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States Minutes 30th May 1989

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STATES MINUTES 3 0 t h M  ay, 1989

 THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 30th May, 1989 at 10.15 a.m. under

  the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,

V e rnon Amy Tomes, Esquire.

_ _ _ _ ________

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Richard Joseph Shenton - out

o f the Island.

S enator Peter Geoffrey Kevitt Manton - a bsent.

S enator Betty Brooke - out of the

 I sland.

M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of S t. Brelade - ill.

 C ynthia Miriam Horne, Deputy of St.

H elier - ill.

_ _ _ _ _ _______

P r a y e rs  

_ _ _ _ _ _______

Visit of H.M. The Queen and The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh - letter of thanks.

The Deputy Bailiff informed the Assembly that the Bailiff had received a letter of thanks, on behalf of The Queen, from her assistant private secretary, an extract of which follows -

  The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh  w ere glad to have an opportunity

 y esterday to thank you personally for

 g iving them such a lovely day in

 J ersey. But as we flew back to London,

 H er Majesty asked me to write to you

 t o renew their thanks and to ask you

 t o pass them on to your colleagues in

 t he States and to all who worked with

 y ou on the preparations of such a

s plendid programme. It was a

p articularly interesting, colourful

a nd enjoyable occasion, made even

h appier by the large and enthusiastic c rowds and by the wonderful weather.

T he Queen particularly wished me to

t hank you for the most handsome

m iniature of your Royal Mace, which w ill have an honoured place in the

R oyal Collection, and will be a very happy memento of the 1989 visit. Her M ajesty was also most grateful for the a lbum of stamps presented by the

P ostal Committee, the set of silver

s poons from the Constables, the

b eautifully bound copy of the history

o f Jersey and the book on the Channel I slands Parish Churches. It would be

v ery kind if you could convey The

Q ueen's thanks to all concerned.

P lease also thank Mr. and Mrs. Jones

f or all the arrangements they made for t he excellent lunch which you gave Her M ajesty at the Jersey Pottery.

F inally, I am to send you The Queen's w arm thanks for the Loyal Address

w hich you delivered to her in the

S tates Chamber, and for all the

e xpressions of loyalty, affection and

f ealty, which greeted Her Majesty

t hroughout her visit, and by which she w as deeply touched.''

Royal Visit - thanks.

Deputy Sir Martin Le Quesne of St. Saviour, on behalf of Members of the Assembly, thanked the Bailiff and all those responsible for organising the Royal Visit.

Senator P.G.K. Manton: resignation.

The Deputy Bailiff informed the

States that he had received notice in writing from Senator Peter Geoffrey Kevitt Manton resigning his office forthwith.

The Deputy Bailiff paid tribute to the service Senator Manton had given to the States and to the Island over the years. Subordinate legislation tabled.

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Road Traffic (Saint Helier)

( A m endment No. 6) (Jersey) Order, 1 9 8 9. R & O 7919.

 2 .  Wharf Street Food Fair (Jersey) O  rd er, 1989. R & O 7920.

 3 .  Collective Investment Funds

( P e rmits) (Exemptions) (Jersey) O  rd er, 1989. R & O 7921.

Advisory Council for Sport, Leisure and Recreation.

The Education Committee by Act

dated 17th May, 1989, presented to the States a note of the current membership of the Advisory Council for Sport, Leisure and Recreation.

Matters noted - land transactions.

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 15th May, 1989, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

 ( a) as recommended by the Harbours and A  ir port Committee, the

c a n cellation of the lease by Shell

U  K Limited and Esso Petroleum

C o m pany Limited for that part of

t h e fuel farm known as the

e x p ansion land, measuring 29,100

s q u are feet for the consideration

o f # 15,000, the cost being charged

t o L a Collette Revenue Vote;

 ( b) as recommended by the Public

W  o rks Committee, the leasing from M  r . Anley John Dorey Richardson of a s t orage shed at Grantez, St.

O  u en, for a further period of one

y e a r with effect from 1st April,

1 9 8 9, at an annual rent of #2,400;

 ( c) as recommended by the Public

W  o rks Committee, the lease to

A n thony Philip Evans of the café s it uated at Plémont, for a period

o f n ine years, commencing 1st

J a n uary, 1989, at an annual rent

o f # 2,000, subject to a three-

y e a rly market rent review;

 ( d) as recommended by the Public

W  o rks Committee, the purchase from B r o cel Properties Limited of an

a r ea of 272 square feet of land

s it u ated at Nether Edge', La

G  ra nde Route des Sablons,

G  ro uville, for a consideration of

# 5 4 4, representing a rate of #2 a

s q u are foot, with the Committee

u n d ertaking to complete

a c c ommodation works including the c o n struction of a split-block wall

( e st imated at #2,500) by 30th

J u n e, 1989, and with the

C o m mittee's being responsible for

l e ga l costs;

 ( e) as recommended by the Public

W  o rks Committee, the cession of

5 2 5 square feet of land situated

a t V allée des Vaux, St. Helier,

f re e of charge, by the Jersey

M odel Laundry and Cleaning Company L i m ited, in order to provide an

a d d itional lane for traffic with

e a c h side paying its own legal

c o s ts and the developer meeting

t h e costs of the roadworks;

( f) as recommended by the Public Works C o m mittee, the purchase from Mr.

G  ra eme Follain of 2,101 square

f e et of land situated at Field

1 2 1 7, St. Ouen, required for

d i v ersion of a brook and

c o n struction of retaining walls,

f o r a consideration of #2,101,

r e p resenting #1 a square foot,

p l u s #300 compensation in respect

o f t he loss of the facility to

w  o rk all of the field during the

1 9 8 8 potato season and also, the

p u r chase from Mr. Brian Philip

F o l lain of 1,076 square feet of

l a nd situated at Field 1217, St.

O  u en, required for the same

p u r pose, for a consideration of

# 1 , 076, representing #1 a square f o o t, plus #500 compensation in r e sp ect of loss of the facility to w  o rk the field, with the

C o m mittee's paying legal costs;

 ( g) as recommended by the

E d u cation Committee, the passing

o f a Contrat de Bornement with La

M  o tte Garages Limited to agree the b o u ndary line between the

c o m pany's property and Le Rocquier S c h ool;

 ( h) as recommended by the

E d u cation Committee, the lease of a n a rea of land bordering La Moye S c h ool from the Tenants de la

C o m mune de la Moye, free of

c h a rge, with the Committee's being r e sp onsible for the upkeep of the

l a nd and all legal fees.

Matters noted - financial transactions.

THE STATES noted Acts of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 15th May, 1989, showing that in pursuance of

Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules, 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that -

 ( a) the Education Committee had

a ccepted the lowest of three

t e nd ers, namely that submitted by R . & R. Builders Limited, in the

s u m of #49,116.00 for the

c o n struction of an extra classroom a t S t. Luke's School;

 ( b) the Public Works Committee had

a c c epted the lowest of six

t e nd ers, namely that submitted by

C . A . Mauger Limited, in the sum of

# 1 3 0,824.35 in a contract period

o f 2 0 weeks for the construction

o f a Tea Garden in the Howard

D  av is Park.

Matters lodged.

The following subjects were lodged on 23rd May, 1989 -

 1 .  Draft Motor Traffic (Third-Party I n s urance) (Amendment No. 7)

( J er sey) Law, 198  (P.176/88):

s e c ond amendment. P.62/89.

P r e sented by the Defence

C o m mittee.

 2 .  Draft Motor Vehicles

( In t ernational Circulation)

( A m endment No. 9) (Jersey)

R e g ulations, 198 . P.63/89.

P r e sented by the Defence

C o m mittee. The States decided to t a ke this subject into

c o n sideration on 13th June, 1989.

 3 .  New North Quay: container handling b u i lding. P.64/89.

P r e sented by the Harbours and

A  ir port Committee. The States

d e c ided to take this subject into

c o n sideration on 6th June, 1989.

 4 .  Airport: replacement of No. 1

s e c ondary radar. P.65/89.

P r e sented by the Harbours and

A  ir port Committee. The States

d e c ided to take this subject into

c o n sideration on 20th June, 1989.

 5 .  Airport: replacement of flight

i n fo rmation distribution system.

P . 6 6/89.

P r e sented by the Harbours and

A  ir port Committee. The States

d e c ided to take this subject into

c o n sideration on 20th June, 1989.

 6 .  Post Office: automated sorting e q u ipment. P.67/89.

P r e sented by the Committee for P o s tal Administration.

 7 .  Police Headquarters: replacement

o f t elephone switchboard

e q u ipment. P.68/89.

P r e sented by the Defence

C o m mittee.

 8 .  Resources Recovery Board: capital e s ti mates for 1990. P.69/89.

P r e sented by the Resources

R e c overy Board.

 9 .  Elizabeth Castle: construction of

p u m ping station and main. P.70/89. P r e sented by the Public Works

C o m mittee.

The States decided to take items 6-9 inclusive into consideration on 6th June, 1989.

 1 0. Draft Policing of Beaches

( A m endment No. 7) (Jersey) R e g ulations, 198 . P.71/89.

P r e sented by the Tourism

C o m mittee.

 1 1. Draft Policing of Roads (Amendment N  o . 3) (Jersey) Regulations, 198 .

P . 7 2/89.

P r e sented by the Public Works

C o m mittee.

 1 2. Draft Policing of Parks (Amendment N  o . 5) (Jersey) Regulations, 198 .

P . 7 3/89.

P r e sented by the Public Works

C o m mittee.

The States decided to take items 10-12 inclusive into consideration on 13th June, 1989.

Draft Motor Traffic (Third-Party

Insurance) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law, 198 . P.176/88.

THE STATES acceded to the request

of the President of the Defence Committee that the draft Motor Traffic (Third-Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law, 198 (lodged on 20th December, 1988) be considered on 13th June, 1989.

Youth Officer. Questions and answers.

Senator Terence John Le Main asked

the Connétable of St. Lawrence, President of the Education Committee, the following questions -

1.  What qualifications has the

C o m mittee asked for in respect of t h e vacancy for a Youth Officer,

w  h ich is due to be filled next y e a r?

 2 .  For how long has this Committee,

o r i ts predecessor, known that the

p r e sent Youth Officer intended to r e ti re?

 3 .  What steps have been taken to i d en tify and train potential

s u c cessors from within the Civil S e r vice?

 4 .  How many people applied for t h e position when it was

a d v ertised locally?

 5 .  How many of those are

c u r rently employed in the public s e c tor?

 6 .  Does the Committee believe that w  h at are termed paper

q u a lifications', that is those

w  h ich are not solely based on

e x p erience or aptitude, are

e s s ential for all positions and if

s o , why?

7 . Of those who have already applied, t o w hat extent do any of them

f u lf il the qualification criteria

l a id down by the Committee?''

The President of the Education Committee replied as follows -

1.  The job description set out t h e knowledge and experience r e q uired as follows -

G o od general education; diploma

i n y outh and community work or

e q u ivalent qualification; skills

a n d experience in staff management a n d training full-time, part-time

a n d voluntary personnel;

a d m inistrative skills and

e x p erience in committee work;

p u b lic relations skills including

m  ed ia presentation and public

s p e aking.

K  n owledge of property

m  an agement, buildings and other r e so urces required to service the n e e ds of young people in the c o m munity.

K  n owledge and experience of the a r ts in youth work with particular r e fe rence to theatre and music.

T h e qualification in youth and c o m munity work is defined as -

( a ) satisfactory completion of a t w o - y ear full-time diploma or c e r ti fi cate course of initial

t ra i n in g for youth workers;

( b ) meeting the requirements of t h e S e cretary of State for

E d u c a tion and Science for the s ta t u s of qualified teacher;

( c ) satisfactory completion of a

o n e - y ear post-graduate course

o f t ra i ning for youth workers;

( d ) the holding of a United

K  in g d om University or Council f o r N a tional Academic Awards D  ip l o ma or Degree of a Social F a c u l ty.'

 2 .  On 15th October, 1986, the

t h en Education Committee noted t h at the Youth Officer proposed to r e ti re in 1990.

 3 .  On 15th October, 1986, the

t h en Education Committee sent an a c t to the Establishment Committee s e e king approval to the

e s tablishment of the post of

A  ss istant Youth Officer. It was

h o p ed that the new Assistant Youth O  ff icer would succeed the present

Y  o uth Officer when he retired. On 2 9 t h June, 1987, the then

E s t ablishment Committee approved t h e creation of an additional post

o f A ssistant Youth Officer with

t h e stipulation that the person

a p p ointed should be selected with

t h e view of his taking up the post

o f Y outh Officer when the present

p o s tholder retired. It took some

t im  e to evaluate the proposed post

o f A ssistant Youth Officer in

r e la tion to the Youth Officer and,

b e f ore the new post could be

a d v ertised, the present

E s t ablishment Committee froze all p o s ts that had not been filled and

n o appointment was therefore made.

 4 .  There were twelve candidates, nine

o f t hem currently in the Island

a n d three currently resident in

t h e United Kingdom; of the twelve a p p licants ten had residential

q u a lifications.

 5 .  Two of the candidates are

C i v il Servants and six are

E d u cation Committee employees.

 6 .  For many of the staff employed by t h e Education Committee, paper

q u a lifications are essential. Not

o n l y, as in the case of teachers,

b e c ause they are required for

r e co gnition under the law but also b e c ause they ensure that the

p o s sessor of the qualification has

f o ll owed an appropriate course of

t ra i ning in the skills and

k n o wledge required for the work.

S o far as the Youth Officer is

c o n cerned, there is a further

r e q uirement of extensive

e x p erience of working with young p e o ple and with youth workers.

W  it hin the Youth Service the

p o l icy for some years has been

w  h enever possible to employ local r e si dents as youth workers without a n y formal qualifications and then t o t rain them to undertake

p o s itions as leaders of youth

c l ub s. That training is only

p o s sible if the Committee employs a Y  outh Officer who is a qualified a n d skilled trainer and it is,

t h er efore, essential that the

p e r son appointed has both formal q u a lifications and skills and

e x p erience in youth work and in

t ra i ning.

 7 .  The five candidates who

w  er e interviewed were those with t h e most appropriate formal

q u a lifications but, on interview,

n o n e of them possessed the length

a n d quality of experience which t h e post demands.''

Jersey Transport Authority: membership.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition

of the Harbours and Airport Committee, referred to their Act dated 26th January, 1988, noted the resignation of Deputy Jack Roche of St. Saviour and appointed Deputy Corrie Stein of Grouville as a Member of the Jersey Transport Authority.

Senator B. Brooke - attendance.

Senator Betty Brooke, having returned to the Island, was present.

Swimming pools at Les Quennevais and Fort Regent. P.50/89.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Education Committee -

 ( a) authorised the preparation of

d e ta iled proposals for a community s w i mming pool at Les Quennevais;

 ( b) authorised the preparation of d e ta iled proposals for a leisure p o o l at Fort Regent.

Members present voted as follows for paragraph (a) -

P o u r' '(48)


 J eune, Binnington, Horsfall, Ellis,

B aal, Rothwell, Le Main, Brooke, Le M aistre, Carter.

Connétable s

 S t. Peter, St. Helier , St. Clement,

 S t. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. Ouen, St.  S aviour, St. Brelade , Trinity , St.

M artin, Grouville .


 d e la Haye(H), Morel (S), Le

 G allais(S), Roche(S), Le Quesne(S),  T rinity, Vandervliet(L), Rumboll(H),

G rouville, Wavell(H), Blampied(H), B illot(S), Norman(C), St. John, St.

P eter, St. Martin , Baudains(C),

B uesnel(H), Le Sueur(H), St. Ouen , C outanche(L), Huelin(B), Jordan(B), S t. Mary, Bailhache (H), Rabet(H),

B audains(H).

C o n tr e''(1)

Connétable  S t. John.

Members present voted as follows for paragraph (b) -

P o u r' '(28)


 B innington, Horsfall, Baal, Rothwell,  L e Main, Brooke, Carter.

Connétable s

S t. Helier, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, S t. Ouen, St. Brelade, Trinity , St. M artin.


 d e la Haye(H), Le Quesne(S),

 V andervliet(L), Rumboll(H), Grouville ,  N orman(C), St. John, St. Martin,

 B uesnel(H), Coutanche(L), St. Mary,

 B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), Baudains(H).

C o n t re''(21)


 J eune, Ellis, Le Maistre.

Connétable s

 S t. John, St. Peter , St. Clement, St.  S aviour, Grouville .


M orel(S), Le Gallais(S), Roche(S), T rinity, Wavell(H), Blampied(H),

 B illot(S), St. Peter, Baudains(C), Le  S ueur(H), St. Ouen , Huelin(B),

 J ordan(H).

Swimming pool at Les Quennevais: additional vote of credit. P.52/89. of the Finance and Economics Committee, acceded to the request for the following additional vote of credit to be voted out

of the general reserve -

E ducation Committee

C 2522 - west of Island swimming pool # 2 0,000.

West of Albert Pier reclamation site: development. P.53/89.

THE STATES commenced consideration

of a Proposition of the Public Works Committee regarding the development of the reclamation site west of the Albert Pier. Having acceded to the request of the President of the Committee that consideration of sub-paragraph (a) be deferred to a later date, the States

adopted the Proposition and approved, in principle, in relation to the first phase

of development of the Albert Pier reclamation site -

 ( b) a new road over the reclamation s it e , linking to the existing road

n o r th of the marina at Albert

P i e r, together with a junction and l in k road to Castle Street and a

s p u r road for a future link to the r e cl amation site and Ro-Ro

t e rm inal;

 ( c) a new wall across the head of the m  ar ina to accommodate a surface w  at er culvert, a roadway for two- w  ay traffic and a pedestrian

p r o menade.

Merchandise Marks (Amendment) (Jersey) Law, 1989. P.54/89.

THE STATES, subject to the

sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Merchandise Marks (Amendment) (Jersey) Law, 1989.

Highlands College: residential accommodation. P.55/89.

of the Education Committee, approved in principle the construction of a residential block of six one-bedroom flats at Highlands College.

Les Quennevais School: central heating system. P.56/89.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition

of the Education Committee, approved in principle the installation of a wet oil- fired central heating system in Les Quennevais School to replace the existing electric storage heaters.

Sea-Fisheries (Size Limits)

(Jersey) Regulations, 1989. P.58/89.

THE STATES, in pursuance of

Article 6 of the Sea-Fisheries (Jersey) Law, 1962, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Sea-Fisheries (Size Limits) (Jersey) Regulations, 1989.

Draft Lodging Houses

(Registration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law, 1989. P.59/89.

THE STATES commenced consideration

of the draft Lodging Houses (Registration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law, 198 (lodged on 16th May, 1989) and adopted the Preamble.

Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were adopted.

Article 8 was withdrawn.

Articles 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 were renumbered 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 and were adopted.

The Law was lodged, as amended, in Second Reading.

THE STATES decided to consider the Bill in Third Reading on 13th June, 1989 (P.74/89).

Amendment (No. 8) to Standing

Orders relating to certain transactions in land. P.61/89.

THE STATES, in pursuance of

Article 27 of the States of Jersey Law, 1966, as amended, made a Standing Order entitled Amendment (No. 8) to Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land.

THE STATES rose at 4.10 p.m.

R . S . G R A Y Deputy Greffier of the States.