickenden, Deputy of St. Martin , and John Edward Le Maistre (Snr.), the Connétable of Grouville , to discuss the proposition. Following this, the Minister tasked officers with researching existing and proposed legislation to see how the aims of the Connétable s, the Deputies and the Minister could be achieved.
Having considered current legislation1 and the amendments lodged since by the Connétable of Grouville (P.94/2020Amd.) and the Deputy of St. Martin (P.94/2020 Amd.Amd.), the Minister is satisfied that the draft Wildlife (Jersey) Law 202_ (which is due to be lodged pending agreement with the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel) would be sufficient to allow the Government of Jersey to bring in greater protection for wildlife. The Minister does, of course, accept that the Law has yet to be debated by the Assembly.
Article 35 of the draft Wildlife (Jersey) Law 202_ would make provision to designate by Order Areas of Special Protection' if this is approved by the Assembly. This can be any area (land or sea) and for any time period. Furthermore, the Article allows for areas to be signposted/fenced off, either all or in part, and specifies who may enter the area. It further contains provisions to prohibit any act or activity (such as the taking of dogs or drone flying), which might be another potential disturbance. The designation allows for full consultation by provision of a notice to every owner or occupier of land falling within the area proposed to be designated or publication of the intentions of the designation to those affected by it.
The Minister is also content that the consultation required under the draft Wildlife (Jersey) Law 202_ for the setting up a Special Areas of Protection' on the reefs be extended to the interested parties mentioned by the Deputy of St. Martin in their amendment.
The Minister recognises that there will be a time period between now, consideration by the scrutiny panel, and the enactment of the draft Wildlife Law, if adopted. Therefore, the Minister will ask that officers within Growth, Housing and Environment continue to work closely with the Parishes and Les Ecréhous Residents Association to monitor and take action in the area pending the adoption of the draft Wildlife (Jersey) Law 202_. Additionally, the Minister will ask that officers progress with drafting an
1 Legislation considered was:
• Policing of Parks (Jersey) Regulations 2005.
• Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002.
• Policing of Beaches (Jersey) Regulations 1959.
• Draft Wildlife (Jersey) Law 202_.
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Order, to designate the Offshore reefs as Areas of Special Protection in readiness for the draft Law coming into force if this is adopted.
The Minister is confident that the draft Wildlife (Jersey) Law 202_ can achieve the aims voiced by the members of Grouville and St. Martin in relation to Les Ecréhous and Les Minquiers. The Minister requests that members support the proposition and its amendments.
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