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STATES MINUTES 2 5 t h A pril, 1989
THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 2 5th April, 1989 at 10.15 a.m.
under the Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r Peter Crill, C.B.E.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Anne Baal - out of the Island.
S enator Peter Geoffrey Kevitt Manton - a bsent.
M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of S t. Brelade - out of the Island.
T erence Augustine Le Sueur, Deputy of S t. Helier - out of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _______
Falkland Islands.
The Bailiff , on his return from a
visit to the Falkland Islands to open a housing development financed by Jersey, passed on to the States Members and people of Jersey the greetings and thanks of the Governor and the Falkland Islanders.
Queen's award for Industry - Computer Patent Annuities.
The Bailiff , on behalf of the
Assembly, congratulated Computer Patent Annuities on receiving the Queen's Award for Industry for export achievement, the first company to do so in the Channel Islands.
Subordinate legislation tabled.
The following enactments were laid
before the States, namely -
1 . Export of Agricultural Produce
( A m endment No. 8) (Jersey) Order, 1 9 8 9. R & O 7906.
2 . Court of Appeal (Fees) (Amendment N o . 2) (Jersey) Rules, 1989. R & O
7 9 0 7.
3 . Court of Appeal (Transcripts)
( J er sey) Rules, 1989. R & O 7908.
4 . Collective Investment Funds ( P e rmit Fees) (Jersey) Order, 1 9 8 9. R & O 7909.
Clairvoyance and astrology for gain (P.91/88): report. P.49/89.
The Legislation Committee by Act dated 10th April, 1989, presented to the States a report on clairvoyance and astrology for gain.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Annual accounts of the States of Jersey for 1988.
The Finance and Economics
Committee by Act dated 3rd April, 1989, and in pursuance of Article 21(3) of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law, 1967, as amended, presented to the States the annual accounts of the States for the financial year ended 31st December, 1988.
THE STATES ordered that the said accounts be printed and distributed.
Petition of Mr. B.R. Cooper asking that the States reconsider a report of the Prison Board in the light of a Court of Appeal Judgment: report. R.C.8.
The Prison Board by Act dated 19th April, 1989, presented to the States a report on the Petition of Mr. B.R. Cooper asking that the States reconsider a report of the Prison Board in the light of a Court of Appeal Judgment.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Matters lodged.
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Health Insurance (Medical B e n efit) (Amendment No. 34)
( J er sey) Regulations, 198 .
P . 4 5/89.
P r e sented by the Social Security C o m mittee.
2 . 12-20 Dorset Street, St. Helier: a p p roval of drawings. P.46/89. P r e sented by the Housing
C o m mittee.
3 . 79 Rouge Bouillon, St. Helier: a p p roval of drawings. P.47/89. P r e sented by the Housing
C o m mittee.
The States decided to take the abovementioned subjects into consideration on 16th May, 1989.
4 . Social Security registration cards ( P .4 3/89): amendment. P.48/89.
P r e sented by Senator Terence John L e Main.
5 . Swimming pools at Les Quennevais a n d Fort Regent. P.50/89.
P r e sented by the Education
C o m mittee. The States decided to
t a ke this subject into
c o n sideration on 30th May, 1989.
6 . Draft Use of former site of
M a ternity Hospital (Jersey) Law, 1 9 8 . P.51/89.
P r e sented by the Public Health
C o m mittee. The States decided to t a ke this subject into
c o n sideration on 16th May, 1989.
The following subjects were lodged on 18th April, 1989 -
1 . Social Security registration
c a rd s. P.43/89.
P r e sented by Senator Terence John L e Main.
2 . Draft Road Traffic (No. 33)
( J er sey) Regulations, 198 .
P . 4 4/89.
P re sented by the Defence
C o m mittee. The States decided to t a ke this subject into
c o n sideration on 16th May, 1989.
Attendance Allowance: legislation. P.49/88.
THE STATES noted that in
pursuance of Standing Order 17(6) the Proposition relating to Attendance Allowance: legislation (lodged on 19th April, 1988) had been withdrawn.
Maternity Hospital premises, St. Helier: conversion. P.79/88.
THE STATES noted that the
President of the Public Health Committee had withdrawn the Proposition relating to the conversion of the Maternity Hospital premises (lodged on 21st June, 1988).
Howard Davis Park tea gardens: supplementary vote of credit. P.172/88.
THE STATES acceded to the request
of the President of the Public Works Committee that the Proposition regarding
the supplementary vote of credit for the Howard Davis Park tea garden lodged on 13th December, 1988) be considered at the
present Sitting immediately after consideration of the approval of drawings
for the tea gardens.
Projet de Loi (198 ) pour abroger
la Loi (1907) touchant l'usage de timbres de commerce. P.23/89.
THE STATES acceded to the request
of the President of the Legislation Committee that the Projet de Loi (198 ) pour abroger la Loi (1907) touchant l'usage de timbres de commerce (lodged on 21st February, 1989) be considered on 16th May, 1989.
Public employees: control of manpower. P.154/88.
THE STATES acceded to the request
of the President of the Establishment Committee that the Proposition relating to public employees: control of manpower (lodged on 29th November, 1988) be considered on 16th May, 1989.
Elizabeth Harbour, west of Albert
Pier: assistance for passengers and their baggage. Question and answer.
Senator Richard Joseph Shenton
asked Senator Bernard Thomas Binnington, President of the Harbours and Airport Committee, the following question -
Will the President inform the House w hat assistance is to be provided for p assengers and their baggage at the
E lizabeth Harbour, west of Albert
P ier?''
The President of the Harbours and Airport Committee replied as follows -
When the new Elizabeth Harbour is f ully commissioned it is expected that a baggage service will be provided by t he ferry companies with assistance
f rom the Harbours Department.
B ritish Channel Island Ferries have
s aid that they are to provide baggage v ehicles which will travel with the
v essel so that foot passenger baggage c an be collected at the time of
e mbarkation and on arrival in Jersey t ransported from the ship and
d isplayed in the baggage hall in the n ew terminal. Passengers wishing to c arry their own bags will be assisted b y the provision of baggage trolleys a nd porters will be on hand to give
f urther assistance if necessary.
W hilst the distance that foot
p assengers have to travel from the
s hip on arrival in Jersey can in some
c ases be as great as 230 metres,
c onsiderable efforts have been made to e nsure that the route is as convenient
a s possible for foot passengers with t he provision of covered gangways and w alkways giving weather protection to t he passengers, having no steps but
s hallow ramps where necessary. This w ill facilitate the use of baggage
t rolleys and help the disabled using
w heelchairs.''
Price s of alcoholic drinks -
enquiries made to breweries. Questions and answers.
Senator John Stephen Rothwell
asked Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , President of the Finance and Economics Committee, the following questions -
1 . Will the President confirm that
A n n Street Brewery and Randalls
B r e wery have refused to supply
i n fo rmation to the Economic
A d viser which he sought following m y request for an enquiry into the v e r y substantial increases in the
p r ic es of alcoholic drinks
a n n ounced by the breweries in
F e b ruary of this year?
2 . Will the President inform the
H o use of the number of public
h o u ses controlled by Ann Street
a n d Randalls and what percentage
o f t he total number this
r e p resents?''
The President of the Finance and Economics Committee replied as follows -
1. I am not sure why the Senator
h a s a s ked this question of me,
b u t I h ave ascertained from
t h e E c onomic Adviser to the
S t a te s the following facts
w h ic h I understand have
al r e ady been made known to the S e n a t or.
I n F ebruary of this year publicity w as given to increases in local
a l co hol prices following which
S e n ator Rothwell asked the
E c o nomic Adviser to investigate t h e justification for those
i n cr eases. The Economic Adviser t h en wrote to Ann Street Brewery L i m ited and Randalls Brewery
L i m ited asking for details of the
b a c kground to the cost increases
a n nounced - that is, what
i n cr eases in material costs, wage a n d salaries and any other costs
h a d occurred since product prices w er e last increased. Ann Street
B r e wery Limited replied declining t o p rovide the information, and
R a n dalls Limited have not replied t o d ate.
W h ile not receiving any
i n fo rmation from the companies
t h em selves, a comparison has been m ad e by the Economic Adviser of J e rsey and United Kingdom price i n cr eases over the past year, as
f o ll ows -
( i) B itter price, public bar, p e n c e /pint
Je r s e y U .K . U.K.
( a v e ra g e ) ( average) ra n g e
M a rc h 1988 62 8 5 77-98 M a rc h 1989 67.5 94 83-105 (+ 8 . 9 % ) (+ 10.6%)
( ii ) Spirits price (whisky), p u b lic bar, pence/tot
Je r s e y U .K . U.K.
(a v e r a g e) (average) ra n g e
M a rc h 1988 64 8 3 77-94 M a rc h 1989 71 8 6 79-98 ( + 1 0 .9 % ) (+3.6%)
N o te: U.K. figures converted to J e rs ey measure.
T h e price comparisons quoted above a r e affected by duty increases. If
f o r spirits the duty adjustment is
r e m oved from the price the
p e r centage increase over the year
1 9 8 8/89 would be 9.4 per cent in
J e rs ey. There was no increase in
t h e duty on spirits in the United
K in gdom budget in March 1988 or M a rch 1989.
B y comparison with the United
K in gdom experience, and the
g e n eral rate of inflation at some
8 p er cent per annum, the increase i n b eer prices does not appear
e x c essive, but this is not to say
t h at it is cost justified. The
r e ce nt report of the United
K in gdom Monopolies and Mergers C o m mission's investigation into
t h e supply of beer for retail
s a le s concluded that the price of
a p i nt of beer in a public house
h a s risen too fast in the past few
y e a rs. As far as spirits prices
a r e concerned the Jersey price
i n cr ease appears rather high in
r e la tion to that in the United
K in gdom.
2 . Ann Street Brewery and Randalls B r e wery own or lease 79
e s ta blishments licensed under the 1 s t Category (i.e. the Taverners
l ic e nce) and this number
r e p resents 46 per cent of all
e s ta blishments so licensed.''
Law reform and dégrèvement''. Questions and answers.
Senator Richard Joseph Shenton
asked Deputy Edgar John Becquet of Trinity , President of the Legislation Committee, the following questions -
1. W ill the President inform the H o u s e whether his Committee in t e n d s to introduce
p ro p o s als for law reform on
s im ilar lines to the Lord
C h a n c ellor's proposals
cu r r e n tly under discussion in th e U n ited Kingdom?
2 . Will the President inform the
H o use of the likely date when the e x is ting procedure known as
d ég rèvement' will be replaced by a m ore just form of procedure?''
The President of the Legislation Committee replied as follows -
1. T he system of the
ad m i n istration of justice in
Je r s e y differs very
su b s t a ntially from that which
o b ta i n s in the United
K i n g d om.
T h e method of appointment of the j u d iciary is very different and
t h e two branches of the legal
p r o fession are very closely
i n te grated and unlike in the
U n ited Kingdom any citizen can
i n st ruct Counsel without the
i n te rvention of a Solicitor.
T h e re would, therefore, be no
p u r pose in introducing law reform
o n the lines of many of the Lord C h a ncellor's proposals currently u n d er discussion in the United
K in gdom.
2 . My Committee, of which the Senator i s a member, has not as far as I
c a n recall, ever considered the
p o s sibility of replacing the
e x is ting procedure known as
d ég rèvement'. I believe that the
m at ter has been under
c o n sideration by the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee but
d ég rèvement' is an integral part
o f J ersey's Real Property Law and
a n y change would entail
c o n siderable revision of the
e x is ting Law.''
Investigation into piped natural gas supply to Jersey. Statement.
The President of the Resources Recovery Board made a statement in the following terms -
The Resources Recovery Board through i ts Energy Sub-Committee has brought a n umber of major energy reports to the
S tates from time to time. The first of
t hese had as its main thrust, the
h eavy dependence of the Island on
i mported oil and the Report proposed
d iversifying into other forms of fuel
a s well as using fuels appropriate to
t heir purpose.
T he provision of a sub-marine
e lectricity supply link met the first
o f these objectives but has had the r esult that electricity as a form of
e nergy has been used to a degree in J ersey greater than in comparable c ommunities.
T he Board has for some time been
c oncerned that the Island has been
u nable to enjoy the many benefits of n atural gas which are widely available i n the United Kingdom and in
c ontinental Europe. As well as
p roviding a clean economical fuel for s pace heating and water heating,
n atural gas is now being used for the g eneration of electricity. This is
b ecause of its many environmental
a dvantages as well as for sound
t echnical and economic reasons.
N ot unnaturally the Board has looked
t o the Island's energy companies to
i nvestigate and if necessary promote
a ppropriate technological change. The B oard was therefore surprised that the natural gas option' was not explored
f ully in the Jersey Electricity
C ompany Resumé Report on Power
G eneration nor was it dealt with in
a ny depth in the W.S. Atkins Report on t he Jersey Electricity Company
P roposals.
I n the belief that a proper decision
o n future electricity supplies can
only be made in the light of a
c onsideration of all of the
a lternatives, the Board opened
d iscussions with Gaz de France on the t echnical and economic feasibility of b ringing piped natural gas to the
I sland. The cost of this investigation
w as shared between Gaz de France and t he Resources Recovery Board and the B oard has now received a report on
t his study.
T his report confirms the technical
f easibility of such a project and
d etails potential routes, construction
m ethods and pipe sizes. Several
h ypotheses are postulated regarding
d emographic growth and market
p enetration based on gas industry
e xperience in the United Kingdom and i n continental Europe. These
h ypotheses cover gas consumption with a nd without its use for electricity
g eneration.
T he conclusion of the report suggests s ingle or twin 8 inch diameter welded s teel pipelines, polyethylene coated
a nd concrete covered throughout the s ub-marine section as well as a
d edicated land link to a point on the m ain Gaz de France artery at St. Lô.
T he capital cost is estimated at #15
m illion for a single sub-marine line
a nd #24 million for two sub-marine
p ipelines in addition to approximately
# 4.5 million for the land link to St.
L ô.
T he cost of the gas supplied through
t his pipeline depends on a detailed
t ariff negotiation but has been
e stimated to be comparable with costs i n the United Kingdom and in
c ontinental Europe. The Board is
r eluctant to discuss these figures
p ublicly since, as is apparently the
c ase with the J.E.C./E.D.F. tariffs, a d egree of commercial confidentiality i s necessary to competitive price
n egotiation.
T he Guernsey Gas Company has expressed k een interest in participating in the
p roject and the Chairmen of both
J ersey Gas Company and Guernsey Gas
C ompany, while expressing certain reservations, take a joint view that
t he Resources Recovery Board should
s eek a mandate from the States to
p ursue the matter further.
T he Board therefore intends to bring a r eport and proposition to this effect
t o the States at the earliest possible
m oment with a view to creating a
c onsortium of interests in pursuing
t he matter further. It is hoped that
t he Islands' Electricity Companies
w ould participate in further
i nvestigations with the Resources
R ecovery Board and with the Islands' G as Companies.''
Supplementary and additional votes of credit.
THE STATES considered an Act of
the Finance and Economics Committee dated 17th April, 1989, presenting Acts of the undermentioned Committees and, acceding to the requests contained therein, granted to
the said Committees supplementary (S) and additional (A) votes of credit out of the general reserve as follows -
# #
Finance and Economics Committee
Crown Officers Department
0 311 Staff 3 0 ,4 00
0 313 Supplies and services 8 00 0 315 Establishment 2 ,5 0 0
Police Court
0 341 Staff 1 , 9 0 0
0 343 Supplies and services 6 00
ca r r ie d forward 36,200
# #
Finance and Economics Committee (cont'd)
b ro u g h t forward 36,200
Impôts Department
0 363 Supplies and services 2,400 0 366 Monetary compensatory
a m o u nts 5 ,0 0 0
Economic Adviser's Department
0 421 Staff 4 , 9 0 0
0 423 Supplies and services 6 00
0 425 Establishment 2 ,0 0 0 Commercial Relations Department 0 432 Premises 3 ,3 00
Non-Departmental Expenditure
0 605 Insurance 9 1,000
0 609 Members' expenses 79,500
0 640 Miscellaneous 1 0 , 0 00
Total request #234,900 229,900 5,000
= = = = = = =
Defence Committee
Civil Emergency Office
1 053 Supplies and services 20,500
Immigration and Nationality Department
1 101 Staff 2 2 ,5 00 Motor Traffic Office
1 123 Supplies and services 1,200 Police
1 203 Supplies and services 14,200
T o ta l r equest 58,400
= = =
# #
Public Works Committee
2 001 Staff 1 1 0 ,000
Coast Protection
2 023 Supplies and services 300,000
Public Buildings
2 082 Premises 2 0 ,000
T o ta l r equest 430,000
= = = =
Education Committee
Vocational and Non-Vocational
2 705 School supplies 3 0 , 600
Scholarships, Grants and cost of
Advanced Education
2 857 Annual payment to the
D ep a r tment of Education
a n d S cience for Higher
E d u c a tion in the U.K. 209,000
3 080 Victoria College stone- w o rk 1 ,1 3 4,000
T o ta l r equest 1,373,600
= = = = =
Public Health Committee
Community Health Services 3 201 Staff 8 0 ,8 00
ca r r ie d forward 80,800
# #
Public Health Committee (cont'd) b ro u g h t forward 80,800
General and Acute Services 3 221 Staff 7 1 4 ,500
St. Saviour 's Hospital
3 241 Staff 2 2 8 ,500
Care of the Elderly
3 251 Staff 1 5 3 ,300
Ambulance Service and Transport 3 261 Staff 6 3 ,6 00
Laundry Trading Account 3 271 Staff 2 , 4 0 0
T o ta l r equest 1,243,100
= = = = =
Resources Recovery Board
4006 E nergy Research 1 5 , 000
= = =
Agriculture and Fisheries Committee
Subsidies and Grants
4 139 Financial assistance for t h e i m provement of
p r o d u cer/co-operative
m a rk e ting 7 4,200
4 140 Advertising, market
r e se a r ch etc. 4 5 , 5 00
T o ta l r equest 119,700
= = = =
# #
Tourism Committee
4 601 Staff 2 0 ,2 00
= = =
Social Security Committee
Benefits of a Non-Contributory
4 815 Milk at reduced rate 38,000
Services Related to Employment 4 821A Employment of the
d i sa b l ed 3 0 ,000
T o ta l r equest 68,000
= = =
Establishment Committee
States Personnel Department
Personnel and Organisation Divisions 5 102 Premises 5 ,0 00
5 105 Establishment 5 ,7 0 0
5 107 In-service training 4 4,000
Computer Services Division
5 122 Premises 1 ,0 00
5 123 Supplies and services 55,600
5 140 Manual Workers Bonus
B u y - O ut 2 0 ,1 0 0
Total request #131,400 111,300 20,100
= = = = = = =
# #
Island Development Committee
5 202 Premises 2 0 ,000
5 206 Preparation of surveys,
d e v e lo pment plans, con-
s u lt a ti on fees, etc.
1 3 ,0 0 0
5 208 Expenses, including rates,
o n p ro perties purchased 20,000
T o ta l r equest 53,000
= = =
Committee for Postal Administration
6 100 Operating expenses 58,600
= = =
Policy and Resources Committee
6 501 General expenses 1 5 ,0 0 0
Occupation and Liberation Committee
6 701 General expenses 1 5 ,0 0 0
Royal Visit Committee
6 801 General expenses 1 2 5 , 0 0 0
T o ta l r equest 1 5 5 ,000
= = = =
# #
C 0143 Extension of garage and a d d i ti onal offices 9 3,000 C 0144 Provision of lift at
P o l ic e Headquarters 20,000
C 0146 Replacement fire
a p p l ia nce 1989 2 , 0 0 0
T o ta l r equest 115,000
= = = =
Public Works Committee
C 0353 States Buildings, Royal
S q u a r e modernisation,
p re l im inary work and
i n v e st igations 6 0 ,0 00
C 0366 La Collette depôts
r e d e v elopment 4 2 5 ,000
T o ta l r equest 485,000
= = = =
Education Committee
C 0509 Hostel for homeless t e en a g ers 2 0,000
ca r r ie d forward 20,000
# #
Education Committee (cont'd) b ro u g h t forward 20,000
C 2514 Victoria College
P r e p a ratory - Library
e x t en s ion 2 0,700
C 2517 Le Squez Youth Club 20,000 C 2519 St. Lukes School -
i m p r o vements 8 , 0 0 0
C 2520 Les Landes School -
i m p r o vements 6 , 0 0 0
T o ta l r equest 74,700
= = =
Public Health Committee
C 0644 General Hospital redevel-
o p m e nt fees - phase 2 75,000
C 0682 General Hospital redevelop- m e n t phase 3 - X-Ray and
A cc i d ent and Emergency
D ep a r tments 180,000
C 0688 General Hospital redevel-
o p m e nt phase 3 - upgrade
t h e at r es and existing
p r iv a t e wards 1 4 1 ,000 C 0694 The Limes - staff
a c c o m modation 7 4 , 5 00 T o ta l r equest 470,500
= = = =
Resources Recovery Board
C 0418 Reconditioning and/or
r e p la c ement of sewers 87,500
C 0452 Sewer extensions 3 8 0,000 ca r r ie d forward 467,500
# #
Resources Recovery Board (cont'd) b ro u g h t forward 467,500
C 0453 Surface water drainage 9,000 C 0466 Incineration plant -
t h ir d s tream 2 ,2 0 0,00
T o ta l r equest 2,676,500
= = = = =
Housing Committee
C 1103 Building, purchase and r e h a b ilitation of
d w el l ings 1 ,096,400
= = = =
Fort Regent Development Committee
C 1222 Rotunda development 393,000
= = = =
Harbours and Airport Committee
C 0240 Port of St. Helier -
g e n e r al development 840,000
C 0243 Development of freight
f a c il it ies and warehous-
i n g - N ew North Quay 300,000
C 2808 Distance measuring
e q u i p ment 7 5 ,0 00
T o ta l r equest 1,215,000
= = = = =
The total requests granted for the April Supply Day amounted to #10,487,000.
The deferred Supply item amounted to #20,000.
Swimming pool at Les Quennevais: additional vote of credit. P.52/89.
THE STATES deferred consideration
of the request of the Education Committee for an additional vote of credit in the sum of #20,000 for the planning vote for a swimming pool at Les Quennevais.
Howard Davis Park tea gardens: approval of drawings.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Public Works Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 2816, 2 8 1 6/4 and 2816/5 showing the
c o n struction of tea gardens at the H o ward Davis Park, St. Helier;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said Drawings
o n behalf of the States.
Howard Davis Park tea gardens: supplementary vote of credit. P.172/88.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition
of the Finance and Economics Committee, acceded to the request for the following supplementary vote of credit to be voted out of the general reserve -
P ublic Works Committee
C 0 3 74 - Howard Davis Park tea g a r dens #21,200.
Field 1496, St. Ouen: purchase of land.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Resources Recovery Board -
( a) rescinded their Act dated 7th
J u n e, 1988 and approved the
p u r chase by the public of the
I s la nd from Mr. Stanley John Morel
o f a n area of land measuring 183
s q u are feet being part of Field
1 4 9 6 at St. Ouen, shown coloured
r e d on the Drawing No. WS724,
r e q uired for the construction of
a n a ir valve chamber to vent a
r is i ng main, for a consideration
o f # 183 plus #160 compensation;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said drawing on b e h alf of the States;
( c) authorised the payment or
d is charge of the expenses to be
i n cu rred in connexion with the
a c q uisition of the land and of all
i n te rests therein, including the
c o m mutation of any regional rights a n d the payment of all legal
e x p enses out of the vote of credit
g r a nted to the Board under the
h e a ding Reconstruction and
r e p lacement of sewers'' - Vote
N o . C0418;
( d) authorised the Attorney General a n d the Greffier of the States to
p a s s on behalf of the public any
c o n tracts which it may be found n e c essary to pass in connexion
w it h the purchase of the said land a n d any interest therein.
Respite care home for special needs children. P.36/89.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Education Committee -
( a) approved, in principle, the
p r o vision of a respite care home f o r special needs children;
( b) authorised the Treasurer of the S t a tes to pay the purchase price
o u t of the Island Development
C o m mittee's capital vote
A c quisition of land - Major R e s erve' (No. C0904) if the p r o perty is to be acquired by p u r chase;
( c) authorised the Attorney General a n d the Greffier of the States to
p a s s the necessary contracts.
Queen's Valley Reservoir: Jersey
New Waterworks Company Limited loans: P.37/89.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition
of the Finance and Economics Committee -
( a) agreed that unconditional
g u a rantees should be given by the S t a tes for the repayment of loans
u p to a maximum of #13m, and the p a y ment of interest on those
l o an s, to be negotiated by the
J e rs ey New Waterworks Company L i m ited in relation to the
c o n struction of a reservoir in
Q u een's Valley;
( b) authorised the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee to make the n e c essary arrangements in respect
o f s uch guarantees;
( c) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign such guarantees on b e h alf of the States.
Public Health staff accommodation. P.38/89.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Public Health Committee -
( a) approved the purchase of
p r o perties for conversion and
e q u ipping for Public Health
C o m mittee staff accommodation,
s u b ject to the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee's approval of e a c h transaction;
( b) authorised the Treasurer of the S t a tes to pay the necessary sum
o u t of the Public Health
C o m mittee's capital vote Staff A cc ommodation'' (C2730).
( c) authorised the Attorney General a n d the Greffier of the States to
p a s s the necessary contracts.
Green zone sites: development. P.39/89.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Island Development Committee, authorised that Committee to grant development permission for dwellings on three separate sites, notwithstanding that the sites are located in the Green Zone, at -
a site east of St. Anne's, Parcq de l 'Oeillere, La Pulente, St. Brelade ( Drawing No. 12.222.2 refers)
4 Cowdray Drive, site adjoining, St.
B relade (Drawing No. 12.222.3 refers)
F ield 142, La Rue Horman, Grouville - t wo dwellings (Drawing No. 04.222.1 r efers).
Finance (No. 2) (Jersey) Law, 1989. P.40/89.
THE STATES, subject to the
sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Finance (No. 2) (Jersey) Law, 1989.
Act Operatoire
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 25 of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law, 1967, as amended, have declared that the Bill to amend the law relating to oil and spirits duty (which
Bill was this day passed by the States as
the Finance (No. 2) (Jersey) Law, 1989) shall immediately have effect as if is were
a Law sanctioned by Her Majesty in Council.
THE STATES rose at 4.15 p.m.
E .J . M . P O T T E R G re f fier of the States.