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STATES MINUTES 2 5 t h M ay, 1989
P r ic e : 5 0 p
THE STATES assembled on Thursday, 25th May, 1989 at 10.30 a.m. under
the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,
Vernon Amy Tomes, Esquire, in order
to receive Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of E d i n b u rgh.
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All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Peter Geoffrey Kevitt Manton - a bsent.
M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of S t. Brelade - ill.
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Prayers read by the Deputy Greffier _ _ _ _ _ _______
The Deputy Bailiff , the Attorney General, the Solicitor General, the Deputy Greffier of the States and the Assistant Greffier stood in the well of the Chamber.
Her Majesty The Queen, escorted by the Bailiff , and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, escorted by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, and preceded by the Seal and the Mace, entered the Chamber. Her Majesty was conducted to the Bailiff 's chair and His Royal Highness to the Lieutenant Governor's chair.
Sir William Heseltine, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., A.C., The Countess of Airlie, C.V.O., Lady Pillar, Rear Admiral Sir Paul Greening K.C.V.O., The Right Honourable Douglas Hurd, M.P., Lady Crill, Mrs. Hurd, Mr. K. Scott , C.M.G., Mr. R. Janvrin, L.V.O., Brigadier C. Robertson, Commander T. Laurence, R.N., Surgeon Captain N. Blacklock, L.V.O., O.B.E., R.N., Commander
D. Braybrooke, L.V.O., R.N., Miss C.J. Bannister and the Greffier of the States were in attendance.
The Bailiff , in the name of the States and
the People of the Island, presented a Loyal Address of Welcome in the following terms -
T o the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty.
T h e loyal and dutiful Address of t h e Assembly of the States of the I s la nd of Jersey.
M a y it please Your Majesty.
W e , Your Majesty's faithful
s u b jects here assembled, beg
l e av e, on behalf of the people of t h e Island, as well as our own
b e h alf, to bid welcome to Your M a jesty and His Royal Highness, T h e Prince Philip.
T h i s is the third occasion on
w h ich Your Majesty has set foot,
a s o ur Sovereign Lady The Queen,
u p o n one of Your Majesty's oldest
p o s sessions, deriving its special
p o s ition from the time when Your M a jesty's Royal Predecessors were b o t h Kings of England and Dukes of N o rmandy. We have happy
r e co llections of the last occasion
o n which we were honoured by Your R o y al Presence amongst us. Our
w el come now is all the warmer and m o re deeply felt both on that
a c c ount and because we recognise
t h at Your Majesty has been
g r a cious enough to visit once more Y o ur Island peoples in the midst
o f a multitude of Royal duties and
c e re monies.
F o r centuries, as an apanage of
t h e Crown, this Island has enjoyed t h e Royal favour under which
g e n erations of its citizens have
b e e n free to earn their
l iv e lihoods and to maintain and,
i n d eed, even to enlarge their
a n c ient privileges and liberties,
a n d for which Your Majesty's loyal s u b jects have ever been duly
s e n sible. We are conscious,
n e v ertheless, that each
g e n eration, in its turn, should be m ad e aware of those benefits
c o n ferred upon us by a long line
o f Y our Majesty's Royal
P r e decessors. It is our hope and t ru s t that we shall conduct
o u r selves in the years to come so a s t o merit that continual favour.
S i n ce your Majesty's last visit,
s o o n after the celebration of the
t w e nty-fifth anniversary of Your
M a jesty's accession to the Throne, w e have been reminded by events in t h e South Atlantic of the
v u l nerability of small Islands
s u c h as ours and the extent to
w h ich they depend for their
s e c urity and well being on Your
M a jesty's Forces in which Jersey
m en and Jersey women have been
p r o ud to serve over the years. As
a t oken of our determination to
j u st ify the trust placed in us by
Y o ur Majesty's Royal Predecessors, w e have established a Field
S q u adron of the Royal Engineers,
i n w hose title Your Majesty has
b e e n graciously pleased to permit
t h e inclusion of the ancient name
o f t he Royal Militia Island of
J e rs ey which, for many centuries
i n t he Island and more widely
d u r ing two World Wars, played an h o n ourable part in the defence of
Y o ur Majesty's realm.
D es pite the many changes that have
o c c urred since 1945, no less in
Y o ur Majesty's Island than
t h ro ughout the world, we have
r e m ained secure in the enjoyment
o f o ur ancient privileges and
l ib e rties, tempered with the
p r o per recognition of our duty to
T h e Crown. Today we are afforded t h e opportunity to give a further
d e m onstration, as we do most
j o y fully and with deep affection,
o f t he loyalty and devotion of the
S t a tes and people of Jersey to the
T h r one and to Your Majesty's Royal H o use.
Her Majesty was graciously pleased to reply
as follows -
T he States of Jersey
I t h ank you, Mr. Bailiff , and the
S t a tes of Jersey, for your warm
w el come and for the expressions of l o y alty and devotion to the Crown w h ich you have given on behalf of t h e people of Jersey.
P ri nce Philip and I are glad to be h e r e again not only because of the w ar mth of our reception but
b e c ause it provides also the
o p p ortunity to renew those close
t ie s between the Crown and the
p e o ple of Jersey in one of its
o l d est possessions. Happily these t ie s seem to be as strong as ever, f o u nded upon the loyalty of the
I s la nd and the confirmation by the C r o wn of the Islanders' ancient
r ig h ts and privileges.
I p r ay that the blessing of
A lm ighty God will attend all your d e li berations for the benefit and
p r o sperity of this Island.
E l iz a b e t h R . The States then adjourned.
The Bailiff , preceded by the Seal and the Mace, escorted Her Majesty out of the Chamber followed by His Royal Highness escorted by the Lieutenant Governor.
R . S . G R A Y Deputy Greffier of the States.