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States Minutes 21st November 1989

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STATES MINUTES 21 st November, 1989 P r ic e : 50p

THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 21st November, 1989 at 10.15 a.m. under the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,

V e rnon Amy Tomes, Esquire.

___ _________

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Pierre François Horsfall - out

o f the Island.

S enator Anne Baal - out of the Island. L eonard René Hamel, Connétable of S t. Clement - ill.

L eonard Picot, Connétable of Trinity -

o ut of the Island.

___ _______ __

P r aye rs

___ _______ __

Distinguished visitors - welcome.

The Deputy Bailiff , on behalf of

the Assembly, welcomed to the House Bishop Justin Ndandali of Rwanda and Canon Kenneth Barham of Battle, Sussex.

Televised broadcasting of the Budget.

The States, having discussed the

request from Channel Television that permission be given to broadcast the Budget speech, and the recommendation of the House Committee that the request be denied, adopted a Proposition of Senator Dereck André Carter that permission should not be given for televising the Budget speech.

Members present voted as follows - P our ' ' (18)


S henton, Rothwell, Le Main, Carter, S tein.

Connétable s

S t. Lawrence, Grouville .


M orel(S), Trinity , Beadle(B),

W avell(H), Blampied(H), Norman(C), B uesnel(H), Jordan(B), St. Mary ,

R abet(H), Baudains(H).

C ont re'' (30)


J eune, Binnington, Ellis, Brooke, Le M aistre.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Peter , St. Mary , St. O uen, St. Saviour , St. Brelade , St. M artin.


d e la Haye(H), Le Gallais(S),

R oche(S), Le Quesne(S),

Vandervliet(L), R. Rumboll(H),

B illot(S), St. John , St. Peter , St.

M artin, Baudains(C), C. Rumboll(H), Le S ueur(H), St. Ouen , Coutanche(L),

H uelin(B), Bailhache (H), Grouville .

Subordinate legislation tabled.

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

1 . Employment of Children (General P r ovi sions) (Amendment No. 2)

( Je r sey) Order, 1989. R & O 7996.

2 . Inquest (Fees) (Jersey) Rules, 1989. R & O 7997.

Statistical Digest.

The Finance and Economics

Committee by Act dated 13th November, 1989, presented to the States the Statistical Digest.

THE STATES ordered that the said Digest be printed and distributed.

Matter noted - financial transaction.

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 13th November, 1989, showing that in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules, 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Housing Committee had accepted the lowest of five tenders, namely that submitted by B. & C. Contractors Limited in the sum of #57,189

in a contract period of 17 weeks for renovations to Archirondel Cottage, St. Martin .

Matters lodged.

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

1 . Draft Amendment (No. 11) to the T ar iff of Harbour and Light Dues. P .147/ 89.

P r es ented by the Harbours and

A i r port Committee.

2 . Draft Harbours (Amendment No. 18) ( Je r sey) Regulations, 19 .

P .148/ 89.

P r es ented by the Harbours and

A i r port Committee.

The States decided to take the abovementioned subjects into consideration on 12th December, 1989.

Draft Advocates (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law, 19 . P.144/89.

THE STATES acceded to the request

of the President of the Legislation Committee that the draft Advocates (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law, 19 (lodged on 7th November, 1989) be deferred from the present Sitting to 12th December, 1989.

Rezoning of land for Category A housing. P.57/89.

THE STATES acceded to the request

of the Vice-President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee that consideration of renumbered sub-paragraphs (vii), (xi), (xii) and (xiii) of paragraph (a) of the Proposition regarding the rezoning of land for Category A housing be deferred to a later date.

Deputy Jack Roche proposed deferment of the discussion of the remainder of the

Proposition whereupon Deputy Robin Ernest Richard Rumboll of St. Helier proposed that the States move to the consideration of the next item on the Order Paper. The proposition was carried, more than twenty Members voting in support thereof.

Le Clos de Félard, Field 817, St. Lawrence : approval of drawings.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Housing Committee -

( a) approved Drawings Nos. 3517/07-11 and 3 517/42 showing the

deve lopment of 14 two-bedroomed

( four person) flats and 8 two-

bedr oomed (three person) flats at

F i e ld 817, Chemin des Moulins, St.

L aw rence, the proposed development t o b e known as Le Clos de Félard;

( b) authorised the Greffier of the

S t a tes to sign the said Drawings on be half of the States.

Rezoning of land for Category A Housing. P.57/89.

THE STATES continued discussion of the Proposition of the Island Development Committee on the rezoning of land for Category A housing.

The re-numbered paragraph (a)(v) was adopted.

Members present voted as follows - P our ' ' (33)


J eune, Ellis, Rothwell, Le Main.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Peter , St. Helier , St. M ary, St. Ouen , St. Brelade , St. M artin, Grouville .


d e la Haye(H), Vandervliet(L), R.

R umboll(H), Beadle(B), Blampied(H),

B illot(S), St. John , St. Peter , St.

M artin, Baudains(C), Buesnel(H), C.

R umboll(H), Le Sueur (H), Coutanche(L), H uelin(B), Jordan(B), St. Mary ,

B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), Baudains(H), G rouville.

C ont re'' (12)


B innington, Brooke, Le Maistre, C arter, Stein.


S t. Lawrence.


M orel(S), Le Gallais(S), Roche(S), T rinity, Norman(C), St. Ouen .

The re-numbered paragraph (a)(vi) was rejected.

Members present voted as follows - P our ' ' (22)


R othwell, Le Main.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Peter , St. Helier , St. M ary, St. Martin , Grouville .


d e la Haye(H), Vandervliet(L),

B eadle(B), Blampied(H), St. John , St. P eter, Baudains(C), Buesnel(H), Le

S ueur(H), St. Ouen , Coutanche(L),

H uelin(B), Jordan(B),

B audains(H).

C ont re'' (22)


J eune, Binnington, Ellis, Brooke, Le M aistre, Carter, Stein.

Connétable s

S t. Lawrence, St. Ouen , St. Brelade .


M orel(S), Le Gallais(S), Roche(S), T rinity, Billot(S), Norman(C), St.

M artin, C. Rumboll(H), St. Mary ,

B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), Grouville .

The President of the Assembly exercised his casting vote against the proposition to maintain the status quo.

The States had previously agreed to defer consideration of re-numbered paragraph


The re-numbered paragraph (a)(viii) was adopted.

Members present voted as follows - P our ' ' (35)


J eune, Rothwell, Le Main, Brooke, Le M aistre, Carter, Stein.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Peter , St. Helier , St. L awrence, St. Mary , St. Ouen , St. B relade, St. Martin , Grouville .


d e la Haye(H), Trinity ,

V andervliet(L), Blampied(H),

B illot(S), St. John , St. Peter , St.

M artin, Baudains(C), Buesnel(H), Le S ueur(H), St. Ouen , Coutanche(L),

H uelin(B), Jordan(B), St. Mary ,

B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), Baudains(H).

C ont re'' (2)


N orman(C), Grouville .

The States agreed to defer consideration of re-numbered paragraph (a)(ix).

The re-numbered paragraph (a)(x) was adopted.

Members present voted as follows - P our ' ' (40)


J eune, Ellis, Rothwell, Le Main,

B rooke, Le Maistre, Carter, Stein.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Peter , St. Helier , St. L awrence, St. Mary , St. Ouen , St. B relade, St. Martin , Grouville .


d e la Haye(H), Morel (S), Le

G allais(S), Trinity , Vandervliet(L),

B eadle(B), Blampied(H), Billot(S), St. J ohn, St. Peter , St. Martin ,

B audains(C), Buesnel(H), C.

R umboll(H), Le Sueur (H), St. Ouen ,

C outanche(L), Huelin(B), Jordan(B), S t. Mary, Bailhache (H), Rabet(H), B audains(H).

C ont re'' (3)


R oche(S), Norman(C), Grouville .

The States had previously agreed to defer consideration of paragraphs (a)(xi), (xii), (xiii) and agreed further to defer consideration of re-numbered paragraphs (a)(xiv) and (xv).

The re-numbered paragraph (a)(xvi) was adopted.

THE STATES, on the proposition of the President of the Island Development Committee, decided to defer further consideration of the Proposition to a later date.

Act annulling the Employment of Children (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order, 1989, as amended. P.135/89.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition

of Senator John Stephen Rothwell, made an Act annulling the Employment of Children (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order, 1989, the Employment of Children (General Provisions) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order, 1989 and the Employment of Children (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order, 1989 (R & O's 7949, 7987 and 7996).

Liberation Square, Weighbridge: planning and construction. P.142/89.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition

of the Occupation and Liberation Committee, referred to their Act dated 27th November, 1988, inter alia instructing the Public

Works and Island Development Committees to submit proposals for the development of Liberation Square on the Weighbridge island site, and authorised the Public Works Committee, subject to the approval by the States of the Committee's capital request

for 1990, to proceed with the planning and construction of a temporary Liberation

Square on the Weighbridge site, as outlined on Plan No. 2894/2 and to ensure the completion of the project by 9th May, 1990. Members present voted as follows - P our ' ' (23)


R othwell, Le Main, Carter, Stein.

Connétable s

S t. Mary, St. Martin , Grouville .


d e la Haye(H), Vandervliet(L), R.

R umboll(H), Beadle(B), Billot(S), St. J ohn, St. Peter , St. Martin ,

B uesnel(H), C. Rumboll(H),

C outanche(L), Huelin(B), Jordan(B), B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), Baudains(H).

C ont re'' (18)


J eune, Ellis, Brooke.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Peter , St. Helier , St. L awrence, St. Ouen .


M orel(S), Le Gallais(S), Roche(S),

T rinity, Blampied(H), Norman(C),

B audains(C), Le Sueur (H), St. Ouen , S t. Mary.

THE STATES rose at 7.40 p.m.

R .S . G R A Y Deputy Greffier of the States.