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States Minutes 20th August 1985

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STATES MINUTES 2 0 th A u g u st, 1985

 THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 2 0th August, 1985 at 10.15 a.m. under t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S ir F  rank Ereaut.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 H is Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Admiral Sir William Pillar, G.B.E., K.C.B., w a s p r e s ent.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Jane Patricia Sandeman - ill.

C harles Binet Ahier , Connétable of Trinity -

o ut of the Island.

L eonard Norman, Deputy of St. Clement - out of t he Island.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P r a yers read by Deputy Greffier _ _ ________

B.B.C. Radio Jersey - live broadcast of the debate on the Review of Current Immigration Policies in a Committee of the Whole House.

The Bailiff asked the Assembly whether it wished to give permission to B.B.C. Radio Jersey to broadcast live the debate on the Review of Current Immigration Policies in a Committee of the Whole House. After discussion, and having assessed the reaction of some Members, the Bailiff withdrew the request.

Subordinate legislation tabled.

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat B e l ts) (Jersey) Order, 1985.

R & O 7413.

 2 .  Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat

B e l ts by Children) (Jersey) Order, 1985. R & O 7414.

 3 .  Social Security (Earnings Limit)

( J er sey) Order, 1985. R & O 7415.

 4 .  Civil Service Administration

( S a laries) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) O  rd er, 1985. R & O 7416.

 5 .  Civil Service Administration

( S h ift Allowances) (Amendment No. 4) ( J er sey) Order, 1985. R & O 7417.

 6 .  Gambling (Channel Islands Lottery)

( D r aws by Computer) (Amendment) (Jersey) O  rd er, 1985. R & O 7418.

Fuel Oil Price s and the States' Oil Purchasing Scheme: Report. R.C. 16.

The Resources Recovery Board by Act dated 25th July, 1985, presented to the States a Report on Fuel Oil Price s and the States' Oil Purchasing Scheme.

THE STATES ordered that the Report be printed and distributed.

Matters noted - land transactions.

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 5th August, 1985, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to

certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

 ( a)  as recommended by the Housing Committee, an d in pursuance of an Act of the States

d at e d 31st July, 1984, the acquisition

fr o m Mosspat Investments Limited of its

h al f -share of Dummy

L a n e, St. Helier , shown hatched in green

o n Plan H.C. 1/85, for a consideration of

£ 2 ,0 00 plus the payment of legal fees;

( b) as recommended by the Housing Committee,

w i th the support of the Island

D e v elopment Committee, the purchase from M r . David Alfred Bisson and Mrs. Marjorie M a r y Bisson, née Hamel, his wife, of

W i l liam Place and 13, Columbus Street,

S t. H elier, required in connexion with a

p ro p osed redevelopment scheme, for a

co n s ideration of £72,000 plus the payment

o f s cale legal fees;

 ( c)  as recommended by the Public Works

C o m mittee, the leasing from Mr. Anley

Jo h n Dorey Richardson of a packing shed at L es Tihelles, Grantez, St. Ouen,

m e a suring 1,626 square feet, for the

st o r age and fabrication of elm wood, for a p e riod of three years, from 1st April,

1 9 8 5, with an option to renew, at an

an n u al rent of £2,000.

Matters lodged.

The following subjects were lodged reffe> -

 1 . Dégrèvement procedure: amendment. P .9 2 /85.

P re s ented by Senator Richard Joseph S h e nton.

 2 . Broadcasting of States' Meetings: ex p e riment. P.93/85.

P re s ented by Senator John Stephen R o th well.

The following subjects were lodged on 6th August, 1985 -

 1 . States' Trading Activities:

in v e stigation. P.89/85.

P re s ented by Senator Richard Joseph S h e nton.

 2 . Draft Attendance Allowances

(A  m endment No. 12) (Jersey) Regulations. 1 9 8 . P.90/85.

P re s ented by the Social Security

C o m mittee.

 3 . Draft Health Insurance (Medical

B e n efit) (Amendment No. 27) (Jersey) R e g ulations, 198 . P.91/85.

P re s ented by the Social Security

C o m mittee.

Telecommunications Board: privatisation. P.30/85.

THE STATES noted that Senator Richard

Joseph Shenton had withdrawn his Proposition regarding the privatisation of the

Telecommunications Board (lodged on 2nd April, 1985 and deferred after consideration in the States on

30th July, 1985), having lodged in its place a Proposition regarding States' Trading Activities: investigation (P.89/85 - lodged on 6th August,


Draft Gambling (Gaming and Lotteries) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations, 198 . P.92/84.

THE STATES noted that the President of the Gambling Control Committee had withdrawn the draft Gambling (Gaming and Lotteries) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations, 198  (lodged on 3rd July,


Review of Current Immigration Policies - debate in a Committee of the Whole House.

THE STATES adopted the Proposition of

Senator Richard Joseph Shenton that consideration of the Review of Current Immigration Policies (P.83/85 - lodged on 30th July, 1985) in a Committee of the Whole House be deferred from the present Sitting to a later date.

Members present voted as follows -

> (2 9 )  


 S henton, Baal, Le Main.

Connétable s

 G rouville, St. Saviour , St. John, St. Brelade,  S t. Martin, St. Peter, St. Clement , St.

 L awrence, St. Ouen.


 S t. Ouen, Perkins(C), Le Gallais(S), Roche(S),  T rinity, Farley(H), Le Fondré(L), Rumboll(H),  G rouville, St. Mary, Beadle(B), Thorne (B),

W avell(H), Blampied(H), St. John, St. Peter,

 C arter(H).

re > (21) Senators

V ibert, Le Marquand, Jeune , Binnington, H orsfall, Ellis, Rothwell, Manton.

Connétable s

 S t. Helier, St. Mary.


M ourant(H), Morel (S), Le Maistre(H),

 Q uenault(B), Le Brocq(H), Le Quesne(S),  F illeul(H), Vandervliet(L), Billot(S),

M ahoney(H), St. Martin.

Meeting in Extraordinary Session - Review of Current Immigration Policies - debate in a Committee of the Whole House.

THE STATES adopted the Proposition of the President of the Policy Advisory Committee and requested the Bailiff to convene a Meeting of the States in extraordinary session on 17th September, 1985 in order to consider in a Committee of the Whole

House, the Review of Current Immigration Policies (P.83/85 - lodged on 30th July, 1985).

Payment of costs incurred in Police Court proceedings by successful appellants. Question and answer.

Senator Terence John Le Main asked Deputy Edgar John Becquet of Trinity , President of the Legislation Committee, the following question -

r Article 17(5)(a) of the Police Court

( Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law, 1949, a s amended, the Royal Court may, where a

p erson convicted or sentenced in the Police

C ourt makes a successful appeal to the Royal C ourt, order the

p rosecution to pay to the appellant such costs a s may appear reasonably sufficient to cover t he out of pocket expenses of the appellant in r elation to such appeal.

I s the President willing to consider preparing

t he necessary legislation to provide for a

s imilar power to be conferred upon the Royal C ourt in respect of costs incurred by the

a ppellant in connexion with proceedings in the P olice Court preceding the appeal to the Royal C ourt?>

The President of the Legislation Committee replied as follows -


Superintendent Registrar's Offices. Questions and answers.

Deputy Corrie Stein of Grouville asked Senator Anne Baal, President of the Etat Civil Committee, the following questions -

 H aving regard to the fact that on 20th

Ju n e , 1983, the President of the Public

W o r ks Committee withdrew a Proposition w h i ch included new offices for the

S u p erintendent Registrar, will the

P re s ident accept that it is generally

ac c e pted that the current accommodation le a v es a lot to be desired?

 2 . Will the President inform the House if it is h e r Committee's intention to provide

n ew   offices which will enable the

m a r riage ceremony to take place, and the w e d ding guests to be accommodated, in su r r oundings more in keeping with the

st a n dards which the public are entitled

to ex pect in 1985?

 3 . If the answer to question 2 is in the

n eg a tive, does the Committee intend to im  p rove in the near future, the

u n sa tisfactory facilities at present

av a i lable?>

The President of the Etat Civil Committee replied as follows -

n not possibly speak for the general

p ublic. The view of my Committee is that the

S uperintendent Registrar's office should be

m oved to more suitable surroundings as soon as p ossible and my Committee is in discussion

w ith the Public Works Committee about this

m atter.

I n the meantime, the present offices are to be r edecorated in the very near future.>

Building Costs. Questions and answers.

Deputy Corrie Stein of Grouville asked Deputy Hendricus Adolphus Vandervliet of St. Lawrence, President of the Housing Committee, the following

questions -

n g regard to the fact that the President

m ade a Statement in the House on 21st

F ebruary, 1984 about building costs and in the f inal paragraph stated that the Committee

h oped to be in a position to present a

c omprehensive report to the States on the

s ubject before the end of the CURRENT

S ESSION', will the President inform the

H ouse -

 1 . why there has been such a delay in

b ri n ging forward the report when so many p eo p le are anxious to be able to buy

th e i r own property at a fair and

re a s onable cost?

2 . when will the report be presented?>

The President of the Housing Committee replied as follows -

 t he Deputy is quite right to ask why,

w h e n I had hoped to be in a position to

p re s ent a comprehensive Report on

B u il ding Costs a year ago, my Committee h as not done so. However, in the second

p ar t of her first question she appears to

co n f use building costs with property sale p ri c es which were not within the terms of re f e rence of the Working Party.

H a d the Working Party found anything to su g g est that the relatively high cost of

b u il ding in the Island was the result of

an y of those involved in the industry

m a k ing an unreasonably high level of

p ro f it, then the Working Party would have re p o rted a long time ago, and my

C o m mittee would have recommended to the H o u se the  appointment of a Committee of E n q uiry to carry out further

in v e stigations. In the event, the Working

P a rt y found that building costs in the

Is l an d could, in general, be justified

b u t, that in certain areas, savings could

b e m ade. It is against this background

th a t my Committee has given greater

p ri o rity to the review of its policies

th a n to the production of the Report on

B u il ding Costs.

 2 . the Report will be presented to the S ta t es before the end of October.> Private Hire Drivers' Public Fares: constitution of Working Party. Statement.

The President of the Defence Committee made a statement in the following terms -

S tates at their Sitting held on 14th May,

1 985, referred to the Defence Committee a

P roposition of Senator R.J. Shenton asking the S tates to request the Defence Committee to

p repare the necessary legislation to enable

t hat Committee to exercise control over

P rivate Hire Drivers' Public Fares in a

s imilar way to the control already exercised

o ver taxi fares.

T he Defence Committee, having considered this m atter, has decided that the best approach is

f or the Proposition to be considered by a

W orking Party made up of impartial persons,

w hich would also look at the overall effect of

t he private and public hire taxi fares

s tructures to establish whether or not the

t axi user in Jersey is getting a fair deal.

M r. John Averty has kindly agreed to act as

C hairman of the Working Party and Mr. Derek B ernard, Mr. John Clennett and Mr. Paul

B easant, have kindly agreed to serve as

m embers of the Working Party.

M r. Colin Powell, the Economic Adviser, will a ssist the Working Party in its

d eliberations.>

Pier Road Multi-storey car park - extension: transfer of funds.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Public Works Committee, approved the transfer of £1.3 million from Vote C0359 - Sixth Multi-Storey Car Park' to a vote to be designated Alterations to

Pier Road Multi-Storey Car Park', to enable the extensions to the Pier Road Multi-Storey Car Park, approved in principle by the States on 18th June, 1985, to be constructed immediately.

Job Opportunity, Community Service and Youth Employment Schemes: continuation.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Education Committee, approved the continuation of the -

 ( a)  Job Opportunity and Community Service S c h emes to run from 30th September, 1985 to 2 6th April, 1986;

 ( b) Youth Employment Scheme to run from 30th S e p tember, 1985 to 26th April, 1986;

 ( c)  Preparation for Employment Course.

Airport - Department of Electronics: new workshop.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -

( a) approved drawings Nos. 2825/1A and 2825/3 sh o w ing the construction of a new zone

w o r kshop for the Department of

E le c tronics at the Airport;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the States to     si g n the said drawings on behalf of the S ta t es.

Census (Jersey) Regulations, 1985. P.67/85.

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the Census (Jersey) Law, 1951, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Census (Jersey) Regulations, 1985.

Methodist Church (Jersey) Law, 1985. P.68/85.

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, made a Law entitled the Methodist Church (Jersey) Law, 1985.

Christmas Bonus (Jersey) Regulations, 1985. P.85/85.

THE STATES, by virtue and in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the fourteenth day of April, 1884, made Regulations entitled the Christmas Bonus (Jersey) Regulations,


St. Elmo Hotel: purchase and modification. P.86/85.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Public Health Committee -

 ( a)  approved the purchase of the St. Elmo

H o t el from Mr. Roy Deeks trading as St. E lm  o Enterprises Limited, at the

v al u ation negotiated by the States Land an d Property Officer of £270,000;

 ( b) approved, in principle, the modifications to th e St. Elmo Hotel required to

fa c i litate its temporary use as hospital

re s id ential staff accommodation;

 ( c)  authorised the Attorney General and the G r e ffier of the States to pass the

n ec e ssary contract in the matter;

 ( d) authorised the Treasurer of the States to p ay the cost of the purchase out of the

C a p ital vote of credit granted to the

Is l an d Development Committee under the h ea d ing isition of Land - Major

R e s erve> (Vote No. C.0904).

THE STATES rose at 12.35 p.m.

  R . S . G  R A Y   D  ep u t y G r effier of the States