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STATES MINUTES 1 2 th Ju ne, 1990 P r ic e : # 2 .0 0
THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 12th June, 1990 at 9.30 a.m. under
t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r Peter Crill, C.B.E.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Air Marshal Sir John Sutton, K.C.B.,
w a s p r esent.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Bernard Thomas Binnington -
o ut of the Island.
S enator John William Ellis - out of
t he Island.
S enator Anne Baal - out of the Island.
S nowdon George Robins, Connétable of S t. Saviour - ill.
J ohn Le Gallais, Deputy of St.
S aviour - out of the Island.
R obin Ernest Richard Rumboll, Deputy
o f St. Helier - absent.
H enri Leon Dubras, Deputy of St.
M artin - out of the Island.
C ynthia Miriam Rumboll, Deputy of St. H elier - out of the Island.
G raeme Ernest Rabet, Deputy of St.
H elier - out of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _______
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Civil Service Administration
( S a laries) (Amendment No. 10)
( J er sey) Order 1990. R & O 8065.
2 . Cremation (Fees) (Amendment) ( J er sey) Order 1990. R & O 8066.
3 . Misuse of Drugs (Modification) ( J er sey) Order 1990. R & O 8067.
4 . Fire Service (General Provisions)
( A m endment No. 13) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 0. R & O 8068.
Law drafting programme. R.C. 14
The Policy and Resources Committee
by Act dated 1st May 1990, presented to the States a list showing the items to be included in the 1990 law drafting programme.
THE STATES ordered that the said list be printed and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the
Finance and Economics Committee dated 25th May 1990, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Education C o m mittee, the renewal of the
l e as e from the Trustees of St.
J a m es Church of St. James Centre, f ro m 31st July, 1990 until 30th
J u ly , 1991, at an annual rent of
# 7 , 400;
( b) as recommended by the Housing
C o m mittee, with the support of the I s la nd Development Committee, the p u r chase from Wesley Properties
L i m ited of No. 3, Wesley Street,
S t . Helier for the sum of
£7 4 ,000, with the Committee being
r e sp onsible for the payment of all
l e ga l fees;
( c) as recommended by the Housing
C o m mittee, with the support of the I s la nd Development Committee, the
p u r chase from Mr. Howard Julius H ir schfield of the property 7,
W e sley Street, St. Helier , for the s u m of #129,000, with the
C o m mittee being responsible for t h e payment of all legal fees;
( d) as recommended by the Housing
C o m mittee, the purchase from Mrs. E l iz abeth Mary Picot, née
P a s turel, of Field 355A Grouville , f o r a consideration of £257,076
w ith the Committee being
r e sp onsible for the payment of all
l e ga l fees, and the purchase from
M r s. Elin Dorothy Le Ruez, née
M a lzard, of an access strip on the
w es tern side of Field 355B
G ro uville for a consideration of
£3 2 ,500, with Mrs. Le Ruez
r e se rving the right to connect no
m o re than three dwelling units to
t h e drains and services serving
t h e new estate and rights of
a c c ess, with the Committee being
r e sp onsible for the construction
o f a wall on the boundary and
p a y ment of all legal fees;
( T h e Committee rescinded its Act
N o . 5 of 2nd February 1990, which w as notified to the States on 13th
F e b ruary, 1990.)
( e) as recommended by the Public
H ea lth Committee, the leasing from M r s. Christine Louise Langlois,
n é e Holbrow (as guardian of her
m in or children Michelle Langlois
a n d Christian John Langlois) of
N o . 2, Bel Royal Gardens, St.
L a w rence, a three-bedroomed
p r o perty, for a period of two
y e a rs, commencing 8th May, 1990, w it h an option to renew, at an
a n n ual rent of #8,060, with annual r e n t reviews linked to the Jersey
C o s t of Living Index, required for
e m e rgency accommodation for
n u r sing and medical staff;
( f) as recommended by the
E s t ablishment Committee, the
r e n ewal of the lease from Mr. Roy H u elin Vibert of the property No. 1 , B aycroft Nurseries, St.
C l e ment, an unfurnished three-
b e d roomed house, for a further
p e r iod of one year, commencing 1st J u n e, 1990, at an annual rent of
# 7 , 284, required for occupation by a n e ssential employee appointed on a c o ntract basis;
( g) as recommended by the
E s t ablishment Committee, the
l e as ing from Mr. Brian Le
H er issier and Mrs. Patricia Le
H er issier, née Eve, of the
p r o perty Le Petit Fief, Fosse à
l 'E c rivain, Maufant, St. Saviour,
a p a rtly-furnished four-bedroomed b u n galow, for a period of three
y e a rs, commencing 1st June, 1990, w it h an option to renew, at an
a n n ual rent of #8,000, with annual r e n t reviews linked to the Jersey
C o s t of Living Index, required for
o c c upation by an essential
e m p loyee appointed on a contract b asis.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Education Committee: capital p r o posals for 1991. P.84/90.
P r e sented by the Education
C o m mittee.
2 . Fort Regent: leisure pool.
P . 8 5/90.
P r e sented by the Fort Regent D ev elopment Committee.
3 . 36½ Belmont Road, St. Helier: r e d evelopment. P.86/90.
P r e sented by the Housing
C o m mittee.
4 . Draft Road Traffic (No. 35) ( Je rsey) Regulations 199 .
P . 8 7/90.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
5 . Draft Road Traffic (No. 36) ( J er sey) Regulations 199 .
P . 8 8/90.
P r e sented by the Defence C o m mittee.
The following subjects were lodged on 5th June 1990 -
1 . Draft Electricity Link with France ( P r otection of Submarine Cable)
( J er sey) Regulations 199 .
P . 8 1/90.
P r e sented by the Harbours and
A ir port Committee.
2 . La Collette: construction of i n d ustrial building. P.82/90. P r e sented by the Island
D ev elopment Committee.
3 . Belle Vue Pleasure Park and Fields 9 1 and 91A, St. Brelade: rezoning. P . 8 3/90.
P r e sented by the Island
D ev elopment Committee.
Arrangement of Public Business for next Sitting on 19th June 1990
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the next Sitting on 19th June 1990 -
P ublic Health Committee: capital p roposals for 1991. P.74/90.
L odged: 29th May 1990.
P ublic Health Committee.
H ousing Committee: capital proposals f or 1991. P.77/90.
L odged: 29th May, 1990.
H ousing Committee.
P ublic Services Committee: capital p roposals for 1991. P.78/90.
L odged: 29th May, 1990.
P ublic Services Committee.
G reen Street, St. Helier : road improvements. P.79/90.
L odged: 29th May, 1990.
P ublic Services Committee. D raft Electricity Link with France (Protection of Submarine Cable) (Jersey) R egulations, 199 . P.81/90.
L odged: 5th June, 1990.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
L a Collette: construction of
i ndustrial building. P.82/90.
L odged: 5th June, 1990.
I sland Development Committee.
H ousing needs: Committee of Inquiry. P.97/89.
L odged: 20th June, 1989.
S enator J.S. Rothwell.
( Report of Policy and Resources
C ommittee refers - P.71/90).
O n-street parking charges in St. H elier. P.25/90.
L odged: 20th February, 1990. P ublic Services Committee.
D raft Video Recordings (Jersey) Law 1 99 . P.59/90.
L odged: 1st May, 1990.
E ducation Committee.
Ceramic chimneys: prefabricated. Questions and answers
Deputy Shirley Margaret Baudains of
St. Helier asked the Connétable of St. John, President of the Island Development Committee, the following questions -
Q uestion 1
Will the President confirm that in F ebruary of this year the Island
D evelopment Committee called for r eports on defects associated with
c ertain prefabricated ceramic
c himneys?''
The President of the Island Development Committee replied as follows -
No. In December, 1989, I was
i nformed by the Assistant Director
( Building Control) that corrosion
d efects discovered in 200mm internal
d iameter prefabricated ceramic lined
c himneys, manufactured between 1981
a nd 1985 by Insulated Chimneys Limited ( Dublin), could present a serious fire r isk.
A n immediate warning was issued to the p ublic of the Island through the media
b y the Department of Planning and
B uilding Control on 21st December,
1 989, and a helpline' and inspection
f acility were set up to give advice to
a ll property owners and occupiers.
A further warning was published on 1 3th March and the Department also p osted warnings through the letter
b oxes of properties that were thought t o have this type of chimney,
a dvising the occupiers to contact the D epartment for an inspection to be
c arried out.
T he result of inspections and further
i nvestigations were reported to the
I sland Development Committee on 22nd M arch of this year. The Assistant
D irector (Building Control) was
d irected to continue making
i nspections to establish the extent of
t he problem in the Island, and to
c ontinue advising the owners and
o ccupiers of those properties affected
o f the need to cease use of any
a ppliance connected to such chimneys
a nd contact the suppliers in respect
o f replacement.
O n 6th April a meeting was arranged at m y request with the President of the
H ousing Committee, the Vice-President
o f the Finance and Economics Committee a nd Vice-President of the Defence
C ommittee, together with the Chief
F ire Officer, the States' Treasurer,
t he Housing Officer, the Crown
A dvocate and representatives of the
l ocal suppliers of the chimneys. The
p urpose of that meeting was to see if
t here was a way forward in providing
a ny assistance to the owners of those
p roperties affected. It was agreed
t hat the Assistant Director (Building
C ontrol) and the Chief Officer of the
S tates of Jersey Fire Service would
c arry out any research necessary to -
( a) identify a suitable prefabricated c h im ney, which could be safely
r e co mmended as a replacement for t h e corroded chimneys; and
( b) provide an estimate for the cost
o f t he replacement with the
c h im ney types selected.
I t was also agreed that once the
i nformation was available, a further m eeting would be arranged to decide w hat assistance, if any, might be
a vailable for property owners.''
Q uestion 2
Will the President explain to the
H ouse the nature of the problems which a re being experienced and state in how m any households these chimneys have b een installed?''
President, Island Development Committee
The ICL ceramic lined chimney was a d evelopment of a previous
p refabricated chimney system
m anufactured by Insulated Chimneys
L imited. The liner is manufactured
f rom high temperature, vacuum formed, a lumina silica, which has excellent
f ire resistant properties, and is
i mpervious to acid attack. The outer
c asing is formed from galvanised sheet s teel, which is sometimes with PVC
p lastisol for external use.
D uring periods when the flue gases
r esulting from combustion are at low v elocity (i.e. overnight, when open
f ires are banked' or when solid fuel
a ppliances are set for low idling'),
t hey are partially absorbed by the
c eramic material. On reaching an area
o f the cooler outer metal casing,
e specially in roof spaces, there is a
t endancy for condensation to take
p lace. If the fuels used have a small
p ercentage of chlorine or sulphur as a c onstituent, then the condensation
w ill have acidic properties. This acid a ttacks the inner surface of the outer m etal casing causing the resultant
c orrosion. This eventually appears on t he external surface of the chimney as a white powdering or rust spots. In
s ome cases the metal casing has d isintegrated completely leaving only t he structurally weak inner ceramic
l ining intact.
I f allowed to continue the corrosion w ill eventually lead to complete
f ailure of the inner lining as it is
n ot in itself structurally capable of
s upporting the weight of any chimney s ections above.
T he quantity of chimney section sold b y the supplier between 1981 and 1986 e quates to approximately 250 average c himney installations. The Department
o f Planning and Building Control have n ow inspected over 170 properties,
w here chimneys of this type are
i nstalled. The majority of these are
s howing some degree of corrosion.
A nother 46 properties have been
i dentified, but inspections have still
t o be undertaken when contact is made w ith the owners.''
S upplementary question and answer
D eputy A.P. Bree - If the apparent
i nherent defects of the composition
a nd interaction of the components of
t he flues are known could I ask the
P resident why were they recommended f or use and, as I understand it in
s ome cases, insisted upon?''
P resident Island Development
C ommittee - The ICL chimneys were i nstalled with the recommendation of t he Solid Fuel Advisory Service and
b ecause of their direct involvement in p romoting and specifying the product t hat organisation apparently
c ontributed financially, either wholly
o r in part, towards the replacement.''
Deputy Baudains Q uestion 3
As it appears that many of the
h ouses affected by the problems are
S tates' loan properties, will the
P resident say how much longer it will b e before positive steps are taken to
p ut matters right?''
President, Island Development Committee
As far as the Island Development
C ommittee is concerned there is
n othing to prevent any house owner
u ndertaking the work to replace a
d efective chimney with a suitable
r eplacement. The Department of
P lanning and Building Control is able
t o give advice on replacement chimneys w hich comply with either the British
S tandard or possess a British Board of
A grément Certificate.
A s regards financial assistance, the
A ssistant Director (Building Control) a nd the Chief Fire Officer have
c ompleted their investigations and
t heir report will be discussed at a
f urther meeting on 22nd June, which is t he earliest date that all parties
i nvolved in the previous meeting are
a vailable.''
S upplementary questions and answers
D eputy Bree - Could I ask the
P resident whether the meeting referred t o on 20th June is the same meeting
t hat was referred to in question 1, a
f urther meeting would be held'?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - That sub-committee or
t hat meeting of that number of
v arious members of various committees h ave only met once and we will now be m eeting for the second time on 22nd
J une.''
S enator J.A. Le Maistre - As the
P resident referred to the present
f inancial implications here, will he
c onfirm that under normal conditions t his type of failure would come under l atent defects which have, I
u nderstand, a time limit of maybe five y ears or so?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - I am not in a position t o answer that question.''
D eputy H.A. Vandervliet - A
f urther meeting is set for 22nd June,
t hat's the first I have heard of it,
a nd actually we've got the Working
P arty on Need on 22nd June, I've heard n othing at all and I'm involved in
t his.''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - All I can say is that
o fficers of the Island Development
C ommittee have been contacting various
o fficers and the Housing Committee, if y ou're not able to be there, Deputy ,
w ill I am sure be represented by
s omebody else.''
D eputy Vandervliet - This is not
g ood enough, because Friday is Housing C ommittee day, and my Vice-President c an't be in two places at once, I
t hink it's only courtesy that I should
h ave been approached.''
Deputy Baudains Q uestion 4
Will the President explain the
r ôle of the Planning Department's
B uilding Control Officers in relation t o the installation of such
c himneys?''
President, Island Development Committee
The Building Control Officers of the
D epartment of Planning and Building
C ontrol are responsible to the
C ommittee for the implementation of
t he Building Byelaws (Jersey) in
r espect of construction work
u ndertaken in the Island which
r equires the approval of the Island
D evelopment Committee. This includes t he acceptance of all materials used
i n the construction, structural
a lteration or extension of buildings,
t o ensure as far as possible that they
a re of a suitable nature and quality
f or the purpose for which they are
u sed.
T here are no facilities for the
r esearch and testing of new materials
o f this type in the Island, and the
a dvice of outside bodies in the United K ingdom is always used by the D epartment to a great degree.
I n this particular case, ICL
p refabricated domestic chimneys had
b een supplied and fitted in the Island
s ince 1973, with no reports of
f ailure. The components complied with B S 4543 and the manufacturers were in p ossession of an Agrément Board
C ertificate valid until 1st June,
1 982.
T he newly designed ceramic lined
c himney was launched by the
m anufacturers to replace the existing c himney in 1981. No British Standard e xists (even to this day) for ceramic
l ined prefabricated chimneys and the m anufacturers gave assurances that an A grément Certificate would be
a vailable in due course.
T he Department accepted the chimney
f or use in new development using the
b est advice available at the time. In
t his case there were no adverse
r eports in respect of the product but
a dditional tests were carried out by
t he Department in respect of the fire
r esistance of the ceramic material.
A part from the use of the ceramic
m aterial, which was a new concept for
t he inner lining, the new product
d iffered very little from the previous
c himney that the company had
m anufactured. A ten year guarantee was
o ffered by the manufacturer and the
p roduct was backed and promoted by the S olid Fuel Advisory Service in the
U nited Kingdom and Jersey.
R egular inspections of new work under c onstruction in the private sector are
u ndertaken by the Building Control
o fficers but chimneys are not subject
t o a specific statutory inspection
u nder the Building Byelaws, as is the
c ase with foundations or drainage for
e xample.
I CL chimneys have also been installed i n existing properties, when new solid f uel or oil fired appliances have been a dded, some without approval of my C ommittee, or inspection by the
B uilding Control Officer.''
S upplementary questions and answers
D eputy Bree - Could I ask whether t he President is saying that his
C ommittee is not responsible in any w ay for any defects which its officers m ay have, as it were, approved. If
t his is the case, can one assume that
t he policy of the Committee in future, i s that all inspections carried out by
i ts inspectors will also be free from
a ny liability?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - The Committee is not
l iable for any damages. It is
s ympathetic, but it is not liable in
a ny way. The officers of the
D epartment took every precaution to
e nsure that the materials that were
b eing used were satisfactory. On
p revious occasions ICL had produced s atisfactory chimneys and there should n ot have been a problem, but the
p roblem had arisen.''
S enator J.S. Rothwell - Can the P resident just verify that this is b ased on sound legal advice?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - The Crown Solicitor was w ith us during our discussions.''
Deputy Baudains Q uestion 5
Can the President confirm that the
l ocal suppliers have already offered
e x gratia payments to some of the
h ouseholders concerned and, if so, how f ar these payments will go to enable
t hem to put matters right?''
President, Island Development Committee
It is understood from discussions w ith the local suppliers that some
h ouseholders have received payments w hich were made on an ex gratia basis w ithout admissions of liability and at
a time when it was not appreciated
t hat there might be a more general
p roblem. The payments in certain cases a mounted to the cost of the chimney
p arts when originally supplied to the
i nstallers or developers.
O ther householders have accepted
r eplacement prefabricated chimneys or
o ther building materials from the
s uppliers as an alternative to cash
p ayments.
I t is known that the cost of the ICL
p refabricated chimney parts supplied
t o the developers of the Ville au Roi
e state in St. Lawrence when the houses w ere built, was in the region of #600. T he most recent estimate for the
s upply of parts for an alternative
m ake of prefabricated chimney at one h ouse on that estate is #1,200. This
d oes not include the cost of
i nstallation, any building work
n ecessary, or redecoration.''
S upplementary questions and answers
S enator R.J. Shenton - Will the
P resident accept that the real
q uestion to be asked of the Committee
i s the one in which people who have
b ought homes in good faith now find
t hemselves faced not only with a house
t hat is unsafe, a fire that they
c annot use but also unable to find the
n ecessary financial resources to put
t he matter right, and it is this
r ather urgent regard for those people
w ho are innocent of the problems that
h ave brought this matter to the
a ttention of the Island Development
C ommittee. May I also say that there
w as not the degree of urgency by the
I sland Development Committee when the m atter was first raised, and in fact I
r ecall the President's attitude in the
b eginning as being cavalier in this
m atter and it was only when it was
b rought up by me to the Committee that m eetings were instituted and are still
g oing on. Would he also confirm that
t he meeting planned for tomorrow only
c irculated yesterday at the last
m inute, at the eleventh hour, as the
P resident of Housing has said and many
o f us can not make that meeting which w e would certainly like to attend. I'm
s orry, on 22nd June.''
P resident, Island Development Committee - I can assure this House
t hat my Committee is very sympathetic t o the situation that has arisen. I
o bject to the Senator's comments
b ecause as soon as my officers were
a ware of the situation that had
a risen, I was informed and I
i nstructed them to move as quickly as p ossible to have the matter closely
e xamined. I cannot do more.
A s far as the meeting of 22nd June is
c oncerned my officers have been
s orting out these meetings, I gave them a list of dates from which I was
a vailable and they have been in
c ontact with various officers of other
d epartments and apparently some
a greement must have been arrived at as t o when a meeting to discuss further
a ny possible financial help will be
d iscussed. I cannot say more.''
D eputy M.C. Buesnel - Could I ask t he President if there is not an
o bligation partly on the supplier for t he faults that have occurred in these c himneys in later years?''
P resident, Island Development C ommittee - I can't answer that q uestion.''
D eputy Baudains - I'm not at all
h appy with the answers I have received t his morning and I was hoping that the P resident of the Island Development
C ommittee can invite me along to this m eeting so I can represent the 250
h ouseholders concerned.''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - The more the merrier. I s hall be happy to invite Deputy Baudains and she is most welcome.''
D eputy M.R. Billot - In one part of t hese notes it refers to a ten year
g uarantee by the manufacturers. Have t hey been required to pay for these
r eplacements?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - That was on the first
o ccasion when ICL chimneys were
s upplied to the Island. The second lot d id not have a ten year guarantee, it
t ranspires.''
Water restrictions. Statement
The Vice-President of the Public
Services Committee made a statement in the following terms -
The current water supply position
f or the Jersey New Waterworks Company L imited is potentially much more
s erious than the conditions prevailing
l ast year or in 1976. The basic stream
f low feeding the Company's reservoirs
i s much lower than last year and is
l ikely to be similar to 1976, but with
a correspondingly higher demand than
i n that year.
W hilst the position has improved slightly in the last week, there is s till less water in storage than in 1 976 or 1989.
T he Water (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1 990 is now in force, which introduces a new Article to the Water (Jersey)
L aw 1972 which permits the Public
S ervices Committee by Order to enable t he Company to restrict temporarily
t he quantity of water it supplies to
a ny premises. Under this Article, the
P ublic Services Committee proposes to m ake an Order later this week which w ill introduce restrictions on water
u sage by Water Company commercial u sers. The Order will come into effect
o n Monday 18th June, 1990.
F ull details of classes of users and
t he appropriate reductions of water
u sage will be advised by the Jersey
N ew Waterworks Company, however, they w ill be similar to those introduced
l ast year under the State of
E mergency.''
Ritz Hotel site, St. Helier : car park
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Public Services Committee, approved the transfer of administration of the Ritz Hotel site at Colomberie, St. Helier from the Island Development Committee to the Public Services Committee for the purpose of car parking until the Housing Committee is ready to use it.
Compensation of victims of uninsured drivers of motor vehicles: agreement with Motor Insurers' Bureau
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Defence Committee, approved the terms of the draft Agreement between the Defence Committee and the Motor Insurers' Bureau with regard to the compensation of victims of uninsured drivers of motor vehicles and ordered the printing and publication thereof.
Motor Traffic (Third Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law, 1989 (Appointed Day) Act 1990
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article
5 of the Motor Traffic (Third Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 1989, made an Act entitled the Motor Traffic (Third Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 1989 (Appointed Day) Act 1990.
Field 1367, La Route du Petit Clos, St. Helier : rezoning. P.76/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Housing Committee, referred to their Act, dated 29th August, 1989, regarding the rezoning to use for Category A residential development and its acquisition, of land at Field 1367, La Route du Petit Clos, St. Helier, including existing farmstead buildings, together with a strip of land to the south of Field 1371 required for access purposes and -
( a) approved the acquisition from Mr. S t e wart Edgar Mourant of Field
1 3 6 7 (including existing farm
b u i ldings) and part of Field 1371,
M o nt au Prêtre, St. Helier, for a
c o n sideration of #1,414,550, with e a c h side being responsible for
t h e payment of its own legal fees;
( b) in addition, agreed to make a
f u rt her payment to Mr. Mourant of
# 1 1 ,650 for each additional plot
i n e xcess of 47 in respect of
w h ich the Island Development
C o m mittee may grant permission;
( c) authorised the Attorney General a n d the Greffier of the States to
p a s s the necessary contract;
( d) authorised the payment of the
e x p enses incurred in connexion
w it h the acquisition of the said
l a nd and buildings and all
i n te rest therein from the Island
D ev elopment Committee's capital v o t e of credit C0904 Acquisition
o f L and Major Reserve'.
Members present voted for paragraph (a) as follows -
P o u r' ' (37)
S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Rothwell, Le M ain, Brooke, Le Maistre, Carter,
S tein.
Connétable s
S t. Peter, St. Clement, St. Lawrence, S t. Mary, St. Ouen, St. Brelade ,
T rinity, St. Martin.
d e la Haye(H), Morel (S), Roche(S), T rinity, Vandervliet(L), Beadle(B),
W avell(H), Blampied(H), Billot(S), N orman(C), St. John, St. Peter,
B uesnel(H), St. Ouen, Coutanche(L), J ordan(B), St. Mary, Bailhache (H),
B audains(H), Clarke-Halifax(S).
C o n t re'' (7)
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Helier , Grouville .
B audains(C), Le Sueur(H), Huelin(B), G rouville.
Members present voted for paragraph (b) as follows -
P o u r' ' (23)
J eune, Horsfall, Rothwell, Brooke, Le M aistre, Stein.
Connétable s
S t. Helier, St. Mary, St. Ouen, St. B relade.
d e la Haye(H), Morel (S), Trinity ,
V andervliet(L), Beadle(B),
B lampied(H), Norman(C), St. John, St. P eter, Buesnel(H), Le Sueur(H), St.
O uen, Coutanche(L).
C o n t re'' (21)
S henton, Le Main, Carter.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Peter , St. Clement, St. L awrence, Trinity , St. Martin,
G rouville.
R oche(S), Wavell(H), Billot(S),
B audains(C), Huelin(B), Jordan(B), St. M ary, Bailhache (H), Baudains(H),
G rouville, Clarke-Halifax(S).
Field 1367, La Route du Petit Clos,
St. Helier : rescission of provisions regarding acquisition. P.80/90 withdrawn
The proposition presented by the Connétable of St. John, requesting the States to rescind that part of their Act dated 28th August, 1989, approving paragraphs (9)(ii) and (9)(iii) of the proposition of the Island Development Committee relating to the rezoning of the
land for category A housing (P.57/89), as amended) and the acquisition of some 8.6 vergées of land at Field 1367, La Route du Petit Clos, St. Helier, was withdrawn.
Constitution of the States: review. P.46/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, requested the House Committee to examine the constitution of the States and, in particular, the question of the necessity
for the office of Senator and the division
of the Island into constituencies, and to
make any recommendations for change which the Committee might think appropriate.
Members present voted as follows -
P o u r' ' (30)
S henton, Le Main, Brooke, Le Maistre, S tein.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Peter , St. Clement, St. L awrence, St. Martin , Grouville .
d e la Haye(H), Morel (S), Roche(S),
B lampied(H), Billot(S), Norman(C), St. J ohn, St. Peter , Baudains(C),
B uesnel(H), Le Sueur(H), St. Ouen ,
H uelin(B), Jordan(B), St. Mary ,
B ailhache(H), Baudains(H), Grouville , C larke-Halifax(S).
C o n t re'' (11)
H orsfall, Rothwell, Carter.
Connétable s
S t. Mary, St. Ouen, St. Brelade , T rinity.
T rinity, Vandervliet(L), Beadle(B), Coutanche.
Maintenance payments: legislation. P.56/90
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of Deputy Shirley Margaret Baudains of St. Helier regarding the
preparation of legislation in relation to maintenance payments. Having adopted amendments of the President of the Legislation Committee that for the word
prepare'' there should be substituted the words consider the possibility of preparing'' and that after the words
maintenance and support'' there should be added the words and to report
thereon'', the States adopted the
proposition and requested the Legislation Committee to consider the possibility of preparing the necessary legislation to ensure that the innocent parties (including children) in separation and divorce proceedings do not suffer financial
hardship because of the failure of the
other party to make his or her payments at the proper time for maintenance and support and to report thereon.
West of Albert Pier: construction of warehouse. P.65/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Harbours and Airport Committee, approved in principle the construction of a warehouse measuring 20,000 square feet west of Albert Pier.
Fire Service: provision of hydraulic platform aerial appliance. P.66/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Defence Committee, approved in principle the provision in 1991 of a new combined hydraulic platform aerial appliance for the Fire Service.
Dairy industry: financial assistance. P.68/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee, agreed, with effect from 1st January 1990 until 31st December 1991 -
( a) to provide a subsidy of up to
# 4 8 0,000 a year in respect of milk
p r o duced in excess of the liquid
m il k requirement of the Island;
( b) to provide a subsidy of #100,000 a y e a r to encourage producers to
t a il or their production levels to t h e needs of the market;
( c) to provide a subsidy of #200,000 a y e a r to encourage producers to
im prove the calving index of their h e r ds and to raise butterfat
p r o duction;
( d) to provide #50,000 a year for
p r o motional activity aimed at
i n cr easing exports of embryos and s e m en;
( e) to provide a subsidy of #30,000 a y e a r to finance a bull-proving
s c h eme and thereafter to increase t h e subsidy as outlined in the
r e p ort of the working party
e x a mining financial assistance to t h e dairy industry, dated 20th
M a rch 1990, and as agreed by the S t a tes on 22nd November 1988
( P .1 35/88 refers);
( f) to provide a subsidy to aid Jersey M il k by paying the interest
b e tw een 6½ per cent and base rate
o n monies borrowed to install an
u l tr a high temperature treatment
p l an t at Five Oaks Dairy. (At
c u r rent levels of interest it is
e x p ected that the figure will be
# 1 7 0,000);
( g) that four items, (a), (b), (c) and ( d ), of this proposition would be i n cr eased annually by the
p r e vailing rate of inflation.
Rentes Publiques: redemption of outstanding amount. P.69/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Finance and Economics Committee, agreed to redeem, on 31st December 1991, the outstanding amount of #174,640 of
rentes publiques'' issued under the powers in the Loi (1881) sur la conversion et l'amortissement de la dette publique''.
Rentes Publiques
(Redemption) (Jersey) Act 1990. P.69/90
THE STATES, subject to the sanction
of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted an Act entitled the Rentes Publiques (Redemption) (Jersey) Act 1990.
Albert and Victoria Piers: reconstruction of landing stages. P.73/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Harbours and Airport Committee, approved in principle the reconstruction of the two landing stages on the Albert Pier and two landing stages on the Victoria Pier.
Elizabeth Place, St. Helier : lease of Nos. 4 and 5. P.75/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Health Committee -
( a) approved the lease of units of
a c c ommodation at Nos. 4 and 5
E l iz abeth Place, St. Helier , by
t h e Public Health Committee, from M r . James Gerard Hibbs, Mr.
B e r nard John Hibbs and Mrs.
K at harine Collyer, née Hibbs, for
a p e riod of nine years at an
i n it ial cost of #17,500 a year to
b e r eviewed and negotiated in line w it h the Jersey cost of living
i n d ex or current market rates,
w h ichever is higher, every three
y e a rs;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the S t a tes to sign the necessary
c o n tracts.
THE STATES rose at 5.15 p.m.
E . J .M . P O T T E R G re f fi er of the States.