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STATES MINUTES 5 t h D ecember, 1989
THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 5th December, 1989 at 10.15 a.m. under t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r Peter Crill, C.B.E.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Admiral Sir William Pillar, C.B.E., K.C.B. ,
w a s p r esent.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Terence John Le Main - out of
t he Island.
L eonard René Hamel, Connétable of St. C lement - ill.
L eonard Picot, Connétable of Trinity -
o ut of the Island.
J ack Roche, Deputy of St. Saviour -
i ll.
E dgar John Becquet, Deputy of
T rinity - ill.
_ _ _ _________
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _______
Subordinate legislation tabled.
The following enactment was laid before the States, namely -
R oad Traffic (Public Parking Places) ( Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Order, 1 989. R & O 8002.
Committee for Postal
Administration: appointment of member. THE STATES appointed Deputy Graeme Ernest Rabet of St. Helier as a member of the Committee for Postal Administration.
Manpower report for the half-year to 30th June, 1989. R.C.19.
The Establishment Committee by Act
dated 20th November, 1989, presented to the States a report on manpower for the period 1st January, 1989 to 30th June, 1989.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Resources Recovery Board Report for 1988. R.C.20.
The Resources Recovery Board by
Act dated 4th October, 1989, presented to the States a report on the operation of the services administered by the Board for 1988.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions.
THE STATES noted an Act of the
Finance and Economics Committee, dated 27th November, 1989, showing that in pursuance
of Standing Orders relating to
certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by
t h e Telecommunications Board, the g r a nting to The Jersey Electricity
C o m pany Limited of a wayleave,
a c ro ss public land at Five Oaks,
S t . Saviour, as shown on Wayleave P l a n No. 26J, for a consideration
o f # 5, as required to service the
r a d io equipment building, with
e a c h party being responsible for
t h e payment of its own legal fees;
( b) as recommended by the Public
W o rks Committee, the purchase from M r . William John Morvan of an area
o f l and measuring 950 square feet
f o rm ing part of the site of the
N o rfolk Lodge Hotel, Rouge
B o u illon, St. Helier, for a
c o n sideration of #10, required in
c o n nexion with the proposed new r o a d junction at the bottom of
Q u een's Road, with the Committee b e in g responsible for the payment
o f a ll legal fees;
( c) as recommended by the
H o using Committee, the passing of a C ontrat de Transaction with C.
L e Masurier Limited, with each
p a r ty being responsible for the
p a y ment of its own legal fees -
( i) t o agree the re-alignment of t h e b o undary separating the c o m p any's property No. 9
C o l u m bus Street, St. Helier w it h t he States' development a t V i n cent Court Phase II;
( ii ) t o agree that the gable
o f th e b u ilding which the
p u b li c h a d built near the
ea s t e rn e nd boundary of
V i n ce n t C ourt Phase II
m i g h t re m ain as it was
in c l u d in g parts of the
ro o f , g u t ters and fascias
o v er h a n g ing the property
b el o n g i n g to the company;
( ii i) to grant to C. Le
M a s u r ie r Limited the
ri g h t to r etain part of
th e ro o f , gutters and
fa s c ia b o ards of its new st o r e i n t heir present
p o si ti o n overhanging the p u b li c p r operty;
( d) as recommended by the Housing
C o m mittee, the passing of a
C o n trat de Transaction with Mr.
P a t rick Keith Foley and Mrs.
A li son Elizabeth Foley, née King,
t h e purchasers of the property
N o . 27, Columbus Street, St.
H el ier, in order to agree that the
g a b le wall between Nos. 27 and 29, C o l umbus Street might be
r e co gnised as being in party
o w nership, and that the fascia b o a rd and gutter which had been e r ec ted on that part of the wall
o w ned by the public might remain a s t hey were at present, with Mr. a n d Mrs. Foley being responsible f o r the payment of all legal fees;
( e) as recommended by the
E s t ablishment Committee, the
l e as ing from Mrs. Maureen Hamel, n é e Quénault, of Burwood', Rue
d e s Sablons, Grouville , a three-
b e d roomed detached house, for a
p e r iod of two years with effect
f ro m 1st November, 1989, at an
a n n ual rent of #8,745, with a rent
r e v iew on 1st November, 1990, in l in e with the Jersey Cost of
L i v ing Index, required for
o c c upation by a civil servant
e m p loyed on a two-year contract.
Management of States business. Statement.
The President of the House
Committee made a statement in the following terms -
At its meeting on 29th November,
1 989, the House Committee considered a gain the current arrangements for
e stablishing the agenda for Sittings
o f the States, in the light of the
i mpression which all the members of
t he Committee share that this has been s een more than once in the course of
t he current session to be capable of
i mprovement.
T he Committee brought proposals of its
o wn to the States in its report and
p roposition (P.3/89) which were
d ebated on 21st February, 1989. At
t he conclusion of the debate a
m ajority of the members present showed t hemselves opposed to the Committee's p roposals. The Committee believes,
h owever, that in the light of
e xperience during the current session,
t here may be a majority of members in
f avour of some change. However, before b ringing specific proposals to the
H ouse, the House Committee would be g lad of an opportunity for an informal e xchange of views with Members
i nterested in this topic. The House
C ommittee does not consider that the s ubject merits a full blown meeting of t he States In Committee. It believes,
o n the other hand, that its purpose
w ould be better served if it itself
h eld a meeting in the States Chamber t o which all States' Members
i nterested in the subject would be
i nvited.
W e therefore propose to hold such a m eeting in the States' Chamber on
T uesday, 2nd January, 1990 at
1 1.30 a.m. and I take this opportunity
o f inviting Members to attend. It
w ill be our intention, in the light of
t hat discussion, to bring specific
p roposals to the House as soon as
p ossible thereafter.
T he meeting, being a meeting of the H ouse Committee, will not be open to t he public.''
Population growth: future strategy. P.145/89.
THE STATES commenced consideration of a Proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee regarding the future strategy for population growth.
Paragraph (1)(a), (b) and (c) was adopted,
the States having rejected an amendment of Deputy Robin Ernest Richard Rumboll of St. Helier that sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) should be deleted and that after the word
reduced'' there should be inserted the
words by the further application of the Regulation of Undertakings and Development Law by the Finance and Economics Committee, who should report to the States annually on
the movement of economically active persons resident in the Island.'' and having
rejected an amendment of Senator Pierre François Horsfall that sub-paragraph (c) be deleted, a new paragraph (2) be inserted
(2) that during 1991 further studies
should be carried out using the 1991 census figures as a basis to determine the policy
on the rate of job growth for 1992 and thereafter,'', the remaining paragraphs to
be renumbered accordingly.
Paragraph (2) was adopted, the States having rejected an amendment of Deputy Rumboll that after the word sector''
there should be added the words so that for the period 1990 to 1992 the net increase shall be no more than one per cent in the number of established posts and that during this period the Committee shall pursue proposals for achieving greater manpower efficiency in public services, leading to an eventual reduction below current levels.''
Paragraph (3) was adopted.
Paragraph (4) was adopted, Deputy Rumboll having withdrawn his amendment that the words the States capital programme and'' and the words by some 500 during the period 1990 to 1992.'' be deleted.
Paragraph (5) was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of Deputy Rumboll that the words with the proviso that they are to employ only persons with those qualifications.'' be deleted.
Paragraph (6) was adopted.
THE STATES, adopting paragraphs (1) to (6), as amended, agreed -
( 1) that the rate of job growth in t o ta l should be reduced -
( a ) to some 400 in 1990;
( b ) to some 200 in 1991; and
( c ) to nil in 1992 and thereafter;
( 2) that the Establishment Committee s h o uld apply equivalent restraint
i n t he public sector;
( 3) that the necessary legislation
s h o uld be introduced forthwith to
r e m ove from the list of exemptions f ro m the provisions of Article
2 ( 1 )(d) of the Regulation of
U n dertakings and Development
( J er sey) Law, 1973, as amended -
( a ) the engagement of a person w it h in six months of the
c o m p letion of full-time
i n st r u ction at a university, c o l le g e, school, or other
e d u c a tional establishment;
( b ) the engagement of a person for a t o t al of eight months or
l e ss in any consecutive period
o f t w e lve months;
( 4) that the States' capital programme
a n d the granting of licences under
P a r t III of the Regulation of
U n dertakings and Development Law s h o uld be further limited to
r e d uce the number engaged in the
c o n struction industry by some 500
d u r ing the period 1990 to 1992;
( 5) that the present policy under Part
I I o f the Regulation of
U n dertakings and Development Law r e g arding the preference given to
t h e establishment of new
u n d ertakings by persons with
r e si dential qualifications should
b e m aintained;
( 6) that, in consultation with the
T o u rism Committee, a policy
o b j ective should be established
f o r a planned reduction in the
n u m ber of registered beds in
h o t els and guest houses.
After discussion, the States agreed to defer consideration of paragraph (7) until the next Sitting.
THE STATES adjourned at 6.15 p.m.
E . J .M . P O T T E R G re f fier of the States.