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STATES MINUTES 2 0 th November, 1990 P r ic e : # 1 .0 0
THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 20th November, 1990 at 10.00 a.m. under the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,
V er non Amy Tomes, Esq.
_ _ _ _________
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Pierre François Horsfall - out
o f the Island.
F red Philip Webber Clarke, Connétable
o f Helier - out of the Island.
A rthur Philip Querée, Connétable of
S t. Ouen - out of the Island.
M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of S t. Brelade - défaut excusé.
M ichael Adam Wavell, Deputy of St.
H elier - ill.
H enri Leon Dubras, Deputy of St.
M artin - ill.
P ercy John Le Masurier, Deputy of St.
O uen - out of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _______
Mr. J.A. Beadle: death
The Deputy Bailiff informed the
Assembly that Mr. J.A. Beadle, the husband of Deputy M.S.R. Beadle of St. Brelade , had died suddenly yesterday.
Mal Assis/Nicholson Park
redevelopment - phase I (P.138/90): report. P.183/90
The Housing Committee by Act dated
2nd November 1990 presented to the States a further report on the redevelopment of Mal Assis/Nicholson Park - phase I.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Rents of commercial property - control (P.143/89): report. P.184/90
The Policy and Resources Committee
by Act dated 13th November 1990 presented to the States a report on the control of
rents of commercial property.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Manpower report 1st July 1989 to 31st December 1989. R.C.25
The Establishment Committee by Act dated 11th October 1990 presented to the States a report on manpower for the period 1st July 1989 to 31st December 1989.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Statistical Digest
The Finance and Economics Committee
by Act dated 12th November, 1990 presented to the States the Statistical Digest.
THE STATES ordered that the said Digest be printed and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the
Finance and Economics Committee dated 12th November 1990, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Harbours a n d Airport Committee, the lease
t o K ufra Trading Limited of the
M a rina Shop, New North Quay, St.
H el ier, (Letting N18B) from 1st
J u n e 1990 to 31st May 1995, at an i n it ial annual rent of #8,000, to
b e i ncreased annually in line with t h e Jersey Cost of Living Index;
( T h e Committee rescinded its Act N o . 15(d) of 20th August 1990,
w h ich was notified to the States
o n 28th August 1990).
( b) as recommended by the Harbours a n d Airport Committee, the renewal
o f t he lease to George Troy and
S o n s Limited of office
a c c ommodation on the New North Q u ay, St. Helier , (Letting N20),
f ro m 1st January 1991 to 31st
D ec ember 1993, at an annual rent
o f # 8,958;
( c) as recommended by the
H o using Committee, the granting in p e r petuity of a right of way to
M r s. Mary MacDonald, née
C a r penter, for use as a pedestrian
a c c ess to the property No. 36
C o l umbus Street, St. Helier , from
J a n e Sandeman Court, for a
c o n sideration of #500, with Mrs.
M a cDonald being responsible for
t h e costs of forming the opening
a n d the payment of all legal fees;
( d) as recommended by the Public
S e r vices Committee, in connexion w it h the Rozel Pumping Station,
t h e following transactions with La T r a pe Limited -
( i) t he purchase from the company
o f a p p roximately 440 square
f e e t o f land lying between the
e x i st in g pumping station and
L a V a llée de Rozel for a
n o m in al consideration of #10;
( ii ) t he purchase from the co m p a n y of 188 square fe e t o f l a nd to the side
o f th e p u mping station
fo r a n o m inal
co n s i d e ra tion of #10;
( ii i) the sale to the company
o f a p p ro x imately 473
sq u a r e f e et of land being
st e e p ly s loping côtil for a n o m in a l consideration
o f # 1 0 ,
w it h the Committee being
r e sp onsible for all legal fees;
( e) as recommended by the Public
S e r vices Committee, in connexion w it h the construction of a road
w id ening scheme at La Route de la H au le, St. Lawrence -
( i) t he cession by Curiet
H o ld i ngs Limited of 12,100
s q u a re feet of land adjacent
t o t h e properties Beau Rivage a n d B aycroft; and
( ii ) t he cession by
O 'C a ll a g han Estates
L im it e d o f 1,810 square fe e t o f l a nd adjacent to th e p ro p e rty Kirkstone,
w it h the Committee being
r e sp onsible for the costs of
a c c ommodation works, that it would a c c ept a restriction that the land
t o b e acquired which would not be a f fe cted by the road improvement m u st remain as open ground and
w o uld be precluded from any form
o f b eneficial development or
b u i lding or laying of tarmacadam
o r p aving but must be retained as
g r a ssed areas with trees and
s h r ubs, and that the Committee
w o uld also be responsible for the
p a y ment of all legal fees.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Amendment (No. 12) to the T a r iff of Harbour and Light Dues. P . 1 79/90.
P r e sented by the Harbours
a n d Airport Committee.
2 . Draft Boats and Surf-Riding ( C o ntrol) (Amendment No. 7) ( J er sey) Regulations 199 .
P . 1 80/90.
P r e sented by the Harbours and A ir port Committee.
3 . Draft Harbours (Amendment No. 19) ( J er sey) Regulations 199 .
P . 1 81/90.
P r e sented by the Harbours and
A ir port Committee.
4 . Draft Health Insurance (Medical B e n efit) (Amendment No. 37)
( J er sey) Regulations 199 .
P . 1 82/90.
P r e sented by the Social Security C o m mittee.
5 . Draft Family Allowances (Amendment N o . 4) (Jersey) Law 199 .
P . 1 85/90.
P r e sented by the Social Security
C o m mittee.
6. Treasurer of the States:
a p p ointment of Mr. G.M. Baird. P . 1 86/90.
P r e sented by the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee.
The following subjects were lodged on 13th November 1990 -
1 . The Budget 1991.
P r e sented by the Finance and E c o nomics Committee.
2 . Draft Pesticides (Jersey) Law
1 9 9 . P.178/90.
P r e sented by the Agriculture and F i s heries Committee.
Draft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (General) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 199 . P.173/90
THE STATES acceded to the request of
the President of the Establishment Committee that consideration of the draft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (General) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 199 (lodged on 6th November 1990) be deferred from the present Sitting to 11th December 1990.
Arrangement of Public Business for
Sitting on 11th December 1990
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the Sitting on 11th December 1990 -
D raft Terms of Employment (Jersey) Law 1 99 . P.116/90.
L odged: 7th August 1990.
I ndustrial Relations Committee.
S pringfield, St. Helier :
r ezoning of land. P.139/90.
L odged: 25th September 1990. I sland Development Committee.
N o. 3 Hue Street, St. Helier:
p urchase. P.154/90.
L odged: 9th October 1990.
I sland Development Committee.
M al Assis/Nicholson Park
r edevelopment: Phase 1. P.138/90.
L odged: 25th September 1990. Debated 2 3.10.90. and referred back to
C ommittee.
H ousing Committee.
D raft Pesticides (Jersey) Law 1 99 . P.178/90.
L odged: 13th November 1990. A griculture and Fisheries
C ommittee.
D raft Amendment (No. 12) to the T ariff of Harbour and Light Dues. P .179/90.
L odged: 20th November 1990.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
D raft Boats and Surf-Riding
( Control) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) R egulations 199 . P.180/90.
L odged: 20th November 1990.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
D raft Harbours (Amendment
N o. 19) (Jersey) Regulations 199 . P .181/90.
L odged: 20th November 1990.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
D raft Health Insurance (Medical B enefit) (Amendment No. 37) (Jersey) R egulations 199 . P.182/90.
L odged: 20th November 1990.
S ocial Security Committee.
D raft Family Allowances
( Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 199 . P .185/90.
L odged: 20th November 1990.
P resented by the Social Security
C ommittee.
D raft Public Employees
( Contributory Retirement Scheme) ( General) (Amendment) (Jersey) R egulations 199 . P.173/90.
L odged: 6th November 1990.
E stablishment Committee.
T reasurer of the States:
a ppointment of Mr. G.M. Baird. P .186/90.
L odged: 20th November 1990. F inance and Economics
C ommittee.
Public rank taxi legislation: amendment. P.162/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Defence Committee, agreed that the Public Rank Taxi (Jersey) Regulations 1956, as amended, and, if necessary, the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935, as amended, should be further amended so as to provide for the operation of Unrestricted'' and
Restricted'' taxis in place of the
present system of public rank taxis and private hire cabs, as proposed in the
report of the Committee dated 11th October 1990.
Members present voted as follows - P o u r' ' (30)
S henton, Jeune , Ellis, Brooke, Le M aistre, Stein.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Clement, St. Lawrence, S t. Mary, St. Brelade, Trinity , St.
M artin, Grouville .
L e Gallais(S), Roche(S), Trinity ,
V andervliet(L), R. Rumboll(H),
B illot(S), St. John, St. Peter ,
B audains(C), C. Rumboll(H), Huelin(B), J ordan(B), St. Mary, Bailhache (H),
R abet(H), Clarke-Halifax(S).
C o n t re'' (14)
B innington, Baal, Rothwell, Le Main, C arter.
Connétable S t. Peter.
M orel(S), Blampied(H), Norman(C),
B uesnel(H), Le Sueur(H), Coutanche(L), B audains(H), Grouville .
Rent rebate scheme for private sector tenants: extension of scheme. P.166/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Housing Committee, approved an extension of the rent rebate scheme for private sector tenants as outlined in the report of the Committee dated 29th October 1990.
Building Loans (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment No. 20) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.167/90
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article
15 of the Building Loans (Jersey) Law 1950, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Building Loans (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment No. 20) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
Caesarean Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club: removal of dome. P.168/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of Deputy Maurice Clement Buesnel of St. Helier , asked the Island Development Committee to negotiate with the Caesarean Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club with a view to
the dismantling and removal of the semi- permanent air dome erected above the new tennis courts adjacent to the public road
in Grands Vaux.
Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1972 (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.169/90
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article
21 of the Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1972, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1972 (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
Family Allowances (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.170/90
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article
7 of the Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1972, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Family Allowances (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
Debate in camera
The Deputy Bailiff , in pursuance of
Article 9 of the Police Force (Jersey) Law 1974 and in accordance with Standing Order 46(2), ordered the withdrawal of strangers and the closing of the doors of the Chamber in order that the extension of the contract
of the Chief Officer of the States of
Jersey Police Force be debated in
Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police Force: extension of contract. P.175/90
THE STATES, having deliberated
thereon in camera, proceeded
to vote in public assembly and approved the extension until 24th January 1995 of the contract of employment of Mr. David Parkinson, Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police Force, the present contract being due to expire in January 1992.
THE STATES then adjourned, having agreed that the outstanding items of Public Business should stand over until immediately after consideration of the Budget on 4th December 1990.
THE STATES rose at 6 p.m.
E . J .M . P O T T E R G re f fi er of the States.